1 MILLION AND HALF FOLK BOUGHT NEW FORDS IN ONE WMt Iko V.l._ .1 Iwh. HuM By Detroit Manu(&ct?rer Since April 1, 1922 Detroit. Mick.?Korv (has ftHfe. 000 new car fen vera have }oMl^hi Srvat Ford family in the United! StaU*& in the last year. This is shown by retail sales recH AHtJOCA* Twago m | I JUST RE f Shipment of Dodge, < I Knight Automobiles, w use in showing and den No better cars built th lower than ever in the manufacturing. Start the Summer One of T E. C. IV De I Land E I | FARMS FOR SALE 1.?79 acres, $3,70< ;; ance 1. 2. and 3 years Sweetwater. 1 enn., on< orr?r*/4 ofnto r\f rnlfu'atm O VUIV- V/I V, vttbt ? Ubiw ? 2.? 1 25 acres red lar ? fencing: fair house: 8 : i Tenn., on \ onore pike $ down, balance in nine i 3.?143 Acres. $10, 4 wood. Tenn: pike; bes X 000 down, balance in t % 4.? i 7 acres close ii 4 good barn, house, ele ? burban home. | 5.?60 acres. $3,500 % home, well-watered: 3 OTHER GOOD Any i arm. an> s WE CAN SELL your For Further Details < I Sweetwc I Estate C SWEETWA I !! If anyone wants or ; me or come to Sweet :: glad to help you bu> I W. B. i V SWEETWA' THE i Iordg of the Ford Motor Company, j During April last year more than I 100,000 Ford car* and trucks were' j delivered to retail customers in the ! United States and this record has j been maintained unbroken every I month since that time. Easter this1 j yaar completed one fall year In Fords have been going into at the rate of more than 100.a month. bringing the total well ove^ 1,000.000 for the twelve month period. Since the price reduction of $-^0 last October, which brought Ford ; cars and trucks to the lowest level in the history of the Ford Motor1 | Company, and with sales running abovr the 100,00^ mark for the five consecutive months since, the saving to Ford car buyers in that time thm the reduction had added niorc than i S2o.000.000 to their purchasirv power for other necessities and illustrates th?. thought behind Henry Ford's famous saying. "Buy a Ford and spend th*? difference.** Ford Mortor No. 7.000.000 was turned out January 17 of thU year. Sine* then more than a quarter million more have been produced, and so great ig the demand for Ford cars and trucks ioal at yie-nent deal- j ers' stocks throughout the country are practically exhausted. OOOC ?P0fr?#00 0 0?POPfr0OP???* C1CEIVED f Dverland and Willys- ? hich we will take pleas- ? lonstrating at any time. | an these three. Prices ? history of automobile J Right by Getting hete Cars 100RE ! v aler k X bargains j ON EASY TERMS f 3. one third cash, bal- jj'i i time; 2'/2 miles from \ i half mile off pike. In i, n. x < i id. lies well; good barn. &| miles east Sweetwater, j; price $5,750; $1,500 t yearly payments. 000; 2 miles of Engle>t farm in county; $2,- :en equal payments. :j. t town. $6,000. terras: ? ctric lights, water; su> : terms, ten years; gooo x Yl miles out. ? FARMS CHEAP nzt foi any buyer ? ^ FARMS at AUCTION | )f Either Farm Write; !; iter Real ! Company | TER, TENN. t vr *" ' * ie or two mules, write ; water, Tenn. Will be ' them. 4XLEY HER, TENN. ^ ii 'Mmm bob ^ ,j\ CHEROKEE SCOUT, MURPHY, NOR SELL AND EAT SWEET POTATOES WEEK APRIL 16 Raleigh.?The week of April 16 is sweet potatue week in North Gar olina and agricultural workers of the State College and State Department of Agriculture are endeavor- i ing to help the famvrs of the State j move their surplus. Gorrell Shumaker. of the Division of Markets, i has written a letter to all produce J merchants asking them stock up J and push the sale of potatoes and to t reduce their margin of profit for. the time being in o*rder that as many | consumers as possible may be able j to buy. Director B. W. Kilgore. of the Agricultural Extension Service. ha* asked the fa^m agents to git behind' the schtme and try to Help their Co-J operating formers sell ail surplus potatoes. Mrs. Jane S. McKinvmon and her force of workers will try to popularize sweet potato^ dish s and hold demonstrations showing how to male* the be?t meals with the po- r tato. The idea back of the whole move- j ment a> outlined by Mr. Shumaker. ' ,a to relieve the farmer* of some nf I their surplus stocks. Many growrrs in boll weevil districts and in areas where tobacco wilt was prevalent put in a surplus of potatoes and now find that they have no market for them. It is a patriotic act on the part of North Carolina citizens lo help these folks out of their dilemna by buying: suc^ stqrks as will be needed dtir.ng this week. Mr. Shumaker requests and urges til householders in North Carolina, all public institutions, colleges and r?ther organizations to buy sweet potatoes this w ok to use up the surplus so that the money now tied up ' in this chop nv?y be released for jlher farm purposes. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has twrn uaed aut.eaafully In the treatment ! t*f Catarrh IIALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE mn?i*t? of an Ointment which Qukr'nly ReHeree b> local arpli~ation. and the , Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the RI>?od on the Mu. nui Our- ? facea. thua reducing the tnnammatton. Sold by all druggiata F. J Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. ? I Marble * j " Mease Is are numerous in our community at present. Mr. Ernest Cox has just returned from an Ash ville hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Prof. J. M. Lovingeod carried his wife to the Murphy hospital Sunday for an operation f.tr appendicitis. M rs Rill Hoc rv nr.! .Too Mil- ' t ?n ha\> just returned from Tenn- I yWrt they went to buy some male*. Prof. Zed McCIure. of Otpden. N. C.. has just closed j 10-niirht sin*ir.jr school in our town. Mrs. Delia K?-owr. of Atlanta, who has ucn visit ir.gr her parent? at , this place r turr.ed to he tv, n0 ;ast ; v cvd:. I.. Abemnthy was a week *n. the home ?f her father '1>. Puett. P -o M-- and M*nt. Grady Smith f ;?. rl Tuesd y -f hist week. There is a hunch of surveyors row working t. n -r'rond urvey from our tcu*n into the Tcllico Mountains. We h< no ?Vat it will p.m. ant to a preat deal to our community. Mr Dillard Griffith of p.*. htr-e. was a Marhlo visitor Monday. Quite a num>?er f Marble folk* have been attending court ?t Murphy the past week. Mr. Willie Mint*, o' H. nj?intrlop. was a Ma-Me visitor the past w k. Rev. Dujrsran, of Unak.i. made a flvinp trip to Marble on Monday of last wrok. With our cr.cinr school iust <%To~ I ed and springtime here, let's all come out to Sunday School and nni^ this the best year f our Iy<_ in *h, tr?od work. Co-operation is ore of the grandest of all thing? with out our county paper, the dear old Scout. HP; REMEDY Prn > fom TMC acucr or " Coughs. Colds. Croup' WH00PW6 OMMM. HGMSOIESS BRONCHITIS^ -SOLO EVERYWHEUe-; #. tHCAMUM ENFORCE DIPPING LAW, URGES THIS TEXAIS JUDGE "Don't let any man be arbitary and think he can g0 out and blow i up a vat and stop the functioning I of the whole government," said j District Judge Hugh Carney, in charging the grand jury of ('ass County. Texas, recently. Judge Camev expressed hesitanee about mentioning' the cattle dipping law because of the fact "hat several vats had been blown up :n the county following his cb *rg.* to t^e jury in 1921. and -ain 14 vats were blown up frl"nring this occasion in 1922. S'nce that t me. however, a conviction had been obtained in this court, and the sentence had been upheld by the Criminal Court of Appeals, and no mo-e violations or acts of violence against the dpp'ng law are expected in Cas3 Cof . Texas. T .'to Camey said further.' "We h "C a new inspector this y-ar r.: .! I urgt. th0 people to meet | him over halfway and do the right { thing At first we didn't believe w0 could ever get rid of the fever SBBIBBBflHiBflHHunder landing that at tly close of last y?ar s dipping season there were only 47 holders of cattle in the county infested with the tick. I>ct every man be a pood citizen and enforce the law." DANGERS OF A COLD ::vrphy People Will Do Wcl lo Heed Th#m Many Bad Cases of kidney tron- . ble result from a cold or chill. Conpestcd kidneys fall behind in filterinp the poison-laden blood, and bach ache, headache, dizziness and dlsorered kidney action, follow. Don't neglect a cold. Use Doan's Kidney Pills at the first sipn nf kidney trou- ' ble. Here is an txpcn^nc,, told by a resident of this locality: Mrs. Chan. C. Bell. 2'? Woodrow Ave., Asheville. N. P.. says: "My kidneys were always weak and if I over-worked or took cold it settled on them and my back ached as if it would break. ! could pet r.o rrlief day or nipht. My work was often neglected because I was in such misery. I was hardly ever free from dizzy headaches. My kidneys acted' irregularly and my feet and ankles swelled. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and I hav,? never had anything to do me ?o much pood. My Back war soon strong and free from pain. The swelling left and my kidneys were regulated." 60c at all dealers. Fo?ter-Mil* bum Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo, N Y Adv Sweet Clover and Honey Sweet Clover seed and pure honey (comb and extracted* direct fr >m producing point at lowest possible price. Quality Guaranteed. Write for prices and circulars. John A. Sheehan R. D. No. 4. FALMOUTH. KY. uaaa?? .. . Value ] Overland a Fifteen >ea better Che in its field. We arc sqt confidence """ Hie Ni 4 . Mm lit* 1 DRIVE AN OVER . Children Cr The Kind Ton Here Alva; in use for over thirty All Counterfeit*, Imitati Experiments that trifle ? -- * r'Kjlyfrjkn U"T imauii auu v/uuui>? ? Never attempt to r remedy that you What is < Castoria is a harmless st Drops and Soothing Syr neither Opium, Morphine age is its guarantee. F< been in constant use for tl Wind Colic and Diarrho therefrom, and by regulat the assimilation of Food; The Children's Comfort?' GENUINE % CAS Bears 1 In Use For The Kind You I TMI CtNTAUN C? SUBSCRIBE TO YOU ppi ppoducTmon! TENNESSEI A I Rfl M V HiGH GRADE A Foi F. D. Did Tenr.? MURPHY Rises Like sccndency has come sureh rs of experience have tivei rland a plus value that !o Overland value is creatin jarely behind it with ali t so good a ear inspires. fS-Oaarlamd Advertiirment ia Tkt So Ra*d$i*r $52$ Compt $79$ All / E. C. MOOR LAND AND REALIZE i for FMclw'a | ft Bought, and which has beti I year*) haa borne the signature -4 I t tha wrapper all thau JtM1| iat to protect the comiBtlfl aerations. Do not be deceived.! I ona and "Joat-as-good" an bet | with and endanger the health ?| I perience against Sxperiment. I elieve your baby with*J would use for yourasM CASTORIA 1 lbstitute for Castor Oil, Paregorinl I ups. It is pleasant. It conu3 I nor other narcotic substance, h, X >r more than thirty years it has I te relief of Constipation, Flatulency I ea; allaying Feyerishnesc arisii I ing the Stomach and Bowels, 75 I ; giving healthy and natural sleet. I rhe Mother's Friend. I >TORIA ALWAYf the Signature of K I Over 3CX Years I Have Always Bought | R HOME PAPER?$!. TK M ~ ll Fr) I MiHTmDsl I CHEM5CAL CO. || ATLANTA B ^CID AND GUANOS B r Sale by K tey Feed Co. | ;ssee Street H - - - H ||||\ 1 a Spire 1 and steadily. G a this new and I orr.s spire-like 0 i; record sales. 9 he fervor and 9 iurday Evrwimf /? *# H rtfL, 1 25 I irutt f. m. b. Tel.it a t THE DIPPBRBNCB < * -

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