X if it isn't in x the scout its because we didn't ? s know it | The Official Orga iLCME XXXIV. NV nXFORD CLASS RENDERS FINE PROGRAM HERE j,B Girl* *r?d Four Boy* in CI?m Pogam is said to Be be?t Ever Given p Th 0\f "l Orphanap ^n^rfnjr Ciao uii1? a highly ent?. training pr. gra1: <'?: the school auditorium la*: Thursday oveninp under the auspl, o? th Murphy Masonic I. -d^e. Thd " ho\ve heinir in perfect harbor;. " unison. The class this year ? - -up sod of ten irirls ana four and those who have heard the * m year to year fo, a onp are unanimous in their pir.M':. :hat the 1 cla-s is the best " on* hv the Masonic Oriha . y. I W. Alderman was in vf . . r the cla..-. and Miss Myrtle ettd the nnmbtr.1 and took ctrf uf fl*.' t.-'s in th? class. B.PTIST MINISTERS CONFERENCE TO BE HELD JULY 27TH Wili Ope., Friday. July 27 and Continue Through Sunday Morning Th,. I ? m t '.njr of the Westerr. N i Carolina Baptst Minis-tin* *?:! I held at Vcn jrfa ' I k Bapll^t hllivl) l> ig.!*r . . .July 27. according to ir a1 a Moment roc. ntly given out by K . ' F. Martin. chmrman of tht i gram * nunittco. 'I"ho convent '? ?Friday nu rning at 11 ' < ck with a sermon l?y II. (\ Whitri- r ai d will li t through the S '-inr pr. a ' ng hou.*. . . ?.- wiil In* hold Friday. . two Saturday and then th Sunday morn r l - >?ion, which will consist largely ' the regular Sunday momirg S School and preaching se:\ Baptist'ministers from all cvej- 1 :.".d Cherokee ^ Counties are t\j ' ?l to In in attendance upoIt th; ?>>nferencc. Thaion 1:1." -?Organization . meeting. 1; -So !!? . Church 'Doctrines 5?ptL hold Different from all oth?r Inations, Kev. T. L. Sasser. 2 1 Docs the present State of | Chrl.t... Living Tend Toward I .in? ting -ti. 'h.lurch in Saving the lost. >v W. 1 Martin. It; Adjournment. * C.i 1 - - it ? e - . ... u i un? muriii iig jci'iun. 9 9:00?Devotional. SThe Best Method in Open- ^ Bng Rii'.^iouH Services, Rev. L. I'. Bmith. I 10:0" \V.n the Seventy-five MilSion C ru; pa irn Biblical? If so. vhat , our unpaid I'Kdges? Rev. Algla "mrMXm- S.tmon. 12 ' ' Oirncr. ^9 Afternoon Session " Wimi is the greatest Hin-!' ^ ^era:.i\. to i:s in Having the OKI Time , Wower in Prayer and Preaching? D. Birt hfield. 2:15?Who are the Elect? 3:15?Adjourn. Sunday Morning Session i 9:00?Devotional. t pA 9:15?To whom does the Sun'day g ^Hchool Belong? 10:0i>-?Sunday School. 11:00?Sermon. property Values Being i m Efltiali^oJ Irs f ^ *11 v/ic*jr wvt ^ Hayesville, July 17.?The county 1 .-i^BPaliz.ng board, composed of the j^vyity Commissioners, the tcourtty assessor ant! his township assist- j < Iftave iust completed a review t B l^perty assessments in thj^l and the new valuation ~ $100,000 in excess of the old < ^ ^WhTPr.t. The board reviewed all < values in an attempt to get < Property of equal value On the book- the same valuation In 1 ^BfV to c-iualize the tax burden. .? *-.nt:A>n was given to com- t (,f r.equality in listing prop- ? ' -1 is-thought that the new1 fl will, prove satisfactory parties concerned. m)t n of Murphy and Cher< YOUNG MURPHY ( DOCTOR LICENSED TO PRACTICE Edward Ev?rard Adams Succrut't / D Applicant Before Medical Board Doctor Edward Eve-ratd . dams, son of Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Ada:-*-, Waa among the successful apple .?nt f->r ? license to prac tice medicii e at its recent m-n- i.-j held in ivalt ijjh, ac?- t; eord.ng to an announcement given to ,, tht. puss .-n the 16th. Then- were t< seventy applications for Jicen-c b?-? i, tore tne Do aid to take the wnti.n exB State, five of whom wery rejected. *\ T.hi i'i was a total uf i 1 i Ltj ;>iicnr.ts (, before the hoard of i-xsnflners. Of t) this number 2S presented x :\ ientiaU 0 I torn other states to he allowed to M practice i,, th: State, two applicants j applied f. ,? limited lice:..- - and forty ^ one applied to the hoard tr full license to pr.tc- ,j, tin and Miecc.-.-fully ja id the ex- p amination. H. was in Murphy a few .s, days last week with hu parent . Dr. y and Mrs. N. it. Adams, and is now , , taking a year's nrn.tir -. in the Ivnox ? He General Hospital. Dr. Adanv t r< ceived the M. D. Degree from the r Jefferson Medical College at the re- jj, cent commencement in June Jiff..-- p, ?n i- one of the best medical schools ,j. in th? o "untrv atal Dr. Adams stood rt, high in his class. In addition to hP- ,j. training at Jefferson Medical College Dr. Ad.kin- i- a graduat of Wake aj Forest t'oliige and of the Murphy n, Higjj school. After spending a year pl as intern in tht. Knoxville Hospital. j it is understood that Dr. Adams will btgin tht general practice of ntedl- :1; c.ne i,, Murphy, forming a partnership with hi? father. ; Hi in HA YESVILLE CELEBRATION MARRED BY RAIN Friday the 13th Prove* Uulucky Day Mfciun* Install Ollisrri a I " M 1 ht. ceiebiati0n in the ciipiul city of Clay County on last Friday was vt marred by an alniyst continuous tl 'wnpour of rain. Quite a large crowd had gather* <1, about no?n in |t, spite of the clouds but as the after- ;h no^n performance r uppdaached a 11 hefty?, doan?jx*tV of rain started. About threj O'clock theft' wnJ some U lo slight hope that the clouds would j_ clear away but th* sky darkened and tf a steady rain set in. This turned Si iiuitiv^ of the vi .Sors toward |helr a^* lomes. Friday the thirteenth prov- f5*'1 L-d ah unfortunate cumbinafton.Tj.-j However* the indoor part *?f tly pro-Ted gram was carried out very suc<*&?- dr fully. % * 1 At 2 o'clock in the Masonic Haft; officers of the Clay County Lndfe^ \*o. 301, were installed by Mr. Wiley Davis, of Andrews, Dbtrlft Deputy Grandmaster the WesteAi *E? S'orth Carolina Districts Dr. 3.' A Sharpe, of Young Harris, was ef. cted t0 have charge *>f the instalation ceremony! but illness prevent-! ' su ;d his coming. Mr. Davis made a Sc hort speech preceding the instaliare* ion. v. L. scroggs was made Urand , ^ faster; B. Neal Haiglex* Senior Warden; (Ico. B. Thompson, Junior1 Warden. Several other officers .vere installed, 4ome by proxy, and ^ heir names could not be obtained. \IV. Alderman, who was in charge >f the Oxiforc* Orphanage Singing . . oe lass, also made a short talk during he ceiemony. %? This waf Jh? Mason's Pay. In i he evening the singing class of the rc< Jxford Orphanage, "which is support- cia d by the Masonic Order of North Carolina} gave a profjram in the au- ^ litorium' in the court honse. The >ast ball gam^. between fHayesviHa Pn ?nd Murphy waa gained out. The lal ree bnrbecu<* served the. lawp of pr< hd court hou. e was "badly intprfcr- aa< d w.'th on account, of the weather. pr< ' II in all, it was a ycry successful : rt < lay, considering the weather. ' cia !'/{+ if Cfjerci >kee County, and the L< MURPHY, NORTH CAROLIN :herokee co. S. S. CONVENTION VER YSUCCESSFUL 'illartf Re-elected Preiidfnt Will Meet Next Year With Andrew! churche* Th. second annual convention of it* Cherokee County Sunday School at ?>n do ed here las I Friday vetting. July 14th foll?)wintr lh,. dec- ' .. .v.- te: > i "i "mih-i.s unci in*- transaction f other minor business. Superfnndent .1. II Dillard. of the I're*vierian Sunday School, was re-cleed preslden* of the association for lie ensuing year; I). H. Til!itt. of^ ndrews./rice-president; Arthur Akin f Murphy, recretary-trerpurer; and ie following were named president* f the various townships of the counMurphy. W. .1. Martin; Notla, I.. Shields; Valleytown, D. W. 'hi.-erhunt; TI Thursdjy and Friday was vv t large. >-. t it Ma< representative a d much good was accomplished as II to.-,, ip attendance were mostly > i achi r-.. supet intendents and Suniv Sthortl teachers, who -r,. largely C '.spomil!e f >r the success of a Suniv School. I hiring th,. convention, xtecfti schol? w rt represented from ! parts of the county. Miss Paris IV id Mr. Sim- aopeare cssion* their addresses were helpful and spiring. The local county worker* ?o rendered excellent service. ^ a:tin% Cri" k Baptist Church led iv number p c.maat- according to the a ile- traveled, exclusive of the I cul t< lurches in Murphy and was award- '? I a larg.* felt Sunday School pen- v int. The Andrews Baptist Church P id the m \t largest attendance ac- ' >rding t?> nnle;. traveled. n Tr? diseasing th? pi'ogress that has *1 n made in the intcrdct'.omination-. d Sunday Seh > ! work ovt r the State e: r. Sims gavc the following inter- n iting figures: "In the State ebn- ' >nticn year ovdir.g March 81. 1923. ni iere were ?? ? county Sunday School inventions held in North Caitolina. total of 1246 Sunday Schools were w presented by 16,500 people. Among iose attending these conventions* tl 15 were preacher.. 572 superinten- ^ nt.s, and 3,146 Sunday School ^ aehers. The average attendance u' r each oounty convention was 19 11' 6 Sunday Schools,.6 0-10 preachers! e3 2-3 superintendents, and 47 2-3 st unlay School touchers. The avce-j'1' 'c attendance for'each meeting was1 31 proximately 250 people." The convention adjourned late ' ^ 'iday afternoon after having decid-je* to meet next tyear with the An- r( ews Baptist Church. j33 In I AYESV1LLE _ SCHOOL ELECTS 1 'SUPERINTENDENT lf>ect to Put School on the Accredited List During the Coming 1 Ye.r Hayesville, July 16.?B. C. Jones, perintendent of the Bry^on City i hools for the past three years, has m" cntly been {elected (superintendent at the local schools by local school! r? and preparations are being er ide for the opening ?of the school i latter part o? August. The: mj tool will have seven teachers this'hS nr besides the superintendent and ' n isid teacher. Four teachers will in the high school. co1 The school authorities are proceed *t! t cautiously in order to meet the luirenient of th0 ? Southern Assottion so that the school will be# ren an accredited rating. Twenty ^ e hundred dollars have been ap- '"c ati ipriated for st library an dsciencc ^ forateries. teachers . Molding the fa, >per certificates - an [ -being hired o* ci-'the school vr&\ be continued the j eh iper number of daw nihtb thdj an luirefnent of the Souther*^. Assor j at< tion. I r^- ? - ?? " tf /> iktt ? fading Newspaper in 1 A, FRIUAX. JULY "JO, 1V2I! "Little Bill" Johnston < ^ ,'il i WM. M. .loHNSTON, in winning ic* worldV lawn tennis championlip at Wimbledon recently. played hat. dias uuin-atblr tonius. He .li.-piiM-.t knin.-"- T" inter, another Aim rican, 6-0, 6-1, JUMMER SCHOOL COMES TO CLOSE loft Students Do Good Work Mnny Will Teach in County , School! The Cherokee County Summer chool closed its six weeks summer . ssion. her?j WWne-day with the wjixd.iitc of promotion fSNR- init1 >,the more* than fMxty-fwp-4^?rfrers. 1 attendance upon the a?s*iunt lany of thescord by the summer school, howver, a few were disappointed l?y i?t making passing marks ??n all r.cr- , kill schbol subjects. Mrs. D. H. Tillitt, of Andrews, ho has had a wide experience in arher training, was in charge '?>?. , se school. ^ Assisting her wen liss Marion Irwin. of Columbus, hio, and Mtsa^lehienta, of the facty of tht. Greensboro High School. . so a native of Ohio. . Mrs. Tillitt cpres.;ed satisfaction at the way the immer school went off and she be- j L'Vt-s that it was perhaps the most iccessful ever .held, herej all things f m side red. County 'Supei intendent j aitin wa shighly pleased with the f "fi^ient manner i,^ which it was nducted and complimented very feldy the work of the young ladies charge. k OWN COUNCIL HOLDS? MONTHLY ' MEETING TUESDAY reel* Ordered Repaired, and New , Sunday ?i_aw Hour, Are 'Amended A?rThe TowiwCouncil held its regular unthly mewing Tuesday afternoon tht libra-y at which time a numr of routine matters were donsidpd. P?*rh?os of most im'nnftnni-i' is the ord4r directing that the four #in street? bt. repaired as fjniekTy} \ pos#Ue. This work has been re<^i imendcif-"by engineers 01^ several! ffer* rti occasions and it has be-: - * .1 hv necessary in trrdor to save the ?eet-. The work will be inexpen- ' re but wilL prolong the life of the i ? eels and r^move.th roufjh places. ' >^he ordinance ?applying to Kun- t " iy hour* fqr .Cartt's rffed c1o.4^^ 1 urs of othc* .business houses was | c r-enttrd. ? The restaurant hours ?' ?** fixtd jit .fram ?8s t<^. 10 in the I a >rning; 12 to 2 at noon, anil from h to * in ?Ke e^enmg. Th?. Weekly y ^in(foitiess muses was icnd^d o'clock'j>. in-1a ,ad of 10; ad of 6. >_ v IT - . . fi . ' 1' 1 - 4* mvA this Section of Wester tli BAPTIST CLOSE VERY SUCCESSFUL INSTITUTE SUN. MorRar. and T?i>ue Teach M.inusU ? Forty-one Pupils TaUc the Examinations The Sunday School and Y ! U. Institute, which continued thru out rhe pa t cur.,, t :? L-e?sful conclush n Sunday af .c-r n : when forty-one teacher* and V-M'i |fc the Murphy Baptist Sunday Sch "1 took the e>aniin?t r.ns on th- va^-.r, tWoi manuals taught. N*. C. "*1' agu< taught the Sunday School Manual and J. L. Morgan the B V. P. t". Manual. Thirty-one took the H-examination ?T1 th- B. Y. P. I', work and JI took Lh'e examination on th<- first part of the Sunday! SiHool Manual. Portyoae of these t#.k at least two exar.unat . S he took the B. Y. P. L1". work and ? *,? ?of the section.. f the Sunday School Manual, -either She part on organization of the Sunday School or the Bible. The part of she manual on the Sunday School pupil was not given during the institute hut arrangements are being made t<> have it taught during the next week or two. When the officers and teachers c*r>mpk'te. the thii'il,-sect on "f the man ual |Uey wlff^be awarded eertif*.cites. The holding of such c? rtifl- j and teacher? of a Bapti-a Sunday . ates by at least half n a-iHorf^PsteSfcatie and Efficient basis union Meeting attracting many people j ? . ' "* Price Mak ing Strong Appeal?Services Being Held Twice Daily The union ev.ing-.lic.il tent mi < :mg trot off to a Imd start the first of theweek Un account of the late arrival of the toyd and much rain, but us tht! week has \vorn on, the crowds havv. gradually increased and greater inter* st has been shown untii every seat in the big tent has ben taken. Evangelist Thunton 1>. Price is making .some strong appeals. He is a straight from the shoulder preaches, thus far he has preached nore largely for the benefit of the hurch member than the non-church Member. His sermon on the "Sett* r *amily" the do-nothing church! memners, Wednesday night was calculaed to bestir aetion. Thursday night i series of two sermons w begun >n "Some Stumbling Blocks to the Ydvancement of God's Kingdom." rhis series will ht. completed tonight he particular stumbling blocks be 'hristian Men and Crooked Business "'jSMK'V'"* Cliuri.ii Members, ami he long-Tongued, Gossipping Wwnan. This sermon 7TT' expected to ln-ow on .inn ....,.,..,1 Mr. J. P. Moorman has charge of he song service and is training the hoir. Good music is being enjoyed very night "preceding the preaching ervice. .Services are being held at 10 A. L and 7:30 P. M.r daily, and the iiiji*ting wlH continue until the ">th f >August. ?till Found on Collett Creek, Near Andrews Policeman Garland Posey, of Aa? irews and Deputy Revenue Office* ohn Hyde brought into the Sheriff's ffice a few days ago a cwpper still ound on. Collett Creek about four niles southeast of Andrews. At the ime of taking tho still, about 150 isllbhs" of "beeV Vebp."destroyed. The fficeA wore informed of the wherebouts of the liquor making outfii y some, women, who ran across it . irhcn picking blackberries. No clue ' is trf' wftom th<*> still belonged was ound.' at at' not in operation at he tinny it was found. A 4 | ADVERTISE IN ? THE SCOUT X "IT WILL MAKE ; X YOU RICH" Y ' ' n North Carolina 0 A YEAK IN ADV ANCE ~ THIEVES ENTER NICHOLS' SI ORE AT CULBERSON Plott and. Roger? Are Lodged In Jail Acc used of The Thafl Thi*! to have confessed to the robht ry ami impll| iated C i a u d Rogv.rs. Rogon and Plott were tried before Justice of the Peace L. W. Shields and hound over to the next term of Superior court. No bond for their releas#.* was fixed and the boys were br< ught here and lodged in jail. MACON MAN WANTS MOTHER ADMITTED TO U.S. Technical Point in Immigration Law May Turn Her Away Prom America Franklin. July 17.?Joseph Ashear a prominent merchant ?>f this place is in great distress over the fact |hat his m >lhe. cannot/ be admitted Into the United States hecau: ?>f a technicality in the immigration law. Mr. A shear is in New York to meet his aged mother and his mother is stranded on KHis Island but immigration * officials cannot allow her to this country bccaunc the quota"wt i immigrants from Syra tur the monST ?>f July has' been axhaustcd. Mr. Ash ear is taking the matter up with Senator Simmons and through him, with commissioner general of the United States. Officials are trying t find s one way. said. of nr?\ ntimr Mi A shear rfrom being dc-^ deported. All of h?-r people are in the United States and the aged %. mother would bo hearc broken to bo turned aw ly from Arfto?!oa and her relatives. Senator Simmons office is saiil u> be trying to devise a way of preventing her being m ported* The argument is being advanced that the higher law of common humanity ought to prevent the extreme* cruelty of deporting Mrs. Ashtar, notwithstanding the letter of the immigration law. It is hoped here that some way can be found of allowing Mrs. shear to entey the United States. MANY COUNTY SCHOOLS TO OPEN iil,A i muiNUA I Bad Weather Makej F?dy Opisiag Necessary Hope to Remedy Situation Soon Many of the rural schools of the County are scheduled ito open "for the regular fall term on Monday July 23rd, according to a decision reached by the county superintendent in con Terence with members