PACE SIX Mrs. Hoy TelU Experienc Tennessee Lady Was on Verge of Nervous Breakdown When she First Tried Tanlac ? Now Troubles Are IVrv w feel the d -f an vpbsildin? t nu nav buy TarLae on Ptfce askance f more thar. 100.000 Well n rr t and women who hare r uS testified to the spier:?ed results : y .ve der.v d fr *r its ns? Ar*( ntr tn?- hundreds of Tenr- -*er peorlc v*r hav. t stifjed to the m its :v. i< Mr>. M.; . t. Hey. t *' -ned rt^; : r.t J" TT Prtn : Memphis, w:-. >a.-?r Night and Day By Edna K1 Patrick. \ S ?.:h G idr Pa ': 1 C'jIScrsor. N C. I.o-.- otj< year* at - i...-re lived * ?* - ? v rj ran. He hat 13* N:i: i.e ir.ri Anna A a H. had hair I k - jansfnhe," v tike a d and v.:.- ? and V' :.v 1 ke an angeL She kind to every on ?h?. -net This her father called. '"Day** Nan. !. iemi knlr as lack as a r a - v..: of the '.into coll r. v :; - ghtv up. ill temp red. and a *-en d u? ly rouph \ see. >h? wa- nauehty every ore she - - Th h r fafther called. ' N.^ Nt'pht wa- the ? .* da ;.:hv r an i a.- alv..r - t I i She would not allow ivt many kcautrful drt :> r had. When th K-r - : very y ?~ir -tether died. !W &*'.? P,;. could hare.':;. -Tard Nicht's - . hnt to make h r r u? ! t:> at . nt mwn- harsh. r. -? very naughty w .r. v.- r... 1 :t MK* dautrb'.t r. This '_*ir. was eery crut' t u ? . y ne a d TOiti i to have h- r v wa; ah- .t everything. She i thought he* *lf n' -\- .th. - a- d th '.n:ht she sbooId net be sun; - ed by any one Th? thinirs ru- ! her very naugrhty too, just as Night was. The very first, mirut she saw Ana Belle she was j .'it'ou.- of her, and wi-hed *he possessed half the beauty. So ?be, her mother and Nieht w. ail very cruel t Day. Thev deprived ker of all her pleasures, math hea house sen ri and >re got many heatings besides th* cruelty of the xaury people's tongues every day. One day while Day'* father was stray the two trirls decided that Day had such luxurous hair they would cat it ff and <-n way dt prive k*r of her beauty which m ither tf trie ffirlx Dosseaaeti. Thev started in* ft Uir room whore Pay was alone and said. "'Oh, yts, you little imp > -u have ruled over us even in your mps uith your beaut? but some f it is point? to be >tonpcd. We are joint" to cutt off u sunshine.** Pojr bejrin to v n "?i > tid. Oh piease, do r.->: e: . i wtxxld rathe- ten thousands time* ynw would t~ke ivv 1 - *? than t ut my hair and 1 aw i,:e to : loan ov > Sir "Oh. but we will i'jt it!' they exclaimed. While she was weep in ir so bitterly instead of takinjr pity i r her and kavirp her alone they bore her to an HHR uncoupled tourer romn whom there was nothing but an old moth eitcn bed and some old travures which had hi en m?.?id ?l far r.?r.y a lonjf year by the former occupants ?f tv.. hc-vre 4996 Had !cr.-" SESfiB iwsscd away. They were frijrhten ; d for fra*- of beinc trapped they Incfced her there to die and went away with out cutting her hair. V * * * i Wearisome I coughing ? need not h* endured lone. Dr. Bell * Pine-Tar Honey will stop * quickly by away the heavy phlegm and reducing inflammation in your chest and throat. Ir combines tusr such modem medicines as vour doctor prescribes ? with the soothing pinetar honev that generations nave relied upo'. to break up coughs. Keep Dr Bell's on hand tor all .k~ i A-i druggists. Be sure Co pt the gcmc nc. DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar Honey ? ? - > Others e With Tanlac A*hf way Tanlac has improv. eti rry appetite aau uiynuuti hchhm vd my vr\t> and built up n\> weight a: .: -trcrgth I ar. -tnak of it o tly as a tti'iJilrrfui tonic and medicine. i "Bi: re taiiin< Tanlac 1 was so' run-down, weak and n-rvous that I >e. nved t. be right on the verge o* a v Ttplcte breakdown. Three bot - !* Tanlac gave me a keen relish, for my f >od. made my sleep sound .no restful and did me so milch good n e\ r\ way that I believe it will h in> :i who gjve a fair trial." Tanlac is i sale by all go i drug -tores. Over 4-? Mil <?n Bott - Solo. A t N Substitute. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pill-*.?Ad I Oh. po r little Anna Belle v- *- > - vt- n and \**ry beautiful.! . a - '." o naughty girls hop* id. for a ve**v rash *t rrr came that ' very r.ight an 1 K w the top rff the . ' wot ar 1 1 > e';. ;ber- i d.?\vr. fi her awiu: . o: She called a ivir.g teA.r.jW By the Tim she had safely de >v rtded th? clouds h: i clear i 1 awav and the f mo r shown ' r ehtly. sh? i -Id - h.>\% t > tr.iv.'l Sr.- ; .a.- her w ay rut to the pat ar.<i: " as she T>a>.?l through she made her < v.'w never t return the path she. ( ha: just tread. Th re w.:- a t* ?-est j clost by and f:r fear ??f being dis- j vereti she went straight in: the < forest She h:?<i n t pone very far .* -b w..- -*.? :.e>! be th<- -.-and f of a quick which did not seer ( j to be far off Anna Bella was rrver i afraid .r. the m -t desolated place t :n the fort.-t at any hour in the c night. But the only tMn| ?h?? was 1 then afraid of was that the possibility , wa.? that her ? >cape was di'covered I and it was one of her pursuers a She Stood still and tl'ehkbied. But C to her surpris -he recognized her f wn dear fath r. She flew : hlr arms like a bird to a bush an! told i him the whole story of her cruel. 1 treatment. But said that sh ! w<>:iUi r.ot ?-v-. r n her ! *? returtl to r her old home. So ht took h*?r to ] the home of an old woman who t lived in the very h? art of the forest t there -he was to remain until he t could secure a better home for her. J _ i > i Tf"? ? - ?- ? - - - "AAQ FERTIL Built up to a s down to Isold under the fi . DUDLEY'S \ DETRICK'S KG? BOWKER'S N?g RED RO For oa HARRY M. REPRESENTATIVE WESTE Addre Fletcher Manufact THE AMEBiCAl IBRIfiUL Farmtr* Fort Spartanburg, S i I I HI' Grass We have a big shipme Grass Seeds to reach us CLOVER BLUE GRASS ORCHARD All of these seeds are give entire satisfaction.C r>i ? it ^iicroncc nan Murphy, THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. M Jut before he left her he gave hi? Ls3 , lot of nice clothtt* and story books One day she waa reading unde- ^ t large shade. A prince who ha i rot lost :n tru forest chanced to pas* >y. He was charmed by her pretty :ace and wanted to get aqunaintcd m vith her and saluted her and said. Prty. yon rivp me something . di rk and a bite to tat?" ^ 'Certainly " she said, ms ?he led th^ to the house. After leavinr the h.mse. the prin. o r; rould think of nothing but the pretty f: maiden ar.d his only wish was to \ nake her queen and lady. Th king J c, ?ladlv granted his wish and hcrjsa father likewise consented to ber marriage. When she was, -J brought to the custie the king wa f B pleased and said. "She is th fairest tl maiden ? n earth." That i4 what v. :he prince also thought. Anna eBlle -J an i the peine were wed! : ar t } Anna Belle lived in wealth, kxurv j lr.d pleasure th-. remainder of h c, ,:! and was the m-st gentle rui . B that w: s.-.t the throne :n Par. Q When the inc^ of h.r nvtirta ?- p rriv.v the two girl- were s > angrhey ft i d-ad. Her father wataktn to the palac to live and the >ld woman became a begga:. ? NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST 1 By vir: ; f the authority v-su ; r. mo by a de-d > : trust exe cute.': y .T. P. Parker and wife Alice Par?. ar.d \\ :r. Arrow<?od and v. i .* * j Tin'e Arrowood, in the 1 pffice t' H< ei- --r of Deeds t * "* "herokeo C? untv in Book No. T4 a: ; >affo l'T. i r.veying to the un r . i^nod truste the lands hereinafter ? ! -cribed to secure the payment of J i certain n, u $949.00 with In- > T:est from May the 31. 1922. r. :d * I fault having been mad r the payment of said note and lr.erest. and the owner thereof having I mar.ded foievi" urc. I. will on 1 Thursday Arri! the 3 l??-? ? *???o . Mock P. M.. at the Court House ? r in the V.-wn of Murphy, sol! , vt public auction to the highest bill!er for cash, the Allowing lar.d particular di scribed as follows: Fir&t Tract: In Dtstdict No 1. b~: U part of trn t No. 54. bound: d as lows Beginning on a black o:i .. Tl xorth East Corner of No. 54. an?; uns South with the line of the same iO poles to a stake in said line or* op of a email ridge; thence with the op of said ridge S. 80 W. 33 poles o a small white oak bush; thence 54 59 poles to a small spanuality" | IZERS >tandard?Not a price illowing brands ^ FISSi BRAIRD W) ""PSCO I W ZELL'S m OSTER I* by roberts :rn north carolna "n c t j ur?d by JURAL CHEMICAL CO. HUer Works I outh Carolina 1 Seed j nt of the following | in a few days: RED TOP TIMOTHY LAWN GRASS ; i the very be<.t and will 'all or write for prices i BI r* ? I mare v^u.iuc* ii j , N. C. , ,[ URTHT. NORTH CAROLINA h oak bush at the cross fence; ence with the cross fence N. 45 H 52 poles to a stake. on the top aid r;dfcc and or the line bru?n J. t*. Huskies ard B. F. John?n: thence with that line and the cancers of the top of the rid>re > the North line of No 54; thence ith that East 72 to the ^grinning, containing 37 a rw more Second Tract: Beginning on the d*re on a stake. 72 poles N. 55 E. on: N. K. corner of No. 49: thence . 55 E. 12 poles to a hickory. irr.T of No. 34; thence North with lid lir.t* 154 poles to a black oak. le North East Corner of No. 54: icnce East 171 poles to the top of reed* n Mountain to a black oak: knee a South Westerly direction ith the top of Breeden Mountain IG pole* to a hickory; thence down ridce in n North Westerh .rc92 r.ole* t? tn b nine, untainin? 100 acre? more or lesv eing the land.* P. Witherspoon. ummissioner conveyed to J. P. ark* r and Wm Arrowflfl? on M-?y ;? 31. 11*21. This March th 3. 11*14. L. E. BAY LESS. Trustee. 30-4t-leb) TOUR BLOOD NEEDS THIS IRON TONIC GT'DE'S Fepto-Mar.gan provide.* iron in just the form most readily assimilated?a form h will not irritate the weakest mach r.or injure the teeth, but svhich effectively enriches the biood nr.d invigorates the body. At your lniggis.? in liquid and tablet form. Free Triel Tablets of Cad'"* Pept writ# today etaeroui Trial l'a. k ?^e < ? Tab!#*.Ser.'l u ir. T.ry ? j. t and a-li!rt-?? t ? H. J. Ln.itr.'wuh Co.. 53 Warren Si., N. Y. Glide's Pepto-Man^an Tonic and Blood Enricher For First-Cla<s SHOE RETAILING Come to ILSON S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP James M. Capps, Manager Murphy. N. C. *c Pay Parcel Po>t one way in 50- I Mile Zone <a29) .. You wil We ha We alsc ors, kinc See I Towns 1 | | Fit?r. ?Ur?fc 14. Itl4 ANNOUNCEMENT!)! To The Poeple of Murphy and Thi? S Section. 5 We have completed our garage and ma. |'l chine repair shop and are now in position to I render you prompt and efficient service in I automobile repairing, batteries recharged. 11 acetylene welding, and all kinds of machine repairing. We have installed the latest machinery and repairing equipment and have one of the most up-to-date shops in the State. No job is too small or too large for us to execute. We will be glad for you to pay us a visit and see our machinery in operation. We not only have an expert mechanic in charge of our shop, but every man connected with us are experts. We have with us Mr. Bill May. expert machinist, formerly with the Cherokee Motor Co.. who knows how to deliver the goods. Everybody knows Bill. The automobile repairing department is in charge of Gordon Hasty and Carl Sudderth. Mr. Hasty is a mechanic of known ability and experience. while Mr. Sudderth has had a wide experience as an automobile mechanic in some of the largest repair shops in Atlanta and the Southeast. Our shop is conveniently located just across the Hiawassee river from the L. & N. station, near the shuttle mill and ice plant. GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED! j MURPHY GARAGE AND I MACHINE SHOP I Near Shuttle Mill and Ice Plant PHONE 72 MURPHY, N C ouse eaning ie is Here RUGS I ? have rugs?All col- I Is and prices. 1 Js For Your 1 Needs | on & Anderson II plete House Furnishers ] | iviviu n I # IN. 1

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