t, JtiMrj 25, 1524 LEGAL F RE-SALE OF LANl>.f jH CAROLINA?Clay County. Superior Court before the Clerk AJgcon. Dave Allison, George WD, A. D. Lovell, and I-as-ie (jon. vs. ^Allison, Hannah Allison and p Henry Allison. NOTICE. Jer and by virtue of an order file entred by the Superior I of Clay County, in the above rf Special Proceeding, the unpied commissioner heretofore Bted by the court to make sale ( hereinafter described lands, * M, nd *y, tne 4th day of Feb, 1924. at one (1) o'clock p. t the court house door in Clay ty, Haye-ville, N. C., offer for to the highest bidder upon the nag terms, towit: One-third one third in six and one third give months, the following deed tracts or parcels of land in County, North Carolina: nt Trnct. Tract No, 59, Old y known as the Moss Flat, belt on a buckeye at the foot of ip hill, one pole north of the fork of said creek, and runs 10 poll - to a stake; thence east big Tooney's Creek 80 poles itake and birch; thence north poke to a stake and small white n the side of a mountain; thence g(J poles to the beginning, con?g 50 acres, more or leess. eond Tract. Tract No. 2795. j known as the Sugar Cove, beBf on a buckeye, northwest corif old State Survey No. 59 and 5, with that line 120 poles to ike and chestnut, passing the iwest corner of No. 59 at 100 ; thence West 212 poles to a and birch on the North side mountain. East of the Grassy ; thence North 200 poles to a black oak and stake on the i aide of a mountain, 28 poles I of the West Prong of Tooney s t; thence East 292 pole* crossrooney's Creek to a stake and 1 near a branch; thence S. 80 to a small white oak on the Mam a ipoumum, ine ivonnwesi er of said Number 59; thence B with That line 80 poles to the Boing. containing 300 acres. - B or '05sIrd Tract. Part of tin try No | known as the John C. Moore , beginning on a chestnut on last siilr of a mountain on the i boundary line of No. 59, 80 to a -take; thence Sfftith fo a , a nditional corner between lens Kitchens, A. J. Barnard, S. H. Allison; thence West 142 to a stake; thence North 189 to a stake; thence Eats 62 poles t beginning, containing 60 acres or less. eepts one-half mineral interest. ? the 12th day of Januay, 1924 L. ANDERSON, Commissioner. Rrtg) I ^Theffl With seventy years ment behind it, and i downs of railroading have brought?the Railroad has some Reliable". And her Because?Bom oi with a steadfast put vision?it started ot done it and is contii Because it Hss prompt! obligation? to the public, vslopmsat, to its employ d promotions from Its i the investors in its seen] rats with its earmncs. ^toosss of Hs en via hit I,sna OB sebsdsls time ' promptly-, all with ransi (S?Z3im*m involving rasas things wbicn a H (Joins?constitute the "V thetsmUUr cltorscteraai itCtstfon and inspiration ^ -WW- eg 1 n BHif fntn arty tDouana * 5_ at _ ADVERTISE] BONDS FOR SALE. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for $50,000 of bonds of Shoal Creek Township, and $25,000 of bonds of Notla Township, will be received up until noon, February 11, 1924. These bonds will run for 30 years and bear interest at 6 per cent. They are issued under authority of an Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, passed at its session of 1923, for the purpose of building a road in the-e townships. Address all communications to S. W. Lovingood, Chairman Board of County Commissioners, or John H. Dillard, County Attorney, Murphy, North Carolina. State of North Carolina, County of Cherokee. To A. M. Simonds, Entry Taker foi Cherokee County: The undersigned R. A. Dewar and n. it. vuie oi t herokee County North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel of land in Valleytown Township, Cherokee Countyf North Carolina. the same being vacant and unappropriated land, and subject tc entry, viz: Beginnig on a Spanish oak N. W corner of R. A. Dewar and H. H. Cole lands. Entry No. 6166, and runs north with No. 6275 a former line to the Graham and Cherokee County line, then with said county line east ward t0 a stake and line of another tract of land of R. A. Dewar and H, H. Cole No. 6165. Then sottth with .said line of R. A. Dewar and H. H. Cole land tQ a black oak comer oi No. 6165 and o^ a former line, thence witjj various courses westward to the beginning s0 as to in elude all of the vacant land soutl of Cherokee and Gratiam County line on the waters of Hickersor Creek in Cherokee County, State o! North Carolina, containing by estimate fifty acres more ?r l?w. (Signedl R. A. DEWAR, (Signed) H. 11. COLE. Entered this the 1st day of January, 1924. WORTH rAPrniv* 1- - County. All perrons ai> hi reby notified that a warrant 0f survey will be is rued to R. A. Dewar and H. H. Cob for the above described land on thi 3rd day of February, 1924, if then is no protest filed in this officc be for that date. This the 1st day of January, 1924 A. M. SIMONDS, Register of Deeds and Ex-officlt Entry Taker fc- Cherokee County, North Carolina. (21-4t-ams) NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. In the Superior Court G. W. Hensley vs. Mary Ann Hensley NOVICE. The defendant above-named will d Reliable of struggle and achievethrough all the upe and ! that these seven decades Louisville & Nashville to be called "The Old e is the "WHY". 1 : a great idea and reared -poee and a far-reaching it to do a big thing, has tning to-do it. y and unfailingly met its every m adequate service and wholeill matters of progressiva detee, in fair salaries and deservmnka; to its stockholders and -itase, in dividends oommcDw? record for passenger trains and freight deliveries mads -kahle freedom from prevenfcloas of life to passengers or S US H> QM nuns imi m> TOY" as to "The Old Reliable", lion which ia one of both sat, to its management and its individual employee*. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MVJ MENTS 1 ? * , take notice that an action entitled i as above has been commenced in the t Superior Court of Cherokee County 1 for the purpose of obtaining a divorce absolute on statutory ? grounds; and the said defendant * will furthe take notice that she is " required to appear before the clerk ( , of the Superior Court for Cherokee j County at his office in the court ] house in Murphy, North Carolina, on 1 or before the 2nd day of February. 1 1924, and answer or demur to the t complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for 1 the relief demanded in the complaint f This the 7th day of February, < .1924. ? K. K. DAVIS. i Clerk Superior Court. Cherokee < County. < ! (22-4t-p) < ; 1 By virtue of an execution issued i 1! by the Clerk Qf the Superior Court i ' I of Cherokee County in the case of < i F. P. Cover & Sons, Inc., I will sell 1 ! t0 the highest bidder for cash at 1 public outcry a* the court house door j in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C.. < at one o'clock p. m. on Monday, February 4, 1924, the following land I situato on thf untpr* ..f Ppnchtroi. i Creek, in district No. 1, towit: All i the interest of L. A. Johnson and WM i s A. Johnson in tract No. 1580, Grant i ! No. 3587, Beginning: on a chestnut i ' tre near the top of a ridge above the i Cold Spring, and running thence N. 72 W. 127 poles to a hickory on the i . south side of a hollow; then S. 18 I i W. 64 poles to a large chestnut on I . the north sid^ of a ridge and on the i ' south side of the branch; then S. 72 < ; E. 127 poles to a post and pointers; : then N. 18 *?. 64 pole to the begin- i ning. containing 50 acre*.. i Said sale made to satisfy the i judgment1 rendered in said court i against defendants for costs. f This January 2, 1924. W. P. ODOM, Sheriff Cherokee County. (21-4t-wpo) NOTICE OF SALE BY MORTGAGEE. Whereas, on the 27th day of December, 1922, W. A. Hedden and - wife Edna Hedden, and J. A. Hedden ? and wife, Anna Hedden, executed i to W. B. Pass a certain deed, which ? i?- recorded in office Register of - Deeu* of Clay County, North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages, "I" at . pagi s 101 et seq.' to secure a note in the sum oi *o<z.uu, of even uuiv with said mortgage deed, on the lands hereinafter described; and whereas, said mortgage deed contained the usual power <>t" sale In case of default in payment of said note; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of said note secured by said mortgage deed, the undersigned mortgagee will, on Monday, the 4th day of February, 1924, at 12 o'clock M? at the court house door in Hayesvillc, Clay County, North Carolina, sell for cash, to the ftighct t and best bidder, to sati fy said in?l- btedness, the following described lands in Sweetwater Town- i ship. Clay County, North Carolina, to-wit: 1 A part of the Mila Hedden Home ] Place on Hiawassee River, Begin- 1 ning on a small hickory on the west ; h?nk cf Hiawassee River and runs North 77 West 31 poles to a stake; < thence north 4 East 46 poles to a 1 small pine on the north bank of the j road; thence North 72 West 24 j j poles, then North 32 West 7 poles, then South 87 West 7 poles, then j South 65 West 10 poles, then North > 36 West ? poles, then North 74 t West 13 poles, then North 50 West j 8 poles, thence North 28 West 19 9 poles to a gate post at the upper cor- c ner of the barn; thence North 102 j poles to a hickory corner of No. 134; ^ thence a westerly course with the 0 old Hedden line and Barlow's line u to a stake in Hiawassee River; thence a , up the river to the beginning. ^ Also all the interest of parties of g I the first part, W. A. Hedden and J. j A. Hedden in and to certain acid e wood and board timber conveyed to ^ parties of the first part by Flossie q martin ana nusoana, v. a. Martin, ^ by deed dated the 27th day of December, 1922, registered in office of Register of Deeds, Clay Couaty, g in Deed Book "Y" at page 158, on December 29th, 1922, reference to said deed being hereby made for A more complete description. (Said interest being in one half of all acid __ wood on said lands, to be removed I; WVBKflS *? v BWWB?CI VII VI Wiu>? owit.il <o?, 1925. And for sufficient board tim- I ber to cover all buildings on lands first above described for a period of ' ten years from December 27, 1922) ? This the 3rd day of January, 1924 I W. B. PASS, Mortgagee. . (22-2t-a4g) *ri m'Vr MiiBi - RPHY, WORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE By virtue of the authority Riven n a real estate mortgage made and accented on tbe b'.h day of Novem-% >er, 1923, by Zeb Tiuey and wife, i-'ina Huty, to Mary West, Mortgagee, to secure a promisory note of ven date for the sum of $50.00 due November 8, 1923, in which the jereinafter real estate was conveyed. The said mortgage being reestercd on November ft, 1923, in Rook No. 80, on page 246, of Real Estate Mortgages in the office of he Register of Deeds of Cherokee Eounty, N. C. Default having been made in the payment of the said note and the ianie being past due the undersigned Mortgagee will sell the said real estate conveyed in said mortgage, riz: The said land being on Beaverlam Township, Cherokee County, N. C. Beginning on a pine c.n th?' top >f the ridge and runs N. E. with Roberts line to the original line to i pine; then with the original line to ? pine; then south with B. F. Farm?r'a line to the branch; then down Lhe branch about 8 poles to a Holly bush; then W. up the ridge to the beginning, containing 60 acres, more ) rless. Also another lot. befrinnintr on a Holly on the bank of the branch and runs N. E. with the top of the ridge to an oak on the original line; then north to a stake corner; thence with said line to the top of the ridge to a pine corner; then South down the ridge to the branch; then down the branch about 3 poles to the beginning, containing 6 acres, more or less, at public aucttion sale to the highest bidder for cash between 11 o'clock a. m. and one o'clock p. m. on the 14th day of February, 1924, at the court house door in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., for cash to i-atisfy the said note an dinterest and the cost of the suid sale. This 15th day of January, 1924. MARY WEST, Mortgagee. J. H. McCall, Atty. (23-4t) NOTICE OF STOCK LAW ELECTION NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. At the regular meeting of the Board of County oCmmissioners of Chenokee County, North Carolina, on the first Monday in January (its being the 7th day) 1924, a petition was presented to the said Board by more than onefifth of tin* tjn:iiiti, <i voters of Marble precinct, in Valleylown Tofnship, Cherokee County, N. C., as hereafter set out and asking uiat au eiecuon oe cauea by me I said hoard to vote on stock law or against stock law in said boundary. It is ordered by the Board of | County Commissioners WM Cherokee County in regular session on the first Monday in January, 1924, that an election be held under the rules and regulations of the General Election laws of the State of North Carolina at Marble School House in said boundary hereinafter set out on the 23rd day of February, A. D., 1024, to for stock law or against stock law in the following territory, vi~.: Being all of Marble Voting Pre- j cinct: And for the purpose of said election, it is further ordered that a nc^' registration of all qualified voters be made in said boundary set out tbove. It is further ordered by the Board >f County Commissioners that James 3ryson he horohy appointed as regstrar and that B. B. Palmer and >am Parker be appointed as Judges. It is further ordered that the regstration books be opened at Marble iehoal house in said boundary, for hose desiring to vote, on January 9th and 26th, and February 2 and th, and February 16th as chanaugo iay, and election o nthe 23rd day of February, 1924. At said election hose in favor of stock law shall vote n a written or printed ticket of usal size "For Stock Law"; those gainst stock law on the same size i^ket written or printed "Against itock Law." It is further ordered that said lection be conducted and held in lie same manner and way of the ieneral Election, and that due reams be made of the stock law elecon to this Board. S. W. LOVINGOOD. Chairman, oard of County Commissioners. T. J. BRISTOL, Commissioner; GAY BRYANT, Commissioner. . M. SIMONDS, Ex-officio Clerk to Board. (23-4t-co) CASTORlA For Infantx and Children In Um For Ov?r 30Ytara FREE ? Your First Treatment with An-uric, my KidneyBackache Tablet. Result of 50 years of Analyses in a Great Hospital. Fifty years ago. my father, the ^ late Dr. Ray V. Pierce, established ' the famous Invalids' Hotel at Buffalo. N. Y.. surrounding himself with a staff of skilful physicians, surgeons and chemists. To this great institution comes a steady ' stream of patients from far und J I rtito A great percentage of these , patients are affected with kidney disease and many other thousands ' of kidney yuflerers who do not come for treatment send samples for analys.a. So. here at the Invalids' Hotel, diagnosis and treatment of kidney trouble has been going on incessantly for fifty years. Realising the great need for an eftective home remedy to'correct kidney troubles in their early i stages. I put our stall to work on the problem. Iu time they worked out an ideal formula, which, it was 1 found, could be put up In handy j i tablet form. , 1 named this remedy "An-uric," . because by strengthening the elimt 1 native action of the kidneys, it | < works to free the sufferer from the evil effects of uric acid upon the nerves and joints. I want all who suffer from weak kidneys, kidney backache and uric < acid poisoning to have tlieir llrst An-uric treatment at my expense. It Isn't necessary to write?just pin this advertisement to a scrap of paper bearing your full name aud address and tnuil it tojne. ThlB offer is intended for those who have to get up In the night, who are tired ur.d lame every morning. who suffer with aching hack, dlsiy spells, mysterious headaches, darting pains, sore, swollen JoluU and any noticeable irregularity of the kidney action. Dr. V. M. l'ierco. I'res., Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y ' ? j PATENTS INVENTORS Send us your ideas. I and we will Absolutely Free of Charge, Search the records of the Patent j Office and reuort to vou our miinion : as to whether or not you can obtain a patent on your invention. We have assisted thousands of inj)2VEL0PIKG and PF!* FECTING their IDEAS before filir.tr their application papers in the Pat 1 ?* .??? WE CAN ASSIST YOU Take advantage of this Free offer I Write Today for VALUABLE INFORMATION GIBSON A FOX 305 Miljuhlen Bide, Washington 305 MoLachlen Bldg. WASHINGTON, D. C. (23-13tp) j APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF GARLAND HANEY | Application will he made to the ^ /fir *370 X B ' | II Body types cm hr supplied A Ford Trucks On Performar li you were to ask a hun- ' dred-or a thousand?Ford j truckowners why they use < Ford trucks, in preference * to all others, they would ] likely say, "Because the i Ford stands up." They know that under the endless grind of daily ser- i Feed Trucks cum ke temght through THOS. S. E> ^CARWRUC^ PAGE THREE / Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Garland Haney convicted at the November term, 1922, of the Superior Court of Cherokee County for the crime of manslaughter and sentenced to the State prison for a ter mof six years. All persons who oppose the granting of raid pardon are invited to forward their protests to the Gov ?rnor witnout delay. This the 15th day of January, 1924. (24-2tp) D. C. HAXEY. HONOR ROLL COLLIS SCHOOL First Grade: Leonora and Albert Taylor, Gordon King, Marie Ankr>on, Marshall Clonts, Lloyd Johnion and Elva Payne. Second Grade: Vera and Minnie Taylor. Third Grade: Edd Foster, Honvr Taylor, Beecher Runion, Clarence King. Fourth Graue: Virgil and \Yi?lard Clonts, Elhtrt Anderson, and Raymond Kunion. Sixth Grade: Gertie Anderson. Upper Peachtree 4 (Last Week's Letter.) The recent cold wave here registered two degrees below zero, which marked the lowest U niperature for many years, but regardless of the fold weather and extremely bad roads, Arthur Lunaford, M. B. Lun?foid, John Hicks, and Phillip Moore fontinue to haul acid wood. Our clever rural carrier was five minutes late Monday of last week, Jue to the inclemency of the weather. He says the mud is very deep. M. B. and W. M. Lunsford were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Thomasson Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. R. M. Moore and three children. It. M. Jr., Fred andi little Grace, spent the last week end with relatives and friends in AnMr. W. A. Boyd is entitled to the creait ior building the nicest dwelling in this whole community. It is near completion, a model home and a credit to the community. S. Garrish has rented the Thomasson mill for another year. He says he can make the good old fashioned flavored meal. Subscribe to the Scout GHIGHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND Wpy c? V0 ^ LAZ>nt9? Ask y.?r for CIIT-CHRS-T** 9 A DIAMOND IIUAND PILL9 in Rao and/j\ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with B!ue<0> Ribbon. Tarn hq otwi. ba?rf jwrW brwslri a>4 Mk r.r CHI.mra.TER V I> I A MOMD SB AMU PILLS, for lwtotr4i? years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliably SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS * EVERYWHERE JgSi ck Chassis B. DETROIT Are Bought |1 ice Records |j /ice the Ford stays on the B ob month in and mfcnth || ?ut, with very little me- Hi chanical care, and with II practically no expense for || repairs or replacements. |l They would emphasize the pj work this truck does, not gj its initial cost. IS the Ford Wotkiy Pmrekott PUm. /ANS. Dealer j

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