r T^r. " !??vV . ' If yv. i * ant n roofing out of the ordinary, ' let us :Jh>w you the striking color designs obt finable with Barrett Evrrlastic Octag oral Strip Shingles. Then unique shape, fadeless red. green or blue 1 Jack mineral surface and exceptional durability, make them the last word in sturly. beautiful, economical roofings Let us quote prices?you'll be pleasantly surprised. Cherokee Manufacturing Co. Factorytown?Phone 95 I / / ^ /-+OCCII and j Ifk-pho C-K-X-X-K-K-X^K^K-X-X-XK-y M- I I'- Brown well of California* ha ; ... opted a position with the Stat Highway Commission as resident i np'neer for Cherokee County H and Mrs. Brownweii have moved to Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Travis cntertained Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Thomas Kinsey, of Cincinnati. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bruce, of CuH son were in Murphy wn husin? th? first part of the week. Mr. Bruce is a son of Mr. \V. L. Bruce. of Culberson. Dr. Snow, who has been prescript ruggist for the R. S. Parker j Drue Company, has resinned and return'd to Copperhill. where he has' ] r?ha. . .| the Prince Drug Store. Mr. J. 11. Nichols, of Culberson. v * a visitor here the first of the week. Mr \V. A. Bryson invited in M - I>. With rspoon. Mrs. R. S. Parker. Mrs. J. W. Thompson and Mr-. W. H. Travis for a table of bridge Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Witherspoon and Mrs. Travis won bij.h - ore. A delicious salad couise' at.i! coffee were served. On Thursday afternoon. May 3. 11*23, Master Charles C. Dickey. - n of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dick?y, cih-' brat<d his eleventh birthday by entertaining eighteen ?'/ his little friends at :? party. The color jvh< mP of pink and white was carried ut ?n the decoration of the living rooms and dining room. Many contests, games and fortune telling, was a source rf thorough enjoyment to th youngsters. Refr shm Tits were served in the dining room vhah v.as lighted by a pink shaded chandelier. A lovly white cake on whn^ burned eleven pink cand! v farmed the centerpiece for *he dining tnhle. Th - o who enjoyed Master Charles* hospitality were: WHAT FUN IT IS TO BE HUNGRY! ! YOI' can't be well and hearty un- j less you arc properly nourished? you can't be strong unless your 1 appetite is good. |f . Cor a keen appetite, good digestion. f rich r?-d blood, and the "punch" and . pep" that goes with perfect health. iou need Gude's l'epto-Mangan. Take Gude's for a short time and noii- tlie big difference in the way you look, cat and feel. Your druggist lias it?liquid or tablets, as you prefer. . Gude's I n ,1* repio-jv\angan j Tonic and Blood Erxricher NOT! * I have six nice mule* for si ?. One pair 6 years? old; One pa ] ] These mules can he seen in ) ; or in pairs. Witt sell cheap ft A. J. M> FOR SALE BY Thn. S. Evani Murphy, N. C. :~:-<~x-x-x-:-:~:~:~:-:-:-x~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-*^ % i. L/J " Z ersonal ? .j. ; "I ne 20 .j. Misses Frances Dixon, Elsie Tilson, I Sallie KnU- Bak.-r, Mary Nell Wells. I Kath'.een Axley, Lois Hill, Nettie ! Hou ton D ckey Frances Dickey, j o Mary Deweesc, Lucile Hiii, and I John Bay less. John Davidson, Wil-1 iam Thompson, William Bayless. k Barton Cope, Marshal BMl Jr., j F James Axley and Wallace Green. ! Mrs. Raymond Lybrook and little, laughter, Frances, left early this F morning for a visit to Mrs. Ly- F brook's mother at Lynchburg, Va.,! k -.vlio is reported to be very ill. t ? Misseg Clara MoCombs and Emily f Sword entertained a number of d young people atthe home ef Mr. and I* Mrs. P. H. Sword Wednesday eve-j u ning from 7:30 to 10:30 o'clock in; h honor of Miss Myrtle Henson, of s Sylva. A number of games were o played, after which delicious refresh d ment were served. Thost. present a besides th,. hostesses and purst of h honor, were Misses Mabel Ellis. El- t la McOomhs. Gertrude Rrittain. I Carie Brittain, Mary Jo MoCombs, js Elizabeth Hampton. Bcttie Kate j p McCembs, Claudia I.oudermilk, An-j t nie Sword, and Messrs. L. E. Mint*. j > W. E. Stud--t.ll, Tom MoCombs, Can ' Dobbs, Luther Ellis, Porter Axley, | Wilbur MoCombs, I.owry Hill Frank Dickey Jr., ami Jake Palmer. Mr. W. B. (iartrell. fornv-'-ly ?n i the wholesale goods business hen*. ^ but now <f Kr.oxviile, r onn.. has ' ^ been here this week on bu-*r..'rs. M<ssrs. Samuel and Giles Coyer u in Murphy Thursday on business. Messrs. J. K. Storey. A. C. Richmond. W. M. Fain and R. \V. S pe motored *.-? ii 1 bi i ville Sunday al't ernoon to view the scenery along the Topton-Robbinsville road. Mr. F'. A. Davidson is placing brick on hi !ot for his n"w homo. A farmer i? Pitt County built a sweet potato ht.uso ot the sug-r *:i??n of the county agent two years | ig. Thi spring he ha* sold 2<Ml !>ushels of potatoes in the town of Vyden at $1.25 per bush-1 and i oiling about 200 bushel? more for >odding at $1.50 per bushel. His icighbors who have potatoes to sell rom| the bank are letting theirs go rom fifty to seventy-five cents p*ri "hoiM W Hums and bruises?^ I MENTHOLATUM I ^^cools and heals^^ Ej ? ?le?One , vr 5 year? old; j* ir 6 and 7 years old v i Murphy. Will sell sinple 4* or cash. ^ \RTIN THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml A Sports Jacket ! Sfn7TT75'Hi^HE After tne style of a Chinese Undarin coat is this sports jacket f heavy silk, vividly embroidered r, Chineses design.. Hat of felt wi.h chou" of gros-grain ribbon and erline tails. )ON"T BLAME THE CHILD? Don't scold your children for lnck if control over kidney secretions, j t is nol always the children's fault ?in many case,; it means weak j idneys and can he readily righted.; lead this Asheville mother's advice: Mrs. \V. B. Whital: *r, 336 S. 'rench Broad Ave.. As> ville, N.C.,! ays: "I am never w'thout Doan's I Cidney Pills in my h-?nv and I :now thcrq is nothing better for idney complaint. My lit daugh-J er has always had ?rl: ' dneys nd was annoyed a lot I ; *' too requent action of the kidn? both ay and night. I had heard D un's Cidney Pills highly spoken of so 1 ised them. They soon regulated ler kidneys. I have taken them nvyelf when mv kidneys were out of rder and 1 was ru? down and felt lull and languid. My kidneys also icted too frequently but Doan's mve never failed to relieve these ntacks." pr|?? nnc af aii Don'* imply ask for a kidney remedy? rot i>oan*$ Kidney Pills?the same hat Mrs. Whitaker had. Foster lilhurn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. -Adv. The State Farmer's and Farm Vomen's Convention will be held at ht? State Collepe thi* year on July 1. Auirust 1( and 2. Marke those lates on your calendar. I Wi IB Pi Wit 3 JRPHY. NOKTH CAROLINA EIGHTH MONTH HONOR ROLL OF MURPHY SCHOOL (Coatin??4l from page 1) >ixth trrade? Fir-t Honor: Geneva Lovinjrood ir.d Elizabeth Maneval. Second Honor: John Bayless, lardie Camph M. Annie McJunkin. t'irjr nia Dewerse.. Eloise Fain and n\us I?yer. i.fadors: Eioise Fain 9'J, Ellraeth p.Mncvil 98. and Geneva Lovi'k?od movement: El?it- Cornwell. ^ewnth Grade? F.rrt Honor: R Ua Belle Palmer. J xnd Loui>t. Faircloth. nd Honor: Janv William-! v.. Gi::de Lovinpsoil. R ll:i Belie I Palmer. Kathrine Miller. Loaders: Rilla IK le Palmer 9r>.5 j Louise Faircloth 95.5, J a in eg Wil- ' liamson 95. provement: Lucile Hill. Failures for the pa t monthCharles Zimmerman. Pearl Swaim, Frances Dickson and Bertha Simonds. uiun o*. nuui. First Year? First Honor: Leila Posey and Flora Step mens. Second Honor: Margaret Coylcs. Leader*: Leila Posey Flora Stephens 95, and Marjraret Voyles 94.5. Pupil making: the greatest improvement: Fannie Kate Brendle, 13 pointy gained. Failure:; for tht? past month: Henry Harnett, Hugh Brittaln. Frank Ellis, Herbert McCall, Burt Savage, Harold Watkins, Mary Akin, Emogene Axley, Noreny Canvpeau (no Ex.), Bertha May Cope, Kate Cornwcll, Bertha Crain. Helen Hall, Flora Harbin. Eugenia Holcortibe, Grace Lybrook, tixma McJunkin, May Palmer, Blanchti Teague and Edna Vandiver. Unsatisfactory pupils making below 75 on deportment: Herbert ''all, Burt Savage, Bertha May (' :<e, Helen Hull. Dorothy Henley. ::r.d Lt na McJunkin. Second Yer? Second Honor: Lucius WitherCASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ? You Can Get WeFl Through CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS DR. E. E. SMITH CHIROPRACTOR Davidson - ------ Building Murphy, N. C. B?? McaBaii nen ? - ? curve. 1 ! . ' u ^roar.L'-.i v." i'uvuc c . l>a. \VK.'.: .. . ;1.V 1 l.iUcr." FI in 1925, rtatior. t ha', bn . the increase in . years that the corttfy's ir.ver. tcr than the i-ivefr-. :it re steam railroads combined. iiout improve.. ilrricatinn this ossible. This company has ?? Tine, the "fr-mdarJ" ei! for t r nr.,* ma";cs the powci -f uart of oh". ANDAP.D OIL CON ii } ji steady season-'n and vason-out V ing our power in a < : - of patt 'matters. Wt on* n at 7 cv.ry morning t CURLLL CLOTHES Suits J. w. c X STORE OF ' ^ Join the Chamber of Commei spoon and Beulah Barton. Leaders: Lucius Wither^poon 95 Beulah Barton 94, and Maurine Fain 92 ;S. Pupil makinsr the frrcatost improvement: Luc.us ^ ithorspoon. 3 \ poir.U pained. Third Year? Failure*! for the past month: Kvelyn Hill, Pauline Martin and Fay Wise. Leaders: Corbett Allen 95 >4. and Harry Miller 91. provement: Corbett Allen \ point. Failures for past month: Can ? Hrittain, Nannie Dickson, Bettie K. McConibs Annie Sword, and Katliryn Thompson. 2in| Positively fh( iL-z _t;.. oiai win Sim shoes-No dis. (si?*) qual V Pa; "* Su??fR'0? 'J js liasttx F F IX*!Wy Comnanv |??r. 3'V ...C'v,* CfilOi x "; :o:'.?cd an tlie cr. - r>ur.>.;cci .ilea ".vticn tiit'v v.'cre arpiic .. .J The -pr.r,; s aomplrhrio ichor., mostly. Just frh'.i.v:. picture ' puir- <_ .rcr.t. S :o*or tree.sp ri dorrv '.r trr.ent in too: r vehicles is nos illlngstr.". ctrcc: railway > development would havebcc; fi'T" ft*r* nrrft^rsns n , ? t c notor lubrication. It present Foctivc. Ask tor Po'arin. -no 1PANY (New Jersey Tm*. m You'll Appreciate X This Store Most? t When you hav0 planned on X putting say S26 to $35 into X n nt and the only thinst X you can find that you lik.* X is around $47.50. X if That's the time to th:nk of ^ us?when you need }l friend ? We make hund red of < customers by first d in :--tr.-.; - -jy rn, price, model o nr r.vy ^ ,o open men*, c to VALUK. ^ $22.50 to $35 ? Davidson QUALITY ^ ce and Help Marphy Growl | 't I ftPHO Leaders: Mary Ella Clew K9 5S,. Pupil makinp the greatest improvement: Irene Champion. Teachers Honor Roll? Mrs. V. I,. Herndon, Miss Itynr* Albright. Miss Minnie Ferguson, Miss Ella McComhs, Miss Mary Jo McCombs, Mrs. W. K. Miss Julia Graham, and Mrs. P. I-. Kinsey. CTIAS. F. OWEN. Supt. A garden will grow in any spot where weeds will prow, savs workers of the Agricultural Extension Service. Reduced food co sts and better health are the result* of growing vegetables at home. ?III IB 111! Black Paste ^ShoePolish 2 onlu polish ic unij or uuinp agreeable odor ITYraffiQUAOTrrv : (digest sale in America N Y ?ad i! t s: "k_ afi || I, * j " i i ^ R

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