Friday* January 25, 1924 L.oca/ and Iclcphon \ Jackson*^?e Social at the library Friday night was ihe occasion or the organization of a Junior ' ' lissionary/Sotyety of the Methodist ' torch. \he guests, more than ' jfty in number, had gathered, Mrs. : j?nrv Akin and Mrs. \V. A. Rhinejrt took charge end explained the qtdos* ' th gathering and the tAud organizing the society, oijwirg which officers were electi Mi-- Nannie Dixc.r wa-? named , residen:; Harvey Akin, vice presl- , |?nt; Mi? Carrie Hrittain, recording tcrttary: Miss I-eiln Pos y. o rotary; and Miss Eliza. Th M man's Missionary Society f the Methodist Church met with Irs. J. il Mi-Call Tuesday afternoon j twhi time the officers of the so. . , . it. d several weeks ago. were stilK i. Mrs. W. A. Rhinehart har-j 1$ charce of the in-atllation cere* I jony. The officers were: Mrs.! H. McCall, president; Mrs. R. C. law > ? president; Mrs. Gordon lasty. ding secretary; Mrs. II., F.lki-s. corresponding secretary; Irs. > P. Akin, treasurer of local rk: M" W. M. Axley, assistant rtasurer; Mrs. John E. Fain, suprintendon of local work; Mr,. Hol?mbc super ntrndent of supplies;,' Irs. M A Rhinehart, superinten-. ent < -.icinl service; Miss Mary leal, chairman of parsonage eomMr .1, 1) Mallnnm. trailer f mi "ii study; and Mrs. J. W.; Lxlev. ..t:? nt for missionary paper, i 'ollowinu the installation of officers' lie reeu a business nieetinp of the coirty w.-i-- held, after which the hns<' a *i-t?d by Met*dames F. S. lilhr and 1. \V. Thompson, served mt apetiy.injr refreshments. Mr. Bovd Brendle, who has been vmnectt ! wit hthe Bell Telephone 'ompany in Raleigh, N. C\. has reBimJ t Murphy and accepted work ith the (."oca-Cola Bottlinjr Co. j OR SA1.K One 20-horse power saw mill stfit complete. Cheap for s?h. Write Box 3ri:|. Murphy, X. 124-4tp) I District Engineer J. C. Walker of shei 11 < and R. K. Kllis. maintenee Bfineer fi>r this district, were in lurph. Thur-day looking after the wd a , vk in this section. OR SVIK Twn-WO?'l l..?oy milch mw, in pood condition. Aply to Mrs. R. Robinson, Murphy. Mrs. < \V. Bailey returned last harsdny from an extended visit to tt mother, Mrs. Belle Stephens, of tlantn. Mr. !.. K. Lintz returned Sunday! "om I'm.cord, where he had spent' n d." : with home folks. Ikeen Woll Avoid Sickness W TAKE ? RRAMDRETH | U E?t 1752 ILLS S Q Oft Q Q sMTw will cleans? the system, purify I the blood ?nd k*ep you welL Kl | For Contiipaiioa y Indigestion, Biliousness,<-.e. B Entirmiy Vegetable. E3 GUARANTEED DRUG NEEDS Articles you n< should be, above quality in every vv Life often depx ice rendered, and the quality of the Both our servic will please. / RICHARD ; The Re: the Square . . Personal I F ^ ^?| r .Mr. William Pearsail Hardin. of 1 ^ Yndrews, N. C., and Miss Delilah' ?ostell, of Rhode, were happily mar-1 ied at the Presbyterian Manse Monlay afternoon by Rev. K. G. Clary in j he p.ts.nce of a few friends of the! roung couple. j v Mrs. A. W. Mclver, of McMinnirillc, Tenn., ha returned to Mur- a phy to spend some tim. with her nother. .Mrs. R. H. Sneed. her hu:-. and having found it necessary to ' enter a government hospital in Chattanooga for furtm r treatment. r beth Ford, treasure . About forty of the young people affiliated them- j seives with the new organization. which decided to meet f'?rtnightiv. the fir t and third Fridays being chosen for meeting times. Follow- j ing the organization meeting, de- i lightful refreshments were served. Superintendent J. I". Caffney, of ; the Murphy Division of the Southern Railway, was here the first of the week inspecting the lines. The Woman' Club helt its regu- | lar meeting at the library Wedne*- ] day afternoon, the subject of the program being the Bok Peace Award. .\ minuter of interesting ami , helpful papers were prisentcd. Mr*.!; W. If. Travis gave a short sketch of the life of Edward Bok and a resume of a recent article in the Atlantic | Monthly by Box. entitled. j "What I expect t<> from the Peace Award." Mrs. Kinsey read articles \ and XVI .from the League of Na- | t i !'. *. Miss Ida M. .Ii?hn> >n then read , the Monroe Doctrine, following which the Prc-ident read an interesting resume f the plan selected by the Peace" Award Committee, prepared by Mrs. W. A. Rhinihart, who was compelled to be absent. Miss Mir nnda Bradley was to have presented a paper but was unable to he present. Follow in j? the discussion of the plan, ballots were pas-ed out for taking a vote on the suggested peace plan. Plans for raising funds for the local library were also discussed. The program for the 11th of Feb-j luary. St. Valentine's Day. will con-1 sidcr this matte r furthei. A num-' her of visitors attended the meeting. The Woman's Auxilary of the Presbyterian Church met with Mr*. E. A. Davidson Tuesday afteWloon. Among the Andrew? visitors here this week were Mesrs. W. T. Latham. \V. C. Bellamy. W. T. Porter. D. I!. Tillitt, and. J. W. Walker. Dr. Kelley K. Bennett, of Bryson City, was here Sunday in th- interest of the Maxwell Training School of near Franklin." Macon County. I The Baptist Church held an ailday service at the church Sunday, in which many of the laymen took leading j art . T.unch. wa\ served at the church. The pastor was very much pleased with the response to the service. Mr. Gc otge Townson and Miss May Ford were married a few days aj?o in Clay County. Mrs. Homer Hoe, of Middled>oro. Ky.. and Miss Gus Whitcomb. ??f Harlan, Kv.. were jruests of Mr. A. B. Dickey Mnd family the latter part of last week. eed from a drug store ! all else, of the highest ay. I snds upon reliable servthe service is limited by items. e and the goods we sell g. pARKER cal Store Telephone 39 THE CHEROKEE SCOU1, ML Mr. G. H. Cope spent several days J lis week in High point, N. C., on iisiness. OR RENT?Three rooms unfurn- N ished for light house keeping. I lood jieigfaboihood, close in. See: Irs. J. N. Moody, City. Boiling Springs (Last Week's Letter.) Everybody is enjoying the winter!3 reather here now. i1 Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Sain Odell . 12 pound boy on December r>. ^ Mr. Jared H iss returned with hl ride from Volga, W. Va, recently. ' Mr. Walter Davis is building a lew dwelling house. Mr. and Mrs. II. Fain and fam 1 ty have retain: d fi n West Virgin a. Mr. Luther Kilpatrick. of Uisgah > '( est, N". has moved to the Ben Doekeiy farnt Howard Odcll has returned home if tor visiting friend? and relative? ' it Andrews. Mrs. N. B. Odell, Kinley Odell and Ernest and Bertha Kephnrt visited Harvey Thompson and family a few lights ago. Mi. Shadnor Gentry, of Grant..dew visited his uncle. Leek Gentry, Sunday. The little son of Mr. J. \Y. Odell has returned home after a long visit to his grandfather, N. B. Odell. Mrs. Walter Davis is very ill at present, hut we hope *he will soon be up again. Kine t( and Bertha Kephart were guests of Miss Grace Davis Sunday. Mr. Grady Davis left. Sunday for Tellie'o where he has employment. Miss \\ 11 Davis spent the weekend with Mrs. Sam Odell. F arner Dear Editor: Will you allow us enough space in the dear old home paper to tell what Cherokee boys and girls are doing in this corner of the world? Though weVe down in Tennessee. We can't forget old Cherokee; There cur heart? ?**** To see the farmer behind the plow May she prosper as time flits. And in prosperity rise. We love her ruore and more. We love her as we've never lov ed before. Mr. Ernest Allen, of Postell, is back all lit up with crins. We're glad to see him happy. Mi?s Julia .Martin, of Murphy, is wearing the 8an,n sweet smile. She must ha\e a resoult.on t.? smile ah through 1924. We're proud that Bryan Chastfcln j of Murphy, is back again, after a| severe attack of measles. We're glad to have Mr. Cunningham back again after a long Xmas j vacation. IMr.Clarence Voyles, of Vests, Is j back again after a three weeks v?- J cation in Xorth Carolina. -? Mr. Charles Voyles is back again < after a long vacation. i Miss Leona Hickey, of Suit, has! returned, accompanied by her broth-! er, who will attend school here. The Harris sisters of Suit are back again, but we're sorry to say that Macie will not be back, as she happened to bad luck on her vacation. (Got married.) Good luck to the Scout and all its readers. J SAVE YOUR MONEY?1 ie box of Tutt'a PtlU mvm many I Han in doctor"* bill*. A remedy I r dixiit* of the liver, tick head' I he. dyspepsia. constipation. bib I a million people endorse aft'sPills) Keener Monument V o, J. S KEENER. Manager Tomotla, N. C. . Call or Write if You nood m .mobskmi % IRPHY, NORTH CAROLINA )ON'T TAKE A CHANCE ? lurphy People Should Act in Time. If you suffer from backache; If you have headaches, dizzy spells If the kidney secretions art ir ta egular, Don't delay?likely your kidneys i ire sick. vi Thousands rec >nimend Doar.T vidney Pills. Any residert: \. H. M.tnlv. Id St . *i!!e, V says: "Pyrin's Kis Pills are certainly a pood remedy for th( y cave me relief \vh n my i-? Sidneys troubled Me. I had Inmapo and dul! pains across my back . r [hat were -<> bad morninps I could n, h.ardly pet ab.iut. The ac tion of my ~ kidneys v.:ts irregular. I used [loan's Kidn.-v Pill? and they clcar<1 up my kidneys and relieved th aches and pairs." Price t?Oc, at all alors. Don't simply n>!: for a kidney remedy? pet Do::n's Kidney Pills?the amthat Mr. Manly had. Foster-Millburn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N.V. Adv Upper Beaverdam Rev. Beaver preached an interesting st rmon here Sunday. Mr. Bernie Radford is very ill with the flu. Miss Maudic D >clc ry oont the nipht at the home of Mrs. Dave Jumps Saturday nipht. Night coughing? exhausts you so that you are more tired in the morning than when >011 went to bed. Dr. King's New Discovery stops coughing by gently i..?; mucous nic;u- ft brains to tlirow ^ crrtions. It has) W an agreeable, flkV . V* 7 taste. All drug- ^( i i Jou ,. *""Ujs Sove ftovtr kikint i fig ZSt S^ea _?Mgesti The pun \ baking pc ing gas a that these mixed witl '] Thousands . sold in our pure food m - Any grade ol _ powder can t >. to the unthinl Numerous bak conducted by : They found a s . - so deteriorated. bakings. Do you want to that do not confc foods that are hat Do you want the ft protects the usei -*x interested in public Remember Calumet I ment of the law?t I Strength to die last s \\ II It Misses Ethel Clayton and Ella a ret left here Saturday for Clew id, Ohio. Mrs. Jerry Radford went to Anews. X. C.. Saturday on businessMr. I! id Roberts and Mrs. ParaCook have returned from Atlan. c.,. Mr. X. P. Crai : bus moved I Da s Ore*, k. Mr. L. ' i arret!. wh "rs ! : or king: on Cre k. sper.t ibe ght with home folks Saturday ght. Mr. Ltuh? , k- v was a r 1 ? sitor at the home of Mr. \M bnday. Mr. \V. S. Clayton : I s :l! ossti-s to GmndvU \v. Mrs. Jan- Radford ?. \ \ ax tor to Grnndviov r>,- Sautrdiv. The Greens Ne A newspaper for all claim, anci that's our a awake paper, publishec for a progressive pcop the times. Independent in politi gressive; carrying comf ket quotations and revi< and with a strong edit tinctly different?there esting issue. Circulation constant more than doubled in s of vouv political views, or your station in life, great daily newspaper. Six months, daily an Six months, daily c GREENSBORO Greensbc Enforce"*"' '^Rapssggss Som?Ls?fseif asse' easu^. ^5 statn., hsino- o_ ? uour without any rt __.cs, except in Texas. f flour and any quality or strengt ? used in making self rising not ting public without official critic ing and laboratory experiments 1 state chemists and other inve urprising amount of thismixed fl as to be productive only of heav eat foods made from self rising lin the necessary leavening stre d to digest and a detriment to h law to protect you in this instai r of medicine? It is for you and c : health to decide. ' Baking Powder meets every reqt hat it retains its great leaver spoonful. -keeps tli* strength i PAGE FIVE Mr. Cyrus White is pianni'g on going to St. Louis after school is is Miss Effic Radford is leaving h> r*? next week for Charlotte, N. C. THE BEST WAY TO GET YOUR IRON PHYSICIANS have p-escribed (ju: Pcpto-Mangan for y,because of its supply of iron. The v found that it was nadilj a'- rbc-u. -..d not irritate the stonr; 21 and quickly toned and strengthi t.i s;. stem. At your drug:. ,t" . i:: both liquid and tablets. Free Trial Tiblefc TiK&S of Gu-2' - " -Mll!l.-:.n. V - ! ?:..>* r ? i- roos Trial Pnofcajr"' of Send i >' ? . *. i.uiii. i addr?.-? to M. J. itrciti abacb Co., ?3 Warren Si., N. V. Gudc's . < pepio-Marigan nic and Diced / "richer -^ Xr?rar - . -attU1 U. J> iboro Daily ws the people. That s our im. A verile, wideI in a progressive state, 'e, who think ahead of ics, progressive and ag>'.ete news reports, marews. sports and comics, torial page that is dis's not a dull or uninterly growing and has even years. Regardless your place of residence you ought to read this d Sunday $4.50 >nly $3.50 DAILY NEWS ?ro, N. C. 1 fel I La# ? ifiSttlS? " ?"gs?te? "rr-wt?"- . ? . .; - ^baking' ' sarss .4s-' -.-; iavebe-_ - .-' ' y> SOggy L, "?tlT3 "gth-f SL'U"? ? 9s ?te* ' ? firei?jg v?L ?. >