PACE SIX f I _ ; tsibie i noughts for i the Week Sunday. THE GOOI> SHEPHERD.?The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Surely g.>odness and mercy shall foI!<>\v me nil the days of tr.v life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 1's. 13:1, ti. Monday. WARNING TO MEDDLERS.? He that i'jj?seth by. and meddleth with Strife belonging not tu him. :s like one that taketh a dot; hy the ?*ars.?Frov. 26:17. Tuesday. GREATER WORKS. ? Yerly. verily. I s.iy uc:-> you. He that be- I lleveth on Me. t: e works that I do. shall he do ? - and greater works than These shall he do.?John 14: li, li Wednesday. WHAT 1 a KS .. u Ri:? ?l"IRK? v: : now. Israel, w'. Lor . f* :y God require of In: to : ..! In* I. rd t' : g d. i*? u,1k ;n all His ways u;d to love 11 : i and to serve the Lord t: : G-.d with ?!i tl y heart ar. ! with u!l thy s?*i.h ?I'eut. 20:1-. Thursday. PICTURE OF PEACE.??the w.v hIso >hall dwell with the lunik the leopard shall !le down w < ! : and the ait' and the yom . en and the farling :ou*cTher; an*l 2 little ehiid shall lead theui.?Imi. II:1th r_:J ? "?"/ cons THOUGHTS.?I kr.ow the thoughts that I think toward > u. saith the Lord, thoughts of psn ?*. and not of evil . . . And y. shall seek me, and find me. when ye shall sear<h for rue with ull your heart.?Jer. 2S?:ll. 13. Saturday. GOD'S GENTLENESS?God 1B my strength and power; and lie tuaketh my way perfect. Thou hast also given me the shield ..f Thy salration; nn-1 I t;j gentleness ituiii made me great.?II Sam. J- :?i. 36. * fcECOLAR TERM SUPERIOR COURT TO CONVENE 21ST (Continued from page 1) 121) Hanson vs. Elrod. Friday, January 25th 135 Davis vs. Woodard & Grant. 138 Falls vs. L. & N. R. R. 140 Rich vs. Andrews Mfg. Co. 141 Med. Co. vs. Shields. 142 Shoffncr vs. Elrod. 148 Raxter vs. Junior Order. Monday, January 28th 155 Prince vs. Jones. 155 Garland vs. Andrews Mfg. Co. 161 Slayder Fake* vs. Leach. 163 Zimmerman vs. Marble Co. 3 164 Palmer vs. Marble Co. 166 White vs. Wood. Tuesday. January 29th E167 Town son & Anderson vs. Jor168 Pace vs. Highway Com. 169 Cothren vs. Highway Com. 170 McLean vs. H:Th\vny Com. 171 Nelson vs. Highway Com. 172 West et al vs. Highway Com 173 B?U vs. Highway Com. 174 Wright et al vs. Highway Cora 175 Stover vs. Highway Com. 176 Harden et al vs. Highway Con 177 Brady vs. Highway Com. 178 Nichols vs. Highway Com. 179 Mrs. Boone Wright vs. Highway Com. ISO 2. E. Wright -.v. Highway Com. 181 Medicine Co. v?. Shields. 182 McDonald vs. Gentry. Wednesday, January 30th 184 In re- Martha Dockery Will 186 Wofford vs. Xing. 187 Grant vs. Woodard et als. 191 Turner vs. And. Mfg. Co. 194 Rolen vs. Southern Ry. 196 G. E. Dickev vs. H. K. Dickey 199 Bryson vs. Taylor. Saturday, January 26th 31 Coppenger vs. Cnppenger. 38 Le fevers vs. Le fevers. 47 Cook vj. Cook. 48 " Allen vs. Allen. 49 Burgess vs. Burgess. 51 Bryson vs. Brysnn. 82 Moore vs. Moore. 96 Fair vs. Fair. 160 Shelton vs. Shelton. loo Hartness vs. Hartnes. Abernathy vs. Abernathy. 40T.? I?cvfevcr.- v-. Lcfevers. MOTIONS. 10 to 18. inclusive. Power Co. eaaes 19 to ;::c' " Power Co. cases 28 C vr. Vlthergpoon & Hill 3t) Chapman vs. Dockery. 32 Mineral Co. vs. Puett 33 Fibre Co. vs. Puett 34 Dewar vs. Puett 35 McAden vs. Puett 69 Burger vs. Tatham. 36 White vs. Highway Com. mj Lumber Co. HBIfiiiaa "Miss America" Tanlac Is a Health * *; , rv * ? Mm ^ ^ a * J crown V % T occasic \ , _ I'nuto* (f jS^^W r M :>.< Mary Kathcrinc Campbell. \ twice proclaimed "Miss America. * has taken TAN5.AC and endorses it : in a statement recently give:. to the, women of America through Interna- ^ tional Proprietaries Inc.. disiributors of this geat tonic. In this statement. Mis- America declares that Good Health is the basis of all Beatst ty. and advises women who would I Ibe beautiful to "first find pood J h* alth." lier complete statement as jtv n I is a? follows "1 consider it a great | privilege to be able to tell the thou | ands of women everywhere what a irr at tonic TANLAC i>. Health is j the basis- f all beauty. Without good health, one is apt to be run i down, nervous, underweight, hijd.i*trung, anemic. Indigestion drives i the loses from a woman's cheeks and INTERNATIONAL PROM Department T-93, Atlanta, Gentlemen: 1 herewith enclose which send me a copy Mi ss lei uii "Susty ssd Henhfc Name Town I j GS Adman vs. Christopher, j 74 Wo f ford-Terrell Co. vi Dor77 Wofford-Terrell Co. vs. J. P. Burger. 78 Fain Gro. Co. vs. Salt Co. 84 Walker vs. Walker, (alimony) 85 King vs. Fisk. j 86 King vs. Grinned. 87 King vs. Atlas Supply Co. 1 88 King vs. Harrison. 94 Dr .. ks vs. Brooks. 99 Davidson. Trustee, vs. Christopher. 101 Davidson, Trustee, vs. Gari, r j ell. 102 Davidson, Trustee, vs. Smith et. al. 104 Davidson. Trustee, vs. Sellers. 105 Davidson. Trustee, vs. Gartrell. 106 Lumber Co. vs. Farner. 11? C T. P. Co. va. H. R. P. Co. 119 Hampton vs. Kitchen Lumber C ompanv. 127 Cover vs. Hunnicutt. I-"- condition, nervousness weak too," says Mrs. SUvii "Cardui did me just lots of it to my daughter. She cort sides and back. She took her condition was much bet "We have lived here, near now we have our own Hon work pretty hard, as tMs cc made it bard on as. "I WISH I could ten w medicine that helped give I do <ny work." This card fa [CAB 5 THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml Declares Wonderful Giv?ng Tonic Campbell in "Miw America" which she has won on two ?ns. , I raph by Atlantic Foto Service Vv>y * mtr obs her of that radiant quality f vomnnhood that is real beauty. "I have taken TANLAC and I do v?t hesitate to -ay that it is a ? derful health-giving tonic. It habrought relief and pood health i aany women, and with pood healt!. no may have a measure of beauty that will overcome shortcomings \r. face and figure. Rosy cheeks, sparkling eves. a well-rounded figure, a lovable disposition, go hand in hand with g >?d health. To those searching for beauty. I would say?'First of air. Find Good Health.' The TANLAC treatment has proven itself a booh to womankind, and I recommend it.' Miss Campbell ha? written a book let on Health and Heauty which may be secured by filling oiS the coupon below: MET ARIES, INC. 10 cents (stamps will do), for try Katharine Campbell's BookStreet State 130 Lumber Co. et. al. vs. Famer. 131 Adams vs. Hunnicutt. 134 Adams vs. Mriionaia. 1.37 v* WnnHs 144 Cherokee Co. vs. Hunnicutt. 147 Highway Com. vs. tlarwood. 1"?0 Hunt vs. Hampton. 154 Champion Fibre Co. vs. Hunnicutt. 185 Dickey vs. Hall. 188 Fibre Co. vs. Crisp. 190 Price v.*. King^ 197 Taylor vs. KogJcman. "I ;I 7 * 7ish | ji for run-down, worn-out IB and sleeplessness, and I was El e Estes, of Jennings, Okla. Hj good?to much that I gave Bl iplained of a soreness in her E9 three bottles of Cardui and Bfl ter. IH Jennings, for 26 years, and E? te In town. I have had to M >untry wain I ouiit up, ana it BK eak women of Cardui?the ne the strength to go on and Hj tfils her wish. HI ID&8 an*8 Tonic I JRPHV. NORTH CAROLINA UPPER BEAVERDAM. The Sunday School at this place :s progressing niceiy. We have had a good dealof cold weather for the last few weeks. Mr. Bud Roberts and Mrs. ParaIce Cook left here Friday for Atlanta, Ga.. to attend business Misses Etta Garrett and Mattie \llen have arrived from New Port News, S. C. Mr. Bonnie Radford is working at Davie Creek. Mr. Lon Clayton left her# last week for Akron. Ohio. i Mr. N. P. Crain and family are exted to arrive at Murphy Sunday from Gastonia, wh. re they have been <>n business. Mr*. \ tola Roberts and son. I <t nrjre. went to Murphy on busine?=| Saturday. Mr. G .'or^c Garrett has returned n Poplar, Okla. He experts to i make a crop for W. M. Garrett. M -sc< Kffie Radford and Mary Young were pleasant visitors at the 1 home of Yes* Davis Wednesday night. Mr. A. Z. Robert* and Florence: Horton are getting out cross ties. The farmers in this section ar*plowing some. | Mr. Bob Radford is busy hauling lumber. Burns Cover with wet baking soda? afterwards apply gently ? VJCKS VapoRub O?r 17 MUKon Jmra U?J Ymarty I FOR SALE LOTS AND HOUSES AND LOTS AND GOOD FARMS ?In and near Murphy?Call Or.? L. E. MAUNEY Murphy, N. C. r? ~ \ ' ? I I We mal our wn sh L1BR II lumber. I I i i ii PERSIMMON CREEK. We have been having some very for the past few days. We have been having a good school at this place, under the management of Miss Emma Lou Stanfield and Sallie Mingus. Mr. Sam Phlcmone has returned to Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson visited Mr. J. A. Williamson Sunday. Mr. Glenn Crisp now es the time Mr. Lester Stiles has returned home from Murphy, where he had been working for sometime. Rev. J. I\ Decker 1 ailed to lilt his regular appointment here Sunlay. Miss t*'!ia Reese visited Miss Minnie Johr.son Saturday. Mr. Dver Stile3 has moved into our community again. We welcome him. Mr. R. T. Stiles made a business trip to Murphy Saturday. /fSunburned ImentholatumJ % cools and soothes M parched slun^^r Grass We have a big shiprr Grass Seeds to reach \ CLOVER BLUE GRASS l ORCHARD All of these seeds a: give entire satisfaction j; Cherokee Hai Murpl k i You iow?ce all of the following goo op: ARY AND DINING TAI CHINA CLOSETS BOOK CASES DRESSERS HEN SAFES AND TAI ou buy these goods fro m le goods, made by home Every piece is guarante< RICES ARE ALWAYS 1 ison & And Complete House Furnisnc MURPHY, N. C. Friday. January 18, 1924 I "COLD IN THE HEAD" is an acuta attack of Nasal Catam. V Thoao subject to frequent "colds'^iZ V| generally In a "run down" condition. ^HAJLL'8^ CATARRH MEDIC PfE h . ^Cf ?k.? Oininwt w be used locally, and a Tonic. wttieh^Z Quickly through the Blood on the S coua Surfaces building up the and making you leaa liable to *coMg<-^ 1 i ?t,ld by druggists for over *j Tan. T. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O. ffisf Rasping coughs quickly stopped MADE of ju.t tSe ir.tJuina that the bcAt doctors prescribe for a couvh . o-vbmed with the well-tried healing and soothing power* of ^rir ?-tar I?i-. C??like i?r tvu*| Tine-Tar Honev to quickly stop couching, loosen phlegm. cue breathing, and overcome throat drvness. Pleasant to taste, toa Keep Dr. Bell's on hanj for all the family-. All druggists. P - nm tj the genuine. DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar Honey Seed lent of the following lis in a few days: RED TOP TIMOTHY LAWN GRASS re the very best and will .Call or write for prices rdware Co. Inc. iy, N. C. ds right in BLES ' us you get I erson 1 9|j i

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