Friday- December 7, 1923, Are Yoi So5bmon is rated as I the ages^ When Sol pie he used Cedars he was building for Today we use w< ity for general cons st'll leads all woods roof. We Sell i RED CED; CherokeeMan | Factory Town?MUR1 L.occi/ a no Teleptu Miss Maurine Fain is spending the VKk in Blue Ridge, the gunt "f h?'r arte:. M s. Butt. j Mr. E. Nelson ?nd little neice, Jfory Catherine Hentley, spent the] |tek-?nd in Ducktown as the guests of Mi Nelson's daughter, Mrs. Jerry I j"' Mm Kvanell Mauney entertained | a few friends Friday evening at her! home in East Murphy. Those present were Misses Nan Dickson, Marguerite Couch, Evancll Mauney, and Messrs Studatill. Mason and Moon. Mr and Mrs. J, H. Diliard left last Friday foi Currituck Sound and other points along the Atlantic- COStt for the purpose of shooting some ducks. They expect to be gone about a Week ?t ten days. Thursday Evening a delightful party was *iven at the home of nr. A. M. Brittain in East Murphy by Fines Nan Dickson and Marguerite Couch. At the conclusion of the occasion a delightful salad COM*! was scv-., ,. by Misses Frances Dickson and Jane rover. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clark, Miss Edyth Clark, and Mr. Boeart. of Ashcville; Mr. Brew, of New York; Misses Lemon and Whitehead, of C i rce, Ga; Mr. Whitehead* or OgUthorpe University; Mr. T. H. Macon, of Warrenton, N. C.; Mr. Moon, of Winchester, Ky.; Miss Jane Cover, of Andrews; other guests WitmiSal ICAL The Eoonomy J Level spoonfu essary when yc _ makes more bak bake c iviumui WE SPECIALIZE IN f beautiful memorial t<, the love of coiwr^yt and pleasure throughou We are prepared to furnish any "Regal Blue," Georgia White, Gra __ 0Ur riuila^iiis and workmanship 9fl Priees to be^allow as is consistent "araplea at r ,v\dson A Carringer's I THE CH&ROKEE MOl J. W. AXLEY, J ^JWHY u Wise? {; the wise man of all omon built the Tem- ? of Lebanon because posterity. 3ods of less durabiltruction but Cedar j; for long life on the |; -ligh Grade VR Shingles ? tufacturinsfCo. | t i PHY, N. C.?Phone 95 %\ 41 1 ^Personal |j toe 20 ? wcr? Mr. and Mrs. .1- R Stnrov Mr*, t R. Y. Dickson, Misses Eva Nell Mauney, Nan Dickson, Marguerite Couch, Frances Dickson, and Mwsn. Maxwell, Studstill, Connie Holder, I Harry Miller and John Brittain. j Mr. Earl Lee and Miss Ermul El-j | liott. of Murphy, werd married at | | the store of Esq. T. N. Bates on Dec. j 4th, Mr. aBtos officiating. Miss Ruth Long returned Thursday after spending several days this j wiek at her home in Ranger, where | she was called on account of the ill- { ness of her sister. Miss Inez, but who is much better. Senator J. H. Walker and wife, of ! Andrews, were visitors here th,. first! of the week. Messrs. Riley Orr and R. L. Phil' lips, of Robbinsville, were visitors lure this wctk. IBBHaHBBHBI Miss Esther Jean Clements, music teacher in ?he Creensboro Public Schools, spent the week-end in Andrews nnd Murphy, the guist of Miss Little, music teacher at Andrews, and Mis- Mary Smith, of Murphy. Miss Clements taught in the Cherokee County Summer School for teachers. Rev. L. F. Clark returned to his home in Canton Tuesday after having spent the week-end with friends in the Hangingdog section. easpoonful? ?it depends on the Baking Powder you use. You must use a heaping spoonful of many brands because they don't contain as much leavening strength a* UMET BAKING POWDER Is are all that are nec iu use CALUMET?it lings which means a real lay. Jfi times has that other WFNTQ I I T1U1 1 A k/ REGAL BLUE d ones who are gone is a source it one's whole life, monumental design, either in y, Creole, or Granite, and guaranLv uc uic ingiitrni ijuaiiiy, ana our with high class service. See our store. Call or write MUMENT CO. (anager. NORTH CAROLINA THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. M Miss Edytn Hark entertained Sat- j irday cvtning in the home of her rrandmothqr. Mrs. Nettie Dickey, j lh clothes cleaned ^BandIpressed ALL WORK GUARANTEED W1 CALL FOR AND DELIVER Arcade Pressing Club Under J. W. DAVIDSON,S Store 'Pkoae 85 MURPHY. N. C., URPHY, NORTH CAROLINA WANT ADS WANTED?A boy to wrtrk about a? ; hour eve v afternoon at hospital | Apply Murphy Hospital. -. | struction Co. will p'ease send san*. t Winchester. Ky., office, i FEDERAL CONSTRUCTION CO Succes-or to Mills-Wi'l Con str:uction Co.. by J. C. WILLIAMS Pr< sident. 1 (18-2t > FOR SM.E Fr ?h < . ir* - -our. eorn meal in 24-tb cloth bags a SI.50 *> r lu. Send check or rv>nc order. Will d 1 v r arywh' r< \ Murphy. Get niy orice on cow fee< Fred O. Scroggs, B asstown, N. C. 118 tf FOR SALE LOTS AND HOUSES AND LOT AND GOOD FARMS ?In and near Murphy?Call OnL. E. MAUNEY Murphy, N. C. FOR SALE- Well built 8 ruo dweHir.e house in Murphy. N. 0 seven-eighths of an acre lot. J. ? Stone r. r. King's New Discovery will stop it quickly by .stimulating the ruueous membranes to throw off the clogging waviions. (I !?? aia ?6'SM?U1V taste. All druggists. : NORTH CAROLINA? Chcrok County. In the Superior Cour.t D. O. Dewcese vs. J. ('. Dcwec-c and W. P. DcweeTh: ab-ve signed J. C. Deweese I hereby notified that an action cnti ed as above ha* been instituted In t Superior Court of Cherokee Coun the purpose of which is to decln i void a d< ed executed by J. C. Dewee j to W. D. Deweese. dated April 171 " | and recorded in the office of the Re 1! ister of Deeds of Cherokee Coun , in Book No. Tit, at pap:.' 454, in whi ; deed a certain t-act of land in Cher kee County, adjoining: lands of . K. Ledford and dthers was eonveye it being: alleged that said deed w excuted without any considerate whatever, and that at the date of tl execution of same the said J. < Deweese had formed the intent ai design to abandon this plaintiff wit out providing for her and her chi a reasonable subsistence, and execu ed said conveyance for the purpose depriving her of the right to ha' such subsistence allotted to her 1 the court: and. it being furthcr alio ed that the said J .C. Dewcese h, since abandoned the plaintiff withoi providing for her and her child ne es-ary subsistence, and applicatii made in said action to have su< spbsistence secured to her out of tl lands and other nronertv descrih* J ; r - -r- ? in the deed above mentioned. The said defendant J. C. Dewees is required to answer the complai in said cause, on the 5th day < January, 1924. or within the tin thereafter repuired by law. at tl office of the Clerk of the Supeii Court, in Murphy, North Carolin and in default thereof, the plainti v?il! apply tc the court for ??1i therein played. Given at office Murphy, N. C. ihte the 5th day i December, 1923. E. E. Davis Clerk Superior Court.. , (18-4t-D.) W.) **\ have ju t received fur selling and -'vercoats?everyone as prett; For immediate acceptance we j to squeeze in that suit or overco skipping anyone else's stocki:a' CURLER SUITS AND OYF.R . and Gents Furnishings. C me i : J. W. Di THE STORE s Join Murphy's Chamber of Co If Both ?rat* adivjct forwr.rd ::iuJ 0> b?ck lor tail -uwl ?l,ott Americ SestsatL The new Overland Clia year! Delivers more kinds ever made. A wonderfi family. Big square space upholstery earner, samp! for salesmen, fanners?e' sterv mal.e big bed in car justahfe?fit anybody. 1 wild over tl'.e Champion! E. C. MO Murpi ee - SUBSCRIBE TO YOl ;C. ?wpp? - . S ty SI re 'SO |p I IMM I .mi J^JUM <1; ' >n jj he rj R j Id fataati' r I Tiwimnna .r FOB. $C detboit ^ P" The Lowest c- TN the Tudor Sedan Jn J. wholly new Ford bo r.dtvy more rltrht aid left i to ma):-.- o'iivr ptoplt- happy? Mear.while. we are st? ppinj? in with *b? " 'd. bip merry news that at onci oO Novembrt mad? suits nrtf mnkinp prices th*?t a'l'-v. yon at on your Christmas list without CI " TS?A o-w line of Shirt WIDSON OF QUALITY mmerce and Help Murphy Grow! ) W^695 I o b ToUmJ.. MAMPION Btr I ding r hi TW-.-ng tea.' seat and upauUtu.'y. a's Most ostaS ?as? impion is the big hit of the of service than any other car ill closed car for the whole by talcing out rear seat and ae liKTo-irtA -jr>a-?Vi?no ' C.rn it ,"00"BS ?-J*?*? f ? ??.er\body! Seats and uphol?fine for cam ling! Seats ad'hc v.hcle Counicy is ?-..:g Come see jl ORE Dealer iy, N. C. . ' JK 1-lW.vllL rArLK?$ 1.311 ? ? IZiov iDAN QA fully 11 % W ?QU|PPED j[l Priced Sedan || a an open view in every Kl ly direction, make for safer Ml ? driving and greater motor- HI ing enjoy nent. |U a At $590, this is the lowest r priced Sedan ever placed H Jt on the American market. H It is a car of broad appeal tg and compelling value. H ugh d? ForJW-ily PwrdtmmPUm. H EVANS, Dealer I North Carolina 0 ICS | i i iL.uiagg=ag=aJ ' J Ml| . .if i mallMri^ ii i