M IF IT ISN'T IN J I IHj SCOUT ? ITS Bdu**E WE O'DWT V m nhow IT TFpened in a down pour j If rain an.I it looked as though the Bit would He extremely lu?ht. only Livirr voted by noon Tuesday. *jwerer, th,. clouds cleared away. 1^ rotirff increased as the day |t-' y nr htindred and sixteen ' " TU? ,. \vr- ' ?" ??- V-?"UI with their votes follows: FOR MAYOR r. M. Fait 236 for aldermen w. W. Hyde *J4(1 J. B. Storey ... ... 218 HT. p. T .wnson ... 252 j V I. A. R.ohardson 2in B. W. Sire - 233 FOR MAYOR T. N. Bate, - ... 175 for aldermen A. B I> . key ..... 20S j. W. .202 ; : poon ... 172 T. J. ' 141 . ' 1. V. . 19! Play to Be given By Senior Class Tonight "The tVron" is the title of th? senior cla s play, which is tt n Elizabeth Brittaii Donah! Drew . Mr. Sip< Mai > ... Mias Luticul Mrs. Harriet GreenstOn I. Champioi VU| i 1 Greenston ... Mr. Daniel M i dston ... . Mias Albrigh Corrinne Fordston - K. Thomptoi Bodney Blake Sr _ _ . . Chas. Cleg] Mrs. Blake ? Gertrude Brittaii Bodney Blake Jr ... Lucius Copi Judgt Grey ... Mark Wea Girls i.f the Passing Show: Eliz abtth Rrittain, Kathryn Thompson Mary Ella Clegg, Mary Bell. Grnc< Lybrook, Helen Hampton and Em ogene Axley. "And Congressmen take off thei ha', acknowledging itg power." What? The Home Town Paper BILL BOOSTER SAYS *f\ep UP, aosmcsswiAta v RAASfc NOOU. * U A UUT V WO SWO " Cfie an of Murphy and Cher A. J. PEACE GETS ( OAK LANE MILLS cuNS i KUC I ION Z:spec': To Break Dirt ! ~.ttr:r Part of This , Week ? Will Push ' Work At an adjourned meeting of the officers and directors of the Murphy 1 Real Estate Company, In-., and J I'revdent Richmond. of the Oak ! ' ane Knitting Mills, Inc.. and C. ' F. Coulaon, architect, it was found 1 that the A. J. Peace Construction Company was low bidder, and thi ? J company was. therefore. awarded tht! contract to build the build ng for the Oak I.ane Mill-, which is to be erected on the lot recently acquired from Dickey and Martin on Tonntssee street. Bidding was close and considerable difficulty was ex- 1 perienced in determining the low- < est bidder. The fi'-st meeing was, ' held Saturday afternoon, but ? ? some bids were not on a parity. ' the letting had to be po tponed unI til Monday evening as some of the ' i contractors \vore our of town and ' the required information could not be had. Besides the Peace Construction Company. C. M. Dicus. ! th; Cherokee Lumbcr Company, and H. D. Barnett submitted proposals for the crevtion of the building. It is expected that excavating for thi- new building will be commenced 1 i the latter part of th:? week and that ; the job will be pushed to an early completion. Mr Peace has had the jail construction job and, thereII fore. has his equipmcru and men nl> ready on the job and little difficulty will be experienced m getting started. Architect C. K. Coulson, of Boston and Asheville. will act as in[ specter on the job. President Richmond of the Oak I.ane Mills, has returned t0 Philadelphia to fjet his . machinery ready for moving to t Murphy. 1 In Memorium. P-'.-lia C. Sudderth, a well-known ; lady of Cherokee County, died at , her home on Peachtrcc Thur day, ? April 26, 1923. ^ i She was the daughter of George L. and Polly Copcning, and wife of s David Theodore Sudderth. She -j | was 88 years and 3 months old. and s was the mother of ten children, t eight of whom are living: Messrs. , A. EL, H. S., and W. H. Sudderth; ^ Mrs. J. D. Parker, Mrs. J. N. Con! ley, and Mrs. L. C. Wright, all of c! this place. Dr. J. P. Sudderth, of; t Nowata, Okla; and Mr. M. T. SudI derth, of Athens, Tenn. She had been a member of the ' Methodist Church for the past 40 l* years and lived a devoted Christian r life unto the end. She leaves her children and a host of grand and great grand children and many r friends throughout the county* to moum her loss. She has gone to live with Jesus, In that home so bright and fair, Sho is singing with the angels, Around that Shining throne up there. I She has left her earthly sorrows. I i r or a hcivmu? brirht. She has left this world of darkness. And has entered into light. We will miss her loving presence We will miss her smiling face, But in the by and by we'll meet ) her. Wre shall see hei by God's grace. So let us still press onward. Until we reach the shining shore. Then her we'll sing God's praises, Forever and forevermore. Services At The Methodist Church Rev. W. O. Goode of Hickory, N. C., will preach at the Methodist Church next Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m. Rev. W. M. Curtis, profe6sor at the Greensboro College for Women, is expected to proach at the evening service. Don't fail to attend these services as you wjll miss a treat. A cordial welcome is extended to all. CtlfTO okee County, and the Le MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA. I COMMISSIONERS E MET ON MONDAY A N u i UE5DAY The County Board of Gommls- Fii ioner* hold their regular meeting londay and Tuesday of this week, c 1 ^ number of claims and othc-r rou- tie businos was transacted. The vii ' -iers met with the V>oard and Ju pre instructed as to how to pro- W eod in listing taxes for the next t ar and weri sent out over the 99. ountv to complete the listing dur- B< ng this month. Mr. Geo. K. HenIrix is supervisor of the listing. pr Fi ANDREWS MAYOR L RE-ELECTED AT k POLLS TUESDAY mi Andrews, May 9.?The present Vlayor and Board of Aldermen here vere re-elected yesterday without >ppo ition. This was the first municipal election in the history of 1,T Andrews, it is said, when there was I jnly one ticket in the field. The vote was exceptionally l ^hi. jnly 117 votes being east out of CT 40.'1 registered voters. jB The vote . as as follows: FOB MAYOR Dl I It. Fvre? ee 115 j s0 FOR ALDERMEN J? T. W. Brown ...... ... 117 ? W. W. Ashe . 115 ' 5. E. Cower . 115 dI G. B. Hoblitxvl! . . 113 The judges were AA". C. Sandlin ^ and C. \V. Arnold. Goo. W. Kimsey was Kepi tTir. Pi >: s* .> A > ? 11. > IVidruzc T s ??? G Rev. J. S. Stalcup ami family, of 1. Bryson City, were visiting in ?ur G town the past week end, and while lc here preached an interesting . ? . v. Mary Jo S?;!. Grace Wills Bell, Cee;l M.-' ' x. lia Klir.abct^ Voylc^ and R>b ri eavcr. .-1! Leader: : Cecil Marie Mat* -x, : . Bill Linthicam 98, Grace Wills ]< ill 97. nr I*upil making the preatest im- pr oVement: Tom Poaey. ol r*< B? Fir t H? n- Marian Swa-m. C-, J. ilmcr, Grace Barnett, James Par- S r. and Jerry Davidson. S] Second Honor: Lewis Louder- 1> lk. o Leaders: Mary Withcrspoon 97, V wis Walker i)7, and Hattie Hodjfe I 1. p Pupil making the greatest im- d ovement: Charles Hartnes. icond Grade? First Honor: Hobert Lovinjrood, adley Williamson, Catherine Ab- ? nathy and Marcella Hampton. ^ Second Honor: Ralph Baker, Guy r'ttain, Iloyd Cormvell, I Orvel ockery, Edwin Hensley. Neil John- ( n, I)nvid Meroney, Ray Moore. >mes Robinson, Warren Sneed. ra Carroll. Euirenia Deweese, Alio,. a ovkcry. May Gulley, Frances ey. Martha Voyle . o Leaders: James Robinson 98. i adley Williamson 97, and llobert ovingood 97. tl Pupil makinjr the greatest im- n rovement: Allene Panther. t bcond Overflow? First Honor: Pauline Allen ar.d ofuuiiq Cappenger. econd Honor: Willard Garrett, racey Falls, and Suc Beth Lloyd, s eaders: Tommie Coppengcr 98. raeey Falls, 9S. and Pauline AI- o n 97. hlrd Grade? I <> Fir t Honor: Mattie Cornwell. t largnret Witherspoon, Ruby Fish, dna Patton. Fannie Peweese, Lois ill. Horace McClelland, Wilbur, [ooro, Richard Parker, James Mal neo. and Verlin Lovinjjood. Second Honor: Wallace Panther ack Hall, Billy Miller, Arnold PerL'berry and Jack McJunkin. leaders: Billy Miller 97, Muraret Witherspoon OS, and Kdna atton 90. Pupil making the greatest imrovement: Jack Hall, hird Overflow? First Honor: Annie Mae Townon, and Mary Weaver. Second Honor: Wayne Townson lildred Akin. Annie M. Candler. Iartha eMroney. Leaders: Mildred Akin OR, An-; io M. Candler 08, and Annie Mae 'ownson 97. ! Pupil making the greatest imrovement: Martha Meroney. 'ourth Grade? First Honor: Marshall Bell, Leonrd Hall, Harry Sword, and Evelyn Varren. Second Honor: Paul Howell, yle Mantin, Raymond Meroney. Iranville Ratcliff, Vesta Decker, lupth Mallonee, Edith Palmer. Leaders: Evelyn Warren 98. Leoiard Hall 08, and Vesta Decker 98. Pupil making the greatest imirovement: Howard Randall. BDifll OverflHmiH Second Honor: Lucile Barnett, 'annie K. Coleman, Bessie Linthi um, nuji? .inpea, mary rtfi| v? 11- i ianvon, and Malcom McCranie. Leaders- Marv Nell Williamson ] ?7, Fannie K. Coleman 97, and Ru- i >ie Sneed 95. 1 Pupil making the greatest improvement: Fannie K. Coleman. Fiftjj Grade ? . First Honor: Mary Deweese. ' Second Honor: Joh]^ Davidson, {ill Bayless, Noah Hembree, Mary "ornweyy, Martha Nell Wells, Ella 'ampeau, Esta Swaim, Sallie Kate taker, and Eloise Hampton. eLaders: Eloise Hampton 98. ' so ah Hembree 97, and Mary Dcraeso 96. 1 Pupil making the greatest improvement: Elsie Tilson. ( Fail user for the pa?t month: EI- ' lie Tilson, Daisy Belle Atlmer. 1 ?earl Decker, Charlie Wise, Clarence Sneed, J. H. Brindle, and Ed- * rin BarnetC (Continued on page S) i Section of Western * LARD SPEAKS C T YOUNG HARRIS T *-> r-? m m *?? & t? ? uUmmc.nCc.iviE.n i rcises Began I hurs- M F.vening?Debate will Draw Crowd ? t "imyr !I:ir i-. Ga., May 8?Fin-' r?!:ms for the comment ment pro. m f r Y< Han-is College hav.. i > in i on com- lotcd. according to an- ^ >uncement just made through the ^ ess by I)r. J. A. Sharpe. president tv ' the institution. Heat urine the , xerci-e will be addresses bv Col. . . Ti. ?r pUy. H harpe, and Professor S. It. Tolar. aecial commencement sermons will ,, i?I?i pr ached by Rev. L. .T. Ballard, f Atlanta, business manager of the ^ v'o-tloynp Christian Advocate, and >r. James II. Hakes. of Atlanta. residing elder of the sout^ Atlanta ^ : strict. i mu Of special interest t? alumni and "f Sumnae and friends of thc in-ti- nu ution and perhaps the event that mi rill draw the largest crowd, will be . Co ie annual championship debate be- ses ween the Young Harris and Phi t-ei 'hi Debating Societies lar. ?f Saturday evening, annual cbam- h? >ion debate between Young Harris jr ind Phi Chi societies. >*, Sunduy morning, commencement ermon by Dr. James II. Kakcs, prniding elder South Atlanta district. Vtlanta, Ga. Sunday evening, -ermon by Kev. * , .. J. Bnllar-l. business manager of he Wesleyan Christian Advocate. Vtlanta. , Monday morning. May It, cxer ises by first year colloge. Address >y Hon. J. H. Dillard, Murphy. N*. y( Subject: "Reminiscences of O. lenry." Monday evening, graduating e\ rcises from college. Baccalaureate ^ iddress bv Dr. J. A. Sharpe. There are forty-three students In he ^enior class this year, many of vhom are from this section. The lass roll in full follows: Lyle Arowood, Gertrude All good, Min Akin, Graeme Alley, Helen ^ Wair, Daisy Bond. Thomas Brown. F'dgar Curtis. Mary Copeland, Lois i Coleman, Thelma Coggin, Herbert Davis, Grace Doss, Jewel Dunn, Loft and Maude Kmberson, Nell Er- (j? vin Miller Franklin, Fannie Griffin, Carl Harris, Nanie Mae Greene, ^ornelia Haley, Pauline Hood. Inez j vfones, Minnie Keeter, Claire Ken- ^ ledy, Josephine Kenyon, Louisa Lon iers, Willie Lanier, Clarence Ium*-. veil, M. M. Maxwell, Ottaway Max- tr veil. Bertha McAffee, Ben Scott.) Walton Segars, Ola Singuefield, Madge Turner, Paul A. Turner. Ag- ^ iea Westbrook, Rosalie Westmore-*; and, W. W. Whaley. . H Beaverdam Township To Build Road Here " According to an announcement' *' nade Tuesday by the road commit-' ? doners of Beaverdam Township, work will begin on the road from Appalachia by way of Unaka and j"! Dgroet to the Murphy Township line ! ifowyj the Hiawassee River in the' near future. The Beaverdam Town- j ^ ?hip bonds have been sold and the I commissioners are ready to push' the coad *o completion. Messrs. | 1* Will Hall, E. E. Stiles and Joe j m Brown are the Beaverdam Road j Commissioners. jw ADVERTISE IN | THE SCOUT 7 "IT WILL MAKET YOU RICH" ? North Carolina 1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION HAS GOOD MEET artin Re-elected Coun- ^ ty Superintendent ? Large number Committeemen Here The County Board of Education special meeting at the court house rtdav, unanimously re-elected Mr L. Martin, of Murphy, as CounSchool Superintendent for the lowing term. It is understood it ther? was only one other appliM l over the county Then folded a two-hour session of speech iking, in whic^ the school affairs the county were di -cussed by a niber of speakers. After the open eting in the court house the unty board went into executive ;sion with the County Superlnident and school committeemen, d among other thing-, appointed mmitteemen fur some of the discts of the county. One of the most interesting perns in the school meeting was Miss iry E. Brown, of near Earner, nn.( who is supervisor of several liools in Beaverdam Township, si Brown is a great worker and s made many sacrifices for her nools in the lower end of the counThrough her unceasing efforts e has been able to establish a tall vocational training depart?nt in connection witjj her school ar Earner, and is teaching the ildrcn trades. Sht? hud with her nMurnhv Mnn.l.v ???,? . r-, ? - WVMUl.^U. g' and baskets made by some of r schol children. Miss Brown is ing a irrcat work. The County Board is composed Mr. T. T. Johnson, of Culberson jute 2; Mrs. \V. B. Fisher, of Ancws, and Mr. J. F. Palmer, of arble. HOT HOUSE NEWS > Ifaney Gaddis has moved to the A. Townson farm. Miss aMrgaret Gaddis spent last lesday night with her sister, Mrs. . M. Withrow. Mr. Estes Simonds spent last icsday night in the Ducktown bat. Mr. Garnett Amburn is very sick this writing. Mr. Edwin Payne gave a singing iturday night. Mrs. Mary Arp is very ill with teumonia. Mrs. B. G. Cross spent last Thursty in the Ducktown basin. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gaddis were sitors at Mr. Tom Gaddis' Sun. k>*. Mr. Allie Johnson made a ouaucw ip to Mineral Bluff Saturday. Mr. I. M. Gaddis has been on the :k list this week. Misses Myrtle Brown and Lena agness was out fishing Saturday 'temoon. We had a nice singing at Mt. Moah Sunday afternoon. Th?re will be ?reaching services ; the home of Mr. I. oM. Gaddis uunday. May 13, at 2 p. m. Mr. Avery Brown has returned 5mc from Kentucky. We had a nice crowd out for Sunay School last Sunday. The armer who doesn't worry mch today is the one who hag a tonthly income check from chickns, cows, hogs and a big check jg hen his cash crop is sold. )