Friday January H, 1924 ?.oca/ and Telephom Col. M. W. Bell spent Thursdayis Have^ville on legal business. ' h 1? . | tl Messrs. J. W. Walker and D. H. h fdlitt of Andrews were Murphy vis-. -N iters the first of the week. si Mr. J. B. Gray of Hayesville was s< M business visitor here last Saturday. ______ * h Saturday and Sunday were the [ coldest days of the year and the j coldest for many years ptevlous a??] cording to the opinion of the older residents of Murphy. The thermometer fell several degrees below gero. oine of the household thermom i"? recording as low as five s or fix below, it was reported. Sun- e morn it - several accidents awl near 51 ice:!. nts were reported as a result ' 0I uions of the water backs of ffca. The stove at the I'atton House exploded damaging the kitch- 1 en and injuring the cock, though ^ her injuries were not serious. The ' stove at l>r. Fred Cochran's was also '1 badly damaged by an explosion and Mrs. Cochran's father injured. Several other explosions occurred but C no ether injures were reported. r h iuiss .uur> luu inumpson return- " ed Sunday night from Copperhill, where she spent the holidays with h her aunt, Mrs. J. E .Snow. c f ' Mr?. R. F. Crooks is spending: the v week here visiting: friends and rcl- v ativ s and making ready some of her household goods for shipment to Morristown, Tenn., where she and Mr. Crooks moved several weeks d Misse Martha Candler and friend. Miss Ccle-te Porter, returned Tues- F da> to Bristol, Va., to resume their studies in Sullins College, after hav- f ing spent the holidays here. d c Miss Irene Champion spent the s w>ck-end here with relatives and 0 friends, returning Tuesday to ^ Knoxville to resume her training in 1 a Knoxville hospital. .Mrs. T. \V. Hampton was carried I to a Knoxville hospital Tuesday where she will undergo an operation K Slio wn? acrnmnnnimi hw her dnucrh. ' tor. Miss Elizabeth, who, it is understood, will take training in the hospital. j ~ Mrs. Fred Cochran returned1 Tuesday, January 3rd, from Knoxville, where she had been taking]? treatment in a hosnital for the past! a several weeks, _ ;j? - ,11 Mrs. T. L. Sasser, returned Thur.-dsy from points in Mississippi, v here she has hecn visiting relatives ] " for the past few weeks. Keep Well , y Avoid Sickness M I >'i TAKE ? RRAMDHTH gll ^ |?M PILLS E p QmQO eur? S | r will cImam the eyetew, purify P |h the blood and keep yoa well. K 1 L ? For Constipation | S Indigestion, Biliousness,??. E I ~ E fefinefy Vegetable. ^ | *w ? mww?* i POP PAPM A1 .... Nature is a wonder have aid to keep the ai This ii especially true the animals are subject! ture changes and when food lees variable. *. Wo carry a complel standard stock remedies If your animals do not com to see us and yet ? RICHARD g The Rexa j On die Square Personal \ B 20 X Mrs. Frank Dickey entertained at er home on last Saturday afternoon flirty-two little boys and girls in. onor of the 6th birthday of little lettie Houston Dickey, who waflowered with many beautiful gift*, ho : coins where the guests were a>?mbled wcr bright with many lov.,* holiday decorations. After ar. our spent in games the guests were arried to the dining room, a veritble fairy land in pink and white, elicious cakes and ices were servd. Mrs. L. O. Rector left Monday for vr home inLenoir, N. C.. after nonilinir I k. U..K J?... - ?- ? * i ?.??* .."iiunj- wiiii n?r imiinr, Mrs. Elizabeth Posey. She was ccompanied by her sister. Miss Tom 'csey. Little Miss Sarah Ruth Posey of kndrcws visited her grandmother, Irs. Elizabeth Posey and little cousn, Woodlin Posey, during the hollays. Mr. Luna En'oe anc Mi-s Elsie >gle of Pensacola, N. C., were maricd on the 5th of January at the cm? of Mr. Enloe Esq T. N. Bates fficiating. Mr. E. S. Miller celebrated his irthdny anniversary last Friday evning by inviting in some of his riends to sit around the fireside rith him. Among those invited ere Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Davidson, Ir. ar.d M s. J. II. Dillard, Mr. and Irrs. E. (i. Clary, and Mr. and Mrs. . P. Storey. Mr. J. H. Dillard spent several ays in Asheville this week on busess. 'OR SALF?1 Mahogany Victrola and records; 1 Mahogany Chifnier; 1 Mahogany 8-day clock; 1 ictionary stand; I child's reed goart; 1 child's high chair; 1 oil cook bove; 1 lot new rag rug-: 1 lot oak urtain rods; 1 lot miscellaneous itchtnware. Apply at the "Bungn>w." , r-Tutfs Pills?i Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever they wish. Cause food to assimilate. Nourish the body, give *?:petite. DEVELOP FLESH at the baptist church. The themes fur the morning and coning preaching sendees at the aptist Church next Sunday will be 5 follows, according to an anouncement by ibe pastor, Rev. T. Sassier: Moti tng seVmon: "Com* ion Evening sermon: Small Matters in a Big Enterprise." L ^achin^ tet-t ? IMENTHOLATUM I ^soothes.cools and^ FOR SALE OTS AND HOUSES AND LOTS AND GOOD FARMS -In and near Murphy?Call Or? L. E. MAUNEY ftferpky. N. C. ] U1U A I C ful remedy, but at times it mutt nimal bbdy in perfect condition, during tbe winter montbe when ?d to cold and varying tempera their work is irregular and their te supply of Dr. Hess and other for all kiada of farm animals, eat heartily, are net energetic, erne of oar famoas stock remedy. I . pARKER J Store Telephone 39 THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, MUI Chinese Woman General ??_ j Above is picture dthe Chinese' w< man commander. General Wong,! who commands a detachment of Ho- ce man soldiers. These troops are sup- wl, porters of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. I a? 11 ^ ^ ^ toj ! \ 1 i J n 'LOST?Carpenter's brace and plane ,c between my house and Murphy, p. Finder will please return to Oak th Lane Knitting Mill- or to the Cher- St (ckte Scout office.- Noland Wells. WHY THAT LAME BACK? * I nc nt ! That minting lameness ? those ' sharp pains when heading or lifting make work a burden and rest impos- j Q, sible. Don't be handicapped by a! to j bad back?look to your kidneys. You ' will make no mistake by following ^ this Brevard resident's example. th j Mrs. S. C. Hale, Whitniirc St... A {Brevard. N. C. says: "I had a bad w< 'time with my kidneys'and hack 11 P11 had a dull, aggravating aeho over I my kidneys which made me feel tir-1 ed out. When 1 bent to dust or i ( sweep, sharp pains darted through ? j my back and I could hardily straigh- p I ten. Dizzy spells came before my s t .tiormrigs 1 was tirca and runjni down and my kidneys didn't act , "~ 1 properly. Hearing of Doans Kidney Pills. I got some and they entirely (rilled me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy.?get ! Dean's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. Hale had. Foster-Milburn Co., i Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y.?Adv. ^ J I -* J Report of the condition of j Bank of Murphy I i At Murphy, in the of North Carolina, at the close of business, j Deeeatber 31, 1923. RESOURCES j l.onn# and discounts . . $238,263.96 demand loans 21*,000.00 U. S. Bond<> and Liberty . ? j Bonds 4,999.48 ; j B:.r';in'r h? uses,.. $2,203 _ . Fur. & Fix 1,458" 3,667.00, ; Cash in vault and net T7 ' amounts due from B'ks, vJ B'wrs & Trust Cos. . . 179.194.78 i Checks for clearing . . 2,235.90 __ 'Total $449,361.12 I 3< LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in -_$ 30,000.00 { Surplus Fund 15,000.00 j Undivided Fronts, less > 2; : current expenses and taxes paid ... ? ... 2,078.29; ^posits sub. to check 127,850.581 Time certificates of deposit J ci due in less than [ thirty days 270,272.22 J Cashier's Checks outstanding 4,160.03 D Total $449,361.12 State of North Carolina, Countv of Cherok?>#>_ Jan 8 109.1 ? I, L. E. Bay lens. Cashier of the 2' above named Lank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . L. E. BAYLESS, Cashier. > Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8th day of January, 1924. J. D. MALLONEE, Notary Public. ^ Correct Attaet: , A. B. DICKEY, J. M. VAUGHN, ? A. H. BROWN, * Directors. f Ke oer Monument ' o. >. . tkaini N...m Tomotla, N. C. Col or Wrfte If Yes ooW a I I ^ IPHY. NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE BY ? MORTGAGEE. Whereas, on the 27th day of Dember, 1922, W. A. Heddvn and 1 ife Edna Hidden, and J. A. Hidden id wife, Anna Hedden, executed W. B. Pass a certain deed, which recorded in office Register of peu of H?y Countv, North Caro- c ' l la. ir "cok of Mortgages, "I" at ipi s 101 el seii.' to secure a note o the sum of $672.00, of even date k ith said mortgage deed. on the j p r?d-- h.'.einafter described; and hi reus. said mortgage de:d conined the usual po\v< r of sale In i se of default in payment of said: c ?'.c: and .vhei*..r.s, default has berniti pde in the sayment < f said note J n 'cured by said mortgar" deed. th< J j,( lucrsipnea mortgagee will, on Mony. the %th day of ! >brua:v. 1924. 12 o Ho !: M., at tho court house ior in H?y sville. Clay County, T nrth Carolina, sell for cash, to the|grhest and best bidder, to sati fy h id indt btedness, the following do- n tibel lands in Sweetwater Town- ?i ip, t'lav County, North . Caolin;.. | wit: ; s A part of the Mila Iledden Home y ace on Hi.-.wassee Rivrr, Be;;in- y ng on a - ..ill hick'ry on the west, nk of Iiiawasree River and runs rth 77 West 21 poles to a stnk : jj north 4 East 4G poles to a w tail pine on the north bar.k of the ^ ad; thence North 72 West 24 j iles, then North "52 West 7 poles,' ^ en South 87 West 7 j les. then f uth 65 West 10 pobs. then Ntfrth t( 5 West ? poles, then North 74 est 12 poles, then North 50 West j poles, thence North 28 West 10 ^ >les to a 'rite post at the upper cor-1 r of the bn;n, thence North 102 ?lcs to a hickory corner of No. 12*;! enee a westerly course with the d Hodden line an*d % Par low's line] a stake in Hiawassee River; thence | ? the river to the beginning. A's?? ell t'v interest of parties of j e first part, W. A. Hodden and Hedden in and to certain acid, nod .and board timber conveyed to1 irties ??f the first part by Flossie j aitin and Husband. V. A. Martin., r deed dated the 27th day of Dc?; tnbor. 1922, registered in office. Register of Deeds, Clay County.: Deed Book "Y" at page 158, on , ecemher 29th. 1922, reference to iu?d hardlv sietp at r.ij lit. ?? "A year av:o 1 >;it him to take Dr. hatcher L>. et nd ill v.?l Sy.-up T! K nd lt d r :m .it r.nd now e e:>ts anything: ho wants and > ever troubled with pas or indigesion likelic was before." ar Dr. Thatcher's Liver and blood ^ yrup is sold by R. S. 1'trl. r and if . ou are not satisfied the purchase ^ lire will he refunded.?Adv. itcrcst hi inp in one half of all acid t nod on said lands, to be removed 1 owever on or before March 1st. 925. And for sufficient board tinv j ir to cover all buildings on lands ir t above described for a period of ?n years from December 27, 1922) This the 3rd day of January, 1924 ^ W. B. PASS, Mortgagee. ! 22-2t-aAg) ' jj When You're N Whatever the causo?overwork, worry, grief, loss of sleep, excitement, business troubles, stimulants, narcotics ? there's one medicine that will help you. ? Dr. Miles" Nervine Dr has relieved thousands of cases , of headache, dizziness, irrita- ] bility, sleeplessness, hysteria, 1 epilepsy. .Buy a bottle of your j druggist and start cu the road ] to better health today. ] You'll Find Dr. Miles' Mcdicii inrr: Jill L Winter RECORD BR ti Bargains Like These. \ Afford to Miss. ;ry I Men's and Bi 12y2c worth up 1 11.1 iI L>Ul L.dUIC9 13c up to $10 rs> Ginghams, A 98c Grade, ya: : ^eat 1 Lot Ladies rcale 69c | Hats- wort Double thick M. | Tobacco, J aw *- All I Oc Crac >e and to Men's Blue C _ _ $6.98 Shirts ESDAY AND WILL L, IR LARGE COLORED C 'S DEPA1 STORE MURPHY, N. C. ... PACE THREE HOME t>u may have mapped out cozy den? and lairs In which to spend your days, tie windows and the attic stairs Have planned a score o frvays. y hobby means as much to me As gold does mean to some loutfh very humble it may be, i .jejt. . always thin!: of Iloma. i?' i? a plac? to eat and sleep? A place to start and stop, secure and sweet retrt at, To so 'th a wear}' heart. . place f ?r you t 1 sit and rest. Where friends would love t*> come rid most of all a mother there? |That makes it really Honv. ?MRS. T. H. CO I.E. cold in the head" an acute c.ttnck of Nasal Catarrh ?oae subject to frequent "colds" are nerallv in a "run down" condition. if.\BD;S CATARRH MEDICINE is a corsistii t; of an Ointment, to used locally, and a Tonic, which acts ilckly throUKti the Blcod on the MuU9 Surfaces, building up the Syntera, I malting you less liable to^'coMs." F\ "j. Cheney '& Co. 'ToW lo. O - -- * :lothes cleaned AND PRESSED \LI WG7< DIURANTEED W: CALL FOR AND DELIVER Arcade Pressing Clcb Jndcr J. W. DAVICSON.S Store I Phone 65 MURPHY N. C I ; Miles' Guaranteed MedirinMU Dr. Miles' Nervine Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment Dr Miles' Tonic Dr. Miles' Blood Purifier Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets Dr. Miles' Tonic ties at your Drug Storeu r> i dale! EAKING BARGAINS Values That Make This ays Sweaters, :c $2.00 98c CuaU, wOitii , .00 ...rl $4.98 imoskeag, best rd 20c arid Children's :h up to $3.50 98c Brown Mule jlug 20c kers, package 5c Ihambray Work 49c \ST THIRTY DAY51 IRCULAR RTMENT I