I ^^^rtday March 7. 1924 ?.oca/ and Km L&Jm" antl Mrs. Hays Leatli oolKvoftday, a fine ten pouna ^Lrnage licenses have recently issued to the following young F. E. Fry and Winnie Lee Hbcrt; G. W. Ro les and Mis? : and Erwin Watson and Mis? Ht SALE?Several nice lots, two Kindred yards from big band mill. K.third down balance $10.00 per Kith. Three-room house to cost Kt<: $200 will pay $8 or $10 per Ell* rent, equal to six per cent in ct on $2,000. Fine investment. 1 Hi. Hill, City. (lt-pil) | Imenthclaium s ^uukldy clears fc/unuT nnnv qi VIIULB. UUUI Ul IN 01 Mor.-e, La.?Mrs. L. P. Lam-i rt. who has been a popular liool-teacher here for several ars. recently told a visitor of; r in It-resting experiences with irdui. "Just before my . . . came said Mrs. Lambert, "I would he all over. My feet, my toes. urms, hands, head?my whole dy seemed to be in one awful in. I would grow so nervous at 1 could not hold a cup in my nd. My husband would have hold my cotfee for me to ink. Last fnll 1 was in such a d ct ndition that I had to spend out three days in bed every inth. It seemed to me that I; s on my last go-round." rhtn one day, said Mrs. Lam-! rt. he happened to read about rdui and the experiences of ne women who had been. Iped by it. "I felt that Cardui! glit help me if I tried it," she! r I COM /dwgri h{&m bif if a N I A Picture Tha . New And a ? eaggn _ Isg picture wuu ? Spg9 brought millions to th and applause. A picture you MUS' seen it already?that yo if you've seen it before The Motion Pi ?? PIa theati march 21 [m. iPersonal | ~SG t Dr. Allard Merr.mirger of Charleston, South Carolina, was a business visitor hire the first of the week. Dr. Memminger is interested in the Regal Blue Marble Company. LOST?One lavender-colorea cameo pin. Finder please return to Griffith's Store. Reward. Mrs. J. G. Green, City. (lt-p) Ma-ter Bill Ivery of Asheville cpent the past week-end with Edwin Wells Brown. Miss Mirandy Bradley, who has been in charge of th% Murphy hosiptal, left Wednesday for Atlanta and later rtie plars to eo to New Vork to take treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Eft on Christopher ind three children of Cineinati. Ohio and Miss Dorothy Henslcy, vho has been visiting1 for the past .veraI weeks, arrived in Murphy Monday to spend several week- with Mrs. Christopher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nelson. Iemed ie awful pain continued, "for I had been suffering witli similar troubles to those mentioned there. I had heard of Cardui all my life and I knew many women who said they had been helped by it. The very next day I began to take it. "Very soon after, I began to notice my improvement. I kept on till I felt like a different woman. I gained in weight from 98 pounds to 115 and felt better than I had in years. I took six bottles right along and found it a splendid tonic. My suffering was partly due to a run-down condition and the Cardui stimulated my appetite and helped me f a orpin {ha elvmnrfh T tmarla/i *" ?? V'r. King's New Discovrry stops coughing quickly by stimulating the mucous membra nei to throw off clogging sc- .a. c ret ion-. It has a pleas- A ant ta-tc. All A druggists. \ ,/ m, ' 1 'feB Dr. KING' S \e w n:sco ver y wholcsnr.i ui vise uwi" er denominate :is of the comr.iw.iity. and to V.a? ev.-vy merchant. .alar(:eu and profi sional man. ir iso who | put their ccniribatbm in Liie buckets ' of the lay ?nr!?. rr.d ? ?:;. [ busines or agency that <:onir;bu;tii in any way th? > .; - t : -.he drive. M. E. Chi:. h fund ?. . if.. . I WORKS HARD A i 70 YEARS Or AGE F. E. Britt Has Used Thatcher's Livj cr and blood SYrup 47 Years and it Koe s Him Well Another remarkable .instance nf strt ngth and vitality being conscrv1 ed in old aye through the use of Dr. | Thatcher's Liver and Bio. d Syrup lis that of F. B. Britt. a well-known i (resident of Eclectio. Ala., who says: "I am sew uty years old and feel as strong and well as anybody ar.d i can do a- much hard work as I ever could. I h?ve been using Dr. Thatch cr's Liver and Blood Syrup for forty-seven years and think it the bislj ni divine i ever took in my lifa. WhenI feel a hit tired .r worn out I take it ar.d am soon ft cling all right again." Di. Thatcher's Liver and Blood Syrup is sold by R. S. Parker and if the first bottle fails to bring relief | the purchase price will be tefunded. ?Advt. NOTICE OF SALE | By virture of an alias write of I Von. ox. issued by the Clery of the I Superior Court of Cherokee County i will oiler for -ale at the Courthouse door in M ,'rphy on Mondov April 7, 1924 to the hiphest bidder for cash at public outcry, the followinp parcel of land, situated In Beaverdam Township, Ch.rokee County, North Carolina, vis: Bepinninp on the SW corner of T. M. Jenkins* Lot and runs S. with the public road to the Murphy and Unaka Road--Thence E. 3 rods to j corner of U. S. G. PHillips yard on ! the public road?thence X. about 27 | feet to a stake, corner of th.- Jenkins lot ?Thence W. 3 rods to the bepinninp. containing 3 acres, more or j iess, being the lot described in a deed j from U. S. G. Phillips and wife. da?' ed Dec. 17, J917 and repistertd in | Deed Book No. 27 < '?"> page 89; to satisfy the sum of $780. 09 with interest from Nov. 1923, and costs, $8.35. j This March 3. l.?24. W. P. Odom Sheriff (30-4t-O.> ' Mr*. & D. Faulk ! ML Have You a Cough or BroncHitU? Thia Should I nt.r.t You Charlotte, N. Car.?''Dr. Pi?rt?'? 1 Golden Medical Discovery has done : wonders for members of my family, j also myself. After I had the infta- ! enza 1 could not regain my health. ; I had a bronchial cough, was weak | and my blood was thin and bad. I \ toot mr uoiaen meaicai Discovery' and two bottles relieved me of ad) 1 my bronchial cough, j "When my youngest child was | about a year old he had bronchial ; trouble and nothing gave him any i relief until I began giving him the Golden Medical Discovery' and he ' has never been bothered with that I trouble since but haa grown into a j very healthy boy. I am sure the , 'Discovery' saved his life, for I had | given up hopes of his recovery from ; tMa ** ^ vj " 1406 N.~ Harrill ?tJeftT " ? *Xon hecin to mend when yon >ter4 rltfc "Dtecovery." Bay it new at roar neighborhood drag tor* In tablet* or liquid. Writ* Dr. Plerc% President Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo N. Y, lor free confidential adilee. I NOTICE The gr.-L :>*jcmd will receive sealer bids at the Office of the County Commissioners of Cherokee County, N C. in MwnKw, m. r. jrtti! trclvc o'ch v k noon on th> 31st day of March It*24 for the grading and making ;; highway, under pians and Specification? of the State of North Carolina, now on file in the Office of the said Board, for the Highway from the Notla and Murphy Township. Lines t j the Hot House and Notla Township, Line at the Cole Gap. a Distance of approximately eight miles. The board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This the 4th day of March 192-v T. J. KKs'G Chairman * I. F. GARLAND W. A. EVANS Members of the Highway Commission of Nv?tla i w: i. <. Cherokee County, N. C. S. W. LOVINGOOD Chairman T. J. * BRISTOL GAY BRYANT Members of the Board of ?' . : v.missiorers of ("i.erok County, North Carolina. (30-4t-wai} UPPER BEAVERDAM. Rev.? Tru!! . reached an excellent ?orm-n >n Sunday at Mt. N'ebo School house. The Sunday hool r.::s* .-on to h' bad on :: mnt !' . > nv. h had weather. Farmers are beginning thart of Owl Creek. Bob Allen is very sick and has been for several days. We hope he will soon recover. Miss lbie Radford and Niniv Ros. were pleasant visitors at Mi > Etlu-1 Clayton's Sunday. Mrs. Tinie Rose i . ported t?> be getting: alt rig fine since she underwent an operation. She is stili In i the hospitalnear Atlanta. Miss Ethel Clayton was on- horse I back riding M nday. Mr. Gar' R: . " ?rd is working for F. W. Ra -rd rt li s t\v mill. He .ays they e doing son c fine wort in the lumber mar ufurturing: bus! ness. Brownlow Hortcn and -!es m l a business trip to Grandvitw S;.t i urday. They art going in the eros*' tie business. Mr. J. L. Roberts made a business trip to Unaka Saturday to hear the good roads subject discussed. For First-Class SHOK REPAIRING Come to TILSON'S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP James M. Cappi, Manager Murphy. N. C. j We Pay Parte! V > t uv way in nOMile Zone (a29) CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ~~ ; Signature erf ' i IT i K\ !4HKJ JLulkvim HJUOTlM <-r 25c MjUMlWM IV. Hot??koM Sim ?\\ SOc Rh^Bi ContaiM 3 timo* HHHHDj Us Ikock M C.,. 2S< m. ^ ' si.oo HHMl r. ConUintltiM* RM[R3I I 1 murk m? MUSI GAc OocxJ Oid St LININ SOLD BY DRUG At ] PAGE FIVE DON'T BLAME THE CHILD T-. . I!* - MB - O.. t .-vOiu yvui -unuicn lur mca. of control over kidney senretions. It is : t always the children's fault ?in many case,; it means weak kidne; > and can be readily righted. Read this Ashevillc mother's advice: Mrs. W. B. Whitaker. 336 Sw French Broad Ave., Ashcville, N.C-, says: "! am never without Doan's Kidney Pills in my home and I know there is nothing better for kidney complaint. My little daughter has always had weak kidneys or.d was annoyed a let by the too frequent action of the kidneys both day and night. I had heard Poan's Kidney Pills highly spoken of so I j used them. They soon regulated ; her kidneys. I have taken them my - it wnen nvv kidneys were out of order and I was run down and felt dull and languid. My kidneys also .'led too frequently but Doai.'s r.avo never failed to relieve these at| tacks." Price 60c at ad! dealers. Don't I sini^'y ask for a kidney emedy? get l oan's Kidney 1*11!;-?ihe same that Mrs. Whitaker had. FosterMiiouin Co.. I,iIli.'falo, X. Y. ?Adv. p*vyy*-c j Why suffer from nervousness, insomnia, hysteria, nervous dyspepsia, nervous prostration r%r anv ailment /lin* tr* a disordered condition of the nerves? DR. MILES NERVINE I will give you prompt and lasting relief. It products refreshI ing sleep, builds up . chr.t' crod nerves and promotes a normal distribution of nerve force. Your Druggist Sells It, Ask Him. ub it in 9 frss/y # PROMPT RELIEF ustang Liniment positively banishes re muscliV, strains, bruises, with a w applications. Mustang doesn't burn smart ?it is made of soothing, heal% oils that penetrate the fiesh to the ry bone! For 74 years Mustang Linv?nt has been the real "friend in need" MAN. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY. >e it freely for cum;.!?m Piles, etc. Harness Sore* mha?o Foot and Skin Lumps uratffia Shoulder Rot Sprains.. < tc. ip. C okfe Scab. etc. Scales 1-umoaia Hoc* Dt?ear. Black Rot imps Inflamed I ddrt Catarrh >up Sore Teats Cankers ihtherin Wounds Roup ts. Sore* Ulcers Gapes Iced Breasts Spavins Worm* re Nipples Locked Jaw Pip. etc. RRFF >Vrit* frtr b*?o?ifui SOUVENIR PENr ivr?r< OIi,.?mt .1 fvmWwXtfyUt* ?r?h tr Ireetiom f?r o*in* Uo*C*ng l.ti.merit f?c frtniy ?ui?n