(IT ISN'T IN X E SCOUT t CAUSE WE DIDN'T *? KNOW IT J "he Official Orga XXIV. No. 36. :ws FIRM RIGHTS FOR ;u PRODUCTS ydro-electric Co. stribute Lighting ater Systems in 1 ounties. i Hydro-Electric Comidrews, has acquired tne ' foi Dcico Products in estern North Carolina cording to Manager D. of the company a few ^HLtic Andrews firm has exclusive ' *s in Cherokee. Graham. Ciay, 1 ^K.. "ii. Swain and Jackson Cnuncrc* Q , .l!>ir.hute all Delco products. In^BlaC >1 -n these product* are: De?..bt and Power Plant, DelcoWater Systciii, ?s."h'i.K Machine, and Deico-Me- ' ^Hha: al Refrigerator. Jflj M Swan has these nvtchTnes Hu>.;! 'a'iI on the body of an autnH 1 truck and plans to work th ry thoroughly. However, if . hould want particular inforMiat <-n about either of the Delco ^Hirr i before Mr. Swarf ir ts Hio.mil to him. special trios will *? viuci .u ui'iiiuiininui' any ?f these wonder machines. accort:r.g t.> announcement of Mr. Swan. ^ Postell . f. .% , Mrr. Ella Housed is seriously ill? t this writ in if. I'm Swanson made n business trip > Duektown Saturday. Mrs. R. F. Allen is very ill at this writing. Mr". Jane Ma?on visited her son nd family Friday: also snent a few i"ur? with Mrs. Ella Hogscd. Misa Ida Swanson is mi thP sfck ist this week. R L. KeenuflOb of Suit, was over n Shoal Creek Thursday. ? ; . "r. G. M. Young was called to P rrpw last Thursday to <*ce a ' W hnsOjj who was very ill at :hnt place. I M Ninr. Jones snent Thursday aith Mr*. Ella Hogsed. i, Charlie Hickman has bought a i fine horse and is planning to make 1 a large crop, which will add to fits Jenefit, for Charlie makes use of a , let -f com, and runs a successful u.-iness. Mrs. Man da Hamby visited Mrs. Tom Hamby Monday. I The Easter snap sure was a cold one in our section and a lasty one. j Willie and Robert lhompsun made j a flying trip to Ducktown last Friday. ' TO Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Burj^r and children, of Ducktown, visited Mrs. Burger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lum ?, Hogscd, Sunday. t Alfred Swanson visited his grandparents and cousins Sunday afternoon. Mr. TViiiie Johnxon wis Ci'ku to Bcarpntr last on account of jjjthe serious illness of his mother. i, Dr O. M Yonnc mAdo a huslness ! t trip to Murphy Monday. I T? ^farmers are taking advantage < of th^e pretty day* by plowing and . < making gtrdens. < i Felix Hill and Willie Johnson *ent to Murphy Murphy Monday to ttend court. i Mr*. Florence Young visited Mrs. 1 Man da Hamby Thursday afternoon, t myt n of Murphy and Cher* SEVENTH MONTH {I HONOR ROLL OF MURPHY SCHOOL Kir t A? J I or: Edv..n Brown, Grace Wills Bei?, Blanch? Barton. B. Co. v cil. El nest Dockery* Nettie Hou t m Dickey, Mary Jo Paws. Charlie Johnson, Bill Linthlcam, Ceil Mattox. Lois Sneed, H. C. Pal- ^ mer. Mabel Randali, Robert Wear- { ?r and Sheridan Williams. Leaders. Cecil Mattox 91), Bill Linthicum 97. and Grace Wills Bell J6. Pupil making tht. greatest im- , provement: Grace Wills Bell. First B? First honor: James Parker. Grace Harnett, Hattie Bell Hodge. Lewis e Loudermilk, Clara Palmer and Mar- v, an Swaim Second honor: Willard Puiiuer r> Vnd Louise Walker. Leaders: Jerry Davidson 98. rMar> Witherspoon 98, and Alline h Uav.k.r.s 96. (j Pupil making the greatest ini- f provcment: Willard Palmer. n Second Grade? First Honor: Ralph Raker. Ed- ' win Hensley, Hubert Lovlngooa, James Robinson ami Marcclla Hampton. 5,1 Second Honor: Walter Anderson * Hoyt Mart??n, Boyd Cornwell, O.a-ci s Dockery, Mercer Fain, Neil John- ' son. David Meroney, Warren Sneed, " Hndlcy Williamson, Catherine Aber- c nathy, Eugenia Deweese. Sn e ' Graves, Icey Graves and May Gulley Leaders: J imes Robinson 984 n Hadley Williamson 97, and Edwin c Hensley 96. Fupil making the greatest im- v provement: Susie Graves. Second Overflow? Second honor: Grncey Falls ?r.d ^ Henry Falls. r Leaders: Sue Beth Lloyd 97, 11 Pauline Allen 97, ami Tommie Coppenger 96. ^ Pupil making the greatest improvement: Willard Garrett. Third Grade? First Honor: Margaret Witherspoon. Edna Patton, Woodfin Posey, Arnold Derreberry. James Mailonee, Billy Miller. Mattie Cornwell, Fan- ^ nic Deweese and Jack HalT. Second Honor: Horace McClel- . Inn. Donald Gentry Frank Davis, ^ Wilbur Moore. Bascomb Ramsey, William Spivey, Willie Strange Jennie Decker. Ruby Fish. Mattie Fry, . Georgia Roller, Robert Akin, ann 1 Howard Carroll. v Leaders: Edna Patton 08. Marcaret Witherspoon 97, and Wallace >n Panther 98. Pupil making the greatest im- 0 provement: Donald Gentry. Third Overflow? First Honor: Mildred Akin, An- ( nie M. Candler and Mary Weaver. Second Honor: Harry Robinson, Martha Meroney, and Annie lilac (Continued on Fafe 6 v r Drainaee Convention 1 to Be Held at New Bern i Th thirteenth annual drainage tl convention will be neia in New Sc.n, ( 0 N. C., on the 18th and 19th li sent out by official of the associe- c month, according to announcement tion from headquarters at Chapel s Hill. Ex-Congressman Tor?n H. p Small is president of the association,! and Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt Is secre- a tary. j u Baptists Extend ' ti Call To Rev. Sasser 1 - IU Following prayer services Wednes- J jay evening at the Baptist Church,: j Mr. G. H. Cone read the report of the pulpit committee to the congre- j gation suggesting that Rev. T. L. j Sasser, of Mississippi be extended a ! call to fill the pulpit at the Murphy Hhurch. The congregation voted to extend a unanimous cell to Mr. Saa- P f soy beans co-operatively through Lhe efforts of County Agent L. W. \nderson. u \ . *Jjerc >kee County, and the I MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA JRYSON CITY MAN BUYS THE MURPHY BAKERY j darj Experienced Baker --Began Operation On Last Wednesday Mr. C. T. Roane, of Bryson City, as purchased the Murphy Bakery ront Louis Federli and the adtninrsrator of the estate of the late .To- j eph Strath man. and assumed charge few days ago. and equipment have ... .. romnl f bakery ^ tisiness and looks foiward with ank'ipuliiui to til.' opportunities it orded hy Murphy and the urrouna. ig territory for a bakery. The following clipping from tne j lryson City Tinys w'th reference 5 Mr. Roane will be of int^re^T: i "Mr. Charlie T. Roane, who always bays at the Cooper Hqusc wh' n In lryson City, where he has been , pordng most of his time, has recently purchased the bakery helongng to Mr. Joseph Strath man. <*e? used, from the latter's adminisrator, in Murphy, and he Is leaving hi week for his new place of busies*. and he means to immediately ontinuc operation of the bakery. !r. Roane's leaving our little town rill be sincerely regretted anrt we now that the loss of the Cooper louse is the gain of the D'.cKoy louse, the well-known hotel in Murhy. where Mr. Roane expects to lake his future home." Officers Capture 1 Blockade Distillery And Quantity of Beer Off;....-- I r\ c?ux Birch field and Jim Rose capured a large copper distillery, coinlt0 with cap and worm, last Fhursay night on the headwaters of Colert'a Creek about one and a hail tiles abovtf Tomotla. This was one f the most complete outfits uir.en j the county for sometime, the oficers announced upon their arrival nth the outfit Friday morning:. Along; with the still, some fifteen lundicd gallons of beer were octroyed. There waa no one at the uti.t when taken. Centenarian Is Dead At Aquone Aquone, April 8?Aunt Barbara \oou, oc Kyis, aged 100 years six nonths and 18 days, well known in his section, died early last week, iter a comparatively shoit illness. The funeral service, held at the Saptist Churih on Tuesday, was atended by many relatives and friends I vne Oiu iuiiy wiio caiue to p*ty thvii ast respects. The services were onducted by Rev. D. A. Yonce. Aunt Barbara was laid to rest oeide her husband, Daniel Wood, who ^receded her 18 years. She professed faith in Christ when girl, and had lived a consistent hie ccording to fcer convictions. As far as is known, ^Irs. Wood, at he time of her death, was the oldst person in Macon County.?Frankn Press. I Vsheviile Man Resigns From Ceological Survey Chapel Hill, April 7.?Mr. F. R. lewitt, of Asheville, on account of j oor health, has tendered his res?gation as a member of the Geologial Qpard to the Governor. Mr. Hew , ; has been a member of the board or eighteen years and has always en interested in developing the narral resources of the State. j t ? fe*.? ,.w _ iaii ^ i _ ifepc ? .ead ing Newspaper in i , FRIDAY. APRIL 13. 1923 BIBLE CLASS 1 BANQUETS OWN FRIDAY EVENING Dr. J. A. Sharpe Makes' Principal Address?All churches represented. The Murphy Men's Bible Class banqueted seventy-five of it* members and frichds last Friday niRht at the assembly hall of the Library, from 7 t?> 10 o'clock. President J. A. Sharpe of Yours Harris Coll -pe. Younp Harris, (la., made the prn, ?'IdrpM> tnlcinv as hia theme. ''Service." Mr. J. H. Hanxoton, President of the class, acted as Toastmnster. The ladies of the Methodist Church preriarnS and si'rvoH th^? hnncuivt. a *hrce course dinner. Ac th? conclusion of the first course, a male quartet, composed of Messrs. DavC0Ut his Section of Westeri CANDIDATES FOR MAvno r-ni imp.i ATM*?m. a \/?\, NAMED MONDAY At a public meeting Monday night in the court hous- candtdales' for Mayor and Alderman were named for the municipal election whic^ Is to he held in May. By standing vote Fain was nomin-f - d ;or mayor without any oppos:t-on. Six Aldermen were named bv written b .lot. About 12 men were proposed. but the following re' d the great t number of vote- and vlt declared nominees: W. W. Hye. .1. B. Storey. J. A. Richardson, R. W. Sipe. Extension Forester Curran Visits Here H. W. Curran. extension, forrester of the North Carolina l> partment of Agriculture, spent the past weekend here with the county agent, II. H. Ellis. Mr. Curran advises with thc farmers o?*cr the State w.th reference to the eare and perpetuation of the farni wood lot and shnilar problems. Mr. Ellis has made arrangements for the return of Mr. Curran to this section to advise with the farmers of Cherokee- County. Grandview Mr. Kermit Lovingood, of Sylva, is visiting home folks at Grandview. Mrs. Bass and Marv I.ou Gentry went horse-back riding Sunday afternoon. Miss Myrtle Lovingrood ha? returned home from Marble where sh" has been point* to school. Miss Ramsey spent Easter with Miss Minnie Davis. Mr. Paul Mulkey, of Maltby, was a Grandview viaitod Sunday. Everybody is tryinp to farm uhile the weather is favorable. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Dockery and son. Rose, of Murphy, spent Easter at the latter*s home. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Adams, of Ropal, spent Easter with home toiks. Mr. Gaston Solesbeen and family spent Sunday wit^ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pockery. Messrs. Frank and Fred Mulkey and families spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bivlns spent Easter with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mulkey am? family and Miss Grace McPonaTd I were out riding Sunday afternoon. Miss Lois Adams returned home j Sunday from Maltby, where she had 1 been visiting relatives. Mr. Homer Gerrard, of Copperhill is visiting: home folks. Mr. Onard Clark passed through this section Sunday. Mr. Bill McDonald visited his j daughter Sunday. Mr. Vcmon Dockery, of SyTva, visited home folks last week. Rev. A. M. Ashe filled his regular appointment at Owl Creek Sunday. Mr. Frank Johnson, of Regal, passed through Grandview Sunrtay. Mr. Jasper Fain and J. C. Odell parsed through Grandview Sunday on their way to Murphy. We are very sorry, indeed, that Boiling Sprigs did not have much to say in the last issue. The people of this section believe that the peaches are killed. t ADVERTISE IN ? THE SCOUT X "I T WILL MAKE ] ;j; YOU RICH" ; ; i North Carolina $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE SHUTTI F RI nrif MILL NOW BEING CONSTRUCTED Will be Ready for Operation by June?Large Quantities of Dogwood to be Used Work on the new shuttle block mill being constructed on the Meroney lots near the ice plant Is oeing pushed ahead, and it la expected that this new plant will be ready for operation by the first of June. A 12x16 feet office building ha* been completed and tne frame work of the main building is well under way. Four or five carpenters are at work daily on the structure, which will be thirty by seventy feet. This plant i> being built by Hawkins Brothers, natives of this county, although they have been away Tor sometime operating similar plants in other states. A plant is also being built at Hayeeville. Some of the machinery for the piant hert. has already arrived and the other will oe here by the timf. the building Is con%pleted. The product of the plant will be rough billets sawed from dogA-ood timber, which will he used fot? making shuttles for weaver's looms. The plant. :t is reported, will employ six or seven men and consume from three to five cords of wood a day. This new concern was brought here through the efforts of trie Chamber of Commerce, whose members prevailed with Mr. Hawkins for some months before gaining his consent t; locate here. This body also aised the money to pay for a five year's lease on th?- nronerty to offer the company as an inducement to j the Kswkin- Brothers Rev. R. S. Howie To Preach Sunday at the Methodist Church Thorp should be a full attendance , at the Mcthodht Church next Sun\ day. \t>ril 15th. Rev. R S. Howie, ! residing elder ef th*' Waynesville district will preach at th,? morning and evening services. The entire membership of the church and all frind -> arP urgently requested to come and hear this splendid preacher of thp gospel. , Local Ku Klux Klan Does Charity Errand I I.a-< Friday night five white-robed figures weie observed to move , along Spring Street and approach ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Zimmerman. It has sinct. been learn I ed that these were members of- the j local Ku Klux Klan taking a gift to Mrs. Zimmerman. Coca-Cola Company Building Garage The Coca-Cola Company is having a garage building constructed on Its property on Hiawassee street. Just opposite the L. & N. station. This will be sufficiently large to house I th