Fid.T. March 14, 1924 ?.oca/ ant Telepl *A.y^?!?,X,^<,44WM??<"V-y-*-v. [fj. R. H. Sreed and children, ]iaa. Margaret' and Max. returnthe latter pa. t of last week from jgjj < > a*fci othr Florida points re they have been visiting relas and friends during the last ft w I'. -ie Johnson, Clara and l JJV< .' < left last week for Culhee i -trend the spring term at Cu!!* n- e Normal and Indur1 Si+ iq. i- N. Hates was a busi tor *.i \-hevile several days the :r p<? 1 1-ast week. I:. M . King Jr., of CopperhfliJ n.. m a busines visitor hen the t wt ek. Tour ch fOi The foods y e:it today, de strength and 1 j years. Remember thi have wcH bah Their food si the right salts. These sa i builiiiigira^: j Bakings that good plain >vl baking pov.i.j neccssarv j idren to cat 'iJ; forms an idn-.i When making Bcikir^' Powlj more tlir.n : leavening ?tr<>? purest and su made. That's make your (lot and easily dige Millions el li Calumet daily areinteiT-.tedi ren's welfare? and future hea PACKED IN T ?KEEPS S II Var Ft II WE have used BlackI H H Draught ever since K BS w* ^?ve hs(( fam* I H iiy and that was shortly ||after 1874," says Mr. E. I Ha. Branstetter, of St. I James, Mo. "It is my first ^Hronna^V mlian A# no Ie t s sick. . . . We use Hack-Draught for torpid ver and stomach com"When I get sluggish nd don't feel so good, I ike Black-Draught?and ou have to show me that here is a better medicine ? Ktm ir in Not Thetf bLACX-E ) Personal | tone 20 | 1 Mi- < f'.ivhr. Mn Cope and 1 I' r . ,.f the Mary P. Will j inpha1 1 S. r. - : .f Blue Rulee, Ga., spent the week end here with thier patents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cope, and Mr. and Mrs. Rolin Dock try. re >:>< vtively. SALESMEN for lubricating oils and paint . Excellent opportunity. Salary '-r rrrnmission. Jed Oil and Paint Co., 0701 Burwell, Cleveland, Ohio. (lt-p> 1 Col. :.: <! Mrs. J. N. Moody returni l Friday from We hinpton, I>. t. where they -pent the pa-t ? n days a burin- and visiting Mrrs. Moody's sister, who lives in the CapI-.sal City. I Mr. A. I.. Johnson was here a few lildren's od ' our children. tcrrr.iie their health in iat.r is; they must anccsl meals. mu!(! contain . lidi. hi e flour and . ccr.taia the sunt of miii>\v your chilr*i' of these rwi.h fruits ,This c. y\ Mbnce, : quir e ri;infj . tri.-v such i tiins, rakes, d n't fail to the ccoromy . It contains lie ordinary igth?it's the rest lcavencr why it helps tr foods light mothers use because thew ii the.r chila their present tlth. IN STRENGTH IN lie Family : I in Missouri. I think it is ' fine for indigestion'or for I headache. It is a splendid - E family remedy. My wife I uses it for any stomach- ; I ailment, indigestion and - I hilinnr.npfui Wp davat lpt ' the house be without it if ; I know it We also give it > to the children for children's complaints, colds or fever." ; Keep a package of Black- ' Draught in the house for ; all .the family. ; Your daalar will nil yon a mammoth parkas*, containing flv* of the rectdar-aiae pack- ' ages. It's oh*ap*r. tmbtr ?i. i 11 ) fort's, Not IRAUGHT I ver Medicine THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. ML days ago looking after his furniture and other busines matters. He has gone away for several months, hut ha stored his furniture her* and .-till maintains his heme in Murph; . I FOR RE XT AKaut 121 acre farm! j for rent en shares or for cash. S j J. L). Malionee or J. N. Moody. | Mrs. C. N. Carpenter, Mrs. (li'.e* . Covtr and Children, Mr. R. S. Porter ar.d Mr. I". B. Ferrebee and Mr. i J. I-ristol wtr. among the Ar.d rev. visitor- in Murphy this week. Mi. C. Buchanan, of Syiva. ten ied the bond sale of th. i Township at thi court house J Mr. J. Mull and Miss Dora '\r land Miss Annie L. Bass of Hay-svill j were in Murphy this week. 5 Mr. J. Iirittain is alter. n.* a . meeting of the South Atlanta Soft j 1 Drink Bottlers Association in Atlan| ta tnis m ek. i The only meeting of the Wo-' j man's Club will he on Wednesday. March 2'5th. social in its nature, and , 1 each number is asked to bring a list' of books and magazines desirable for: the library, a? the committee is ready ' ^ to purchase some additional volumes. J Col. D. Witherspoon invited s vcriil of his fri? .a.i- to dine with him J Tuesday evening at what turned out t he an elaberate birthday dinner When the guests had arrived, they were escorted into the dining room. (t where each guvst fount! at h:s plaee j t a cartoon of Jiggs in a special poc- I turc of mood. which supposedly | charactc'iized him. Ae deti.-ious five I e??ur--e dinner was ?-rved by Mrs. Witherspoor.. after which the gues - i, retired to the -itting room where ; gt d natured conversation was indulged in for several hours, followed by music. It was Co!. Witherspoon V forty-first birthday anniversary, and when the guests departed j they wished him many hapy return*, j and deelaretl that it was one of the t mo-t enjoyable evenings they had i ^ spent in a long while. Baptst Sunday School Announcement,' Murphy Baptist Sunday School j* has arranged to seat 300 in the main ' r< on of the church next Sunday '' without over-crowding, and provls- I ion : a! o made for every class to] have a separate room to imct in. j* Two hundred ami fifty, including! ,-ixty-four in our men's class, were! ' p.csent last Sunday. We are praying and working for three dundr.'d incvluding seventy-five men next I Sunday. Every Baptist and all oth-j 4 ers of Baptist persuasion or ptc?-jl erence are most eordially invited in I assemble with us at 9:45 A. M. Sun-J day, March 16th. We thank all our. workers for their fine co-operation. ] Cordially, | . T. I.. SASSKR. Pastor; ! NOAH LOV1NGOOD, Sunt! *vr -cr Morumcr.' Kl.uNEI\, Cafl or Writ.- if You need a Monk cnt Half your Living Without Money God You can make it easily at home Hnsllnw" SppiIr Plants and Bulbs ! "The Standard of the South." are al ' fully described with hundreds of actua J photographic pictures in the new 192-. Seed Book or the soutn. This new. Hastings* Seed Catalog is the great | est and* most useful Seed Book evoi | published for the South. You need it | and we want you to have it entirely free. customer S SEED PACKETS o1 BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS ABSOLUTE LY FREE. The new Catalog tells al about it and gives "every care for th? consideration of the buyer for pur chasing and planting seeds, bulbs ant plants," says the Seed World Re lew. We want you to have ant keep the wonderful new Seed Bool In your home for ready reference ai ali times. Write for It now. A post card will do. It will come to you bj return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN ATLANTA, GA. m - ? CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED ~ ALI. . WORK GUARANTEED W* CALL FOR AND DELIVER Arcade Pressinq Club Und.r J. W. DAVIDSON.S Sim I 'Pho?. 85 MURPHY. N. C. t IRPHY. NORTH CAROLINA " laE?1 Coughs annoy^y unnecessarily Check tliose violent ouu:*Li. .'sjiells that bring ujH.n y.n :,!? attention. Dr. Kinir N t'i-icovery stops coughing by gently .stimulating t! rnte ous membrane:. to throw off el.vgmg swrrliotK. It lias a pleasant tasteAll ?lrup Dr. KING'S SEW DISCOVERY Letter From Woodbury I y i-.e'.Le Cickey (We publish the foil swing letter from Mr. W. If. Woodbury to Mrs. SVttie Dicker f<?r t:." b nc fit of the nany inquiring friend- here of Mr. Woodbury.?Ed.) Astuville, X. C., Mar. 7. li?24. Jtar Mrs. Dickey: Am v iy g >?i to have your let* irnd opreciate th kind v.-.?:d and houghts in regard tj myself. After spending the wint.r in a veil heated room instead of in Flo.*-: da, I am about ready to get back nto harness. Of ecu .-. v.. ui?i hav >referred Klor:da, but h was no. he case and I had ti? take the best hat was offered. I hope to get home in a couple of : v. eks but it will be three r four veeks thereaftii before 1 can leave own on account of the n < - ity of laving dressings applied vv rv day >r two. 1 must -ay that 1 have had many, eliciting frit nil- that I thought, fori i> many hav.. kept up with nv.\ for ; vhieh I am very grateful. Mrs. Woodbury has >luud the trial! cry well, has be. n with me every lay exc. pt thr and two of then-., vas in bed herself. Will be out to Murphy as early as lossible as 1 know it is n ee: a:y. ai hough from reports my busine s has, rone on v. ry well; Hope you are well and that there! ire good leports from Mr. Dickey, j Remember me to Mrs. Griffith andj .11 my friends who are staying with ou. With best wishes to your own good! adf, Sincerely, W. H. WOOimiJRY. I Bfjf Hands chapped?^! IMENTHOLATUM 1 quicklyai^^^r j Mrs. J. J. BerryhiD ^ . i Advice to Mothers Charlotte, N. Car.?"Motherhood 1 left me in very poor health. I had a trouble that I could not seem to check. This caused me to be weak and nervous and I suffered with backaches and bearing pains. I went on suffering this way for about a year. 1 doctored and took medicine but nothing relieved me or gave me any help and I got so bad that I could scarcely get around. I was very weak a.;d 'all in' physically when I was advised to take Dr. Perce's Favorite Prescription. I took several bottles but consider it was well worth it for it completely relieved me of my weakness and made me feel once more that life was worth living."?Mrs. J. J werryhill, 1408 Seigel St. ^vru,I5'8^s- Tablets or liquid. Write Dr. Pierce President Invalids' Ho^1',,n ,Buffalo? N- Y-? f?r free medical advice, or send 10c for trial pkg. tablets. - ? ? v. ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID'S CITY By Anna Lou Dockcry. Or? Royal David's City St--- d 'ow!/ f-rttl" shi (I, K;Wh^^| mvthcr laid her body Irr a manger for his bed? Mary was that mother mild. | Jesus Christ her little child. lit- ( :.!::? d: v r. ?. farth from H* :.vun Who is God and Lord of a!l. ; And hi .-nerider was a stagl:Ard his shelter was a stab!- . Witr thv ?r a d . ear. and lowly I.ivtd or ?arta Saviour holy. Fcr he i our ehildh"odV pattern. D^y bv day. liV u . II. - > a . He wu* lit ! '. v: k :?:? 1 '"1 >1< Tviif- and smilt . ! . r And he fee loth f > r -a in?\nd he sharcth hi out el fine And our eves at last shall ?ee Hi: Through His own redeeming love-. For that child, so dear and gentle. Is oar Lord in Heaven abov And He leads His children on To that place where He has gone. N? t in that poor, lowly - table. With the Oxtn star.ii ?' by, W shall see Urn but in H aven, A; God's ripht hand op hrph When, like star-. Hi- childien'.1 rourad. All it: white shall wait around. FACTORY TOWN. Mrs. Arthur Knipht. who has been her parents, Mr. and MrS. A. Yovles for several days return-ed back to her hoim in Ha;:el W ' Saturday. Mr. and .Mrs. Gilb rt ?'-it-roll a ? the nroud parents of a baby boy. Mr. and Mr-. Will Beal were il pu< st .,f Mr. and Mrs. Frank < oie man Sunday. Miss Ruby Routo* of Kins was the Kueat of Mr. and Mrs. Fore Toapue Saturday .md Sunday. EVERY CHURCH NEEDS A GOOD SINGING CLASS It' You Want a Sinpimr St-ho*>1 Write Me. Modern r'<?b. .-I* ? Pri: ?** Ri?ht ROBERT DARKER Anilr. f, N. C. (27-12t-p) (Last We. k s Letter) The pretty weather makes the farmers think of work in th. field. Little Oid Allen spent Friday nlpht and Saturday with his prams parents, Mr and Mrs. S. Y. Allen. Ga'rlen Harper of Dark town .-rent the week end with Andrews Thompson and family. E. II. Allen made a ' -moss trip to Furie. ; i'.r.n. Friday. W 1 ie .Johnson was a v " " < : ee:. ulny. Dr. G. M. * n~ 1 called % P Paw I riday t set Hem-; Hur. .. children who was Reported to be very ill with Penumonia we are in symathy with Dr. Yong for he ha? more calls than two or three Dr?. could fill hut he is one oT tK best Drs. in the county and very wants him he isbuisy all the time for there is a !?.l of .-?k-k f??!k> in ?>ur leommuratv. , Some of our folks has a Paiclo feaver but Mr. Hamby is the fir*t to buy one. Miss Eliza Allen visited her sister i Mrs. O. P. Taylor Sunday night. Miss Ethel Killpatrick visited Mis? Ella Prawn Saturday night. Mr. Jim Woods of Suit attended! the Mac-onis meeting at Shoal Creek Lodge Saturday. Mr* R. P. Allen visited Mrs Mary, Hill Saturday, also visited Mrs. Mandy White wro returned to her home ( Friday from Are Buck where she underwent a searions operation she is reported to be siaughy improving., Dr G. M. Yong and little son i rtiorl/io tnoitaJ M? " ..... ?um .nrs. .Marshall Hampy awhile Sunday right. Mr. John Mason attended the Odd I Fellows meeting at the Lodge at Suit i Saturday. Miss Bannie Beaver spent Saturlay night with her Grandmother j lane Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hamby ntertahied a nnumber of the young rolks at the ir home Saturday night, i Miss Bonnie Ledford of River Hill tnsited Mr. and Mr*. M. M. Ledford Saturday night. PACE FIVE PSi for Sick Fowla MUSTANG Rem p. Smv'lltJHrarf. ' IflMijL HoiM.OUm./rcMUpknCi hJSays Thos F. Rim. !' *? ! WSSsSBt la.?"1 have 'MTMni* ^UW5B( C2T1 "* *ustanar Limnier? in my P*b|uf[2 jra'ti* for 24 yeat*. My father. TV.ores K i'k, who 1 Mndca gT^plfev' l'c K;gg strain o: Hjvdini, '! it in hi- y ar?ia and always r? c< n.rner.ded it t?> the fratcrn^RKnlt tty. /( i* a fouiu* f?r* /or L Bttmblrfbot atui Surilrd WRSSHbJ Head. i v . .Id not undertake ' (SCBr lo 'Kcc& '' wis without having a ^*-a boCucoiMustao^handii/by. THJt CDLT Wriv f r hr* icifsl US' 25c ,;i.K,f ,:1| 50c ailnMt arid fuf J $1.03 5 "s', S Sold by Drug and General Stores ; MEXICAN Mr. nad Mr- E. H. Allen and |"rui i . k : . n I no ent Su . ! ri-r.-r wi;h Mr. and Mr.?. Marshall Ha..ijy. S. V. Alien vj.-it d ! . .johent* i ark* r who i very ill Friday morn* Arthor K :a von i- planinp ut a a Radio soon. Mr. W-vie Stii s was a visitor at j John Mason't Saturday afternoon. j Willie, Robert and Myn-n Thompj son were out riding Sunday moraine Jane Mason was a eallcr at Mrs. I Lyda i* I : afiri i:uun. Sherman ?.:?: wa a visitor at l.uio Stile*" v-t, r<? Saturday afternoon Fred Hill, Ralph Ledford and Lakes Quit.n, -if Farner S.-hoo'. visited their parents over the w ok-end. CASTORIA | For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ~~ Signature of ' Z'sfwmt mc? Most o: the pain we suffer is uti:n . c;>..: y. Why continuo to endure it?to sacrifice your, youth, beauty, and enjoyment to it? The combination of simple harmless medicines found in Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pilla is especially effective in relieving pain without bad after-j effects. Fov more than thirty-five years sufferers from headache, neuralgia, backache. tooth9 gggpEEfiE ache, sciatica and pains from other causes have found re- 4 lief by taking these pills. Why don't you try them? ASK YOUR DRUGGIST PATENTS ! INVENTORS Send us your ideas, and vre will Absolutely Free of Charge, Search the records of the Patent Office and report to you our opinion as to whether or not you can obtain a patent on your invention. W? have assisted thousands of inv< ntow in DEVELOPING and PERFECTING their IDEAS before filing their application papers in the Patent office. WE CAN ASSIST YOU lake advantage of this Free offer Write Today for VALUABLE INFORMATION GIBSON A FOX sun .Mo Lac men tidg, wasnington 305 McLachlen Bldg. WASHINGTON, D. C. (23-13t-p) ^ J

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