V BEST Time- 7 rted V/vV>-<- . ' r | 1 ' ' 1 *&. SI RAINS -p^ L A M F.N L SS P,1* .'*-^\aW oil ?,.,. ,., ../ ^ ho:id ami Cattle 5ovj t. , k it.-- .. r> in Coot II i Old v Sutdiy ' ' - ' , ;.<? :, ', A'o Sting or Smart C ontains .\a Alcohol FRFL :r -/; -.; '* 25c-50c-$1.00 j f Z)ru? and Grncru! Stores 1 MEXICAN \\ - . . i.END V-' -? NE \ a 1 !? T.-;t ' t'r i"h i r s . ver .! CI . od Syrup ? start I i\ - am' I'' > : 1 r R|( Tid at ortv ." .-i n. . W . T< l.i art fc ve :v. J ;* a q?< v ft ii: . < . <iri tf - IhiW : .1 . : >ISi :t..i fvr.Tv.-. I " i t : ml didn't tf i sil i:v : \ I nsrcr. * N : ; I : y K t i ' star:#. . - 1> 'i hatcher* I am str r.. : lai'to -l W'lv n tr. i Dr. That ' a ' I.i\. !': S. !i. . V rric n 11 !., County. I: S ? U-rk X. H. A ... \<. ' Mr .M. M. Ht'n'i- !*?.?. ' vs. Walter Hend rs n, Lizzie Hender Obve Ilem? Mai M. II ; ki: -. and husband. 1'r.ir.k II ?t km? and Chapp ' Hendersor, -.1 \ivini hu?> :.v,\ : M. M. lK r.d? 1 non, do ceased. NOTICE. Th? . . named defendants, Liz zie H i '- Mabel Hopki? ? Frank H ..i: and Chaepel Hen tiers. . reby notified that ai action a- above has ? en institute before the clt rk of the suporioi court by the sh..\ ;ned N. B \d anw, as administra'.<> : M M. Hen derson. deceased, j v:-pi which is *0 sell vermin rv:i' 1 ? f said decendont for th p.;:p so - ^ gg^Bf Don't let it run tlVdl IT may crow into a chron'r men!! St. p it n. u- with Dr. ncu s rinc-iar rior.cv. ju : -,ie mcdicinif thnt your doctt r prescribes tor lessening !v:.v.*y phlegm, ca>.ni i:.'-1ia\cJ thr?- . an J .-! .est !..vik\ y:..i 5?. rping c.".:;:"'!.-,-. ? Cs.TT.bin -J wirh the time-tesred rcmcJv, pine-far hone . Everybody l * e> the taste. Keep Dr Bell's I r. tor the whole family. Ai; -n4IL surt to get the ,rmu:nc. DR. BELL'S Pine'Tar Honey APPLICATION FOR PAROLE OF WILL HAMPTOP App'-ation v... i-?_ made to tht Governor of North Caiolina for th< parole or eomnv;tr.;ion of Will Ham pton com ' ted at August term. 1023 of the Superior Court of Chcrok t County for the crime of violating laws of the state in mMBcS to urnhibitior and sentenced to a term ol eight*.m months. All persons who oppise the granting of a parol* or commutation arc invited to forward the;r protests to the Governor without delay. This the 19th day of March, 1924 WIL HAMPTON. (32-2t-pd) aiakiisfr assets to nay ih- debts of - >!. -. M. y\. I!. ruler n. ?iven>ed lands zht to be -- :,?eir? > t??-a # k. i h:i\ nnve> ?: " -a : M ?. M. M. H. :-5cr>- n by '.wo certain den!*. r '!t'. W. . M !"? mild and wife, da* ' * T. and royi-! - .- i the of;ht k- ^.-te : I?e <:> of ("her kee County. in !* k N ?. ???, page 256. the other from J. * A..? . and a . dat.d \nj?ust ? and register* i in - lid ' c<Book >?. }-aire 257; At d the aid defendants will take n.-tic* that they are required to app a- be for*, the nr.di r-ivr::. ... at 1 in Murph\ N. C.. en tit. 2?>tfc April. 1p2*. v within the time thereafter allowed 1 y law. and an: w er or demur to m : tit :t. or :.iir*li* t t will ' . ntor d : e.n a.* lav ; March. . i. b k :>\vi> r . CASTOR5A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years PATENTS! and ere \v:I! Vbsolut.'ly Fri-. of Charge, s h the I. I rds , f XV. I'at*- : .s and r; t ? you ::r ?>ninior ; r - ii t yt.u obtain a p&test > r. \\ ur invention. Wc hav. . :i?i tb ,nds .in '1 i"v'Ki ni'lNG and iTl: ] FECTING their IDEAS before filing nI '' paper in th Pat WE CAN A s 1ST YOU . . . " T.I ; Wri?o Today :VAI.I AB1.K INFORM \710X GIBSON A FOX M? I-achit n Rldsr. Washi-.-iMi 305 Mi !.a> hkn Rid v. WASHINGTON, I? c. ^ (23-13t-p> r ANNOUN( f I We wi3h I lhan'i t:. y frit i?usir: < . and hope to ?!<> nvri' in f : \Y a i.mpleti im ?>f Sta 1. kinds. \\ o . .. i y Xi , ii ... i .. . a full s; - r.u and s.in;r j : k- i a;ul Slip; r.-. .an fi ar.y Ceil on us when wc car. ?r rve y and *Jo our best to always give you W. B. DICK! Groceries. -? *-* e I FREE CITY DELIVERY 'l. I ?????????? I SMALL FAR Wanted to buy fron five acres of land o railway, not toe f 4 Should have small it. Leave descripl have at the office o . THE CHERO! ""HE CHEROKEE SCOUT, Ml'Rf There was a prayer service Frit lay ' niv'ht at the home of l>. H. Clonts d by Rev. W li . T. Sanicr- ;?r. i K. 1. K.ad a the bij? auction s-iii . f lot: in K.ist Gastonie Saturday an1> . i some valuable propity. Mi? Rvith Peavets ha- e iv ; had m.aslcs ar.d is expecting * , -' v xt as it 1 raging pr-.v.y 1. ft throughout t i - town. Most all the cotton mills ir. j >anty have cc* - derd * th ir output and thereby jrivLr.p tn ii : employe-. - - tv\ half time eir.: 2 * iv at 1 aw hi . We : r ... h i1 | that thi-s period of depression will |<j ! - -n 1 nv- r and that all the raids \ will i ?. rutin in jr full : nu agrr. r. r. '.he \ i ! ;. ar f tare. 1 \\ M th r? : : a 1 of C . r (" i. ;y folk- here :.r d thy Y0TTO BODY NEEDS KirfSNCTH MWM - * " Th: ? t. -'! y !v ' iV. v. . ... ,.w.i \ 'f - 4- , S~ - ' i ; - U \t: >' * Half,your living Whlior* Mosey Gbsi ^ oi. i a IX li . - i!' Ha-itin- Is i'lnuts ar?i i: "The St ' . of t: South," ; il fully d.-.t-:-. I v. iih luijnlr photo < in lb. u v. !: _? S. .1 l ... .. ti: South T.\. t.. .* -j Hastings' s< J Cat a lot; is tlx** ;r< at . !: * nv? ? us f t! >'- ! -v I : : - il tor the South V> t ?. >t j-. a:; i vs.- ;nt vcu to !. i\ it t'llt t l; ^ fr. <>. \Y? are ji!m> .;r-ing to each l!--' r SKED PACK I t s r net I Fl??v ABSOLt'T!! ' L.Y FREE TJw n< w t xtnlog tells I I' . L I- . I 1- . n the I.?-r tor pur chafing ami plantt 1 :s. bulbs an* | f Seed World K? \ , \s \Y* w :iTit > mi to huVr am keep the wood : ft I w S ! B< . in your homo i " r* referenc* a ail tint* Writ- : r it row A post card w ill tie It v. .11 ? >iue io you bj return mail H. G. HASTINGS CO.. SEEDSMEN ATLANTA, G> :ementi ustonu fo their past h ! ature. ipi. and fancy -it nes. feeds ?-f l.tiVivnt nv.ir : ' f! .ur and i I < of the Famous SEI.Z j m ' > r of ;",.e Tht y :.v* | J We ere always on the job. ! your money's worth. iy& sons Country Produce PHONE 131 1 m wanted B | S g I i!]l ? fifteen to twentyngood highway or ar from Murphy, dwelling house on tion of what you f? I. 1 KEE SCOUT , N. C. . j . HY. NORTH CAROLINA r.iirir at.d will continue to leave herokee for *?thcr plac. - until 'he >kc has indust'us which will = m r > ?. and daughters ?i.i. nont. NOT LA. We faikd to haw any preaching it I'leasant lircvt* Sunday as our ii-ti-r had gone to Gostonia t?> hoi i i meeting. A f vv. people met out Sunday an-! i.-'vet call a meeting \t Suni. \ at .."? > for the purp- -e of orrar.izir.g a Sunday >chool. We h<-ne i'- l crowd out. Let u.? ill do our part and have a god Suniay school. Mr. r. B Stai tnd t \ M. I. Hal! an.: f.nmiv. ' 1 - r> and familj are - - day - \\ hope Ihey will get along all right as there; - i l:.:ge family <>:* t'n ni. Mr. VV. tWa.ker Jr. was a : - N\.t. i Sa. NOTICE i- > .? :*. >?v ? . i'.a- ? r, f the Rcpu I cans of 1 'h ro; e County is hereby cul!t?<) to meet , 'I on ih?- ?!:?; .-f Apr;:. @9Scr '"c pu> lin>?r at? - '1 < ngr I nal c?in von:i v. h : . t - i:: 15: ; r; ( ity -n \pr?l 12, lt'24. \V. M. AXLF\ . V tin: < bin. For Fir ; t MH'K RKI'A 1 RINft Con* to TILSON S ELEi. ;RIC SHOE SHOP Jamct M. L^pp:, Manager Murphy. N. C. A - Pay I'ari-t 1 l'o-t :*. way in ">()M V ? ,J.M NOW i We Have FEE GEE STAINS, m Fi FLAT; Noting IT Renew 1 The Wcrde Remember T own ? w w w *?? liiWH'ri . ^ i 1 FriJ.y March Z8. 1S14 1 anhouscemestI To The Poeple of Murphy and Th'c Entire E Section. . 3 We have completed our garage and chine repair shop and are now in positior, '.t | render von nmmnt =o-.rl ?ff. , r- "in-iau service in automobile repairing, batteries recharged, ! acetylene welding, and all kinds of machine I repairing. g We have installed the latest machinery! and repairing equ-pment and have one of the I most up-to-date shops in the State. No job b I too small or too large for us to execute. \Ve I will be glad for you to pay us a visit and see | our machinery in operation. H We not only have an expert mechanic in | charge of our shop, hut every man connected | with us are experts. We have with us Mr. Bill | May. expert machinist, formerly with the | Cherokee Motor Co.. who knows how to de-1 liver the goods. Everybody knows Bill. The! automobile repairing department is in charge! of Gordon Hasty and Carl Sudderth. Mr.! Hasty is a mechanic of known ability and ex*! perience, while Mr. Sudderth. has had a wide! experience as an automobile mechanic in | some of the largest repair shops in Atlanta I and the Southeast. ? Our shop is conveniently located just! across the 1 havassw river from the L. & N'. I station, near the shuttle mill and ice plant, fi G!VE US A TRIAL AND I BE CONVINCED! | MURPHY GARAGE AND! MACHINE SHOP f Near Shuttle Mill and Ice Pl?nt B PHOME 76 MURPHY. N. C.I rHINGS NE W S THE TIME TO BEGIN TO PAINT UP! a Complete Line of the Famous . PAINTS, VARNISHES, OIL, SHELLAC, TURPENTINE and or Ihe inside We Have \KETT IN MANV rm hdc _ WLiV/l\U HP lakes the walls look so good as 9 Pee Gee Flatake't K he Floors and Furniture With D RE-NULAC 1 rful Varnish Sta:n?We Have Ali I Sizes and Colors I everything in the Pee Gee line is I j under a positive guarantee * enn iCr A I H vwai Oval mplete House Furnishers I

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