PAGE TWO Vie^tU 1 Health is things vol It bungs h Rut health bygoodwhi prepared fr clients. This ^a ^^^B A ^B /^B W Bi^ H < >aHHMB|HII //IIVNWWCWWC?W^WW5WW?W MOTHER! Fletcher's Castoria Castor Oil, Paregoric. Teething orepared to relieve Infants in ar Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea fAids in the assimilation of Food, pro Natural Sleep withou To avoid imitations, always look for the s Proven directions on each ^ackafcp Fn\ [> y -* fa--:-*-. H^krv ' ?^a Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those Who are ?n a "run down" . ndition will notice that Catarrh bothers them n:u<;-. mere than when they a-e in good health This fait proves that Catarrh is a local disease, :t is greatly Influenced by constitutional condition:. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ansists of an Ointment which tjuickly Relleves by local application, ana tne Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in Improving the General Health. Sold by druggists tor over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co . Toledo. Ohio. EVERY CHURCH NEEDS A GOOD SINGING CLASS If You Want a Singir.^r School Write Me. Modern Methods Prices Right ROBERT BARKER Andrews. N. C. > w7-12t-p) I > T one of the (Trani?. fil - ftaiest II ir lamiiy can possess. II appinessanci success. 11 must De safe-guarded 11 olesome foods that are 11 om the purest ingre- 11 ^ is especially tiuc of . they are not properly 11 1 know that they are II vested. Many times II ing flour is used in 11 1 plain flour and de- II king powder?the it, soggy and heavy \ ances! Use a reli- 11 oaking powder and II Then you will be 11 ul bakingsthatare 11 ience has never 11 ; to take the place 11 id tested method II our and good bak- II reparing bakings. II ewives now know II ience that many II it are claimed to \1 t are worthless :; s to health be- |l o leaven. There 11 l. onomy Baking P ,? be one sure 1 t(? successful ' always pure i some. ' . 1 its sales are 'uch as any N ENGTH EM mm BS i is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, ms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels moting Cheerfulness. Rest, and t Opiates ,, ifn.v.urt ol ikons everywhere recommend it ~HE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MURI FARMS USING RADIO j NEAR 150,000 MARK 1 Survey Seven's Its Yc'uc ; ? Agri culture?Stations Broadcast Special Farm Information. The rapidity with which radio hat spread in farming communities la re vealed by a recent surrey made by the f'nited State? Department of Ag riculture. County agents estimate that there are up proximately 40. r.\ sets in T- unties. This is a: average of fifty seven sets per county .Applying the aicrage to 2.S50 agricui turat counties, a total of more th^a 145.000 sets on farms throughout the country is estimated. The survey covers every ?taie in the Union. Radio broadcasting stations, and there are now about 600 licensed sta , tii-us la ihe utvotf part of their programs t- :.e Interests of he farmer W'GY f'.e General Eec"r c Company's sr. tion . t Schenectady. N I ? ? - *-??.. i HI ... 1 M 1 . if,...- uau/ |>tuuuv? iua? ij.w.a ^ tions. weather reports and gives out other information of vaiue to the farmer. During the month of July a special harvest weather report was s -nt out each noon, and Arlingt a yy time signals are broadcast daily at -j noon. f:; A new feature of i .forest to farm- ;.j ers has just *-n announced by WtJY < On the last M nday evening of ?;ub n month there will be a special talk >n farm bureaus and farm informal' n. t. which will be g;v, n from T IT. to 7:45 . r o'clock. eastern standard time. Th ? fr has been arranged in co-ope rat ui with the New York State Farm I?u ti reau Federation That the farmers a, ; recint" the 1. broadcast reports daily brought to a! the attention of the management of r< WGY through letters. H A Williams, <1 living on R. F. I> No. 1. Bethel. Vt.. re pi centlv wrote as follows: "1 bop to ..<1 V: vise you that your weather foreca *s k? are valuable to a farmer like mys? if. as they enable us to govern our bar ;tl vesting movements more successfully Ci than we could do if we did not have a r' r neral Idea of weather prospects H Your reports give us from 24 to 75 hours advance information. We .ip ^ prt i*e the benefits we receive In ^ :hi> way " Lynn Brown, a farmer at Ro?ebnom. N V wri te "We are farmers and greatly enjoy your program We also like t'n? weather report as It keeps us informed as to the weather for hay Ing This Is especially important when help is scarce and the radio a weather report helps out a lot.** G FARMING BY MOTOR j Churn Is One of Modern Farm i>< Devices That Has Been ! on Electrified. j an 1 ty. When grandma and grandpa started 5C| housekeeping on the old farm, young , and lusty In years, it didn't seem such C ' a terrible Job ?o churn four or five gal- *>r i?? : , H the cburn up and down, with the ? cream gettlnp suffer every minute. ' But a.; time wort on and the multitude wrnen tiecinctxy maices ins ounor ol other farm chores piled up the | churning frequently became one more | muscle acher. the prospect of which | didn't always bring smiles There are farms today where hand I churning Is newer known Butter Is produced la large Quantities and la j quick'time, with unfailing regularity. ' but no muscles feel any the stlffer for j it. The secret Uee In the presence of that little black motor that takee care ef all the muscle work and newer J grows tired or feels ussd ap after hears of work. The electric motor has entirely al- j tared the aspect of this particular chore, ss It has also done in the ease of reaay other farm duties, some of them much heawler than that of churning The electrised farm earn take fall advantage of thle Ingenious arrangement. which helps te save time, aad thereby make the 'arm family a family of leisure And someone has defined leisure ss being simply "time L to lira" ^ PHY. NORTH CAROLINA fjC YOU EAV2 ' , B n-> lalrf'ticn. Wind / ta Stomach. Sxk BN>Uthr. I a "too ?o*6." you w-.ll Hal I Tutt's Pills ; wlut T'i> B?d. Tber ton* the weak I fttocucb. aq>1 buikl UD Uwr svstrm. ' POSTELL. n Mrs. Jasie Swaason has been on ^ siik list for several days hut is1 rtC'l to be improving at this writ a a It . rl Mrs. Dor. t Yoils enter- ^ . i ; lary numoer of in n a; ri a h? me S.-.turday. Mrs. L < man and Mr . Jane Mar- a ?! Mrs. YoiN in servirjr refresh- p \!l r p.?rt a nice time. hi? Mason maiL a bu- ne:-s trip * 1 : t r Saturday 1 i r ? has been several rases i f . . : . . am the ehildren in i BB ) ' ( 1/ t "WfWMr 1mS?VM M MJiSMm # Wi&out Money (bsi You an make it easily at horn In s.-. da Plants . nd Bttlba !*h?? Standard of tht South." arc al i; f!?->riu?>d with hundreds of actua o.raphtc pictures in tin- n-w if.. , ? .| Book ??f ih" South. This ii? w a st itigs* Seed Catalog i? the great u and" most useful s* d Book eve: .' !if"h? d for the South. You need it id w want ycu to haw it enttrel; ?e. We are also giving to e li 1 S2? iston;-r ' SEKI> PACKETS o 1 \l TIFl l. FI.OV.FR! MtSOIATK ' Y FREE. The n? w ( itnlcg tells al jout it and i?'wb eare for th? >nsid?T.?tion of the buyer for pur utsing and platitirc seeds, bulbs am ants." says the Seed World Re w We want you to have ant p the wonderful new Seed Bool your homo for ready reference a I times Write for it now. A post ird will do It will come to you b; turn mail. . G. HASTINGS CO.. SEEDSMEN ATLANTA. GA ;;?CHESTeRS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND ??''% an ?V** L .V "'J c I Si n ^ tAriFAi -r It y... u.mM for cnKlin-TKR S A IA VON u HIU.N'I) PILLS in RlU miM oi d scaled uriik P. .ctO) Ibbon. T.'.cb no i rnti. flu mf T??r v/ r.inr1?? a?4 *.k f.r ? III-CUES-Tf U ? V I1S05ID II U 1 M) PII I.K, bCy i h* to m k* . Or ? tW I Mr. H. N. Ta; lor wu? in our secion again Saturday. Wo think hi is i fine fire ward n. ! Sherman Jones has moved frjm he Dr. Henry farm back to his old muc place, as Mr. S. if. Henry har? eturned from Marvville. Tenn.. t?? ...,c charge of h< r farm. Mr. Tim Re. l- of Unaka spent one-" ignt list week with S. V. Allen and' 1 amily. , 1 The folks in our community have' lot of calls these day.-. If it isn't 1 i plan book it'v - ire sc!:i::t: < ;arden seeds. ^ s Mi. By: n-. Chat man J ist dis. Nettie. > ent Saturday night ind Sun lay with Mr. and ??Irs. Mr.rhall Hamby. Stil?s made a business trip i' Farner Friday. We f? el sure he u bund mud plentiful. Little K:;v Stiles visited ' ? r grand- r lartnt--. Mr. and M: . A. l.s St.: . Mr. :ir?! Mrs. Foley Quin:- visited dr. ..n?i Mr>. .! H:...iby Sa. ;rday r i;:ht. Mr. Hamby i the >roud owner K \. Morrow filled hi* : '^ulr.r ap ointrn r.t at ShrY. Cr- ' Saturday ifternotn. Mir. II. V A He i and daughter. "1 ~cnt Sur. iav v. it>. L H. Allen v.?l family. Mi*-. V a 1 thor. M-f. leyj. Voils. \ sit'* j Mr.-. Lube Swan " Surday afternoon. Mr. Tom Swan son an 1 Guy Suit lad a busim s - trio t > Duektown :aturday. Mi. Filsha Satterfi.ld from ApSMALL FARIV Wanted to buy from five acres of land o r railway, not too fa Should have small d it. Leave descripti have at the office of THE CHEROK Murphy, r t? 1 r\iii? H/M?n VUJL JL V/l v*. . ng almost here thousands of f amili demand that is certain to exist ior 1 e placing their orders for immediate ? far ahead d salea at ?hi? Hmn re calling for delivery under the For a have already reached a total ol do. of securing prompt delivery is dai main. We cannot urge too strong ssity for placing your order immc ing to drive a Ford Car this spring he nearest Authorized Ford Deals iCgtor^/ont/i Detroit, Michigan MBRMM7to?ykrfo?c*hMlli onfat rate faltmy. Tea otgRaadM pnbned Ha IT Mwy by akbt V*I""< 6um%. I ?m ?y> Ml M 4- > !? ~A? KM ?l tfci M W^Qr hicbMi PUa. s Friday, February 29. 1924 r^umohia i Call a physician. Tn?i 9 "emerRency"* treatment wckh VicksI Ew vaporubi M Ovmr 2r AM/.o" talachia. Tenn., was on Shoal Crc^B a-tt week trying to buy saw milfe/H Since the game law has < me i^l "Orce. the squirrels arc ?;:r vinsr^B ?f Ed Allen's walnut- f jjfl phing house. B V.?gil All n spent T!v nijfl vi'h his -istcr. Mrs. K1 ;cn: also made a trip t> cr, e J* lev All* n was out irdny afternoon. jfi M: Lyda Crane WiJ Hi wr.p-on were husin*- .rs Suit Saturday. (At leech] PLASTERS | tjSii ? Bxtlrnjj . tm*4y. lj|j \"rV\ RlioumaU^, I I V ' A." m l ^ j I Subscribe to the Scout 1 I WANTED \ fifteen to twenty- j igood highway or r from Murphy. Iwelling house o.. on of what yo^ EE SCOUT j ? ?11 .1 V* I I I NJr>*xr ' *. 1 V/ f ? I cs, antici ord Cars ; ! delivery. last year, d Weekly t 255.758 ly becotn_t .t i i fiy, inerediately, if ? r i i -*I * j ' dm