IF IT ISN'T IN t! if ?,rn' it 1 1 tJU |JV/V V-/ A IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Org VOLUME XXXV. No. 32. nestern north carolina, inc, issues bulletin Name* of Inquirers about Natural Resources and Commercial Opportunities Given Out One of the services the roc- -ntly or. nuvlzcd Wo*'**rn North Car >1 ina. 1 . boosting organization i- ren<l? njr this section of th State is the iling of a weekly bulletin to charters of commerce anil similar ntr- n vies throughout the twenty counties embraced in the t rritory < vcred toy rganization, which carries the i: .me* and addres c-s of companies 1 individuals making inquiries i.out natural resources or seeking i formation about resort or com* mereiul opportunities. Among the itt ms of interest car i d in the latest hull tin issued by tr. office from No. 6 Government Street. A: hoville. is the announcen nt "f ti e Southern Railway that home seekers tickets will 1. with he fits-t Tur ilay in April ami to all destinations in North Carolina. The 11 of Western North Carolina in fostering this plan is to bring home i" kers to v. ? stern North Carolina t take up resid: ncc in ihia section. In connection with thi- ante idea i the plan of the organization to greatly increase the facilities f r tab ing car? of summer visitors by throwing open farm houses to tourists. A list of suitabl farm h <i?es i now being made up and will be published by the railways and dl tribuled to prospective suntnu r visitors in this section. This should be of especial interest in this county be cause every year the facilities for caring for sunnmr visitors in the towns arc all soon exhausted anil many have to be turned away or sei k other points for their vacation. While these points of servic ;m more or less irercral ?;? naturi. vet this organization is renaming vnj definite servic.s in many other wayami its usefulness will increase as time pa ses. Youthful Movie Star To Lead Children's Crusade The Near East Relief X.us Service has announced 'Hit lac".if ' * ier:--\ the youthful movie star. v. i . . a fulfillintr a million dollar contract with moving picture predu wi.i for ten weeks this sumniet in a appeal for a million dollar ship load of foodstuff for the destitute orphan children of the ocm Ei:t. Then Jackie will sail in person will sail li deliver the Rifts to orphans in Creese Palestine nnd Syria. Tht youthful star will b, accompanied by his parent? and "*'" defray his own expenses out of his earnings in the movinR picture industry. r * bill booster says PELLCNJ CAU VJOVt*. AATV Vir -owve. burr wc cam* AUMAH# SO *0 A BALI-GAME' \ TAKE 'OA ALL pocptBall. basketball, baseball, SXC-x bccaosc > evioom 1m ado i BCUEVE al ?uppoot\mg me vlome teala.,, ^ Ki/ijt an of Murphy and Che University Team Wns Southern Basketball Houors ___ The University of North Carolina basketball t< am won the Southern Basketball Championship in Atlanta last week for the second tintc n three successive years. This was the fourth e >nsecutive year that the North Ca.A.li.a t^a?, had won tinSouth Atlantic title. This Southern tournament was ini autrurated four years ago, Carolina winning in t'.?22 and again this year. This year's victory is all the more impressive btcuusi the Tarheels in winning had to defeat the two other Southern teams which have w n Southern honors ? Kentucky, which won the first tournament in 1921. and the Mississippi A. M., which won the tournament last ytar. By wininig, the Carolina team completed an unbroken record cf twenty-two tiaight games, r.ot having lo*t a game during the season. LIST CIVIL CASES SUPERIOR COURT The Superior Court of Cherokee County v.i! convene on March 3 1st, vth .lodge P. MeKlroy presiding. 11 Tin firi.t few Id?.;*"8 v-"il he taken upj v itn the nominal cases. The civil docket folPows: Thursday, April 3rd ">7 Me Aden vs. Watkins. 71 Gentry vs. Gentry. 86 Ledford vs. L. & N. R. R. Friday, April 4th 90 Lyon vs. Patton. 95 McDonald vs. Far me i (protect) OS Woodbury Lumber Co. vs. Farmer (protest) . 1 105 Mauncy vs. Anderson. 107 Smith vs. Patton. li.. Cu\ i v . HunnieuttSaturday, April 5th 46 Cook vs. Cook. IK Burgess vs. Burgess. 78 Moon vs. Moore. 89 Fair vs. Fair. , l it) Shelton vs. Shelton. ] . > Rrnrgs vs. oriffRs. 11*4 Prince vs. Prince. 195 Evans vs. Kvnns. Monday, April 7th 117 Ransom & McLean vs. El rod. 118 Woodbury ot al - vs. Earner (protest) 127 Shofir.tr vs. El rod. 129 Cherokee Co. vs. Hunnicutt ft als. : 131 Anderson vs. Walker et als. 1:12 Highway Com. vs Harwood. 1 :'..T Raxtcr vs. Junior Order. Toesday, April 8lh M l 'Mar.thnm vs. Highway Com. 1 IS Townson tt al vs. Jordan, i "i!" In re- Martha Dock ry Mill. If. 9 Turner vs. Andrews .vug. eo 171 Roland vs. Southern Ry. Wednesday, April 9th , 173 Diekey vs. A. K. Dickey, i 177 Burger vs. Burger. ?j ISO Dcweese vs. Deweese. 182 Wofford-Terrell Co. vs. Booker 183 V'oouard vs. F. P. Cover & Sons. Inc. 1S4 Me Kinney Vs. F. P. Cover & ' Sons, Inc. Thursday, April 10th i 185 Murphy Hospital vs. Bates. 187 Harper v-. Murphy C. & I. Co .190 Mullins \. L & N. R. R. 191 Gregory vs. Barker, i 193 Shoe Co. vs. Davis. MOTIONS 31 Nimrod Co. vs. Puett. 32 Fibre Co. vs. Puett, 33 Dewar vs. Puett. 34 McAden vs. Puett. 39 Parker vs. Parker. 50 Bryson vs. Bryson. 60 Sprinkle vs. Sprinkle. 70 Wof ford-Terrell Co. vs. Dorsey Lumber Co. ' 73 Wofford Terri 11 Co. vs. Burger. 74 Fain Gro. Co. vs. Salt Co. 77 Parker vs. Turnbill. 81 King vs. unnell. ; 85 L. & N. vs. Nichols. ' 87 Brooks vs. Brooks. 102 Davis vs. Meroney & Mason. * 111> Adams vs. Hunniciitt et als. I 1.14 Hunt v . Hampton. 1 ti(> uram vs. mnmumu Lur?bc: C: and Brown. 174 Taylor vs. Engleman. 186 Southern Ry. vs. Cherokee Co. Gentry vs. Davis & Gentry (supp. proceeding) Chapman vs. Dockery. i 0Tfiivt*rt iUl>VV rokee County, and the L? MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA TOMOTLA CHILD ~~~i BADLY INJURED BY FALLING TREE Suataina Three Broken Limb^ ?nd Mii^jr Scalp Wounda?la li Recovering U The little nine year old son of t Mrs. Rolin Roberts of Tomotla nar- 1 rowly escaped death Monday when v tie struck by a falling tree. ?uj?- i laininp thre broken limbs and a i number of minor scalp wounds. Both s legs and one arm were broken. Mur- y phy physicians were called to Tomot- ? !a to care for the little fellow. i After administering temporary i treatment, he wa- brought to the \ Murphy hospital where his wounds < were properly cared for. He is lm- s proving nicely, his physicians report. :i It is not. Itnnu'ii me? -- I cidcnt occurred. < i "Old Fashioned Mother" Is Well Received "An old Fashioned Mother," pre-, sented at the school auditorium last J, Friday evening by Hayesville talent J was well received by the Murphy people and even though the weather ! was most unfavorable, throughout i all the Uav and evening, quite a good j audit nee gathered to witness the performance. Thirc were eighteen in the cast ami each acquitted himself or herself \v< II. Many favorable comments were heard concerning the performance. The play was presented under the auspices of the Woman's Missionary. Socit ty of the Methodist Church. February Honor Roll Murphy Public School t First A Grade: Ruth Akin, Ruth hall. Ruby Matthews, Clara Nell Robinson. Lucy Myers. Claude Gilbert. Leslie Hampton, Herbert Wilson, tf? Sheridan James. First B Grade: Chloe Mac Falls, Edith Franklin, Edith Carroll, Grace Parker, Robbie Williamson, John Bishop, Garland Franklin, Major Jorden Waldon Delosier S- cond Grade Jerry D.vidson Ji'in s Parker Em si Oockery Ralph Randall Clyde Townson Grace Barnett Margie Campbell i Ora Carroll Susie Graves Icey Graves Pearl Hawkins Hattie Bell Hoges Marino Swain Louise Walker ' Mary Witherspoon Second Grade Overflow Lois Snced Grace Wills Bell ' Nannie Gentry | Robert Weaver Third Grade Overflow Linnia Hampton Delthia Mae Gulley ! Third Grade Marcella Hampton | Hadley Williamson j Tommy Coppenger | Cecil Marine Mattox Pauline Allen, . | James Robinson, Neil Johnson. ,j Bob Green. Fourth Gvade: Mary Weaver. Lois Hill. Annie Mac Townson, Wayne Townson. James Mallonee, ' Wallace Panther, Jack Hall. Fifth Grade: V?*rvy Sword. Granville Ratcliff, Lylc Martin. Leonard Hall. Sixth Grade: Noah Hembree. Seventh Grade: Elizabeth Maneval. \h & wv ^ eading Newspaper in 1 FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 1U24 Several Patients Undergo Operations At Murphy Hospital During the last ten days an unisual number of patients have under:one Operations at the Murphy Hi.utal. Among these may he menion ed the following: James Frank-, in. Saturday. March Sih, suffering vith acute appendicitis. He is do-, nir nicely, his physician reports. Tuesday, March 11th, Mrs. Lawon Lun-ford, of Peachtree, underwent a noptraiion and is g. tting ilcng nictlv. She. also, was suffer-. njr with apendicitis. Mrs. B. Mulkev, of Grandview. vas brought to Murphy for an operation one day last week. The ?iteration was successful ami she is doing Well. Early last week Mis. Allen Watson Culber-on. who had b< en under, the care of the hospital for some ten lays, returned to her hum". The local hospital has been unusually successful and is rendering a griat service to this and adjoining counties. Many people cannot go to the cities for hospital treatment and in many cases it is dangerous to put off an operation until a di tant point can be reached. The work of the' local institution should be highly! appreciated by citizens of this see- i lion. Woman's Club Will Hold Social On 26th The regular social meeting of the Woman's Club, which is the omy meeting this month, will be held on Wednesday afternoon, March 26th, ut the Library at 3:15 o'clock, according to announcement by officers of the Club. Each member is asked to cuine nnd invite a friend to come witfci her, says the announcement. Ir - V Lee Sutherland Gets Finger Injured By Rock Crusher Lie Sutherland accidentally got got ihs fingers badly injured at the rook eru?shi>r nf th,? Mnr?k,> T- ??? - ship highway Commission a few days ago, which necessitated the amputation of a portion of the finger. Sutherland is said to have he. n oiling the crusher and got his finger caught in the crusher while grabbing for the can, which he droped. Fisher and Son Sever Sever Connection With Clay Company Mcsrs. K. Fishtr and son. Arthur. have recently severed their connection with the North Carolina Clay Company, which has been operating for about two years in Clay County not far front Havesville. The Fishers sold their stock and gave up the management of the plant, because of snmo *wt?iiTiH?*rctanding nmniio- th? stockholders, it is und-. rstood. The elder Mr. Fisher was instrumental in organizing the company and has hail charge ot it trom the beginning. Tin Company ha? large holdings of Hr?y of a very high quality and it is unrti.rat/Yrwt It U.. 1 ? - - ? ?<. IV na-> UVCU l]Ull( successful. A new company under the corporate name of The United States Kaolin Company has bee norganized by the retiring members of the Clay County company and plans are being made to open mines and bigin operation in the near tuture. The company will open a mine in Florida in the near future and a little later, another in North Carolina It Is unofficially reported that the Nortn Carolina mine will bo near Murphy and that the main office of the company wil be maintained in Murphy. The Messrs. Fisher left for Florida a few days ago. Regal Blue Marble Co. Employee Is Injured Mr. R. M. Harbin, of near Tomotla. was right badly bruised early this week while working in the quarry of the Kegal Blue Maroie company of Regal. A rock from the side of quarry fell, striking Hr. Harbin. He is in the local hospital and is rapidiy recovering, his wounds not being considered serious by his physicians. 1^ ^ | ^ A. I :his Section of Westeri TO HOLD POST OFFICE EXAM. FOR HAYESVILLE Examination Wii Be Conducted Here On March 29th?Hayetville Office Pa>? $1600 The United State.-* Civil Service Commission has announced an open competitive examination to fill tinposition of postmaster at the Hayes viile post office, accordit.tf to recent statements by Postmast;r A. B. Dickey. The examination will be , hciu unat-r ine airection of the 1< a postoffice on March 29th. The va cancy in the Hayesville office w : occur on June 4th of this year. Th which time the successful applicant will asume the duties. The Hayesville ostoffice is a third class officii which carries with it a salary of .$1600 per year. In announcing the examination. Mr. Dickey stated that this was not, an examination under the civil service acts and rules but will be h id '.under an eecutive order of May 10, 1921. providing: for such procedure. The local postmaster stated thai a number arc cpected to take the examination for the Hayesville job as prospective aplicants an- asking for information. The Civil Service Com-, mission requires that aplicants submit to the examiner on the day of examination, their photographs, taken within two years, securely pasted on the space provided on their cards of admission, which will be furneshed wht n aplication is made. Any postmaster will furnish further information about this examination. Tfu' announcement of the Commission states that it is not interested in the politics of candidates and nothing will be permitted to appear which might suggest the political affiliations of any applicants. The commission is desirous that a large number of applicants file for the ex promotion as under such circumstances much better results arc obtained. Conference For Social Workers Next Week 1 The Twelfth Annual meeting of , thq North Carolina Conference for Social Service will be held in Charlotte Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs day. March 25th, 2tith and 27th, with , headquarters at the Hotel Charlotte. This conference- was erganis- 5 in ! 1912, for the urpose of studying and trying to ameliorate through j the press and by legislation social, racial, industrial and labor conditions throughout the State. Such orginizations as the American Ited Cross, the Travelers' Aaid. Teachers i of Sociology. Public Health Nurses, prison and other institutional officials are co-operating with the cos fcrcnce. Among the topics to be dis. /usst'd by nationally known men are: Prisons and Corrections, Mt ntal Health and Hygiene; World Tendencies in Social Work; The County as a unit in Social Work; The Church , in Social Work; Industrial and Social Progress, etc. It is epected that a little later regional conferences will be held, ahich wil make it possible for a greater number of people in all part? J of the State to take part and profit by the things discussed. Congress May Put Through Bonus Bill Tuesday the House of Representatives by a two thirds majority suspended house rules so that the bill , providing a bonus for ex-service men ; might be considered. Debate on I both sides was limited to forty min\ utes so that little delay in coming to i a vote will be experienced. The bill I (inivior^ i ??r pain up insurance Tor couriers 01 ihc woiiii mi u>! l'Nt sis of one 'lollar per day for service in America and one dollar and twenty five cent* for services abroad, with the provision that those entitled to less than fifty dollars be paid in cash. ADVERTISE IN i T w" i L L * * A X Z ? YOU RICH" i North Carolina 5.- COPY?$1.50 PER YEAR -GENERAL CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN TO BE CONDUCTED All Rrsidents of Town Are Asked Pile Rubbish Near Street Or Alley At a recent meeting: of the Board of City Commissioners it was decided to call a general clean up camnext week. -mH Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. March 2Gth. 27th, and 26th, wore s leeted a3 the days. All of next week is what is known as Clcan-Up and Fire Prevention week in North Carolina, but it was felt that thrto days would bo sufficient t ? eh an up here. All citizens are a-k-d to co-operate with the strtet and sanitary f.?rce to the end that all waste material, tin cans, brush, etc., might be removed from their premises r, >x week. The town nick will go ??' t r i vn an these d-.v and gath-r u] the trash and haul it off. A i, tshould be placed adjacent to a street or alley ->r so that it wi. bt accessible with ruck. The Staie In?rrr?iice .'epartment i> spot.soring *r;- rp ing slean-up ccmpaiga in order t > reduce the fire hazard. Beth for this reason and n'.sc becau-t- the t" ash is unsightly and will he in ihe v?y when spring u?td? niiiK b?j/';r-. h -i ld the town be ir. r : ted in it is crmpaign. Tlte mayor cu! * eveiy citizens to t i-?.pei al?* in this campaign. The tr'ick driver has been sick dni'og tn? past \. * ar.d no cleaning | u?? at ah has been poj sible, but a comisett nt drixcr ; nd crew wi'l be ' dl. t! e trc.'.b fo- thi- clean-up per:? d. There ( ial campaigns are designed ? ? siimvlalo citizens to special efforts to clean up their premises. The sanitary truck will call at any resident any time to get trash, if the mayor of any member of Ihe Board of Commissioners is notified of such tra-h. MOTHFD nF iwdc ...w - * \>l ITlKWt JAMES PALMER BURIED SUNDAY Mr*. Holland H?d Been III For Soa? Time?Was Seventy-fire Yean* Old Mrs. Elizabeth Holland, aged lady of Andrew? and Asheville, N. C., and i mother of Mrs. James Palmer of this place, was laid to host last Sunday afternoon in the Andrews cemetery the pastors of the Methodist and Bap* tist churches of Andrews having charge of the services. Mrs. Holj land had not been well in many month-, the beginning of her illness dating back to October ^ --1 '? "** _ she suffered an attack of influenza while visiting her daughter in Murphy. I Mrs. Holland's home waflin Andrews. though sh spent the twa j months previous to her death with her youngest daughter. Mrs. J. P. I Morris, in Asheville. She was the j mother of nine children, all except one. who is in California, attending ' the funeral. Mrs. Holland was born in this county, near Coalville, and was well known throughout this section. A number of Murphy people | attended the funeral. ANDREWS AND HAYESVILL T O PLAY HERE SAT. The Andrews and Hayesville basket balls teams will meet on the Murj phy school basketball court Saturday afternoon of this week if the i weather permits. These teams have 1 an even break against each other i and are plavinr thn *:?? ?-? . ~ ? R<UH? wu here Saturday. The Murphy High School is sponsoring the match and wil share in the admission receipts, each of the playing teams and tin :~?hccl thir* *h? receipts. This premises to be an interesting and closely contested game. The exact hour of the game is net known here but it will probably be around two thirty o'clock.

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