PACE TWO s " Good MorrcrvJ To You. My Valentine!" MANY curious old charms arc said to be p?'t?-nt on St. Valentine's \ oo?all, like most charms ever invent 4, connected with the procuring of bssbands. Kver before surplus woman dawaed on the scene, this seems to Stave been a subject of much anxiety. Five ba.v Jeeves, pinned respectively to the four corner* and the center of the pillow, are *ald to bring certain dreams of the future partner. If tho Sleeper has gone to bed without eating or speaking Another Infallible t >el! was to write tfee names of adi .. .. on separate ? places of paper, enclose them !n clay balls and throw them Into water. The one which eunie t-> the surface first contained the !?:trre of the fsted pen" It Is a sign of crest good luck If the frwaln you fa\or should be the first j nan seen on February 14. The modore girl who does not i In her faith J snttrely to sign* and omens, can always practice the ruse of a shrewd j maiden of lone ago. who, knowing wbere her heart had gone, "lay a-bed and shut my eves nil the morning till he' carne. for ! would not have seen other man before h'm for all the world" She was far seeing an 1 lucky. Rut If ahe hml net eyw first on the wrong nan. alio would have wedded him, mo M poet tell* iiw:? litit Valentine. t*e dav when birds of kind Their paramo.irt with mutnal chirping* find. Afield I went atn'd the mrrnlni dew To tnllh my k'.ns ifor ?c d housewives dot Thee first I spied, and the fir?t mil we see. In spite of fortune, shall our tr under the patronage of :? Nairn, and ?u. St. Valentine who never married Miuseif, became the patron *nlnt of lovi-ra. -Tha Lady'* Vnmpanloa. PLANT SOME STRAWBERRIES NEXT MONTH Raleigh Just as every farm and suburban home should have a good home garden so should this garden contain a patch of straw l?erries.re2. commends Robert Schmidt, assistant horticultures for the State College }-, and Depart in nt of Agriculture. Mr, Schmidt states that these berries pay big dividends in health and ( Qlildrer iiHPJP? S I MOTHF.R! Fletcher's Casti Castor o;:. : Tcethh orepared to relic, e Infants in Constipation Flatulency , Diarrhea \jd5 incite assimilation of Food, Natural Sleep wit! -i To jroitl imitations, always look for t it. , Pwwi ditectkins jm rarh pacta nr. I pieasurer and tte best are thoe? crown in the home garden and pickel fresh from the vines. 'Strawberries are easily handled *ad take up little space. \ few hundred plants will supply the average family. In eastern Carolina February in the month and in the western section March or April will be soon enought", says Mr. Schmidt. " Pr? pare the soil well and >et he plants cere fully. l*se either the hill system or the matted row. In the lull s>-tem, plant 12 inches aport :n double rows with atd least two ;V.t between each two rows. With ths yvt m frequent cultivation and eing neeesoary. In the matted < -a - ;-te:v.. set the plants IS inche* part in rows throe feet apart. U'l l ?i?c first luiuivrs grow until [In i ?>? ' s about a foot wide th-r- cut eff the j thcrs. "Barnyard manure is excellent f< r strawberries and should he annlied before the* plants are set. Where manure is n<>t available use an s fertilize. Mulch the lurries in the fall with straw, pine n- edles. or < -iavmanure. ThL< will prete f the plants from the freezing and thawing of th? soil, prevent the berries btinjr spattered hi rain and keep tht soil mo;-: and cool during fruiting. NOTICE OF ELECTION. NORTH 1'AROl.IN\? Clay i :n:\. I Office Board of County Commission* ' ers. Feb. 4 -h, 11*24. i Nutlet- is hereby given that under , and by virtue < " Chapt. 13*1, Artii li 17. Sections 234 et seq, and under and by virtue of a . -olution of this 11<<>ard tluiv adopted on thi* date, an ' ioetior. i* hereby called t.? be held j in the > ?urth a in Hayesvill . Clay j County, the usual voting place, on the 18th day of March. 11*24, to ascertain th* will i f the people In !Iayesvil!e Township, Clay County. North Carolina, whether there shall I.. !- vi .1 i said Hay? sville Town dip . sji. ial annual tax of not more' than thirty t30) cents on the one hundred dolliu* valuation of property! 'real and personal. in said township.! to supplement the Public School | Fund which mn> bo apportioned to1 said township by the County Board' ?.f Education of Clay County. -aid t ;hlrty tCO i p**?p*.? m. I lude the present levy of 20 cents n' the one hundred dollar* valuation] ird in the event same i* adopted by ' he Voters m *-id election not to In r? use the present levy more than, I ten 110) cents .?n the hundred dot-j ! Notice is her* by further friven that j | Me I . ftcryjtK8 ii?? (em ?i>pwir?Ud, Registrar and A. U Penlnnd ami R. I K. AlixsmK-r, Judges of said elceifion; that a new registration is callled for said election i.nd that the reR; is tuition' hooks shall open on the j l."?th day of February. 1924. and j rinse o nthe hth da vof March. 1924. 'and will be open each Saturday during: ~aid period at the courthouse tn llayesville at the usual voting: place. W. C. SMART, Chairman Hoard of County Commissioners Clay County. ' FRED -IONES, Clerk Board . ? County Commissioner*. ?27 4t-n?tR) aria is a harmless Substitute for ie Drops and Soothing -Syrups, arms ann to conform 1 to the first line of the ver^e, an Itu- c tnento red heart, hung against tlie glass of the front d??or would he appropriate. Old-fashioned valentines, with lac* 1 paper and sentimental verses. make *p- i propriate invitations. So do the o'd i comics The valentine party rarely takes the v form of a masquerade. hut the hostess , tiaually plan* caps and favor* for the guest*, to give a festive air to The event. Almost any crude cap of crepe paper 1 t can l-r teiaw io*M? dev...*;:*.- ?v ndu !a ing long tassels or fringe ut either shle t Heavy necklace* of cardboard with j, a ruffle of red crepe paper hung about the neck on a ribbon are effective and --.n. ?_ Tlif Ji* 7.1 bnifflfi in a ni'Yflt y r?.n luring "f m ribbon. to |>e wo. n about , j the wrist. wltli long red an?l white t ! crepe paper streamer*. |* | - , : ' Wolf Creek 1 I The ground hoy: certainly has sus-j , rained his -eputution for the first! ' j week of his six. Let's hope he will 'he fooled the other five. Mrs. Edna Slawson was called to ("operhill last Thursday to nurse the wife of Mr. Joe Collector, an enterprising merchant of Copperhill. Mr. I). A. Bryant, the alleged "slayer of Mr. Adams here a few i.i ?nths ago. return.d several days I ago and went to Murphy and made bond in the sum of $.1,000.00. we have been infornud, for his appear ! ance in court. Mr. \V. A. Slawson is making :?rI range to moxe with his family t-< Donglasville, Ga., where he exj peels to make his future home. We I regret to see tht m leave us. Mr. James F\inter. ?>f Lower Bell[ town, was a pleasant visitor here last week. ! Mr. Will Ledford, of Persimmon Creek, passed throuyh our section a few days ago on his way to Cop- ( perhill. | Mr. Windham Caddis. who has' Ibttn working at Tallulam Falls since, j Christmast, returned home Sunday. I Some one has set out fire on the J | farni of Mr. W. E. Ledford last Sat- ; ! urday that burned over a lot of stub- I b!e ami woodland. This makes two i fires that this section ha-? had in the ' last weekMi's. H. M. Ballew spent a port* , ion of ty-t week with her hushano ! at Topper Hill, who is in a hospital' there with a broken lee. It is feared 4 that his lee will have to he ambutated. There was born to Mr. and Mrs. I.uther Verner last week a fine tfirl baby. Mr. W. r. Ballew ,.f Murphy, !-spindin? a few days here with rel-I ative*. j Mr. J. H. Coal of near Copperhill, j was a pleasant visiter in our section / Sunday. The Rev. F. R. Carter has been on the sick list for several days. The Poem m la?t weeks Schoo, People will Talk, certainly was the best,to my mind, that has appaarea in many months. It containa counsel that we should all heed. _ ? PHY. NORTH CAROLINA fOW TO BEAUTIFY THE HOME GROUND Raleigh.? Thor| are three imortant factories in the boautificat>n of any home grounds. says FYank !. McCall, I-indscoap Architect for he State College and Department f Agriculture. The fir-t of thea.-, ay* Mr McCall. is to clean up. 'his change alone in the general ppcerancf, not only lends a charm ut at once brands the inhabitants * feople of refinement evc-r though nable for the time being to plant nd maintain costly shrubberies and lowi n gardens. The second is to plant. With the bundarw of available plant mater* lis in th nearby woodlands, every ome can have some shrube as well Ivcrgrccr. of nine, or s the choice-t kinds of shade trees. Pine of the broad leaved t-vergrec n? an be planted to cut off views of utbuildintrs. Flowers can be plant<1 with the shrubs and will give hundred color. Gradually as time I?U i :1 1> ?i ; J'vi inn mv nuian; rees, shrubs and flowers can be dded. A green lawn always add? u th? i harm of a home ground. Th-. third .ind la^t step given by Ir. McCall is to keep up and maintai the plantings. It is a good plant 0 plant some new trees, shrub or lower each year until the whole lanting plan is complete. Then one lust remember that plants need are. Not only must they be fed ut they must be pruned and oftenimes spray. S. C&J at Isabella. Mr. and Mis. Herbert Garret isitod the latteis parents. Mr. anc ilrs. Will Rurgi ss. at Relltown Sun lav. Hr. \V. C. Fail- was in our sectioi 1 few days ago inquiring for a cow no ifflli" 9 i year c!d hcifei hat he was afraid that some on! tad stolen from a pasture. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Ti.ose who aie ?n a "lun down' condilion will notice thai Catarrh bothers hero much more than when they are in rood health Ti.?e fail proses that while ntam. i? n huMl iliMaie. it is ereatlv ntlucnced by ?onstitutional conditions. HAUL'S CATARRH MKD1CTKE ?enlists of an Ointment aluch Wukl> Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assisti n improving th< General Health. Sold by druggists for over ?0 Years. F. J. Cheney St Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Ne; the ne: i 1:. vivaaii Each s witnes that ol increas spring period These order delivei ?* i J* < to h wn U W-4? BEYOND THE BLUE. By Willie K. Johacoa. | I have ofttimc* read of the prdtuet j place. Where the street * are paved with gro'd. And my heart Laps and thrills with j?y. When Iread "It's the home of the soul." I've been told that the pure and blest Sing bautiful songs on v:ch.j The wander up :.nd down th* Kiver of Life. And never give vent of a Its waits, they say, an* of Jasper. And the gates are made f pearl. 'Tis surely the fairest of places. For a lonesome boy or girl. 1 sometime sit alone with my thoughts. Ever flying to that beautiful place. And think of that happy time. When I -ha ! Ivln Id t?iy Savior* ? j face. I He'll load my right through the pnr tals Of my bright heavenly home, i When my days of wandering are I . ov,'r? i Whi n ?>n tarth I ve c? :as? d to roanv I'll sit down with Abraham and Moses, Ard all the Prophets of Old. And listen to the music While th? y play upon hams f gold. [ Oh. .lesus, Deare-1 Savior. . I long to flv to thee. Sit di wn m that beautiful home. | While vow tell vour love to me. I It's just across the river? This place of beauty ran. And, listen! It seem* to me ? I h? hi the angels 'inping there' - It's just across the border line. Just beyond the Blue. We'll sing anthems of praise r When with I.iff we're- thriAijfi. i A dairyman rises to remark that < it-e water fine for cooling milk i hut migghty poor for produetitfi it. DORMANT SPRAY MATtfUAL and Spray?Flight st quality recommended by N. C. Horticulturist and fouv.ty Agtnt Cherokee Coun- ; ; ty. Sure prevention against. ait to-; t and disoa-.s infesting the or-j t chard. Always on hand oi supply i procuri d on short notice. \\. Ft. } Hughes. Murphy, Rt 2 ,27-4t-p) j Kt Sprii aver 200,000 ordef for Ford i already placed /or deliver ? lew months, w; are facing %?? ?? rw /Inmy ig ?7|/i III^ uviuaiiv successive moiih this wis sed a growth it sales far si E any previous winter seaso * will be evei greater du months, alwa? the heavies f * - tacts suggetf that you pla early to aviid disappoint y at the tinwdesired. ^ D?roit, MicW^n not necennary.o pay cash for your car ii ave your nam/ placed on ihe preferred d You can ?Ve a email payment do ran huv if mi wi?'n tinrtpi* ?K? b? of the ord Weekly Purchase Nearei Authorized Foi Fridoy, February 15, 1924 kllcock i PLASTERS yS A S'xodard \\ Exierml fi*m*4p, f

- - - * ru p sister, Mrs. Keenum, in Tennessee. Mr. Lillis Floyd is recovering aftir a long illness. Rev. J. I*. Decker preached an irttensting sermon at this place on the Fourth Sunday. Mr. Pen Reese has returned from Ohio. There will be a singing and preach ing here the 24th. Everybody j* cordially invited, especially to help out in the -inging. Mr. A. J. Williamson made a business trip to Murphy last week. Everybody that wants a good chfurch come out and do your parr. We are just what we make ourselves, our church, our home, and county are what we make them. If you are working for the Ix>rd come out and show what side you are on. We may stay at home and never go to church and ?lo anything for God. and what will be our reward*. "Whatsoever ; man soweth that shall he also reap.** Coughs * that wear you out making on 1m 1 weak and ill, raspii.g \<>?;r throat and lungs until tlu-j are "son-?break them up now before they iau?r you more s?*rroii* trouble. Dr. king's Nr? l)i