Friday, February 22, 1924 L.occi/ and i.., ^ ^ Teleptior 'it-urge Savage, who has been? in . at Mars ilill College, return u home a few days ago. j Roy T. Campbell, after visitwile a >1 hei parents, Mr. and , . M. Briltain, ovtr the weeki: . ed to his home at New- ; p,.r . . , i.n., Monday. . Rose Young and Miss Alice G aft", of Andrews, were ma?n ! nd&y y Rev. Fred Coch< >wui.K people ore well- ( kr. < : in this section. They will n-tm>ivc iueu iiuuio m rtiiurewa. ? and Mrs. J. N. Moody are in I 1 ton, i.?. thi wi Mr. on legal busint s - and Mrs. it > g her si*t? r, M . \ i Woman's Miss: .nary I, ( Methodist church met Thurs-1 me ui'i:.. ism K. . -on. 1 t?l ( . thy meet-1 iellcious salad course was Mrs. .1. 1). Mall -nee, chairBible itudj gri id, read resting; a : instrucl ive "Science vs. the Bible." \'T T i ll. F. Crooks house - the court: house. Apply ; : . N. Moody, City. ":ri -t i;.n Fr.d. av-ir Sorb J y : l i\-bytorian c hurch held a i - - iitl mi tinir at the J! K.i.iay eveninpr. The house v. : ifwily il. tl i" keeping v.: - a.-oii. Many delightful . - - -mi games were enjoyed by 1 . . L. :cf .shmonts were served. Hi w : about fifteen present. ! Mr . 1. 1'. S* r. v left W !..\ ;^r t > spend several . i'..ivu Ferguson returned \ t> from Atlanta \vh she ; Carl Sudderth \ Severe Pal: "T HAD hat', quite a bad v[ ^ fpel! and sickness," writes Mrs. Emma I'atiivk, ul *_;;ney, Ky., i "and it was an effort for v/\ me to go about my home. 3 1 had a very severe pair. V in my left side that almost \y, took my breath at times, rj 1 lost my appetite. I grew Vu thin, pale and lifeless. I 4 fell off tilt I only weighed 0 about 115 pounds. a "Cardui w a s recom- ' % mended to me and by the zj time I had taken one fcot- i tie T saw it was what I 'A needed. I ale more sndi | | The Woms I Pay You tia3 Hie Tax Books have ids for the year 192 payers are urged to le *nd pay their taxes the money. D. M. I Tax Cc . 2. crsonal $ ie 20 X Mi;-- Elizabeth Snyder, of Niota,! j Penn., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred lohnson this week. ', It The rtgular meeting of the Wo-: nan's Club will h. held on Wednc- ( lay. February 27th, at 3:IS r.l the j .ibrary. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Prodi j hldren, IIu 1; and Jack, of C<.; j? j T nn., came last Saturday ?o, .i it jforJ B-?dsc'rr fatlui, Captain t i.birson. Mr. Brodie and Ha h re-j Tin Seni r B. Y. P. I", gave n | t'liltiiti-' -ocial ,i-. lb' .. sei.ibly hali. I f the Library la*t Fiiday night.: the h::!< wa..- beautifully decorated I n keeping -vith the sens-n. Mary an: - were .s.joyed. after which r- - ( frcshment* were served. About sla- . y were present. LOST?Of. .snail b.own fur neck piece tween the IT i-sbyt -rian . and Bu* enlow by way of Drug! | lore and j;<? t .ffic. . Finder please , turn "? 1 id vr Cq. ufficc and re-1 .reive reward. (lt-p)i . ! Mr.-. P.. \. Dickson fa n ihe v? .. in Mn< n, G:i., with her husb&r.d. The .Iuni*"- Missionary Society of!' the M?thodi~t church held is regular j' meeting i nthe parlor- of the Rsgai 1 Hotel I t Friday evening. Abou' 1 five members w re present. Mr. \V. Chrtatophc r is in Atlanta this v. i ok on busincs . Mr. >hafr Moody of V alrcw- and Mi - Ada Hollo way of Topion werv imirriid in the office of th- llcgfate- i <" Dee 1 K 1 ruury 9th, <j T. N*.' Hates performing thi ceivn ??:ty. jl Mi Elizabeth Posey and Elizabeth Abernathy have rccmtly re - J turned from Lenoir, N. where, they had been visiting Mis P ->y' ,r, .Mrs. L. o. Rictor. i as in Side |! rc-tcd bettor. I kept takins; it and rr.y skia and %} , flesh took on a more Szt ! healthy w>lnr T f?H stronger and, a s the nerv- 1 ousness left me. the pain dm j in mv <iiilp wq? le.oft sov??rp /&) After taking nine bottles, ftgl I eat anything, go any- Yz\ where and feel fine. I /A weigh 100 pounds and am yx welt I feel that I owe it g2 ! all to having used Cardui." fg| | Pain, in certain parts of i the body, is a sure indica- ; tion of female compli- VA \ cations. The treatment ra | needed is not the use of Jj?! narcotic drugs, but?^ ^ n's Tonic |j ir Town ces knan *n ItlV Utvil p?W%>VM MS ...J 3 (or collection. All see me as soon as posas the city is in need Sirchfield Hector ??? THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, MU Tie Woman's Mi - ionury Society 1 f the Baptist church will hold their | L-i.iar business meeting next Tac?... i.jc.noon, February 2G;h. at - * 1, to announc:-.'!iect ojr e fil e: Important Lu.uu-ss is to i Ola V fure- th-? s. iety, nnd it r- ?" equested that all Baptist be j I n attendance. ' OR RENT?E?ght room bouse with * water, electric lip ts and all mod- * rn convenience . Mrt. Nitii. !>.i\y. City. : Mr. and Mr:. Gordon Ha-ty pent' ' I'veral days in Atl . .. . d. ri i*..: " jest week. Miss Inez Sullivan of Sylv* s:*.?nt : he week-end in Murphy with friends^ ; r> a atr? 11 ?i ?n /sire a /^r\f i i r v /a : IS dr;Hy Pcor|0 Will r?o Web to Heed Them. 1 _ . .. . I, - . ;.y """ . ' 1 Kuniey irov-j >le i from a cold or chill. Con-';1 - kidneys fr;il behind in filter the poison-laden l?lood, and bacli ' iche, headache, d /.r.iness and dts- j ?re red kidney action, follow. Don't i. t1; ct a cold. Use Dean's Kidney: fit..- at the first sign of kidney trou-, >le. Ilere i.- an xpi ' irnfc told by i lesident of this lo?:dity: Mrs. Chas. C. Ih-Ji, 25 WooJrow | \ve., Asheville. X. C., says: "My I cidreyr. wcre alway< weal: and :f f. lver-v.orked or took cold it settled . jii th- 111 and ir.y bat .. ached as if t v. aid break. ! could gel no rrivf day <>r night. fly work was f .e;i neglected because ! \va?? in such nisery. 1 was hardly ever free *soirt iizry headache-*. My kidneys act d rregularly and my feet and ankles wclltu. I Used Dunn's Kid ley tnd I hav<? never had anything to do | r.s <o much good. My B u-k wan loon strong and free from pain. The vx t iling left and my kidneys were ,-eguiait tl." f?C? %t all dealers. Uo-ter-Milburn I' >.. Mfrs.. Buffalo, X.Y.?Adv 4\ (A if ih 1 yn Exasperating COUGHSX~MVT chjIx you?but nil around v u arc iiMioyrd l?v tho constant !:-i?-kin>J of it cnt cou^li. i>r. Niiio NVw I)L?.Si:**:: he naKous -embraces to throw off the ?. > lions. Has a pleasant taste. At druggists. Dr. KING'S NEW MSCOVEf / ! PATENTS ! INVENTORS Send us your idea*, and we will Absolutely Free of Charge, i Search the records of the Patent' Offi- e r.nd rep n t to you our opinion a.. ' whetht r or not you can obtain a p.iter.t on your invention. We have assisted thousands of in vectors in DEVELOPING and PKK- j FECTING their IDEAS before fi?in?r" their application papers in the Pat ent office. lake advantage of this Free offer j Write Today for V ALUA BLE INFO KM ATI ON GIBSON & FOX 305 McLachlen Bldg. Washington 1 305 McLachlen Bide. WASHINGTON. D. <*. <23-13t-p) ANNOUNCEMENTS ! i To My Friends and Customers: I wish to announce that I am a Candidate, not for political honors, but for business and patronage. I am still in the Wallpaper Business. and when thinking of past favors, I am not numindful of my friends who have been so generous and thoughtful of me i ntheir kindness. With all indications as they appeal to me now. I am looking for Nineteen Twety-Vour to be the best year In the Wallpaper bu-iness yet, and with the unlimited stock of paper that I have at my command, and the experience that I have had in hanging paper. I am fully prepared to take care of all the jobs that are offered, either hanging or selling. So if you decide to elect me to sell you paper and hang it for you, I promise to do the Job to the best of my knowledge and ability. Thanking you one and all for past favors, and hoping to merit your future consideration, I am Very truly your friend, <26-4t-p) W. S. GREEN. - ? s ? - -- RPHY, NORTH CAROLINA KOTICi- OF SALE. By virtue of the ale contained in a cei tain d a >f trust <X;euted L;. A. J. (' he 10th a ay ?; Kove?r.?cr, i.?i;? ind r. l in the < .. i-e f th ieffister of I?eeds c f Cherokee < :ny, in 1'. >>k No. 71, paKo i7, V rure the payment of th.' su(>t of >350.00. with inter, st on -a;,: from S?ovcmb r !0, 1010, eviden. 0. a tot ?> . c-n Jute ther with, r .ya..; ,o O. C. i i rind due i?oni. ? :nm .te, ?l !?y reason of th i. '..alt i y A. J. C in the p iynv.'iil :here< f. i h-?ldc ' ? f --ti>* not':avi:ii larcd sarac due and . Vie . ?; r : OCT" ! of .he irrij is'-nfil truntpf ^ '.'X'.-jtC .he p v:e.* contained "a . i iced of tr.:st, due : >t;jo i* an.-:i ???MWI ; luwiii itwi luving been n:u ic ;r->fxi < ,'.ivl still existing: lit - : ivU sell at the c -uri hour do in Met; f ; . N. i!? :;. the bights libit..- for rash, a; . )'clock i?. in- on M b 2!)24, '>!!"* - ! i' ' * af land convey; d in . ' ! ri t-.l if . :ust. * *v. it: !.\ : and 1 ? It: f'pe*County. act; in' . tr *;f.d f V,". * . ['aimer John ir 1> riv*. No. *>, on th-. rttcn < .* I reck, and Ex und' d j.; >w. : Pt?Inr. : n a foe t. S. W. corner of No. 2J3, ;n?! rai. v . 'rt !17 ? < ! hlckosy ?>*; >aid lire: th S. .* 1)0 pole: " a ike on t n- ! - !in*. f No. 2<V\i the:. with : ill li"*N. -10 I . 63 ; . . chest llvnre S. \V. 1'.) >Iv.- to . > '< r *:L c ?n ton of a mount in: th: n with 1 i. tot 1 t- ?f the mount.*. I: a * uitlma dir ? tion 272 p? : to a hickory on the i no -f N<?. thence with said line S. 50 JO poles t > th.- hegr'r.'MTi'r, coi nine1 1K :o i-u;r ! - . This 21 iay of Kchr.' ry, 11*21. 1.. E. BAYLESS, Trustee. <28-4thM EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having nualifiSSj a K-cecutor of the estate of Laura \\\ Us. deceased, late of Cherokee County, North Carolina. this is to notify ail persons having claims again.--', the -.state of said dcwiT > d to \h.l :t them to the in i-rsirned a; it office ir. A hevilV North Carolina. h- fore th- 1 i!ay of March, 1 or th s notice, will l>e pleaded in bar of their re Lovtry. A11 - c r. indebted t?? tl> said estate will ] !? :e make i; iliate payment. This the HHh day of Fi'mury. j 1 '.? _> I. WACHOVIA HANK & TRUST TO. Executor of Laura Wells By W. I. WILLIAMSON. .Vsiss-j ant Trust Officer. (2x-tft-wbtci throbbing^^k ??Tiervous headache?^ IMENTKCLATUM J ^uuickly soothes:A-.?r L \ C v s ' S i \ -~~3* f (NOte.: L?r. fierce ;s pros dent ol ( the Invalids' Hot.'l, buffalo, N. Y., to which lor 50 years past chronic sufferers have been coming for special- 1 ized treatment frcrn .ill over the U. S. A., Canada and foreign lands.) Will Undo Much Evil By Dr. V. M. Pierce Knowing the va.-t amount of harm wrought by diseases m tho kidneys, and having had opportunity to observe the analyses and the successful methods of treatment iu thousands o<" cas.T of kidney trouble at tho Invalids' Hotel, i have recently given co the puniic tho latest and perhaps most important ot the Dr. Fierce home remedies, Anuric" (anti - uric - acid) Tablets, which I now recotnmeud to those who sufidT with h.dnty backache, irregularity of urination and the pains and disturbanc e that come from excess of uric acta in the blood. "An-uric" can be had now at all the drug stores. The mere drinking of a cup of hot water each morning and a little "An-uric" before every meai should bring remarkably quick improvement. You may have kidney trouble and not know it. The danger signals to be watched for and quickly heedrd are backache, dep'ression, aches, pains, heaviness, drowsiness, dizziness. Irritability, headaches, chilliness, rheumatic twinges, swollen joints, gout. - N*c:ri ii .;:. ;iMA-c:ur..k - County, W . ?in.rijr ' >u.t. S OTK . OF .-ALE. U viitvf of i. -. aut. >rity ve te .' al .n im a certain judgment ??f :h cs su.i i r cour i j* \ or - .'v ' ountj I which d j adxnu nt wa.- dockc d ti October 2-!. 1922. in ju?lirnu?nt do b*-'? i I. and o' Isncii tht ilovv c it:tl d a 1 the end.: n C ain -.-ianv .11 c:i . c tr 3' d. y March !.?21. at thi . R of 1U:'J0 o'clock v. m.. off r ft t at tr. > urt how- door in *K? t? - b: of r.Iurr'iiy t:- ' !1 v. i ?>. - . F lands: v First Tract, N . :! '*'! b igferjjHflHHBBflBrs of Pa'-v EBjBB l* r: : : on ;; ? -tnut "n V the Hn* of No. ??. W. of *h- W. tl r >' Tra '\ . 4412 ai 1 - ?. DO p<;l< > 1. ro ' 1 . . a A >.? T No. in I>: . ( .. . 7. t! v.*:. - < of i'linl C' . p : :t r?J-? ; ti": > ?* J 'm i .*' tie E. rncr .* '2. b a :h- Kr] I!:-.:?: : . and tuna 2 tin nee W. w v': the IInt of i .:?! tn 11 I. .. ; tn It !. . : . : the \* I f No. 14!: : *h me S. 2% {, VS. ' e t; i-.-u.t: thcnc. T.\ ? s>: a ? -wuiAi n th S. d : \. * ? \v. : li ' t!? h?""*:nn:r.2f, the ' " ? tract4' n in :ii ' 100 at-r*- . : ?>r I,-ss. This ! . ; %.-n be old t" -h hit- c t bidd- rn<i th .? .:?s the . * f w i I i he cash. r. Tfii- the 21 Ft -I <>, V b.. lv.fln RALPH MOODY, ("mv: I (2S- Jt-ebkt NOT!C^ OF SALE OF LAND. |. It- virt"? >f the ' di .1 t.T ' .: f i Min V. it. Pick! - i:v. ; _ d and niie to 1.. I'.. BaylesiJ, truster-. ; for Win. Itain < v. dated Snt.r.iher I . . r.'Ji. r'^ist r.<l in the >.fi ' n the Register of Reeds .'?.r ?'h-.1 County in i>eed l?.>ok No. 70, i b 37'5, default having be-n made tit*- payment of the debt tivriin I' cured in the sum of $3o'.?.22, with inter* si thereon from Feb. l!' * arid the party bound havivu demandi ! that the property be sold under ?a 1 deed I i ?r t. tin und rsir oed outerv :-t the e-u:i tho.:,- -- door 1o highest bid !>. r '? Thursday. Maveh 20, HP.'I, following? real > . ituate in Mur.r.y Township, Ch iVtuuy. N. C.. viz: Three j.-r^P is I. ' a as t':? Chare?! and W:;: property, beginning on : y...:.' tiv s. \V. cacier - - of tho i Voyii s bv.e te a stake; then with tN KeepWell S Avoid Sickness E g TAKE F3 M Si ^t. 1732 PILLS & ^ Ctj O? ? Q .! Bci Tm- T3 ^ will cleanse tho system, purify :ha al J a"J keep you well, p-) i For Constipation f i i Indigestion, Biliousness,?c }. L* :tirety Vcyctibte. , r, --i i?-? 1 ?The Greens! Ne\ II ? 7? A newspaper lor all U claim, "and that's our air awake paper, published ; for a progressive people the times. Independent in politic: gressive; carrying comph , ket quotations and revie\ and with a strong edito tinctly different?there's esting issue. Circulation constant]) more than doubled in sei of your political views, y or your station in life, y great daily newspaper. Six months, daily and Six months, daily or GREENSBORO > Greensbot ; L ? - "j - line to a stak.; the i v?'e?t ti. V?>yj Iir.. lit . i then outh with the Voyios *i.- , the .1 r< ad; then w h n | >ad and Gilbert s )i;:< i> . f-way of 'he Souther:x R . .d ? a 'ar.c corner made I y R. I . ttii h ad J. W. Forrester; .> . a North. f- dire : n a mark d conditional ne made Ly Forrester anti Rich to te beginixv*, beimr the property ' 9U?*h? . Yoyles and *.Y . .n; A f re tract, more or less, ear !' rvoir dam at. fi r of : town f Murphy, bijri u on a ed Oak, and rur.s East to !> anch ) oak; theni k t ? ! oak; tiier.c . dgpe I ain and Duke land btv.; to t t i'lrii'R; Five lots, above the .:>oui.o'.rn Rail- sj v' ? a?ovmiiiK ihc ienos oi 11 h?:r * : h . . oodbury land. b. inff on the branch irit r?n-j by th Southern "V". and eing a part Tn t N'o. i, new surc-y < i 1 ?> 12 m-ar Fain Mount nd beinir sub-divided by A. Fain, K... July 18, 1921. if whz-h a lat is on file in the .ffi r: the blister of Desds, known as W a:y Rijrht. iioaniLd as i'uliov : No. 2, bc^innir : on ;? -iak in t ._tth oundary ii? pi . :i 'attor .' : .i : ting on i'acr?n Ave- ie 72 f' ,-t , J run - rack I Ik : . lit. ' !'att..a Avro-.-c a c;tli of ii-i 177 feet: South no 17,0 f. ; to a 20 f ot alley, a lagnetie come f South : parlie! lino; No. 2-'. b winning < r a rt on Alton Av ... th? northwest < -rcr r N >. 22 and frontin : Pa't in \ v 72 fo t and running bark on - > i r.att. A venn a depth i N I.i-.v 1 92 fevt corner 1 C ie-jih bO Ka-l parallel lino. Al.a three other parcels of land ait of tract No. -1 <>'' Duke survey of 911 lying- near Fain Mountain heAided I v \ A. Fain ('. li Tu'y 1*. 921. which a part is on file in the (agistor oi Do d office and known * V\ ury Ileis-'-.ts teforonc being a do. d from li. C. Rich and wife R. 15. Ficklesimer ant! wife. Costs ofs ale to be added. This 'ebruary 19. 1924. I.. E. BAYLESS, Tiustoe. 28-4tleb) 7T ~EEsr~ > _ _ ^ 77-,-. 7V?~t " v:' REMEDY lf .? ; ; ? GALLS T STRAINS 1 .. -_-y ?- '^LAMEHEbS . * ? "v V_ ? -rf all '' -ratrt of r./aasE-.; -r. . ' L-":/5<*an:lCarti* ' '. -IV - . ^. TToivhl' . -. Durham. ' L . ? -.! '? 1 ... Ubttt n-> > :: *.iu<*ati? Liniment - i ?- f :x l t - i .t : \ n. : . . 1 1 osd u li on - "... -v!g*^rKv;: ^ it czr^iiiia l *-io iiir.s c :ys." INo Sting cr Srr.cri Ccnia'.is Ho Alcohol Cf>r^. V. r.rb?'-ic::r 'VVKN'M PFN' "i " - - i?-.ltry". x.y. nilij. -?c? 5C'o ? SpJ. .OO 1 by D:\sv -r.J - Scares . ] > . ^V-^ - * . > j 5 - tiinrn Hailir 1 ? -? .7 VS I ie people. That's our n. A verile, widein a progressive state, , who think ahead of s. progressive and ag:te news reports, marvs, sports and comics, rial page that is disnot a dull or uninter I r growing and has | ?en years. Regardless our place of residence ou ought to read thi3 I

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