Friday. Apr*! C, lt?3 ?-^= NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED < OF TRUST < I By virtue of the power of sale < contained in a Deed of Trust, ex- I edited the 29th day of August, 1921, < by J. W. As e and wife, Oma Ashe, i to C. W. Wa?droup, Trustee, to se- ! cure the indebtedness therein described to H. M. Carringer, H. C. Ricks, and Wy M. Ramsey, which said deed of trust is recorded in the 5 office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, in Book No. 74 at ' page 143, and default having been made in the payment of #81.50 sc-1 cured by said deed of trust, and the j holder of said indebtedness having demanded foreclosure of said Deed 1 of Trust, I. The undersigned Trustee, ' will ft one o'clock p. m. on Thursday,' April the ">th, 1923, at the court j ' house door in the town of Murphy, *ell at public auction tothe highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, istuate, lying and being in the county of Cherokee, on; the watters of Little Brasstown | Creek, adjoining the property of N. | I'.. Frankum, G. D. Ricks and others,1 bounded and described as foiiuws: j Beginning on a red oak, the be- I ! ' -t u?iJ JkTn t.(1 ..J ' ^lniiuiK vv????i w* "V. auu ^ runs north 200 polch to u Spanish Oak on a mountain side, corner of No. 12S; then west lf?4 poles to n 1 black gum near the top of a ridge;then a south course with the mean, ders "f the ridge 220 poles to a stak<-; then S. 5 W. 38 polesh to a stake in the line of said No. 141; then j east with that line 78 poles to the j place of beginning. Containing 121 acres, more or less. This the 3rd day of March, 1022.' C. W. WALDROUP, Trustee. 3 l-4t-CWW. NOTICE OF SALE I By v rture of the provis.ons of n deed in trust. e\ cutod *n March 23, 1922, hy Geo. Cooper and Char* ley Coo; t.? L. I*. Boyle s. Truster lor the B..r k of Murphy, to secure J a note of ?290. due in four months after dale, with interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable annually, on which there will be due on sale j-.- IHbs *15?.!?, ! March 23, 1922, in Deed Book No. 74, page 203, i will expose to sale at 1 o'clock*, p. m., on Saturday, April 7. 1923, at the court h?u.< ?re of the action is to ' obtain an absolute divorce from theoi bonds of matrimony existing between^, them on statutory grounds. \t That he \s hereby notified that he c is re.joircJ to personally appear be- * fore tl;? Clerk of the Superior Court ] of Ch r? k? e County, N. C., at his oif- 4 fice i. 1 hj and answer or deimuj^j to the complaint of the plaintiff .own r\w% Cit.. : - ,V... ... ..f ,U.. I.,. the 4th day of April, 1923, or theft I plaintiff will apply tothe court for I the relief prayed for in the complaint This the 5th day of March, 1923. E. E. DAVIS. Clerk of the Superior Court. 31-4t-p. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA? Cherokee County. In the Superior Court O. W. Good and A. G. Miller, vs. Colburn Lumber Company and John C. Good. NOTICE OF ACTION The defendants, Colburn Lumber I Company and John C. Good, above I named, will take notice that an ac| tion as above named has been K THE rommenced in the Superior Court >f Cherokee County, N. C., for the purpose of declaring the plaintiffs, 3. W. Good and A. G. Miller, to be he owners of the following describ- 1 rd pieces, parcels or tract* of land ' n Valleytown Township, in Chero- 1 iee County, N. C. towit: Entry 942, Grant 3289, calling to ( rontain 400 acres; Entry 4561, Grant 3352, calling o con*ain 50 acres; Entity 2593, Grant 3628. calling to 1 ontain 200 acres; Entry 530, Grant 3281, cailing to i ontain 100 acre: ; Entry 529, -Grant 3280, calling to ; ontain 100 acres; Entry 940. Grant 3288, calling t<> contain 150 acres; . Entry 2590, Grant 3030, calling: :o con?a?n 100 acres; Entry 939, Grant 3237, calling to contain 150 acres; j. Entry 77 Grant 3865, calling Lo contain 200 acres; Also the land embraced in pre- j cnition or old occupant tract No. J 532, calling to contain 100 acres; and for the purpose of excluding any jlnim fir titlo fir intOTCTt that may . be made by the defendants, Colburn Lumber Company and John C. Good, in and to said lands, and cancel their claim of title in and to said lands as a cloud upon the title of the J nlaintiffs: and th?- defendants. Cot-. burn Lumber Company and John C. Good, will further take notice that they arc required to appear before I he Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County. N. C.. on or before the 10th day of April. 1923, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action to be filed by the plaintiffs on or before that date, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court foe vhc relief demanded in said complaint. This the 13th day of 3&arch, A. P. 1923. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court of Cherokee County, N. C. D1I.LARD & HILL. Attorneys for Plaintiffs, O. \V. Good and A. W. Miller. 22-lt-OWG. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of the provisions of a mortgage Deed, dated October 25, 1921, from J. L. Parton to Charley Cross, registered in Cherokee County on January 30, 1922, in Deed Book No. 7G, page 560, I will offer j for sale t0 the highest bidder at pub lie outcry ior casn, at tne ?i?uri house door in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., at 1 'oclock, p. m. on Saturday, April 21, 192:1, the following parcel of land, to satisfy a balance of $7."..*10, with costs of advertisement and i-ale to be added, vii: Ir. HothotiSr. Township, said State I and County, BEGINNING on a maple, comer of tract No. ; and runs West 1.1-1 poles to a Locust; j then North 14 -88 poles t a Chestnut Oak; then North 75 West 50 poles to a Black Gum; then S. E. 150 poles to a Hickory Bush on an old corner; ihence North 11 East IS poles to the beginning, containing 145 acror. This Mar h 14. 1021. CHARLEY CROSS, Mortgager. 32-5t.CC. " T" I n, rainaee Convention u Be Held at New Bern) Th thirteenth annual drainage lQ nvention will be held in New Bern,; ot* C., on the 18th and 19tjj of this it out by officials of the associa- ctj nth, according to announcement n from headquarters at Chapel sj, |l. Ex-Congressman ToTtn H.' p, *11 is president of the association, j j B Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt Is secre-' a! W i3 ~ ! \ anliafa F vtanrl .< upviovw IV vt ; is ?ii To Rev. SaM. l*aiktr, of Marble, X. C.; three sisters, Mrs. Irvin Young, of Lovtland, O.t a.; Mrs. H. Baer, of Sh.w- j nee, Oklx; and Mi.-* Cert.-tide Pzr ker of Mar. la, N. C.; two brother . . J. V. I'irker, o? Gkluhoma City, i C1J&.; J. If., of Columbu?, Ohio- .*.id nv^y relntv.-s, besides a host cf 11 ie:u. in Oklahoma anc! ; North Carolina. Glare was always of a cheerful an? lovable disposition and ivi cJj friend* wherever she was. While living in Shawnee, Ok*a.. Fhe was employed for 2 years by Southern Bell Telephone Co. as nn operator. She \v.n loved by ah i her associates in the office \v:i were saddered to hear of her death. G;ace we- tali n in the bloom of lif . being only 22 years of r.gc. She was buried at Peacbtrec C.motcry on March 2." .1. at 12 o'clock. flcr brother, J. H. Parker, of Bner and family, of Shawnee. Ohla.. Columbus, Ohio, r.nd V ter. Mrr. Irwin Young and Mis (J. 'rude Parker weep present at the f moral. Mr. Calkins* mother. *! '. Chns. j R. Calkins, Sr.. of Sr a t. r . ?. Texaj, arrived March 2 4t.i, . . la*.t> for the funeral. Funeral services were < <1 by Rev. Stedman, of Murphy, .i. ' . We thank th,- many friends, < pecially Mrs. Allen Fain, of M'lrvhj,. for their kindness through the ill ness and death of our beloved wii . daughter and sister. MR. CHAS. CALKINS, MR. ANl) MRS. J. I>. PARKER and family. | rpnwnFD maicv* i ~ 20"pound" gain ? Declare* He W^u'd Not Take $1000 For the Good Tanlac Did Him "For twenty-five years." said F. D. Crowder, a well known merchant. of Lawndale. N. "I suffered front ; the worst sort of stomach trouble and pot so run-down, nervous and worn-out I thought I would nev.r get well. "My appetite was completely gone, I was sick at the rmach mi; of the time, and nearly evi ryiiung ! would eat hurt me. I finally ^ i so weak 1 could hardly get arour.d and life was a burden {? me. "I had lost faith in all mod . ' but I am thankful a thousand :.;*i . over that I rt.v? Tr.r.'.ae a trial, felt my t; ngth ..turning by in* time 1 had finished the first bottle. for I could pick up a two-busht 1 sack of anything and walk right off (with it. "So I kept taking Tanlac and gitgained twenty pounds. Now all my . tomach trouble is gv nerves are steady as a clock, my appe'lic fine and I am brimful of new lite and energy. I wouldn't tufce a thousand dollars for the good Tar.Tac has done for me. It is imposs ' for me to recommend it too highly, for it has made a new man of me." Tanlac is for sale by all good as>r>?rtt nn siiklihiia Over 37-m;llion bottles sold.?Adv. and being in Unska, Cherokee County, North Carolina, adjoining tiie lards of McNab Clark, and otner> and hounded as follows: Beginning on a stake on the public road and runs So fvei to a stake; thence north with McNabbV line 133 feet to a stake; thence west with Clark's line 82 feet to a stake: thence sou'h wit^ Clarke's line !"?0 feet to the beginning, containing about onehalf acre, heing the lands conveyed to J. W. Bran nop and wife by U. S. G. Phillips r.nd wife by a deed recorded in Cherokee County. This the 3rd day of April. 1?,1% JOHN H. DILL A RD, Truste . Oo-4tjhd) KTH CAROl 1NA \ Letitia * We are having some fine weath ir now. The flivvers are early this year The peaches of our section weri ill killed by the Sa *tcr spell. Rev. W. B. Hejr :ed pre . h Mu-j >hy. Mr. ("artor Hivkey nyirif a hu'd *e trip t > Murphy In t Thursday M-. nr wh:lc crossing the creek <>v ? tTi foot l??p. The foot lop broke, an he lost hi - overshoes and pot ver ivet. Miss Knt :> Clonts visited M'ss Ca! Ho Stil-s Saturday. Next Saturday and Sunday w he meetinp day.; at Oak Grove ar pvcrylody is invited to conic ar brir.m omcone with you. V ->n r.. . i ?n, duiy . econdt d an carried, .t is ordered that ar. clot lion be held f I * V I -W S b I c i - 1- lI tl in . . *r n ,1 >i J! * ? For rnt>f or local inform t local m n spapcr or writi X of the North Carolina J | Morganluii, X. C. *-?? * Cure for Pneumonia ' N> By Electric Current* 1 Reported by Docto | J Hobo ken, X. J.. Mar 23.?Perfec- ^al tion of a rew treatment for pneumonia whereby high frequency eicct.ic currents re inducted into th< 1 . , 131 p pa 'int > b . ly. was announced ^ Thursday by I>r. V. H. Drocsner. a I- '?c. i:. 1 i>t. attached to ^ . : a ->"t; who for ten 1 , , wit uav. n;.- be. n <. ymg on ex'-cr. bo ments pn? ma patients up.der observat"on yf a group of New Jersy lung specialists. The new treatment, known as t*n? diathermic, was said by 1> . Preesen- ' er to relieve cong- stion by i rodu - n0' ine body and by dr ..g ?? blood to the affected organ the First used during the a j.i war. lt j the method was introci a ? I hen ten ^oi days ago. Xine patients were ubjected to the treatment and aii re- ? covered so rapidly that they w. be , discharged from the hospital w.tiun a few days. > One of tna patients, Pr. Drosen r said, was in -ach a wt a!; nod cor. X dition when the test w.'ii n iknt V y i '""*l v j oxyircn jcas was be;ni? admin vtc<: to sustain life. Y r- Y V ? .? A CARD OF TH.?NKS. i. Wc wish t thank our many frier.! X for their k'.-drr . dur :.? the X !i - .'.ml Ce...h of .? ?r d< r son a", i & * brothe-. Law: on. . . !;?::y M . V i Gfy:jr (Vara, Judge P<>.ry. N:: j than and Roland II' !. ;* I\v. John Mula y. May the n y -"en Fath.-r guide ti i.- j\ t.p? .-1 r r. it and v.: ' v way the; j ' rv.-and upward t> th, great X j. White Throve, 1 or sir w .h X mr.s. t. c. McDonald, x : n "r>: ! " X Twenty-eight hog folding denun. X . st rations with .'i4* hv> a: >- b X ti .ducted l?y ('.nitty Agvnt Dukes, y ,j j "f Robeson County. II. will irivo *|* ; fom' co-operative cariot : hipnv. nu I lo make in March. x _ | A safe investment a well pre- A s:::: : ? pi.l < 1 . H . .T I - I FREE TO F When you heco.r.e a subscriber B yr u ore entitled to an almost unlb IM n::d absolutely without char Brine the ; tblems . ' y .1 !. c n. it . ity to us and t .ty wl i ret. j } ' and >; . rial;.- who t..t come i:..iit .a their solvt on. Ti 4'o\0G0 farts, families a'. M If y< : db ? t, 50 n;s a IK::: r if y to th : p u--. ;i i SOUTHERN AG? ,s y the giant Or * . isss-ivi-ie 11 ^ : -V-^, . .-t 10' I~T*, fj ?T .a race i Every inteligent man or wo hat is going on, not only i.i ut all over the world. There is only one way to trough the Newspaper The Newspapers contain le sayings and writings of tl i politics, business, scienc lusic. The Newspaper is at once nd the best of all educators. Whatever else you read? READ T HE NEV? at ion consult your ! to the Secretary ['rcss Association, B" > s otice to Confederate Veterans \I1 old soldiers, or sons r.nd ighters of the Confederacy in the mty wishing to attend the Anil Reunion United Confederate terans at New Orleans, Apr. 10th;h, will apply to the undersigned Identification Certificates, woitb 1 entitle them to reduced rator eve certificates have be^n placet! h m< by Brigadier-General J. YV. odw;i. Commanding the l ouitn C. Brigade, U. C. V. JOHN* II DILI. \RD. Have you signed the pledge? If t ask your sckoi>; *? .. * iowU^C VU.l y Be Prevented At a preventative of sa-ct'.l- r ed disease. 'Ve science of Chiro; ractic hr* no equal.. This s njt idle talk, o- just an ef urt t j boo#. thi. f- 'mcc. it is a fact v. ii tli !iu le n proven ' ' 'me ant again. If you fe;! V At thcujh yo.j w-re going to ' ' b* tick ?see your io;ol Chlro- ? f.>''^ftor; 'ike !rra.To-.U of ? ' ;,'l < nd !:bvc t\ CAUSE re- .. iA you. I also give the e'cetric. gal- . . arid treat- ! . rent*.. No PAIN NO DRUGS Dr. E. E- Smith ? License 1 Chiropractic y MURPHY, N. C. ? MTlMl-r-dim -1 am ARMERS to the South rn .'."riuiItuHst n?lej service of information " i me y-uir busin* - or your we .-v nip;; the tie study of edi years ui experience- have be advi.i your.v "or asking. 1 the "Giant of the South" W ! u; f-r ynrs rvill :n to an IICULTURIST, THE SOUTH Te:mesces k World I man wants to know I ? the neighborhood V rtif TNnf ' ' I J not only news, but he world's masters Mi e, literature, art, < > 4 < ? ' a friendly gossip - . C i , ? ' rSFAPi?RS! : :i ;;i - < > 4 'f.