NEWS REVIEW OF i CURRENTEVENTS flans of Communists for AntiAmerican Drive Revealed in | Foster TriaL ' *: LEGAL PARTY HERE SHIELD? i i Wring Pries of Sugar Causes Investigations? Early British Intervention in Ruhr Situation Is PossibleRussia Condemns Catholic Prelates to Death?Packing Concerns Merged. By EDWARD W. PICKARD -t 0 \ RE you and your friend* # ' 'ware of the persistent and \ f j3 campaign that is being * \ c~ -J on by the communists, \ * bolsnevists, radical socialists and * * other varieties of "Reds" in the # ' United States with the purpose * the government? Are you fully J 4 awake to the danger, or do you 0 * believe there is no danger to \ 0 America in the work of these * t world revolutionists? \ 1 4 IN THE opinion of th** American officials and many other citizens who are well informed, the people of this country are not devoting sufficient thought to the doings of the "Reds" in the United States under the instructions of the third Internationale whose headquarters are In Moscow. If the lllii'i uiu i ;>'H sa, I'l.c'i l'j >? ' ri-i L"vrniment agents and us* 1 by the proseeu* tlon in the trial of William Z. F<<a. ter and others for vvl.ition of ti.< Michigan anti-syndicalism law is to h* relied upon, the Russian Communist organization is planning a emit ntitlAmerican drive for the Immediate fu ture. A call has been sent out for n Communist convention In May to pen alder the organization details ->f a le pal political party under which thi illegal activities of the Communist? may be sheltered. The rail, which !? signed by John Richards, says lr part: "Under pood and had leadership 1' (the Communist porty) remains out party. Within our party we are bounc together by common alms, with com men hopes and aspirations^ Our parti jjj n is. b?^H ( nun mi uiu $ If anyone wants oi ! me or come to Swee k glad to help you buv J W. B. | SWEETWA 1 II? wa | - THE LORA\ k Gastc | Is adding 25,000 sp X can use several fami | ers. T ransportation X famiiies. Address? ? Employ The GAST< kj?"T THE CH its world parly under the guidance i and discipline >f the Communist In- i teruatiouale. "The executive committee of the Communist Internationale has mads a decision for our section, the Communist party of America. (This decision is for an open political party and an underground true Communist party functioning as one). >ot one true Communist will desert or lessen his activities. We shall unite to carry out the decision." Minutes of the governing body of the ' third Internationale, presented at the l uster trial, show thnt the Workers* party in America was created by ?ie.-istou of the intcrnutioiiale. The d??cu1 Tli". live AIIXTH'Sn situation, says: "Under existing clreuin-t;ilues it is Impossible for the Cow taunist party in the Cnlted States to o a legul party. Of course the party an develop open lanor organizations, i such as the Trade Colon Educational league. of which Foster is secretary. It ran even build legal revolutionary workers' organisations, it mu?; n!s?> launch a legal party with the panose that the communists can enter openly :ts tanks without permitting the police to know which of the members are Communists and whli-h are not. "But the underground organization, nhme membership consists entirely of 'omrounlsts, must not he liquidated. ; t?n the contrary It must be built firmer jund stronger. "It is the duty of the Communist party to defeat by any mean* that may e necessary the capitalist govern tment attempts to confine the revolu onary party to the underground cfcan 'r.els. In carrying out these Instructions. the Communist party rausguard Itself against the tendency tc repudiate ?>r neglect the illegal work? the tendency to become legal fn . act-" Last week the chle< witness In ths . Michigan trial was Charles F. Ruthenburg. secretary of the Workers' party. Through his testimony was developed the main part of the defense?that the legul party is all there is left of the Communist movement in America. INTdRFXTTLY connected with the "Itel" campaign?but connected, nevertheless, in the m nl? of thinking persons?are innumerable circumstances. events and superficially ' harmless movements ami propaganda. The leaders of the Republican party are realizing that ti e party Is being endangered by the a- : vi Itles of the radicals who remain w ithin i its ranks and apparently wcnhl he t gia<l to have them get out and a r ' third party f their own. The current i number ??f the National Republican. - ti e sen.'.-crth ial organ ?f the Repubr llcan national committee, contains an editorial In which this paragraph up~ pears: "Radical organizations having their headquarters in Wushjngton have htva advising their Socialist devotees to bore troia wunxn cue existing old parties, with a view to revolutionizing the principles of these parties while retail :ng their names. Republican t;u has stood for ab t all the *bor ag from within' consistent with the presec vat ion of the party. "The Whig party w as c 'mpromised out <>f existence and that fate is pc?? FOR OVER 40 YEARS HAIJL/9 CATARRH MEDICINE has b*?. n used successfully m the treatment of IIALT-"3 CATARRH MEDICINE eor.? : :.n tmcr.t wh: yulekiy . application, ar.d the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta ' . the F <-n M ; :s Surface*. thus reducing the inflammation. Sold by :-.ll drusri: sts T' J < h-ney A- Ci . T > in. Ohio. * ne or two mules, write J twater, Tenn. \\ ill La them. AXLE\ TER, TENN. ? j 1 iIlCM ' COTTON MILL r>?"a, N. C. indies to their plant and ilies who have girl work- ? i Advanced to reliable \ \ merit Office jray Mill | DNIA, N. C. ? | lEJtOKEE SCOUT. MURPHY. WO?T? ? - rtble to mbf party whose really loj^i ^ leader* and members will not battle < Lbe hostile invaders who have htif < through the wall under the camouflage ^ ?f a Trojan horse. *It la. not too much < to ask that men who claim to' be Republicans should believe tn the funda- mental principles of Republicanism and y aot look upon the Republican party merely as a convenient means of pettins their names on the public pay ( . rolL" PRESIDENT HARDING. while In St. I Augustine, let it be known that he ; t thinks the statement of Attorney Gen erul Paugherty. that* Mr. Harding *oul<l be a candidate f?u- renoralna- i } Liou ofiu wvuau uu>e no real opposition, i " might better have been with he: ! f-?r the present. The" Preside:.; .n his 1 study of th<> situation is understood to { ' have singly in his tnlttd The tv re- i mining year# of his administration and to feel that proper solution the problems they will present should be ^ subject of more thought than what Is to happen to him personally in *934. Mr. Paugherty has made it phi:;. sii.-e giving out his statement that It was not Inspired by the President. I-ust Tu* sday Secretary of War Weeks made substantially the same prediction as did Mr. Paugherty. In his opinion Mr Harding will have no oppo- i ; sitiou in the party convention except ' possibly that Senator 1-a K<?Uette. j rvj resenting the radical elements of : the party. DV TTTK death of Senator Nicholson of Colorado and the Imminent npp atment of u Democrat to snctwl hlin. the Itepublicnn majority In the senate w ill be so reduced that La Follettes radical bloc will hold the balance of pooer. Wood row Wilson telegraphed to Governor Sweet urging the appointment to the senate of Huston Thomson, one of his warm supporters and now a member of the fodernl trade commission. William C5. McAdoo lias ashed the governor to give the place t?> Morrison ShatYmth of Denver. Mr. Sweet says he nil! take his time in filling the vacancy. Mr. Wilson's action is taken by many as :m indication that he i* ready to resume the leadership of his party, if the party is willing. RECENT Increases in the retail price of sup.,;-, with predictions that tic commodity would soon sell for j'> cc:.*- a pound, have given prcir concern : ot i.-> to householders pen oral > ' * especially Jo politic:.: The Department ?>f Justice has |?ce:i nvestigatlng the truth of charges m do by the People's Legislative service that sugar manipulators have conspired to rob the people of millions <f dollars; and in re*p. use to the assertions .>f certain Democrat* and others that the rise is due to the Increased duty of the \ ordney-Mfitumher tariff law President i! tr. in, i; struct ed the federal tariff comm s*?on to ascertain the . facts, pr utilsJng to r. d-t'-r the tariff if were found excessive, as he is au thotlsed to d?. it I* understood th? commission h: > decided the advance* in price have nothing to do with the Increased tariff and will recommend nc reduction of the duty. SOVIET Russia last we* v was on the verge of an act that wouiii have out l\:-red the feelings of i the civilized world. Archbishop Zop- ! iiuk and Mgr. itutci<i:a\ich of tiie lti>- J tuan Catholic church were tried before 1 the Supreme court in Moscow for counterrevolutionary activities and j were found guilty and sentenced to i speedy death. Pretest* were received : from Poland. the I'rdted States State department and the pope. and Kussia's amnesty departtm ;.t committee granted u temporary stay of sentence and , referred the appeals for clemency to 1 the central executive committee. It is i the IVdshcvists will be satis- ! : d ' .;! tii ? deportation of the church- ; a. t T ' t'-c world's grc fest pick-j ?n vrn*. the Armour and Morri ?? : :; a: .es. were consolidated last aft c months of negotiation. A j iv - h> : corporation was formed with a capital of .Seo0.iRH?.000. Morris : 0. Co. was p irvhas-d by the N rth American Proxi-ion company, a sub- ( - diary of Armour & Co. ??f Delaware. in turn a sul-> . arv of Armour Sc Oo. .?f Illinois. for p: .Imatelv $27,lo0.- j r-UO. payments to be made in cash and stock. With the liquidation of Morris { & Co. Armour & Co. wil! have total J a*x-ts of approximately &KIO.OOO.OOO.' accord.*".g t available balance thpotc j ox the|aro - . In lf?21 the a .-, gregare sai?-s ..f the tw.? companies QABAH BERNHARDT*?* astoolsl tag J i" tiie vnUra iv tiQ tnst ) Tne? 'ay. <: ! France, and with her nil the world. r ?':rn?*d the pas?in.: of the create? *-??? . of the nee. While! messages ??f '? h-h-nce hy the thou- ; -anda poured n fr-ni every land, the I b< !> "f the I?;\ Sarah lay In the: rosewood <>-r'in <he hud rnnde for her" many nc-?. and on Thursday, fur a us' st ir?-.T 'w.r.c funeral, she was . ! to r? -t in Pee La Chaise, PriAM BERLAl N'S! u COUGH "i kemedYs . v . FOR TXC eeucr or Coughs. Colds. Croup WHOOP1N6 COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS, -SOLD EVERYWHERE- . I CAMOKJNA naHB9SK^aK9BABCBBBMI >???? ?<too >io????oo??oc??: > Grape Creak | 1 kir. Jeff James is very ill at thi?| m-itinp. Mr. and Mrs. John Graves visited heir daughter Sunday. Bom to Bob and Elva Graves on Vpril *J2nd. a fine girl. Mr. Hartie Dockerv moved to ;h:s' dace one day l??t ?e?k. " People around here are bu?y planing corn. t There will be preaching at this place Sunday. Everybody invited to come. Mi- ?> Kate Humphries. Mattic i Nellie Lovingood went to Saiem ?un?* - morning to preaching. Our S**?\ay School has gone dead and vrc -render who will wake it up.! We ?ure are h??iri? rainy wcathcr at th:? writing. . Miss Annie Hunsueker visited Miss Kate Hunsuckcr Saturday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Graves a fine baby girl. The singing at Grape Ci*eek is progressing niqelv under th0 nwn:.r ent of Mr. Luther Graves. Ev r vi cdy come. Messrs. Tom Grav? * and Blufford 7 -indexter have positions at Snowbird. ?. Mr-. Rose Ann Killiam and little , cror.dson visited her daughter. Mrs. C| Elsie Graves. Friday. Aftoj. being on ths sick list so ' ng. we are glad to see Mrs. Mary' Jo Poindexter improving. All the farmer* of our section arc bu*y planting corn. j Mr. Charlie Dockerv is doing good work with his saw mill. Mr. Harley Dockery has moved :n hi* new hous0 on Grape Creek. BOX DINNER AT HARRIS CHAPEL Thert will be a box dinner at Harr Chapel on the f.rst Saturday in Jv .o for the purpose of raising moruv '?> nurcha e an organ for the church. Rev. Noble will preaci, at 10 o'cook a. m.. and dinner will be immediately after. j Keener Monument Co. J. S. Kt^NER, Manager Tomotla, N. C. Cafl or Writ? if You need a Monument \t? tt t JNo vv People are t same good r limit. It is t; looking. m:ir economical? }l\itch for IV ill j t The Nei Sod mm SidO fit DRIVE AN OVERL Children Cry for Fletcher*^ The Kind Yon Hare Always Bomght, and which has in use for over thirty years, has borne the signamit^f * /f ^ Oil tCK? wrapper lux rn?c? sJnsi t0 protect the comuM'b generations, uo not De deccin^L*; All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bX. > Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health^^E 'J Infants and Children?Experience against Experiment. i Never attempt to relieve your baby wit?**" remedy that you would use for yourajj*515 What is CASTORIA \ Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregorifl^r Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contaj^BpeU neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance ftMlT age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it hjBCrr been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, FlatulencyH^Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arisiM therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, the assimilation of Food healthy ?ni! ??tUT2l : The Children's Comfort?The Mother's Friend. '"flj GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAJJ In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM K CCNTAUa COM??*NV. MKW VOMK CITY. UBSCRIBE TO YOUR HOME PAPER?$|. pROOUCP MONEY MAKING YIELDJ TENNESSEE CHEMICAL CO. ALBANY ATLANTA ?I??a??a??phmu?c?? Ml HIGH GRADE ACID AND GUANOS Fcr Sale by F. D. Dickey Feed Co. Tennessee Slreet MURPHY N. CAR . ? - ?-? nn rr?rw^ 1 I 1 e^~ J ondcr Salss Soar I ippiauding the new Overland for the Sj eason that v.c bach Ovarian J to the 9 ie greatest Overland ever br.lit?better fl e comlortnhlc, marc dependable, more fl at the lowest price in history. fl Overland A ? rcrln etr.cnt ia Tkc S*. . . J.y E vrwimg Pvs$ fl| \rlP%?0&iz> I nisier iiii Lempe S79S All prices f. e. b. Tolcde E. C. MOORE AND AND REAUZS T3E DIFFERENCE; ?~~7J

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