?a | DIXIE GROWERS | ASSOCIAT I By DR. FRED CO tMHOt a 8 a W, are calling attention to those who a*"? planning a large, or small* r Tobacco crop with thi- Association thi5 year to the fact that many plant beds are now ready to transplant. We are trying to get reformat km to all those names we larre c, our a. .c:ut:cr?;l list; but those who -'-r c ntemp'etmir . w ing a Tobn . t> crop *. y ar, .r.d have not owed seed beds, may take appl:cat:on to us at once for plant-, and th* - 'an*. a* b funoshed Thi :vic .* ons shoult'. be tt the As.vocia icn to makr a fa r , distrib^.tu !* t'r ? . ? ?ble plants -r-own ' : ho? beds. The: v.-"shiny central aid and in. formation fumi us miking plan ; for a crop should get in touch ' with us at once, i- w. anxious I; It'sllsco'T Unfted St ait Goc js|1 Where to buy USTi I jgyfl Paint A* i O In cur Ctrtam-teed .. . . r tone oj paints, enamels, and varnishes, youoaill uj Jind everything that you need to make your A home more attractive ^ una comj'oriaoie. a Buy at P CHEROKEE MURPHY I I AND SHIPPERSION NOTES IC f encouragement t?> thos* growing Tobacco. especially the White Burley Type, this year. T' -wilt'iiimi is from auth^nitv. "*>urccs; and all thes.tration ereTobacco crops have been grown s* ssfu! right 1 . the 1'. S. Go'-o>r. : : i I me Again j stesTi res I d "Tires ^ ? / I Ti -. ?i> pHE 30*316 "USCO" L is st .1 the fabric oney'o-worth of J ?erica. If your dealer ier io sr" yen so!r.> "~i. he won't ho or' pel von I oil .n "No.' "Usco V ore built b * o.bo Royal Corcr This fact ccunts. res i frhouse&e LI/1TH 612 gallons of Cet cover a bungalow like tl ;ood coats, and at a paint cost wner takes a pride in seeing ppearance in his ncighborhot ivestment which increases th osts less in the long run to pai 'tr-lcin-tetd docs more than beautify; ii id tear * I ~Vim nevt ttm* trmi ? figure with you. You can't beat CUt Vertaifi AINT HEADQUA HARDWARE iARDWARE C MURPHY, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT J BOY MAYOR OF NE FOR n EDDIE MEHAN, a lourteea-year | o.d Ircck.cu-faced boy and sun of I , * waicr ui-Varliuvut employee, w>taa car.a^ J inent gives very favorable and enI cou raging facts on tne reasons for | ;-rood i-u . s in quality and quantity; th.icU' t we aro eacoui a*;. ti. Theli' nr.- also n.any wau ate r.o? j member* of our a ? c.aiion who ate I interested grow a: g ? mail crop | this year for demonstration. We aro anxious to serve this group to I the limit of our tinv and ri sou re. s. These aie invited to get in touch , with us r.t or.\? for piuiin.r.g and putting out the crop. Nearly or.-third the total number of farms problems being studied relate to field crops, soils and ferl \ lire ^'ient -ts .i;.- It. It. W. Kiigo "c. i To make us ve our country, our country ought to Vftly?-Buriftjj Dt-vor.o ORANO Iv ; 1 ?a. LAnir*. A*k y?-r for C! f-CnCft-TER 9 A. LIA.'U'Oia) ND lu K- a E: //V\ Gold pc ic I x.-v * * led wiiii El-e\4v} R.liSen. a.v&B n or uvr. nu. ?r jury/ tl I A .. .?N ? n \ N J I'l 1.1.6. I T rr srjr.l ?- t t.U 0 '-r?y* Rp'.Sr.blr SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Ttvw riitno-fijrpr worth S., C.V1..V. n. ? C Ti;aXi?0 j r/fe$23~ -tain-teeJ paint you can (lis (36'x40') with two of less than $23. Every his house make a good xl. Tiie cost, too, is an e life of your home. It int than it does to repair. i protects the home from wear lint be sure to come in and let vain-tecd for quality and price. tieed RTERS COMPANY COMPANY .. MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA :w YORK CITY JUST VY ' ^Pp; mora HiJliw j ^ Boji Week, April 29 to May 5, on ihtriuay may 3rd.. Ye*. lie ? a; jL-uiwcr?i ami nc, too, represented Lie Democratic Parly whcn in oftice iJa \VA1ER POWER CONFERENCE TO BE AT ASHEViLLE < At the second meeting of the \nnr>-,h'an Water f'awer Cor: t 'op hetd at Ashcv.lle. .ut-.e 2l' :h.? will \>c >n attend- ^ : rcprerentat iv:a of thr o'ght Stnt -. s . .* V rth and South Carrdinn. Vir?; a 'Wr-t Virginia (! -ortrin. Torn. lobar .> a. j y\. ippi. Included in the personnel of the delegate trill he cutd&ndlng figures in publ;c utility companies. * ub. . viiv eoir.m'sv "ops. State , C 'Tc. ai a:"' cor*c*vut ion work, engineers. br.n?;p . and industrials. What water p. .v r hn cento t > n i" rr thus great development nrca ihow.-j by the fn-.t tha". fiftcen to twenty producer' who wiil he represented ab .?:v are conveying over th? ir lines more than a million hydro-electric hors* power. TTae I Confcrcnce will serve to bring together into a common interest and t plan for future development a dis- . trict ir which there exists the greatest interconne cted net of work of h gh tension tran mission lines ea-t v of the P.ock Mountains. i One of the most important prob- v lems the Conference will be called J on to consider will be that of the in- e tcrchamre of power between the va- 1 r;our companies in the several states t th:s involving not only economical h r.nd engineering but legal and ind- t ustrial apects. The possibilities of ueh understanding and prcpartion was vividly illustrated last summer a and in years of tht? greart drought '' of 1021, when an agreement was 1 effected whereby the Alabama 1 Fower Company diverted the power " of the Gorges steam plant near Muscle Shoals, sending it to the Georgia Railway and Power Company, which in turn transm'tted an equal amount of current to the Southern Power Company, It, in turn, transmitted the powe^ received to the Carolina Light and Power Company for the use of its customers in Raleigh and neighboring sections. This operation made up a transfer of power over inter-corl:r.:~ of np^rox'Vj-tc".-,- one thousand miies, a larger distace thr-? such a -ervic* had ever been realized upon in this country, and probably in the world. Understanding and agreement upon this character of essential development is emphasized at the present time by the cirrumstarce that many states arc engaged in water power legislation, some of them proposing a tax upon V* A/ AA?'A? " c I VI pi' " VI . Another difficult but highly important que-?tion to be discussed will be that of the establishment of central steam plants to supplement hydro-electric Rations. Preferably these plants would be placed near deposits and loqatod on streams affording a ;-V->.V. ?ic *. that it wiB he of Intoi o on idem, we shall try t .. k .i,iO the file of The Scou f more th . i thirty years ago nn ffive a number of items that happen d then. We shall try to give resume of the news we-^k for week or as nearly -o as the completejtes of our files will permit. T u r o r A 1! T a 11 u o v v/ v a Successor to THE MURPHY ADVANCE I he PeoDle's PaDer -rotrd to the. Indu?tria?, Educ? tio.??l end material we!f.ir? of Chcrckre County ar.d the Pirdmor.t Region Fntton & Meroney . tore and Publirhcr# EVERY TUESDAY 'FR.'.'Y, N. C.. MAY 12. 1891 :vf bad some cool night snd light frosts during: the pas ,veek. 7. C. Pi !:i v. who attended Fed .Tn' court in A?b:v;!lf\ returnci male Friday. M . Bryan, of Atlanta, id hen u; erinti ndinir the work on :h> nev art hoy . II is ropresentinj Iroee & M -gun. the architects o ht. building. The American M-irh'e Company" ropexly is to be "!d at rc-eivt r* ale on the first Tu day in July fowf. here i - a chance for you am l:m V.-'ughn to inv. st. We came v y no. r not get'ini it cur paper last week on accoun f 'h. ?i < f our ink. hut the En r.neer canie to our rescue am rough I us some front Blue R:dgv Jroti -. Mr.y your shadow neve: trow loss. We have just learned that th? nachitf -v for making the brick fo he new court house. w:!J !>. set u; ie|r Brandreth's > .w mill, and bt un bv his steam engine. The worl rill be in progres in a few days iurrah! for Cherokee! he Carolina Light and Power Com any. which is building near Mon ure 15.000 k. w. unit in connectiot vitu the nlan which rontpmnlnio ? t'timcte development of <50.000 k v. The plant is located on the Capi "car River and rear the I>eep R v r coal fields, which have bteft foun? y a recent survey to be far mori xtensive and to produce a mucl setter jrrade of coal than was here of ore supposed. The conference will also conside: n expansion of activities to includi lepartments concerned with publi< elations, power companies, rcgula ory bodies and the general public nd departments for compiling ant This Laxati Fine 01 TLos^twl* liTt kept tbaitlrM kcahky wilk Dr. Caldwell's Syrwp Peptia VDY C I N fl nvre with its subdued ambitions and stri\ing* could Ik? made very happy if only good health accompanied it. and the Ikisis of good healtli. as every~ learns ujnui >A reaching the age Wtof 60, is the rrgu% ^ 1-ir daily movejhf ment of the bowIf *t can be M M effected through the fond you est, the water you drink oi.d the exercise you take, so much the better. But if nature will not operate it must be assisted or sickness will follow. Neglected constipation causes the blood pressure to go up 28 per cent, and that is the forerunner of hardening of the arteries. It makes rheumatism and gout worse, too. The ideal constipation remedy for people of advancing years is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin a vegetable mmnnmut rJ senna and pepsin with plcnsnntlasting aromatic*. It ? gratia and mild, and doc* not cramp or gripe. It is a mistake to think you need a violent salt or powder, or pill, calomel, coal-tar drugs and such thing*. They purge and Frid.jr. M.jr U, 1923 > Years Ago } | * The municipal election posted off ? juietly and thc following Rentlei ! men were elected. <1 FOR MAYOR Cart- R. L. Herbert * a FOR ALDERMEN A. J. Gurley J. M. Black U. A. Akin R. H. Hyatt L D. Mn W. M West Mr. R. L. Patterson for Ashe*. vil!e and other points last week. "Boh" left Mr. J. M. McGuire to - attend to his Marshal duties while j froue. Died at the r.sid-nce of her son, - 7a>: -r Kephart, Mrs. Dorcas Kephart. of paralysis, on Wednesday i\ *i:re Mnv 7th Shn i? < <.f our townsman, P. M. C. Rhea. d *> iv<- a large family and many " ds to ?!K>urn her loss. ' Mr. A. J. Couper. special ae nt 5 f< * the Atlanta Investment and t Ranking Company, was in our midst last week for th - purpose of estabhing a hran? h bank of the rompany which he represents. Mr. Couj per"* visit here wat the result of a ? v ondencc between Mr. E. It. \orv?.-!l of this place and Mr. W. C. II. . pit- idvi.t of the Atlanta ln* am! Ranking Company. V." ' :i?I to say th it Mr. Couper ^ iifi't ded in r 'tins: enough of tne capital st /ck of the bank taken by some of our business and prof ssional men. t warrant the establishing of a bank hei .. S i A. A. Fain ha* purchased the Dr. Gre r lot in Fast Murphy. Ht. purt-hased it from G. W. Roberts, of ' Chattanooga. Tenn. A'.to * 1. Axlcy. Coop: r & 1 Coaye*. lhilard, Posey and Mauncy art- attending court at Uuyosv'.lle r thij week. T * t'-rm'.nur. of the W. N. p . R. It. will be at Brandreth's saw r mill in Murphy. Th?- cars will not J cross the river for two or Atm e monthr. on a-ount of the railroad \ bridge. Th s b -idge will bt? one that . you "read al it" \vh"n it is completed. - disseminating information as to n?t. ural resources, including water pow^ crs. mineral, forest.*, etc.. available for the ust. of prospective indus1 tries contemplating establishment of plants or business in the region. The execut vi committee. of which Jo j'h Hyde Pratt, director * of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, is ex-offick> 1 chairman as president of the conference, will meet on May 12 for the preparat on of a detailed program. : c Letting folks know you have fresh - eggs, butter or other farm products . for sale is a simple matter if you let i The Scout tell them about it. we Works n Old People ! ANT FAMILY MAT TRY IT FREE | Thousands of parents art asking !h wftAv laiatue that mayor* m Ihe family eon use u hen constipated?" I urge vwa to try Syrup I'eptin. I trill gladly proride a liberal free sample bottle, sufficient for an odrvwote test. Write me uhere lo send it IVaajiu?ftoN 51.. MatlvM*. IUmL'J. Do U no*! weaken you. and their reaction tend* to make you mora constipated than before. a Now try the oiiVler ssethcd. Dr. Culdwell'a Syrup Pepsin does not lose its good effect with repeated use, And increased doses are unnecessary. Mrs. EL M. Burma of Enfield. N. C.. who is 73. keeps herself in good health with it. and Mr. Charles Chorman of Suoletoo, Staten Island. N. Y.. wasted fifteen years and considerable money on other remedies liefora finding steady relief with Syrup Pepsin. Esc Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsir yourself ti?e next time you g suffer from constipation, bilious- ? nees. hcsdacLe. akr(.