I INACCURATE THERfl POOR INCUBATOI STATE POUL Raleigh-?Inaccurate therm om<v ? ton arc often cause of pool hatches. which mean weak chick that have a heavy death rate aftei they are taken from the incubator Therefore, be sure the thermometa U certified and where th poultry raisr has more than one, it is A goo< plan to test them all at one temper ature. says Dr. B. F. Kaupp. li # 1 chargc0 f poultry investigations fo the State College and Dcpartraen of Agriculture. This can be dom he says, by putting thtm all in on incubator and reading them at th temperature of 103 degrees F. rati] X If anyone wants or % me or come to Sweet glad to help vou buy j W. B. . | SWEETWA j: ^j^S B JUST R! ? Shipment of Dodge, Knight Automobiles, ' use in showinc and de X No better cars built 1 J lower tban ever in tf :: manufacturing. Start the Summt One of ' E. . I :: D A CASHC WILL BE SOLD YARDS j Tuesda 4 /> XT 1 1Z loung i ALL REGISTER! OPPORTUNITY DESIRABLE BR T. L. Gwy Springdale, N. C. $a:; jl THE t dOMETERS CAUSE I HATCHES, SAYS .TRY INVESTIGATOR thermometer that varies as much a? r 2 degrees, and Dr. Kaupp lias found s such, may mean an entire failure r If the thermometer reads 103 de . grees when the temperatur is rallj r 105 it would man ruined eggs anc y much discouragement because o! j bad results. Dr. Kaupp states that anothei y way to test the incubator and brood r er thermometers is to use a certifies t clinical thermometer which i,s know: e to bt* correct. Both of these an e placed in warm water and when th< e water reaches 103 degrees with th t .meal thermometer it should als. _ , read the same with th? incubato thtirmo meter. If there is as mud as a degr?<> of difference the thr momtr should net b used. The thermometer that hangs froir ! the top cf the egg witl its bulb suspended so that it is Jus . -- t?...? ..f ?u ? ?u. at lac vvw iv?u ??i .m- ircj i.-? iu< be??, finds Pr. Kaupp. H? state; that the bulb should not tueh the opps. Such a thermometer is not hkiiy t ? ho broken or left out ol the tray when the epp trays arc t;?ken our for turning:. The epps should be kept at a temperature of 103 doprevs thi\>uphout the entire hatch. If the bulb rests upon an ePP the temperature will not be registered accurately, says l?r. Kaupp. If it re .ts apainat an epp containinp an ! ambryo it will repister too hiph, and ie or two mules, write :j: water, Tenn. Will be { them. :j A.XLEY j TER, TENN. I ECEIVED Overland and Willvswhich we will take pleasrnonstrating at any time. :han these three. Prices ie history of automobile :r Right by Getting These Cars MOORE ealer <-XK"XK~X~X-X-X~X-X TLE ! LOAD Ui* P )RT HORN CA AI AUtllU? Al ir i, clyde north car* iy May 6tl" 5ulls 15 Cows :d and tuberculin TO IMPROVE YOUR C EEDING STOCK at RE. n A :herokee scout, murphy, wow TY COBB TELLS THE THINGS ABC 1 SuBSBb * v^vr** m\ '. I TV COBB, v.tyan baseball pla; er, tells the President and Mrs. Ha uing uu uope auoui cne nr J b ace ball game the President has seei | if the egg is infertile or contain; !.? dead germ it is likely not to vrgl ter high enough. A LAW TO SAVE LIVES The General Assembly of North Carolina has done the sane and [i commendable thing f in passing ton act. effective July 1. 1923. requiring every person operating a motoi . vehicle on the public roads of th:.? [ state to con-.e to a full stop at a [ distance not exceeding fifty f^et j from the nearest rail of any railway ! track crossing the public >nd a; grade. Privers of autonvbiles and truck: | should not con-ider the provisions ul : of this act as a hardship on then but as an effort on the part of tin C state to sa\e them front injury- *m i* death. Official reports of the In MMtraiti Commerce commission Shot C. that in 1921 there were 5,387 per ? sons killed or injured in autoniobl accidents at grade crossings witl ! railways. In the last five years, 9, C 101 persons have been killed in sue' & accidents in the United States. Nort ? Carolina has contributed more tha ?{ h? r full share to this list of victim: X Violation of th's law will const & tute a misdemeanor, punishable b V fint, or imprisonment. We do n< ? see why any person should violate X law passed for his protection. We X believe that observance of this ia will sav,. many lives and commen The railways have been require % to jro to h*.avy expense to ere f, signs forty by fifty inches 100 ic< 'f from crossings, lettered "N\ C. LAV j- STOP." When you see that s gr ;! obey its injunction and protec g, yourself and those with you. SALE EGISTERlL) lTTLE iE CLYDE STOCK OLINA, ON , 1 P.M. * ? ; and Heifers TESTED. A GOOD ATTLE BY BUYING \SONABLE PRICES l. D. Trundle Poolesville, Md. TH CAROLINA 1 PRESIDENT A FEW >UT THE GAME 4 M* jr-this ye r. which the Presidential r-iaity witnessed at Aupu*t.i, Ga.. on stthoir way North after th r Florida i vacation. i As a summer h'pume the aoy bean is second to none, say extension worker.1. As a soil building crop iv is excellent and it makes food pasture for cattle, sheep and hops. FOR OVER 40 YEARS TTAI.IV9 CATARRH MEDICINE ha? 1 i?cen used successfully Id the treatment ef Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE consists f an Olntmerl which Quickly Relieves hv loc.il application. af;d the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Plood ? n th? Mucous {Surfaces. thus r*duc?nic the inflammation. 4 SoM by all UruKrtsts. t P. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Keener Monument Co. J. S. Kc.fc.NER. M.ii.gor Tomotla, N. C. l CaM or Write if You need a Monument i! "I kOne breed of poultry, betlei houses and proper feed rations fol h lowetV the organization of a com _ munity poultry association in Cieve h land County by County A pent R. K h Lawrence. PffiS1?! : REMEDY, (1 ! wrtT > FOR TWE RELIEF OF . Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING CDOGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS V -SOLO EVERYWHERE' I ] No V |j People ar S same goot |j limit. It i f{ i looking, r. i economics f ff'atch for fi'H | cIhe I* Y Stdn J360 I i i a?: c~:t - ~ ^ FrM?r. M?y 4. 1921 I Children Cry for Fletcher's K The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been 0 in use for oyer thirty years, has borne the signature of _ on the wrapper all these years! fl ? /T* s Just to protect the coming1 Ik S-c^cc^u/lt generations. Do not be deceived.! All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but B Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children?Experience against Experiment. B Never attempt to relieve your baby with # <*> remedy that you would use for yourself.' What is CASTORIA I Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric jS Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its nj age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has P ' ' ? u?n? w.4^1 BM been in constant use ior tne icuci ui wusu^uuu, * .?luwuvj, ? Wind Colic and Diaxrboea; allaying Feverishness arising I therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids |g the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. II The Children's Comfort?The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS I Bears the Signatureof^^^^^^ 9 In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought BflnSMWWHBHBBBHHHI SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR HOME PAPER?$].50 I wCUANosI ! r ppODUCE TlONEY TENNESSEE CHEMLCAL CO. | ALBANY ??? ATLANTA | MMi??Pag?HygSMB?> I'fci MB HIGH GRADE ACID AND GUANOS Fcr Sale by F. D. Dickey Feed Co. , Tennessee Street I MURPHY N. CAR. bonder Sales Soar | c applauding the new Overland for the S J reason that we back OverianJ to the I c t'^r? fi vr'O t *r?? ' *> w v . v. >'Vllvl H ore comfortable, iisore dependable, more B :!?5t the lowest price in history. B 'Sjs-Overland Advertisement in The S^.? J-y Evening Pent Roadster $525 Coupe $795 Alt prices /. o. b. Toltie JH E. C. MOORE I IAHO AND REAUZZ TZIE DIFFERENCE- flj

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