fH? 4 CI)t CbtToftet ft>rout 1W Official Organ of Murphy ana Ckaroktr County, North Carolina. MYAN W. S1PE, Edit or-Manager. MISS H. M. BERRY, Associate Editor [ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Subrcirptwn Rata* On* Year $1.50 Eight Months 1.00 Six Months .80 Four Months .60 Pa/ablo Strictly in Advance. Display advertisements. 25c per coi?mn inch; legal advertisements, want d?, reading notices, obituaries, cards of thanks, etc., 5c a line each insertion. Contract rates will bo furnished immediately upon request. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements of a shady or suspi- ! dons character, which are likely to mislead our readers, or any other' advertisements or reading notices not in keeping with the dignity this poper maintains. Entered in the postoffice at Murphy. \ North Carolina, as second class mail | Sittvi uiiuci HH Bvi of sum 5. 187d. j ( Forar* Attmrtmin Krr>r**nutnr I THE AMERICAN 1'RLSS ASSOCIATION ? a SOMK THINGS THE SCOUT ' WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN ' MURPHY AND (.'HER- r OKEE COUNTY. i 1 In Murphy (] 1. An active 3oard of Trade or Chamber of Commerce. 2. More manufacturing industries. a V..U! PnctPticpf Inn* A Union Station. f 4. More Improved Streets. .1 5. Ke^u'.ax Library Hours. ,, 6. A lie.ill C Cluo In Chcrok?e L?- ?r.' 1. A >y t : . ty .vis ,, Stat* a i. . ?iv .. >. r r.'.Wfci * raising ar.d dairyia^ Ai-.fk ci 4 S t .?ulTr\ r? | EDITORIAL WK-^x-K-XX-^K-K-K-M-X d, The Right Spirit ft , Tht spirit at pr ; *.. ] tne comir.tr .a* >. : *h? bus . ness m.-n the \vfl M. : i\ night t-? the " tlit- 1 "r.an her * C* town.- - 1 . one of the he.-: i,:- the kind ever herd in Murph. Th huinterest. ur, begm-nt? real a. that sini.1 r-viuswj|es n he brought M 1 rp; son* this seer- . it .1 that the st v. ay to do ti. s through t it h Whir. a ' ^ * nt at rai M * dn r.??rht ^ work tokether any iong-th >f t if ^ :s no such w> rd ;> 'ai. v .1 there is v.->p? __ The Wror.-, Spirit ! as: F lav it uetirng . !;. ?>e |2t?d ' ' ' rvnrrf< -!V | an and ' tv.nt i a* fr ?m . y \ :ir- . j '1 i i a " plied o* ' -*r ^ instead < having an aodtence of _j five "r ; c-d. 'Icre was an nr audience A ?my a hundred er HOW TO GET BACK 1 THE "JOY OF OFF" ? LipE isn't if ?? ? be weak an<J nd n; >ucssn hardly d rag } >u; -< i! around. If the r v h red blood. full of health Ha and vi^-T. pumping ;h iwm'j ?UUI | lot veins, the joy of Lfe vt .-jld come b.u ^ It soon enough! Gude's Pcpto-\lnr.i?an gr, has worked this magic fur thousand- tio it will do the same for y >u Jn!.* it for a short time and see how r | health and strength improve. Y .r dnjuyjist has it?liquid or taolets. cs .' you prefer. p j G tide's ? Pepto-^angar j Tonic and B/ 'od E:\richer g . . =========== *nd the great majority of thcae were children. The art of debating* is om of the most desirable of attainments. It is more valuable than perhaps any single subject taught in schooL The> only way profiency in it can t>* attained is by practice; but if the young people are to have the practice. they nr^st be encouraged. There js no better encouragement than for the parents to show their interest, and this can best be done by attending such public occasions a- th? Murphy Vt'aynesviDe debate held last Friday night. Whenever the hool children give any public performance of any kind, the school auditorium should be filled with parents. The Apple Industry Cherokee County and western N\.i:h t a* ?'un t needs a cash crop. N section can prosper without It in- me > ?u: ? of mcon*e from tne it>ide It :s, of course, tmportam jmmuic ?ui trie iooa an<I feed eded for home consumption; hut vith -ut n- ney to buy with, the ommercial iife of a section is throtJed. t'ntil a sectiorf is industrialzed and l'a'r:s to fabricate mair'ia ? t.? -el outside, it must look to hi -1 .? a.< the chief source of its ncome. This is the condition of "heroki'o County. For this reason, I est dent* of Cherokee County should nd their aid .?n?i assistance to the inly agent in his efforts to ae? op a cash crop in this section, ii- efforts .irt being used to aid pple growers t > produce a quality ;t - that will command reject on the larger markets. The < hmnto in this section are i ah.. tin apple Industry. >' a trie spraying and pruning. ' r ihods of picking, i : a ami ack g. th?. re is no a a appl. s grown in this . d r t take the samo high it k th ?s< grown in the northcstern part of the State. \ tr-: 1 ? ir::r :.g has bee^ made beha.t' f th r.pple grower s !n r c . i here to give Snftnafcrationa m oruninp- and t*v? liata should take ..c ..f these demonstral he . y agent will t o r f rmation at any me. he New !hurch Again mittCc of the I ? . r h :> canvassing Its k for I - ? ward the new tin outst&ndTngj _;i: .tr v.- ' and vhe worl; j tuned. It ii tol 1 s?rh money will j -a r. the next two weeks j i\s of the ?>>m- I *.? .?*. . ? ?...' t to resumr i r.z . -ati-o-.s. There may b J other churches w" .!?i k k >ub*criptior t r< r . I t iinly u of nv>or I . :i i ? rommur t> tr. . \ ir . ?iv eh .-vh bui. ' M ' ii?t conj- c . J v.. extei | Aa -- (tend . i! .? anyone, and the in its present con-1 will be dantapred If it could he inducerree Flower Seeds You will be .rlad to know that Ha* uga The South'* Seedsman." will ve av, iv a : 2.0'H>.evlO packets ot ?i :?? th^Scuth'S n:o:-t popular flow ' : r:r... | There > r. . r.< in the home that n . r'eh colored flower? i v ' ;= : up and make any j ittr i tivv Y vi can't plant to* C 4r." .er.4 a* i tl.is op;ortunltjr t? t sr.tr'e y Ev r!a*tlng Flow | r. . ? :d Mexican Burn ; i' . .. :? *< lateiv free. Is certainly tc j welcomed by all readers of tkle j per. \ i : en <et th m' Just write tc istlngs* for the new 1923 Catalog It is you how to kbi uower free has 1A0 pn^os of beautiful photo ?phlc picture and correct deecrlp as of garden flower and field seeds Ihs and planu. and also la full ol Ipful information that Is needed aost dally in every Southern home s the most vrluabie ?oed book erei! Siiahori and you will be mlgktjr lied :'ve go' it. Just write and aak foi ? new Catalog. H. G. HASTINGS CO? Atlanta, Ga. ELIBE TO THE SCOUT? | I a < THE CHEKOK.EE SCOUT, MU ment to delinquent church goers 'to take a new interest in church work; it would attract more new member? into the church; and would m&ke a structure, of which every citizen or the town could be proud. | Notla | A Dr. A. F. Stiles, of Tapico, X. C.. J visited his parents and other relatives: I h?~ last week. ?- i Mr. Edgar Murphy and family] visited Mrs. Murphy's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stiles, and other relatives here last week. Quite a lot of the young folks of this community enjoyed the egghunt at Mr. O. P. McClure's SunJay afternoon. Mr. W. P. Stiles and family visited Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Hall SunMiss Zennie Hogsed, of Birch, was a pleasant oaller on Notla last Tuesday. 1, I I I I For ma y years it universal family c been privileged to During the past fil of retail customer months?and yet i ! I ward to the day v i R . , . And now tne way Under the terms c each week and yo your money will b it will draw intere I hink it over. Fi pate in it?father, Why not start tod be glad to fully ex the ownership of i | | II IB * RPHY. NORTH CAROLINA f-SAVE VOM MKV-1 U I On? ho* of Tun'* !M1? m??i manr I I dollar* In Jcaor'i hlk A rcrocdv I *j I for duea*r? of (ho tick head- I *1 1 Rfhc. dr?c*r?'? cwiirtpttlon. hi- I *j lou. MM; a million people cnUortc *j (Tuft's Pills) I The preaching at Pleasant Grove 'J church Sunday by the Rev. Conley J was enjoyed by a large crowd. We *1 hope he ^ill come again soon. *i Miss Flora Smith was the mi ?l '' of MiElla Stiles Sunday *i Quite a large crowd orjoved a *j singing at Mr. A. W. G ccn's Sun- 3 day night. j $ Mr. R. L. Dockery purchased a .j nice < w and calf one day last week .j, from Clifford Hall. !| M C !l:o Stilos was thjru="'f Mrs. 11 sin Hall ?*ie da>" la^-t w. k. V Mis i. N'ecp and Eula Smed wen- \ out one day last week on business. *JMr? M?rsn*r^ Cre?*dcr. of \ injrdop. was visiting; friend; and rel- { stive on Notla last week. Mrs. Vernie Ha per is visiting hor ^ parents in Georpia this week. 1 ^ the univer: NOUNI OF INTER .LIONS Of V //'/// /uti/</ a car / Henry Ford in 1903 Reai hat Prophecy I; Now M< 9 rd 1 Veck/y ^/Jt has been Henry Ford s p< ar?to put it within the re enjoy the benefits of mote tteen years over 7,500.000 s- more than a million an there are still r ullions of ! :hen they can own a Fcrd. is open. >f this plan you can select ; u will be surprised how so >e safely deposited to your St. ve dollars will start an acc mnfkpr krnfkpve nnrl e cfo ay. Stop ar.d talk it ovei :plain the details of the pla a Ford Car. tJorcf ^Motor Detroit, Mi< THOS. S. Authorized Murphy, FrW*> c Candler's Specials j| NEXT WEEK ONLY! !| Brown Domestic, best grade, ;| Yard Wide fSc || Ladies' $1.50 new Spring Hats 98c [I ; 1000 Yards 10c Lace and I Embroidery, yard _ . 5c 11 '? .^3 a: d .';3.E0 Ladies' Silk . I Waists -- -- $L98 (I '"ccd Ginghams, yard lS'^c jfl Men's, Women's and Chil- I dren's lie e :5c jl THESE PRICES GOOD ONLY I yipRlL 11th TO 14th, INCLUSIVE I We are shewing a complete line of La- t| dies' Su:ts, Ccats, Dresses, Piece- p goods and Hats for Spring t| Men's and Boys' Suits?Shoes? I Candler's Deot. Store I MURPH' , N. M. ? >UBSCR1BE TO YOUR HOME PAPER "$|jJ SAL CAR CEMENT EST TO 7 FAMILIES or t/e mu/fituc/es," !( d How the Fulfillment |l ide Possible Through the I irc/asc !lJ/an I ?rsonal ambition to make the Ford the j| ach of tiie millions who have never jl >r car ownership. 1 I >rd cars have been placed in the hands I cl a half of them within the past twelve I ami lies who are hopefully looking for- jl four horc! Car. set aside a small amount II on you will own it. In the meantime II credit in one of the local hanks where jl I ount. The whole family can partici- II rs each doing a little. II with your local Ford dealer. He will B in and help you to get started toward I ' Gompantf | / y chigari EVANS Dealer * J

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