WANT ADS - .Tbt- Ideal Hosiery Hil's. iki *i"'e, TRcd.'j.. will ri'.wav? furnish ?. I employment to women ana gals of xood character who are lt> year of a*e Able-bodied men can find steady employment w.thin one-half ra le fr??n the hosiery mill in furnace nxon of a'.un-.rae Company of America. Alcoa, Tenn. 'JJti W? PAY iao. ;?j week! 75c an hour spare tir..v -v.; * ho*, y. *ruarante?*d tn wear mont or replaced free. 3o tyleu Free >-:. le* to workers. Sa.ary or 30 pe r v . : commission. G d nosis an absolute nect- you <"?ac sell it eu>iiy. Fxrer ? u-" i rnry. KA ZLE KNITTING It.. h r ty, I a. STK ! - . '- - a->?: with 2Us 3#IATC IwE. r . , , i St. Low 111. WANTED 321 aiery t'or r h . Elir :;iJ - . :? WC?-k ful -T S time. B? a : I national > x.ng- M.I.-. \ Pa. ASHIvZS V\ v.\TEL' i: J. V Hi. is ... " w . ,-rr' 'J ; Lic'fy > r .. :n ? 4 Walk'* !' - ^ When . . -a e v. . . ; incr?m?-? f v. s' .^at -;s . Vp jrt ^r. itjr! Kail pai' :!a: ard sanp'1.1 .k-; f to hus.Ars who toran hu Write today. THE J. It. WAThLo, CO. Dept. tj, New York. X. Y. Land For Sale lli-acr:: farm land : : -a.e. T n res .* ton land. > ?i lu s; jr< t ?I > T :<! building*. fr e-tone r. n ler County; iri:n n far- .. I am go Into - \\ r.:^. or See \V. H. lAtJN. .. i .j. . G a., Route 1. Pox 50. SALHoIurlN *> a.n i r.u?t ru t Tree Sal*- r.11 t . pr fjtahle. pleasant, steady w . . v]( e fur farmers. ? and other. Permanent J w rk Write for terms, t". d Nui IVpt 335. Concord. '. !12t-p) FOR SAI.T- r. i.r tv .y full blood Ri v. I F.. II NORVKI I V rphy. C. NOTICE !"i\f : . arc for salt- ' vti;. v a_ ' ads, $2.50 per load, you haul arue, we do not deliver. F. D. DICKEY FEED COMPANY. WANTED?To sol! or exchange or.e complete sot?12 volumes ? of ?Henry- w.rk, good condition, for typewriter. Write Sibbald Smith, Whittier. N C. i :l"?-1 t-p> WANTED- Men or w men to take orders fnr genuine guaranteed hosiery for men. women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary $75 a week full t*me. Sl.cO an houi spare time. Beautiful spring line International Stocking Mills. >1 >rrls? town. Pa. [ ?.">-1??t-p> WANTED Reliable ag nt. to sell cur Mar'', and Granite "Monuments <>f Quality" at reasonable prices >n c -ission. If interested send referer.c and address. Bell Bros. Marble Co., Athens, Ga. (35-3t) S?i S\J I... t/ BLW i- it ? 13 ? 4 "JJ L.I LuC town Creek; 20 acres pood corn land For* further information apply to The Cherokee Scout. (It) A ton of pork from one titter OS pigs can be produced at seven mopths of ape if the pips are raised under sanitary surroundings and fed properly, say livestock workers of the agricultural exteii-ioft service. I <a-. hi. irden before planting and make it of a size tha will retecivt adequate attention. Good drainage Is necessary for |i successful garden and careful preparation of the soil is half the battle. 1 * . . Owl Creek * -:->? ?? frw-x-n-sw^vx^hx | Mr. H. H. Ellis, the county agent, made a nice talk and organised a club at this place Wednesday night, M - F'~ e C lark, of Crandvtew. \as the guest of Miss A!lie Kephart Sunday. Mr. Sam Kephart was hack at Sunday School Sunday, after a long ence. Mr. Erra who has been artier for the past - at h me for this summer. Mrs. Clinton Kenhart. of this . -v rt week with her pa~at Murvl v. Mr. and Mrs. K O. Palmer and daughter. Annie Mae. visited re 1st \ es at Andrew* Sunday. Mr. Ls*:-<>n Palm r returned fnm rwftntlr H? . \:cht an alligah r : h him. O. (" !'iv -. . f Granlviow. Owl < k vi>;t r Sur.itay. Harrison .! : > wa.? called to, C". T . lay to a::cnd the runr. " -vho d i ?i ir. th it ^ <Kt\r 'l.> "** Ash? pr <1 an Ir.'.erestr ? h ~e Sunday. '*" R. V. I. v r - od. Charles .1 i and 0 -t >n Solcsbee w- re I r a 1 Creek visitors Sunday. Mr. . A. Adams was on Owl < -ek ?st wuk dcdn>; some surveyir.ff. | jKjM ,Aew 51 N^JM-Alope It" I vDri! ShoeF > ^?aKe* {@1 -y-,^v;-;?vv-;~X~X-X">*>*XK-X-!' | Hip! Hip! COOPER BP | Murphy Moi | ONE DA I mJimmm ?? ? 'wmmmmmmmmmm | ALL KINDS OF TR I ELEPHANTS, LIONJ % PUMAS, BEARS t MQNKE1 t V WnrM', flrAafAfll I Aril | formers. Lots of Fi x Bands of 12?Performan I afternoon 2 p. m. ? big free outsid! i show ground: . THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. U Mr. mr.d Mrs. F?ed Davis visited their brother at Grand view Tuesday. Mrs. Vina Palmer, who is a hundred or more years >ld, a* ill smokes her pipe and is able to sit up ana talk and laugh. She has lived to ee the fourth generation. R-r birthday is on Christ's birthday. i The boys and girls of this place j enjoyed an egg-hunt Sunday, given by their parents. Twelve dozen eggs were hid ar.d all were fount; except about two dozen. Little Mr. i Glen Kcpkart found u\c gold egg and was awarded first prize. Frank Palmer won second prize, and Clifton Kephrrt won the "booby" prize, which was nothing more than an April f >ol. Merl Davis round 3 . zen ar.d five eggs, which was mo:? than twice the amount any of tlie rej: found. Sunday School at thf t??r..\ * gins at ? o'clock a. nv Everybody is invited to come and take part. NOTICE The Cour.ty I!, ard of Education w;!l meet the first M >ndav in May t"or the purnose of electing a county Superin* ndent of schools and for thsr. siting other busr.e-s. (lt)| i Good music helps to make a pood J home. 1 et the pips <},, their own w .rk' by puttir.p them on pasture. Now m a pood time to pet ready to pre- j pare some of that pasture. H -p cholera seems to come in teny ar periods, say extension workers of the State College and Department of A., v ulture. The period is now re in North Carolina and the1 i..:ds must bt. watched after. lOM ^ So ix?" ^9 Ne\y | mm Hooray! | [OS. SHOWS i iday Apr. 16} Y ONLY! I . JE | A IMC" n A Ml A A A I C 5, CAMELS, TIGERS I , DOGS, PONIES * fS, ETC, ir and Gentlemen Per- J iinny Clowns. Five Music. i ces Daily?2 f i NIGHT 8 P.M. | E EXHIBITION ON f S TWICE DAILY IURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA . ?. I \* Bible Thoughts for s This Week } S-?U,. t WAV TO LIFE: ? lie hath J theued t?e?. O man, whjit 1* good ; uml what Uwlb the Lord require of th.> but to do Justly. aril to lore \ uiercy. *ui?l to * alk btuuldy with thy GodV YLc&h 0: b. Monday. GREATEST IN T1IE KINr.IX^M : ?Whomever therefore shall humble himself as this little child. the ?iuue U greatest in the kingdom of ?Ylatlhe" 1$: 4. Tuesday. NOT MEAT ANT* 1?UINKFor the kincdon of Gvd is not meat an?l lrink. hut righteousness. and pence. ?nd Joy In the H?dy Ghost. Ilnui. 14: IT. Wednesday. \ Y1TIY :<Ei:i?M 1. PRAYER:? She.. TTie Th> u -I.vs. i? l.ord: 'each : ? tl:;. j-;tr:.s Let It.te^r.t;. nil u|?. .. pr*-? rve me or I v.u:t on : t. Jl. * Thursday. PLTHAIT' N??T: For This Is t the will of God That !> ? t man defraud ids brother in any i Friday. ,! t THE WAY To ITlKEfH>M : Ye j .'! kli v tlie truth, and the truth 'j 1* *hall make > 'U fr***\?John * ~ :t2. *t Saturday. GIVING GKTS Taepp I> that j u:.d yet iii<Tws?-th; and ^ | im--'. hut it tendetli to poverty. j I I'mverba 11: 24. J < 1 ?: v^. ? i Wolf Creek The cold has killed practically all j poach crops through thi* section, j T; \V if Creek Ram! S h < ' 5 : to a close a few day.-* ago. j Mr W. L. Garren. Mrs. Nora M u'an. and Mi* Hilda Roc key Icf. Th . sday f >r Graysville. Tenr . at*.- --.i a workers* meeting held I>v . the Seventh Hay Adventists. Th? y . expect to return home the of ] the week. gniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiii j House Cli We Have Jt " To Furr ^ Let us figui =| We Have Them, ( ^ We Ha | Livii - Our Stock Of Lib 3 We Have a Nice g Springs. Our Stoves an i == U 11 ! ~ ?j |e We Have Many ( H be Interested in. nj Now is the ti 1 WE HAVE | We Mak^ | Town I Compie | M | JOIN MURPHY'S ( 5J5 Mr. Henry Burjrew. of Belltovrn, ras a pleasant visit on on the Creek lunday. There is singing at the Rural ichool House evtrv Sunday ni|jht. Everyone come. Miss Mollie Cr k.tt is very sick. Ye hope ke v.H be well cpafn soon. \ras ir.ade to restore health to pe 'of permanent benefit to thousand Why den't you try a bet tie ttoguuuog tudajr. .Every Drug i [ Boomerang j- Oh. the joy of | I; It's not nearlv as what you rec I that counts. \V< ? oui reputation ' chase. \\ ith u: l cd until you he disc to your { are often boon termines our pi I 100 per cent \ I spent in our stoi R. S. Parke Th. On the Square MURPIT iBiiiB eaning Time jst The Goods lish Your Hous re with you or aur Prices and Terms ve Some Wonderful P lg Room 5 rary Tables and Odd C son & An ;te House Fura IURPHY, N. ( :hamber of comml murphy grow FriJ?r. A?rii ?. Ita The Rural School picnic was poned until the weather gets w?rmer. Black and receding colors such as dark blue and dark green Use<j ,a 1 materials without a lus<?r tend to reduce proportions and are becoin. ing to a stout woman. ~ _ - - - ' Have you loat y?u|J "PPetite? / dayT duties that you're unablo / to enjoy an evening with / friends or at the movies once ' in a while? Are you lovipf * your rosy cheeks and your springy step? Dr. Miles ionic ople in your condition. It has bccal 5 who were afHicted just us you are.1 ? Get in line for better health-.! >;ore carries Dr. Miles'. ^H'finri I Bargains purchases that satisfy! | ;<> much what you pav X eive for what vou pav I c want you to feel that X i? Lack, of every pur- " > a sale is not completive used the merchan- : satisfaction. Bargains ;; lerangs. Quality derice. We aim to give ;; alue for every dollar re. | r Drug Co. njgg- -T.Cr. :: : Phone 39 ' Y, N. C. i oiiiiii. ::iiiiiiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiii:!T Is Here! j You Want e With j i the Piano | Will Please You. I | rices In iuits | "hairs is Comylete ij ds, Mattresses and ^ s i li the Market. | Ir 1 . - -gm | niture you would = I , 1 1 I and Polish. n 1J WANT | | a Home j 4 I derson | ushers j Q ERCE AND HELP |

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