Culberson is cominp to the front. Wbat wee need here most is food wsfa. Mr. R. W. Nichols* daughter. of Mineral Bluff. Ga.. was a visitor st Culberson Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ros* Ellis visited home folks Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Hawkins mail,, a business trip to Woodstock. Ga.. the f.rat of the week. Mrs. Clifton Brace carried her baby to Atlanta for nwdical treatment. Master Glenn Ellis and Howard Nichols have been very busy f?hr the past week. pw?^TPMgOttB3WwSHiw < " " l?0??<8>>8UHIMei?0<???| J Land Barg< ?? !: FARMS FOR SALE X I.?79 acres. $3,701 ance 1. 2. and 3 years ;l Sweetwater. Tenn.. oik | good state of cultivatio $ 2.? I 23 acres red lar 1 fencing: fair house; 8 i Tenn.. on \ onore pike down, balance in nine 3.?145 Acres. $10. wood. Tenn; pike: bes r 000 down, balance in t 4.?17 acres close ii good barn, house. ele< burban home. ;; 5.?60 acres. $3,500 home, weli-watered; 3 A For Further Details c | Sweetwa F r>fci 1= rt JUdldLC V, SWEETWA AAAAAAAXA. AA -J j > J " V ' If anyone wants om me or come to SweetA glad to help you buy t I W. B. i SWEETWA7 <MM<0009? TIB ???? Mr. A, D. Byera and son. Claud, have just returned from Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. Letha Anderson has her new home almost completed. ? Miss Eula Am by spent Sunday with Miss Harel Nichols. I Miss At ha Thompson and her brother. Jewel, were business visit lore in oar little town Saturday. I J I Mr. V.. M. Brown was in oi?r town Sunday. Quite a number of people of our : iwn are aiienditii: court at Murpsy this week. Mr. Guy Hyatt visited his unr:e Saturday. Mr. W Rich has moved back tc Culberson. We had a light storm bere Sun day morning but the clouds soon blew away and brought forth a beautiful day. Mr Hubert Nichols spent Sunday w th home folks, after which he returned t Etowah. Tenn.. where he is employed by the Etowah Tie and Lumber Co. M ? lirzie Arp has returned hnir>4 * f:TP months st.iv a? Gostonu?, where *he ha* been employed. Mr. L. P. Collii^ 5-* rery busy ik-itj. hi* new !r?rt>r It i? fkhcjr fir.e work. Mr Rass (arroll ?f*ent Sunday X 1! liiis { ON EASY TERMS f 3. one third cash, bal! time; 2' > miles from ?. i half mile off pike. In ! id. lies well; good barn. J miles east Sweetwater. |! ; price $5,750; $1,500 i i_. \ early pa\ nienis. y 000: 2 miles of Engle>t farm in county: $?,- i en equal payments. | 1 town, $6,000. ten Z ctric lights, water: su- i : terms, ten years: good | 1 > miles out. x ?f Either Farm Write: | iter Real ? ompany TER, TENN. ! | e or two mules, write X vater, Tenn. Will be | hem. ? \XLEY ER, TENN. CKMOm tCOUT. MWWT. WO J. Keanley Mitchell | '**'' * a? 1 -*:v ' 1 -M ' jS K I |v I i Br- I Millionaire club m:,n. oi* Philadelphia. who wa" known a# the n>y ?the artist's model. Dorothy Keenan. who *a.- found murdered in her apartment at 144 West 57th street. New York City. afternoon with his wife and lovely little daughter, Christine. Mrs. Myrtle Moore, of Hi t House, was here 0n business Friday and Saturday. The singing at the Baptist church is progressing nJcelT. -:-c-:-x-Xr5 % Letilia 11 > We are having some fine weather now. The fsrmer are ail smiles on account of the new road law. Mr. Arthur Graham ha? retailed home from Tennessee and has take: hargc of his store and poctoffice. Mr. Ernest Graham expecting to leave ?v>on for Kr.oxviile, where he ha* a position. Rev. W. P. Hogsed f.Iled his regar appointment at Oak Grove Sunday. Th- re * i*e Sunday School at >ak Grove Sunda\. W. C. Walker ar.d wife and little n visited Mr. and Mr E W. Tayr Saturday. p tr r* u j i m. n..j !??.?. I' | 4>U -??? ?'UU i Mason a call aSturday. Mr. Stanley Gre-n fr m Murphy I vnsited his father. M. A. Green, Satj urday and Sunday. Thomas Payne. from < pperhill. a* parents of this place Sunday. T i~r Tay r was a pUasant calirr at x ersir.i. . r. Creek S-ruay. K. 0. Taylor w.ri t > Mur.hy Saturday or. L . Barto Ca.:. vay was a easant aller at Mr. Mar.on Green's Sunday. W. L. Baker w. * ? f x hunting Saturday night, but returned with a fine coon. John Voyies \s work.rtr for me McClure Br^tfct-rs these days. xPeachtree % > ? M <s Gru * Allen epterta:r.e<! a large number of young folks with sr. Easier party Sunday. Misses Cor* and Ora Thomasson. were visiting this place this week. Yhe farmers are busy plowing. as ; corn plant;ng t me will soon be here. Mr. N B. Elliott and family visited Mrs. M. M. Hyde Sunday. Mr. Pock Sudderth and Bern 3? Cox motored to Murphy Sunday. Rev. Clay Pipes preached an interesting sermon Sunday evening. The singing school of this place is progressing nicely under the man. , ' ta _ ... RTM CAMUMA | of Rot. R. N. Barker. Misses Elisabet^ Ferguson and I Flonie Wilson were the guests of j Morrison Moore Sunday. j Miss Grace Allen was the guest . of Myrtle Trull Sunday. Miss Mattie lucCiure "j pTannmg I to spend the weeL-end her jrnnflmotbT. i Miss Flora Burrel was visiting r (stives and friends at Biasstown : uaday. Miss Minnie Berrong arc' ?lr Paul I Lemmons were happily tr.u:Hed Saturday. Mr. Earley Pipts has purchased a new car. Mr Pcnrier Trul! was a vtstor .it J E. Trull's Sunday. > *: Young er.tertaincd a large r m???r of friends witi! an cgg-hur.; Sunday. Everybody rcrorts a nice time. Mr. John Cornwcll is a regular t;*dent at the singing school. ? Mr. Ralph Carrir.ger. of KnoxviTle T-rnn.. is visiting his wife, Mrs. Ruth Carringer. this meek. DANGERS OF A COLD rtcrphy People Will Do Wet. to Heed Them. Many Bad Case* of kidney troc-' >le resuit from a cold or chill. Conrested kidneys fall behind in filter! ing the poison-laden blood. and bach ; a<*he. headache, d rzir.oss and u.'s1 re red kidney act on. follow. Don't neglect a cold. Use Plan's Kidney Tills at the first sign of V drey trou- \ Me. Here i? an expc"irr.ce told by a resident of this legality: Mrs. ("has. C. Bell. 'J"? Woodrow Ave.. Ash v lie. N\ f., says: "My kidneys wer* alwav? weak and if I vet-worked or took r?ld it settled <>n them and my back ached as if .t would break*. ! could get no relief day or night. My work wa? often neglected because I way in such misery. 1 whs hardly ever free from j flTiil headachtc. My kidneys art?d i regularly and my f-.-e: and ankles i swelled. I used Doan's Kidney Pi.It, ! and I have never had anything to do I me *o much go?*i. My Back war soon strong and free from rain. The j swelling left and my kidney* were j regulated." 60c at all dealer*. Fr* t r-M.lj burn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N Y?Adv Sweet Clover and Honey I Sweet Clover ->e?J and pure honey (comb and extracted) direct from j producing point at lowest possible j orice. Quality Guaranteed. Write for prices and < u!ars. John A. Sheehan R. D. No. 4. FALMOUTH. ICY. I A Ti The public due. Cert; It is better able and ri greatest at back it up jr*uk it wilt. The N I *? t+im >M i ( j DRIVE AN OVER1 An u CMMtm Cry #or FltwSS^p LV^!4JkS53WL!^MIA&NPM^S^^aaag3SBBSBMMBMMpgprc^^^ ?rt >' mwmmt The Kind Ton Bare Always Bought, and which has ban I is use for orer thirty years, has borae the tignaturTj B _/ ? ? tha wr*PP?r all th*,. ? K f?JC.J&2/?-*1.* J""1 t# Prot*e* ths ceal.,1 B l-A^/Z74?X*U generations. Do sat be decSrM I All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jostasfood" are L I.. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health BT*' Infants and Children?Experience against Experiment. B*' Never attempt to relieve your baby with'aE remedy that you would use for yourgeirtfl What is CASTORIA I Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OQ, Paregotfci BO* Drop# and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It c-,nt?t5 Bd neither Opium. Morphine nor other narcotic substance. ia fjage is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it W H been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulence Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feeeriahneaa aiia2r k therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, iu| B 0 the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleea. B I The Children's Comfort?The !Io;her'a Friend. H ! GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYtll ^ n - c? <?? -? ! octtia u?c In Use For Over 30 Years i The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 MS CINTAUR COM^ANV. N(W voes CITY. ^ SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR HOME PAPER-$l.5oB ptI ppODUCE MOKEY MAKING Y,EtDs I TENNESSEE CHEMkCALCO. ALBANY ATLANTA B ! ?-MS ^ U HIGH GRADE ACID AND GUANOS B For Sale by IB F. D. Dickey Feed Co. B P: Tennessee Street !9B | MURPHY N. CAR. y^T' \ r 5 iJW yjj^HL a -easure of a Car has a way of giving honor where honor is linly Overland was never more worthy, looking, more comfortable, more dependnore economical. We believe it is the itomobilc value in the world, /vnd we to the limit of our resources. ys-Ovtrlmtd Adirtisrmnl i? Tk? Sttmrdsy ?? uhtg tit * I tMtfJtar tSZS C?w? im AU frtm ?. *. k rw?4? 8 E. C. MOORE I LAND AND REALIZB THE DIPFBRBNCB I

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