frjjrj February 8, 1924 f / Z-.octii c///c ^ \( Telcpfc 1 * '"XK-W-X-I-K5. Calb'oJ ^returned from lta Wednesday evening where #d been buying her spring stock jdy-to-wear hats. She will have on di-i >' n^st week. s \V. T> Hampton returned from rille. T-: n.. January .'ill. u:i -rgone an operation. is r;.; recovering. 0. H Sander-on, of Huyo*a.< 1 n business this week. itry S; ! ^ F. it. Far nun v of gh, h . n in the county this I County Agent II ft. with v ilv-iijonstrutions. !TV* h- County several days week. I K. S.jocd ehil.itN. p... ut . and .Max. I k .. Mi imi. i I ... : ? >}- nd *1 w> - Botijj ' \nrlr v. visitor here rr D. Fisher, T. JacUHeri*> i. k. J. A. Bristol. G. K. artii <? T. l*o?ey. r?. > OMiorn, ..-f Vugusta, trri-'-'i Sunday to visit her ter. Mr-. W. \V. Hyde, and Mr. ; rs. Sa in I Ako and children are ' ??ve to Florida to join Akr. h:> be-, n there several ths. ternvy Fred Christopher was In ?ville Tuesday on legal busim r. a:. ' Mrs Butler Nelson and ten. Billy, visited his parent*, and Mr-. P. K. Nelson, over re ' ! ) The arrived Saturday left Monday. . E. K. ith is leaving Sunday Ashe- then to Indiana to visf par. : . He will return by way tUnta, where he will spent a few b:f ; locating in Ashcvilte t March nth. Dr. Smith is a congeniui fellow, and has made ? [ ....? tcjrc. to rrtrt rha: . . hanire his nlace of rest Ie, but w sh him success wherever - _ r. G. W. Candkr, with his buyleft Monday for a two-weeks' to X* w York to buy his spring of ladies' ready-to-wear and foods r Candler's Department Jr. C. ! Peterson, Forest Fire den : .r the western district of h Cur Una, was here Monday j jHerring with the county officials! Hegar-1 to forest fire prevention county. C.: : Dockery ar.d Miss Be?-! H^Jte Palmer were quietly mar- j j^^HThuv day afternoon at 'he 1 parsonage, iiev. T. Sas^Hofficiating. Only a very ic-w | A. Ravan P '? Information of Valua I 1? Folks with Kidney Trouble ^BjsnariburB. S C.?"1 do not ?f a medicine I feel so conlu recommending to my ^Pd* as Dr. Pierce's Anurlc ^Vi-urir acid) Tablets for relief backaches and kidney and ^Vder weakness. Last summer 1 P feeling quite miserable with ^V|OQOus backache. I could straighten up if 1 sat down ^ toop^d over, and my bladder Ro irritated that I was disfrequently through the thereby losing much necesA DfoMhor kindly augto ie u??* y Dr. Pierce's AnM>T*i<ieta anef'from the very day inverted thsm' I relt relief. BJJJy were in good working have haa no trouble back since."?(Rev.) John JVJn. 16? Reynolds St. ' wait for serlons kidney allK J? "*t in. Help your weakW kidneys with Dr. Pierce's AnALal1 medicine dealers. Send |l0.Dr Pierce, Buffalo. N. T, m Wei package. ^ C/J .1 ' -X ersurim ione 20 X There will be no meeting of the j Woman's Club on Wednesday Feb-' * ruary 13th, but the club will meet on ? Wednesday, February JTth at 3:15 ' j in the Assembly hull of th library,' . vor<!inur to anno:::.cent, nt by of-, ficers of the t!u'. is. K-; in MeTyre and Win-1 fred Chandler of Young1 Harris, (it., i' I>. el thr ugh Murj hy Wednesday, j j Dr. W. It. Anri< r on. of Ei.wab, and Copperhill, Tenn., and a num- , ber of the firm f T-wr.son & Ander- 1 son, was a busing s visitor here the1 first of the week. ; ^ ALLMOND BESTS MURPHY IN BASKETBALL CAME J The Almonc ' i.? tball t:nm 1 ame ? . it v v toi i 'Us i iver 1 he Mtirthv qii.n' 1 cm the 11 Krai u". -a- Saturday;' I <1 IIUWI1. I'll- S. Y.TlS IS ~tO 1-1. p ;U \va closely cont. >. >i throughout. ^ 1 - r ! ' ff ache -E-.: ;v-;n? T. l? y \ ' ^ Brassicwn . t We are having a ni?e Sunday , School hcrt now since they have ilec j led M?-. John !> . i superintendent. t Me*. Georgia Waldrnp ami little \ "'ii. Hoyt. spent tie' week-end with! her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frane'.sj" Smith, on Martins Creek. i I I Mr. J. A. Hampton is building a tin, two room dwelling for Mr. and j Mrs. Jimmie Frankam. j . I j t Mr. Clifford Waldroj> is building j .t fine dwelling house. ' ( Mr. Charley Ad::n ha- his old job! j hack working in the shops at home. < Messrs. Samuel V l.ofton j Mason, and 'Coul Itirchfield, of Y :ng Horri i c ; , spent tin j?. ...,li .. ;*u i.. ..... C-.ii... I >1r. Johnny Hampton has returned home from Athens, Tenn., where he has been visiting friends and ret lives for a few d::v>. 1 jjjewr?t-jflenry faming r, John. . Hall and Bright Raper att nded , court last wetk. Mr. Virgil Coker inotor- d to town' ^ Tuesday on business. { Mr. I.. L. Maston has *\turned' home from buying furs and will spend a few days with his wife and , children. Miss K.iith Mason pert Tuesday j night with Miss Nira Caninger. Mis Car. iu. Hag in .-at Sunday t>. M. with Mr. and Mrs. Hampton reported a very nice time. Mr. Hanie Car ringer has been very ill for the past few days. Mr. Voyel Hogan has put up a new barber shop here. LOVINGOOD BROS. MOVE INTO NEW STOREHOUSE Monday and Tuesday of this wet* Lovingood Brothers moved their stock of general merchandise into the store house recently vacated by .nr. j. .?i. v auK'ui. DHny in jan- v uary Mr. Vaughn moved into the -s Will Ramsey storehouse, which he purchased some months ago. at which 'c time he sold his building to the Lov- ^ ingood Brothers. The location of tho Lovingood * firm is about half a block nearer the public square and has a better front- ' ing than the building vacated. The. stock of goods can be shown to better advantage in the building now occupied. It has not yet been announced who will occupy the building just vacated near the Dickey Hotel. . CHICHESTERS PILLS , DIAMOND BNANO ^ &AMOND?IAN 1^55^1* A Ooto Wtalllc borea. MM With Bit*<0> KSi SFU* w HAMtRl IBAira niLA for lwoily4f| w years regarded as Beat. Safnt. Always Sellable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS n fiJJS. EVERYWHERE JKS THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml NORTH CAROLINA RANKS FOURTH IN VALUE OF CROPS North Carolina Ranks fourth in he total value of the 22 principal :rops of the United States, for the' .ear 1923. according to compilations if ?he United States Department of I Agriculture. It is estimated that! :hc value of all of the State's crops 1 tva:; 431,500.000. The av r:. ' re-value of cotton was over >100, i . i.e of farnvers averaged j >ver $-00 gv i ; return. Tol>acc<> aveiitgcd $100 per acre. I! garuimr the r- cord, the S* t [>< artment of Agriehltur.- . has i cued the following statement: " I re value .-revs in 1009 wj.? : 131.P72.00O: n !". 10 it was $" ; ;.,;a ?:i totaled I irestock products amounted :? nimo.-t $i i."00.(.00 in 1909 a: d' S?;.i,0()ti in 'I ho v .!.;-- <f iv; . ; .< !; was ;.*>U,000 and ^ 1 11*I f>3,n(i0 for the ivvo periods respec-i\i :y. P .. i another form. N.eth arolim had an average value of $1-1 . ni and $82.31 per acre of : in 1919, compared with ' 17 per farm and 22.21 average ralue per acre of crops in 1909. The artk of the St 'to in 1909 was 21 si m-rop value and fourth in 1922 and 1923. "The nu?-t interesting statistics hat wo might present to the ugrv ultural puMic would he those r.howng the purcha -ng power of the Corth ? arolina farmer's dollar. By his is meant how much of non-farm iroducts would it huy in comparison what it would huy before the , vorld war. From our gen ral knowlf ?dge of th? situation, it is b.i'.'.vedi hat this State has the highest pur- . hasing power of farm money of ; inv eastern State. This might even . xtend to the western States. I "Think what t hi - means! With' >ur I :ig and well-watered ?e.??o-.i>, 1 FACTORY TOWN Miss Ada "ornwel! and Mr. Clyde 'ieklesimer were happily married on Sunday, January 27th. We all wish hem joy and -urcess through life. Mrs. Boh Palmer was the guest >f Mss. Martha Palmer Sunday. * Mr. Glenn Vnndiver was a Hangnmlog visitor Saturday night ant! Sunday. ire the proud parents of a fine baby. Mrs. Martha Palmer lias boon very II hut is improving. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fryc on Y? diiesday night a fine baby boy. Mr. ant! rMs. Forest Ttaguo was i Kinsey visitor Sunday. Born to Mr. ant! Mrs. Gates or. Thursday night a fine baby girl. Min Rnhv RiwfN -? ,l \i... Vt? lyde of Kinst y, were the guests of His. Forest Teague Monday. Called To Her Reward The death angt I visited the home I if J. B. Shields and took from him J lis dear companion, Nettie Hickeyj Shields, on January 28. 1924. They v ore married May 28. 1919. ;:;ci h: " s.\!' on, Ohio, Jul. j ionic. She was 24 years old. Net-1 is was a devout Christian, devoted j rife anil lovi .r-: mother. All who .new her llearned to love her. 3he was sick only five days ant! ust before she died she called her lusband to her bedside and told him | he was going home to her infant laughter that had preceded her. She leaves to mourn their loss a usband, J. B. Shields j a two year Id daughter, Geraldinc; her parents j Ir. and Mrs. Dccouter Hickey, of? iuit, N*. C.; two brothers, and six j isters, and a host of relatives and ! riends. Her body was laid to rest in the | emetery at Friendship Church, ; uit. N. C., on January 27, 1924. j Weep not for Nettie, sorrowing J iveu ones ana mends, our loss is er enternal gain. sit and think, when the sunset's gold shall one day stand by the waters i flushing river, and hill, ad shore, cold, nd list for the sound of the boutman's oar. shall watch for the gleam of the flapping sail; shall hear the boat as it gains the strand; shall pass from sight with the Boatman, pale, o the better shore of the Spirit Land. snaii know uie ioved, whu have gone before, nd jojrfully sweet will the meets ing be, lien over the river?the Peaceful River? fie Angel of Death shall carry me. JRPHY. NORTH CAROLINA LUMBER DEMAND STRENGTHENING * Orders Now Being Freely Reccivcd, Resume of Condition Shows The lumber market is very active and is strenjrthcr. njr daily. yAmerican Lumberman, Chicajjo. Ordtrs are fredy offered by 1 th . retailer* and ir.dasti ial nnpiun rut the mills, already carry.t?;r ?rsized -rder f;l. .=. are booking: with a .crenl Jta! caution in \\th-1 bandiy a- . >:*tcd stork: i:sval!y 11 hand. t'j - on . items of both * w > is and ha: woods have .*h ?\vn arkod voce the 1'rst vh y 1 !U ; : '. v a*d. i II than .v .: for stui'lie ! : ... r..within th'. lumber ir.d s'r\ > operative efii rts effect of - . \ .. .1 di . '. the price level, "t ' \ the mark, t will -. th.- .'r : *.. strength within she r.< .. itvr . rather than weaken. Modi-rate weather rl . mil.? . \. ri ?i so ls .mi large i .-t of selective crops, freedom of foreign strife ar.d tendcnci'-s an 1 1c*. cable ajrenei for fu.-oi H:\ir a ? cultural info nation and .aany other favorable as? ts. r. 'ngj impossible to make ihe past v. ar\ average of $ IS.??n per acre ? ' crop-, just th'ijr what it w uld stilt i nif our farmers v re rt-:ly to show f- r one y ar what they c-.tilu tic. It would only he plan the form work that cv -y month of the year would find needed \\ >i going on. Then add t?. this go foresight made possible by the- more careful studying of cr.i and liv stock price trc nds." Persistent Coughing? wastes your strciujt It. makes the delicate throat tissues raw and sore, exposes you t?? riore serious trouble. Yon ? cheek coughing with Dr. King s New Discovery. Xatu- iitk'Vi rally and liarmh? ly it stimulates t'i fif , mius-usuie: bra ties ^ -oj! ; :t vii n tion-. Has J /;) f ' : i asnnt t-ste. All. >v lini/eists ' C ^ IA'V 0. m DR. KING'S nzw msccvcur - -? ?il iw1? t form therap required. T1 rroom?net: What is tru< and efficienc ?purity an< '-'he law rei leavening g; This measu an-' pnptects In "to< a .:er, ZCi . :1C (. ' \ 7 With ins i?Flo-,. rise' i through are not properly. hoot tection to 1jo.1i the o such laws and co oper Not so with the self i and fights such legisla ing flour would requin ?because low grade" flour." It would also i ?o nrtnf tWOinfO' OUWU UO ?u ?4V ?? Mtmww Calumet Baking Pow< officially approved by I Packed in t ir'l ?it lost cf the country dur'mr ? no weeks has enabled building and lesct Uaneous outdoor work to pro-j rcsc on r. bscio ccr.Li-icmb'.v nbcvc j ormal this season. r,. " " j, V.-iy Co..un*ucts Garage A small building h-.': r?--'. liy bi.t.: : -rru , ! h~ the city I ?r < ' the town | ur': I - ? :* ;h?- s.r ; j i. i en - i v. . ! - .. ?un in: | mrission <f "* trc5 of <"\?'.in*y: I.;- .4 l-\ ? - * j?v ~. ' " V371.J _ V'.i - - -- -^1 A ?? "fr l-prrrrc. . e I . t.u Y/E'VE tpcnl .f' p! in in>? ll \ V ci bi^ vho.: rs!r t b~r.t l-j/s" - ce knc> Lv i :1 to j-.n O".:r couii'c-. ?..h KjnilfCJi They rr r. * rr... r. .ly for STARTS SATURDAY f:>ccla3 !M1 V 10c ? ; i 1SC ^ I\Y men's Cotton Hose.. 19r 3 M??\- lion J9c 5 Hath T . I 19 8 !?:. < ? >?tv*T ( h . 1 Oc PJ !? rry f' > ' - jjg=? Sugar and < - ... ' M GJ: Mi: ?v: Ktc p| Wilii- T;. ".or "J ?jc | (ily ?'i:v. T-'. ap, H I < ]Cc 8 < *]i i ! ' IIV handkerchiefs, | I for 10e 9 Women's Handkerchiefs, 4 for 19c S Linen B.?x Paper 19c I ,.a?n oasir- l*f= ^ J. C SLOCUMB V Murphy, """ ^ andardized in order to bring leuric efficiency to the patie.i his efficiency is most needed merely in the laboratory. i of drugs must be true of foe y in the can is only part, of tl i efficiency in the kitchen is tt quires that baking power cc is at the time of sale to the re insures uniform leavening i the health of the public. :omp?y with this fixed standa manufacturers must product t so as to avoid the deteriora absorption of atmospheri manufacturers to avoid \ .pena mousands c! dollar: "V stocks and removing 'Vp Ives, in spite of the fact that 'ion had previously been tak t'e- ias, the pure food laws art h f.our at the mill and sold in :;'y on the manufacturers she "goat"?he is the one t :u iii health that comes from 1. The standardization of bak onsumer and the manufactu ates in every way possible. I ising llour manufacturer?h tion. Why? Because a standa ; moisture-proof containers in 'clears" could no longer be sc nean he must maintain exp< !wa/| Ky Kojrinrr nnm^or monnj ler contains only such ingred the U.S. Food Authorities. in?keeps the s -. PAGE FIVE l_..r : ~ I'jrj.'Ir. T .vnship Highway Commission c?nr the- Carnegie Library. WAN'THD?To solicit rr&~: r h.v :r 0;i?. -r asps and paints. ?a!; -y or ?''i.-nnilssioii. Aridr* s Th? Harvey Oil Co., riwiland. Oh. It-p) Tfi^rs Fills F V. U.'tquzUd cs an j un-Biuous khcme | \ f;--l ,? torpid !Jwr. 5tr?-Brii^n I : .? s'jvb ficics. r^rulato tia | bu . ' u. relit v.: sick headache. I fsi mi -c? pla?;ning s St?!. W^' .c many -. ?>r.d (- ' . (! rr.acie some of .he Tha'.'r. *v,y we have oeea ab'c c.' h nni? .ike those helow. TE THE DATE. COME EARLY 9?LASTS 1 WEEK ^ Special Heaters . . . 19c "'in Lin-ins Pan- . 10c Small VV.ish B? . J Ilyiii'.i:, Pin> ...... 1. F1 Scvp.- J9c ! Pa:. 19c t l,%u - r. . 1QC V."h':-k Braopvi . . J 0c 1: trth Brums .... 19c \ i' .1- jge P,.v 1&c -. r- O-inch Screw 19e T? w Bar: ...... ^ 0c OLrimh F;v Pans 19c Dish "" ** 13' ^!. Enamel Pan . . J Tu.ui.rerr, i Xwr ... t ' . , ARIETY STORE N. C. about 'init whene\ er in the sick ? ids. Purity le problem le true test, intain 12% consumer. J efficiency rd for baks and pack ition which c moisture. violation of > yearly in ent" goods every posen against _ ? not applied to bakbags as "Self Rising if this fails to "self hat pays the penalty eating bakings that ing powder is a prorer?who welcomes hit! e resents such laws rdization of self risstead of cheap sacks ild as "fancy patent ?rt chemical control ients as have been trength In

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