PACE TWO f Impressive Sta nn I JsT.-- \i IkHfeff % ; 5 *v. '(ftA' * mm jr VK! j ^Wk "j| 1 - ' This splerd.d bronze statue of Ao Court House m Newark, N. J., and is try, although rr.r. y c.t es have wonde-i Lincoln Was Not So Mild and Meek r ? Great Liberator Could Bare Teeth and Fight When Necessary By PROF. B J CIGRANO. in Ch caj= ' Evening American. There Is i. : > a? r? i r writ- * Inpv t?? J 1 In I i i ti meek that . !n?-ss h - t Bmnhat;.. - ' and the n hie f the c * a :i-' j men is destroy.*!. Several recent hloerftohlos ond mnny I Orations nr. 1 years haw - n : . thai Lincoln was n-?t um^ter r h - > u -in* t It Is said he often luugl ef a single other man wh r -,.t In the presidential chair uaill t ve p?-rtnltted the I >ld. pers< : ?ampn inning of his personal ass But Lincoln seemed to let these men ti gc on, gradually disclosing not only to himself but the public their selfish 11 personal ambitions en at the tl right time and in an instable way he would grab the ofhdal by the C"Ht collar and bring him back to lite 1; straight and narrow path of Lincoln I Ideas. h Lincoln's manner of dealing with tl men was entirely different from that of any othe- r> -Sent. b He even "r .n niter " t!;?? wood. -r rh? r r? users " U timatum to Plotters. T 1 h i Scwunl were eoret 1 -i'! r. np n" another ami ul'-i--' j -z r?'in?'\: N t! * *:\*y i.u-i j ii th?* 1 etti - tot tl elr campaign r? pre*. r-nt Lincoln's re-election and s,..,t ht j ; selves. The letter rends: "I inn-: ' e > V ?:_e |n>w h>1? fi> retain in. atnl when to remove any of Villi frfim 111? i.i' 1* u-.ttil.l greatly jmin me to di-uover any of you endeavoring to procure another's reti val, ..r. In any way. to prejudice 1 m before the public. Su h er den\< r would he a wrong t-> rue : and mu h worsen wrung to the rminiry My wNh Is that ?n this subject n-? remark he made, nor question asked 1> am of you. here ->r elsewhere. now or hereafter." oni' ><> early in Line. la's adminlsmtimi, Mrs Lincoln said t > him: "It Is common rumor ahotjt rho capmi that Sowarrt and not you will he he president?that he will rule you." He replied: "I limy not rule myself, hut certainf Seward shall not. The only ruler have is my conscience, following ISod a It. and these men will have to learn hat y er." At another time Lincoln was visited y a corgres>.->njil committee headed y Thiol Steven--, who hurst in on LinDin with the accusation l is a harmless Substitute for )rops and Soothing Syrups, is and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels noting Cheerfulness, Rest, e^d {nature of "HE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MUI Lincoln [ The Lawyer j 1 This krnccs of c ,;ato tsken vs.-.r he vv.1 j practicing law, i regarded one of the best ever made. "Tli?* : ; . u nr.* running tH* mtintry - it *o be r ... hell. HD1! very ' -t." ! : "About how far from tlifi' now?" r iv r. j.Iieii: *i would -'?> . tit : i die." . d an i reoiied: "About n ndle?wi v ti nt's about from here to the . i?:T " Ami everyone su\e Stevens ro:'red. Stepped Out of Beaten rath. S"Ujir?|. bail fur year# tolled to subordinate Lincoln, finally wrote to his wife: "Kxccutlve ^klll and vigor are rare qualities The President Is l! e l?e-t of us." On .lulj to. Lincoln Issued a puWi biter, denned espeeially for the soldiers and sytupithlzers of the Confederacy: it - the du'y of every govern* i: etlt to protection to its citizen^ and especially those who are orpani'.eil as soldiers in the public service. It is. therefore, ordered that for every soldier of the United J States killed in violation of the laws of war. a rebel soldier shall !? executed ; and Tor every one enslaved or sold Into slavery, a rebel soldier shall be placed at hard labor ??n the public works." Premised Glory for All Officials. I look upon this order as the least representative sentence In Lincoln's entire life story and doubtless it was 1 Inspired by the tisanes ? - food for her ynttnp and h r family, but a -umlu* 1 i:j? - . 11. \V:*her, agriculture - no, avent or prosperous. People : healthy or happy. the purebred Cow i> ke; ; :.ial .-- on:>titUUunai lOraiitar.s j 11AL.L.-8 C ATA mm MEDlCIXt: ,. n- | of an Ointment which wui- i , i.-hcvts t-y local application, and the ' Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists i in improving ti c General Health Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. J. Cheney & Co.. Toicdo, Ohio. 4 c TH Forecas j more f duce< year. IS In spite of th llj impossible to 1^ and summer jj || . and Trucks < This year wi more active ||l * r orders have a 19 Purchase Pla 9 " ' These facts c IB &* apring and i II orders shoulc III a means oi p IB Car or TrucV n 19 V~ 13 th< 8S ori IB , ? II B ? ?? fhere the livestock is most impro>d. The highest type of citizenship* he fewer the scrub animals. Go ihere you may you will always f:mi khen people grot through crrubbing s.?il and begin to develop a permanent honv -making agriculture, hen we will find livestock, but real levelopmer.t never mak s much ad ancement with crtib stock. A n:r ' red animal i- or should e on< vh e ancestors for many : "or- t: have all ' cor < f or.-. e. a": r. >? ! * i for the r.rr.e purpos . The n e pent raions of ancestor that hav boe?i bus selected and the c i efully he solev ion. th: purer-bred is the Inimal. My hopt s for Clay County, as inty agent. art that we v.::' bring i the very bi-t stock th- t n h otained in ord-r 'rat they may rr>*r u:: the the n.o>t, cnmmerjially. \V< d a not xvact half three-1 [unrter -c rVs. l ut :ir hred of :h fry highest n S v ? thiri: \\ r.n *. iko our fortune? on. -omethinjr tan invest ur future in. somehin-T we can It..v. as an heritage o ;r - h:!dp n. Purehre \ cows. : re-- > hocr. : orek".r?i> well dev. *,? r.r.d pure \MUS1 A ia# C/or cJ C/d Src. LINIIV SOLD B** DRUG AND f&ha E UNIVERSAL CA1 ting A Treme pring Demand 739,626 Ford cars and trucks were pn i last year than the previoi an inrrp??* /vua? CA ??~ w. V>VI UV |ICI veil is tremendous increase in productio i meet delivery requirements during tl months when orders for 350,000 F rould not be filled. nter buying for immediate delivery than ever before?and in addition Iready been booked through the Ford n for spring delivery. learly indicate that the demand du lumxaer will be far greater than ever, 1 be placed immediately with Ford I rotection against delay in securing y : or Fordson Tractor. Mctor^yom/u Drtroit, Michigan nil dnnrfr ilww> wfcli mot nimm ?l I hlww iirintH. or your wvoUaooc undar r Ford WwUy Pure how Plan, will put your korth* pwfanod Urn lor *rta( JdMewy. tk? Nearest Aatlterlxe ferti Dealer Friday, February 8, 192-S bred chickens arc an heritage to our children, while scrubs are a handlWILLARD R. ANDERSON. County Agent. P. S.?I would like to have filed with me in my office the recnrjjof all the purebred sires, of da^al Vj beef breeds of cattle, sires of hoes, and the purebred poultry flocks. STRA1C.HT SALARY?$5.00 week and expenses to man ov* w<*. ni:i to introduce POULTRY MIX-A Tl > Eureka Mfg. Co. Fa?*. St. Louis. 111. (lt-p) .\K IVrV.. !' -Of* - t?-room dwelling, r ' ui li-hts. nerr B ?t ti>t Church. So Mrs. Pi ' . . Sleep Well H Avoid Sickness Q M take s P^RAMMSTMS S&5 e?..7? piTLS | ij Qo?Q Q ilW Tin* | m will cleans? the system. purify m M I lie Dlixxi and keep you welL ^ For Constipation Kj Indigestion, Biliousness, ?te. C 5 Entirely Vegetable. ' I.inirn?Tit penffrctes .'o If: ?bonc! That's vv.y pain is reli?*vc-ti tjuvKly by rubbing in M tang. v. rich thereby permeates the and hastenshealing. I'n > liniments, Mustang ten.:.-. 1 itlirg oils ? no alcohol acids or ppi r us .\i. Mustang never burns, .- Marts, not c .?n \ hen anplied to n v. -and i. Over?', year? a ; :c? ss arar.tees Must wg as best i >r MAX, VE: TO( H nxui 1'OLT-TIiY. 1?r e-MIc HI. atratfd !* ? UCl Kali.* hoi..- 3 t.m,r? m_..h 3 l.uOUaUU I ilil!>8(i.nM.<.muih at 21c tin REF. r.CTSTiers - .?..< f. r.; r Vur "C inc. f ! :.i *.?, r,- .1 ; r nivaock ?ad i l if. Ji?., W SouO I f*ht>t?*.t,Brac* TANG^ net hi/ Since JS 48 IfS'MT i&al^i b general stores n * ndous BBgBH H i > is It. v I w spnnj 5 ord c. . | His bees 3 i 200,000 1 9 I Weekly 1 || ring thia | J and that |1 VillfTS i> I 1 our Ford jj | vjj