IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT'S BfcCAUSfc Wfc UIUN'I" " KNOW IT rfThe Official Orga VOLUME XXXV. No. 35. COUNTY COMMISSION* INTERESTING N I T?x Li?ler? Appointed?M. W. West [i Made SupervUor? Will Sell Towntliip Bonds The County Commissioners nu t j|on lay and Tuvo lay of this wc.k and tmr.v:?fted the regular county business. including a num! >er of routir., osattet-. Of interest to th constituent.'* ' f the county is the decision of the C 3mm issi oners to sell twenty, five thousand dollars worth r . M;rphv T ?wnship t oad bonds for the pur po.- * macadamizing some of the , priri ipal read out of Murphy into var. parts of th. township. \Y< i. la? , in 'i oyress on the r *.i?l do.vv 1 t r ver for some time. The eontnri sioners also btgan the , Drirarations for the listinir f t..\f forth' cominjr ytar. County auditor < W. M. West was made c>unty tax ' iopervisior and the following township list?is were named: Murphy row.-hip. G. E. Hcmbrte and G. \V. Chambers; Shoal Creek Township.1! R\ F. Hill and 11. L. McNabb: Not la ; fAu-r.?hiu. Osear Anderson and I.. M. Shields; Bcaverdam Township, l. 11. I lail and E. \V. Bate-; and Hothou>e township, Lester Colt. 'R1MARY FIGH'f s CHI DEMOCRATIC !N iotj.idgf Sure of Nomination?LaFollettr Remains Menace To Republicans 4USSOLINA GOES THROUGH MOTIONS Iritish Labcr Party Loics On Pet Bill Through Reaction of The Liberals t Bv David Loth NY\. York, A; riS 7.?The decks of tica action in Lh< pre-conventu n it d the next two months will I t :od aim at cx<lusivcly to com.. i' kirmishes havt already been oui'!.' and from them it is possible < < few tactions. I'rt lent Coolidge wil I .- the K - [ ubl fhal Iivune nominations evir are in April, he President has no serious rival rt. Senator Hirnm Johnson i? hwl- ^ 11- viding real competitions As progressive bt is generally <iis*. ?. td 1 v his quiet acquiescence in the roc' ;.m ?.f tr.e rmre cons. v*ni v. ?_i o: f his party, typified by M 'p <:g& Jchssop ha? not tru per Dna.ity nor the ability to sweep the.'., invention off its feet when nearly j j, II thf party leaders oppose him. j. Ti Senator heat Mr. C'oolidge kn j I' > :th Dakota primaries, imi iimi i u hardly a fair indication of how the c pitccmuii Will {(u. ine i/o&uut | j B purely a local one betweenU B^ '^riLS anil radicals and the I y Ilates were figure heads only. L, ahieals won chiefly because all w arming northwe t is disconted a winging to the radicals. ator La Follctte of Wisconsin s. greater danger to Mr. Coolidgc w 11 not figure in the renvoi: J He defeated the President by wo to one in his own state ard rth Dakota, without hi name on ?llot, ran a close second. Hut. 'ti- has no more chance than r: en of the nomination. The men-j C f his candidacy is that he might jas e his seventy year , head a third. > and spiit the Republican vote ' >ly throwing the election into j m c-ss. The President has further 1 la rthened his position by appoint h-an Stone of Columbia Law : as Harry Dougherty's succes-jpi * the Department of Justice. < C nle there is no reason to doubt1 pi bint of the Coolidge managers .w'. V; ,r ?nd;datc will be nomin-11> Ho ^ *lrs* ballot the fifrht for -ii I?emo'c?ratic nomination is more H^r 11 ated? There is no President 'rct' 'be party to renominate him ttPraeticallv admit hi* ndminntra-' si: am G- McAdoo is still the e\ ^P"lnK candidate. The fet linfr in (la H*? quarters that the Senate inB^?^op^con?mittces are tendrnpr: H in of Murph> and Che !ER5 HOLD IEETING THIS WEEK Spring Weather Starts Preparations for Garden The warm spring days the first of the week put the gardeners and truck farmers to work. On n- ly cv ry hand fresh sod can be seen and planting operations have been begun. Also, much cleaning of strcits, alleys, vacant lots, and around private premises ha* been much in evid.ncej during the last few day -another unmistakable sign of spring. The town sanitary d( parlment will assist in any of these cleaning efforts, if :u y numbtr of the Board of f mini.--, aioncrs or the Mayor is notified of, the desire fur the truck to jtivi aid In removing rubbih. "With the planting of garden? < :u; hunts are beginning to he rep i>tcrcd about chickens and cattle running at large," sa d th? Mayor a few days ago. "and notice was given that the ordinance respecting the freedom of chickens and cattle will be strictly1 l nfornd." By Means of a sweet potato st rage house. II. T. Watkins of Blanch, state-* l hat he has kcot and sold to advantage tvvo good crops of cured potaBawS^B ' : Buy good s. ed for the honu- garden EFTLY OF TEREST, SAYb LOTH '.Vife Of Former Violet Citizen Granted Divorce Knowillo. Ttnn. April S.- T. Hat maker. formerly of Violet, Cherokee .'ounty, N. who was su- d hy Clara Halinuker, his wife for divorce and ilimony \va? awarded custody of their :hirteen year e'd sou by a Ifece^ c.f :he court, but his wife was grantc i t divorce without any alimony. Mr. llatntHkor i- well known In "in-rokee County and this section. Wofford Purchases Lot Next to Cherokee Mills A Rusint ss transaction w:i - coni mated a few nays niro in which Mr. M. W ff>rd acquired th lot lyr.:: j t to the cf tin- Cheiokcc, toller Mills. It is understood that: iu:te a rah consideration wn - in vol* d. mee"i <ag r> CANDIDA T! Mayor \V. M. Fain was named as :i : ti dat? {.< sue i ?. fchiwif at a ion-par; izen gathering at the court I ?nj.se Tuesday night. which was at-, mded by a large and representative athering of citizens from all sections f the town. Mr. C. B. Km w<u mniic < hairman of the meeting, and Mr. A. ? .wariin, m'liciui %. The voting v:?.? . one by written ballot, only those ''wli'ijj rtiivwed to Vote ?ttc tiliglc 1 o vote in thv- genera! election, which .11 be held on May 6th. Th? mayor r.d iiooard of commission, rs were i anted separately, the mayor being o;od on first. On the first balls'. OREST PROTECTION PROCLA Forest Prot: cti .n Week for 11?12 X ^ i is been designated by President oolidge for April 21-27, inclusive, 11 tmotmcos the Forest Service- l'nite.t i a. . Department of Agriculture, ij In his proclamation, President Cool i gc calls attention to the appalling j1 ' s< s that occur each year from for-j ;t fi;e>. and urges all citizens, eith- i ir. association or as individuals, to l roiect all wooded areas from fir. ] overnors of many states will issue s oclamations supplementing the one t vd by the Pre.-ident. and Arbor i ay in several States will he observed s aiiig Forest Fire Protection Wc ek i Secretary of Agriculture Wallace a :d W. D. Greeley, chief of the For- s : Service, have many times empha- i zed the importance of preventing 1 rest fires, about 36,000 of which 1 cry year sweep 11,000,000 acres of t nd. t People Are Car? .es? With Fire , r Secretary Wallace has stated that j t ?ht out of rverv ten forest fire- r^.' \ if (51 rokee County, and the 1 MURPHY, NORTH CAROLIN Republicans Held Convention Last Wednesday There* was a meeting of Republican delegates of the county in the court house last Wednesday, April Und. Mr. W. M. Axley presided at the meeting and Mr. Clyde II. Jarrett of Andrews acted as secretary. No particular delegates were named to the Bryson City district convention which will 'k held Saturday, but Say of the members who can go will be . .'bed with the authority to represent the party from this county. Ccnvici Saws Way to Freedom Saturday E. Webster, serving a stntence on | the county chaingang, sawed his way to freedom last Saturday night and up to a late hour Thursday, his whereahouts remained unknown. Webst.r' was first missed from the old county; jail about nine thirty o'clock when orison officials went to put the prisoners in their cells. At first i' was* though that Webste r had been allowed to escape at the door as the har> i in the windows remained intact, but uon examination, it was found that one of the bars had be^n sawed and was cleverly put back in place by Slime "f the other pri oners. Police officers, the sheriff and guards were notified of the escape as soon as they could be found. Webster was s, rving a twelve months sentence for a crime committed in Jackson county. He was sent here from that county a few month? ago. A step ladder was found leanint against the wall on the outside of the jail under the window from which Webster escaped. It is thought that cither some sympathizer on the out-. side placed tin- ladder there, or else that Webster brought it there after j his escape in order 10 try to induce some of his companions to escape with hi in. It i* thought that the oniy reason for the failure of the others to flee was the fact that only one bar was cut and that the opening was too small to allow their exit. New Feed Store Recently Opened Messrs. E. 1.. Townson and Anderson have op nod a feed store on' th?? nurrh -iii<? ??r ..I!.... _......: : by the Cherokee Mills. A feed house! ha. been constructed at this point. Mr. K. I.. Townson has also just completed another dwelling house on j this same alley. IOM1NAT ES S FOR CITY OFrTCES Mr. Fain ;- < eiv;d a large majority of t'r.v* voles and ly com.ent of *.hv other; whose names had been offered, was by motion declared unanimously elected as the candidate of the gath the cffic nf BBHb Messrs. W. W. Hyde. J. B. Storey. I H. Phauo. W. D. Townson. E. M. Hawkins and B. \\\ Sipe were declared the r.ou.lm-.s for commissioner', litre again tht voting was by written ballot. About twenty or twenty-fivenames wen offered as candidates, but by consent of the meeting the six bight >t wer- declared the nominees WEEK IMED BY PRESIDENT not happen once the public is brought face to face with the serious losses these fires cause. These loss;s fall especially heavy on the American ; ublic since the United States uses more saw timber than all oth r na? .luiis Luinoi.ieu. Chief Forester Greeley says it ; lot difficult for everyone to be care- < 'ul with fire while in wooded areas, t Here are imple rules which if ob- < served will pro far toward reducing < he appall in, number of man-caused 1 orest fires reported every year: Be < ure your match is out before throw- I np it away; Don't throw ciprars, cip- ( irettes. and pipe ashes alonp the road i lido; Build small camp fires away 1 roni brush and small trees; Never f eave your camp fire unwatched:, t ilake sure your camp fire ia dead i | hen bury it; Keep in touch with Forr.;t Ranpers and Firt Wardens and Y eporti all fires you may see, no mat-! i or how small; Be as car<ful with fire chile you are in woodod areas as . 1.. . c. - w... * ikee H reading Newspaper in 1 A FRIDAY, APRIL 11. l'J24 THOMAS C. DICKEY S TO STROKE OF PA Thomas C. Dickey, one of Murphy's oldest and one of Cherokee County's j | best known and most respected cit inens, quietly passed to the . great beyond Thursday morning j about four o'clock as a result of a | stroke of paralysis, suffered on last Sunday. Mr. Dickey had bem in feehie health for several years, although he had been able to go about most of the lime by tfe aid of a crutch or walking cane. He suffered slightiy ; from appoplexy some time ago, from which he never fully recovered. Bv the affliction on last Sunday. Mr. Dickey was rendered practically speechless and helpless from which condition hi never rallied. He seemed to suffer no pain during the intervening days, and the end came very peacfully. Mr. Dickey was a native of Cherokee County, where he has sp.nt his entire life. Hi was born in the vicinity of : Ranger and Culberson seventy-two years and eleven months ago. Ii. came to Murphy about forty years ego, where h' and his wife, Mrs. Nettie Dickey have been engaged in the management of the Dickey Hotel. Mr. Dickey was the head of one of the most prominent families in the county, his sons bring active in the political and business lif. of the community. He is not only well known in this county but throughout this et. tire section, through contact with ( COUNTY AGENT GIVEl RELATIVE TO SOY BE Plan to grow more soybeans this year for hay and soil improvement. : If you will use at least 300 pounds of acid phosphate per acre with them they will not hurt your land as much i as many other farm crops, cv? n if you cut them off, and in case you rr- i tur the manure they make when fed i on the farm they will improve th. land. Also they will make a larger I crop by using acid on them. They i will not need any other fertilization ; except on v.ry thin land which should 1 have an aplication of 100 pounds per 1 acre of nitrate of soda which will s co t around $3.25. It w is proved : lasi year that the bean beetles do not damage them seriously. Evans & Lance Get 1 Notla Road Contract i At an opening of sealed bids the j first of this week Evans and Lance * were awarded the contract for grad- 3 - iiifi .inn ujHKiiiR roao irom the i Murphy and Xoria Township lin. 10 .s the Notla and Hothouse Township j j lines at Cole Cry. a distance of a;?proximately t ight miles. The road will be built by plans and specifics-1 * tions made up by the State High Conv ? mission made up earlier in the year, e when the Nichols survey party was' here. Ii v. ill euOiicwt with the !ia.ng c cr road about six miles from Murphy : nr.* ?v?And thnt road on to the Hot- i house Township line. The exact -urn c involved was not stated by either the . township or county authorities, who let the contract. . The sale of Notla Township bond- . was aathoriz'd and the bonds award- . i'd sunn weeks ago. but the money has 1 v not yet been received on them. As | soon a- it i- received, the work on ^ this road will be begun, announced member - of the highway commission. Hiawassee Bridge Ready for Concrete h j2 Th 1.: idge over the Hiawassee ^ River near the L. & N. station Is ibout ready for the pour in t: ??f the ^ .-uitcivie uoor. i nis onage nap oecn ci lttdergoing rcnairs for the pa>t sev- w rr.l we'.ks ur.dtr the direction of a tl rrew of maintenance men of the state Highway Commission. The old flour it >f the- bridge gave way. This ha.? tl |>een re moved, the arches refilled, and ci ratlets made at the bottom for drain- n ng any water that may get in the nidge. The new concrete floor will tl trobably be poured the latter part of a his week. n ; b Toin Tarheel says that he wants to \* mow if the man is a help to his com- si nunity. rather than how rich he is. a ci Mr. C. A. Gregory, of Andrews. v?-s a business visitor htre this week. t< ?cout this Section of Western UCCUMBS !l RALYSIS THURSDAY commercial travelers over a period of, more than forty year . He is survived l?v his wife. - children, Mrs. Edythe Clark, of Ashe- ( r ville, and Messrs. A. B. Frank and s Fred Dickey; and one brother. Mr. A.: n K. Dickey, of Washington, Ga. Funeral services were held this aft-! J ernoon at 1 o'clock at the Baptist ( church, conducted his pastor, R' v. 7 T. L. Sasser, assisted by Rev. E. G. d Clary, after which the Masonic Lodgt- (1 took charge and concluded the ser I vices. The Maonic Ceremony was conducted by Fast Master A. A. Fain. } and interment took place in! ,j Sunset Cemetery. The pall bearers j were Messrs. J. M. Vaughn, Tom Ax- t ley, E. E. Davis, ?J. 1). Mallon.c, I', ti H. Sword and -J. W. Axley. tl The large crowd of sorrowing re! h stives and friends who braved the inclement weather to pay their last ^ solemn tribute to the departed, and the many beautiful floral offeringattested to tin high e - teem in which Mr. Dickey was held by the people of this section. '? Among the out-of-town relatives tl here for the funeral were: Mr. and ^ Mrs. John Dickey, of Atlanta; Mr. and ^ Mrs. W. G. Dickey, of Madisonville, T Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Clarke, and " Mrs. Edythe Clark and daughter. Mis- u Edythe, ?>f Asheville; Mr. A. K. Dick- 1-1 ey, of Washington, Ga.; and Mrs. ji*< Fisher Hubble, ol Atlanta, Ga. |? s out inform a hon ' :ans, veal calves n \t Do not forget the date of the first tl shipment of veal calves. May 3rd, and u do not fail to have them in by noon.1 If you have a calf that you want to r . u:.. .u,-. ? r.i.w uuti win not. oe lour weeks old j ~ by that time taoke Rood can. of it byi giving it all the milk it wants or at | least ail that you can spare it direct from the cow twice a day and do not try to feed it anything else as the' js next shipping: date is May Hist. Teil lt your niighhor who doe- not take at w east one of the county papers thai1 :u- should do so at once; also tell him j t?, ;bout this opportunity to raise and >ell veal calvis. j p. H. il. Kid.IS, County Agent, t.( Cheroke. County.1 u Montana Senator Now p Under indictment According: to an asociated press j \\ eport emulating from Great Fal: , j w dontana, on Tuesday, B. K. Wheeler., he Junior U. S. Senat < * from that ^ late, was indicted by a federal grand ury on that date for ch. alleged a.- v.: : ntance of "influence." u- n y a:': : cing elected to the office of United ?tates Senator. Mr. Whetlcr i> to used by the grandjury of twice :uepting money and of agreeing to ac- p opt ituiur.cration on another Bjoas-t on for using his influence with the; J f oil and gas prospecting permits th or Gordon Campbell, oil geologist, Ci ml L. C. Stevenson, oil promoter and d< irincipal owner ol an oil refinery. 11 mpbt'll and Stevenson along with d* number of less well known oil men 10 .ere also indicted. tit fOUTH HEWS OFF HIS AND GIVE: Locust Grove, Ga., March 20?Hold i n ig the bleeding stump of his right tlv and aloft, Herbert Little. 17, late Mi ?s! night rushed into his home near ha ere and informed the family that he | ad performed the amputation in ae- th ordance with the Biblical injunction ' ca hieh savs, "if thy right hand offend 1 |,a ire, cut it off." . jB Herbert Little is the son of a prom- ] lent family. His father, H. H. Li:-1 ie, is a well known and prosperous itizen of the county. According tc. hii eighbors and friends he had bein wl ?eking solitude a great deal during he ie la t few months ami his reticence it rid avoiding of peopli had become ps oticeaMc. When the recent spell of di> ad weather set in young Herbert always took the Bible with him when by ptting out upon his solitary walk.? ne long the lonely roads or th< seelud- j se d woods. , tic After first aid had been adminis-jhe sred at the home, he told his par- ju \ I '*? m ADVERTISE IN "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" North Carolina 5c COPY?$1.50 PKR YEAR Sascomb R. Carroll Announces Program Selma Commencement According to an announcement re. ently received here. Bascomb R. Caroll, principal f thz Stlma High i-nooi, na-? completed the commencelent program, which wil be on the nd 24th ?>f April. The opeaing adress wil b<- delivered by Dr. J. C. ampb ll. of Buie's Creek Academy, 'he addres to the senior class will be elivcred by Dr. Wade II. Atkinson, f Washington. I>. C. Judge H. B. Irooks, of Smithfield, on "County *nit System of Taxation," and Miss lary K. Wells will tilso deliver adrcsse* during the commencement. Mr. Carrol! i a native of this secIon and his many Tri- nds will be glad a learn of his success at Selma and ie fine commencement program he as planned. Vilson Begins On Murphy End of Road The Wilson Construction Company egan work the first of the week on he Marble -Murphy section of the lurphy-Andrews link of Number 19 tate highway the first of the week, earns anil grading equipment came t the latter part of last week and ere kept in Murphy until camps auld be built at the far end of the '. ad. The link at this end is known t S12-A, while the section from MarU to Andrews is known as 912-B, nd has been awarded to the W. T.j [core Concrete Products Company, f Andrews. The latter company also as the contract for the structures on lis road and has been pushing this ork. MASTERING OF NEW CHURCH NEARING END The plasterers of the new Methodt church estimate that by the lat r part of this or early part of next i ok, the plastering of the church can . com; let-, d. The carpenters can u n begin the finishing work, which m be pushed to completion in a conenatively short time. The plumbing ntraetors are going ahead with the ork of putting in heat. luilding For Roller Mills Under Way Construction work was begun last tek on a mill house h yond the Hlaassoe River and across the road om the ice plant which will be ocipied by the Cherokee Roller Mills, he \ tiir will b approximately \l?0 f- ? t and will be completed thin the next two weeks, it is estl ;?td. Mr. J. C. Townson, who tujrht the mills seevrat weeks ago, moving it. beyond the river so aa have it near hi* other interests. .lectrician Doing double Duty This week On account of the illners of cn? of e employees at the power plant, ly Electrician Elkins is having to double duty for the past ten days, e has had to stay at the plant almost ty and night dining this time and mplctely suspended all hi* other du?s. HAND S BIBLE AS MOTIVE is that he had read in the Bible e passage from the Sermon on the ount which reads: "If thy right nd offend thee, cut it off." He explained that he understood is to apply literally in his own sc and therefore had taken his tenet and chopped off the offendz member. Whether religious fervor, border7 on a sort of fanaticism sustained 11 during the bloody operation, ion hi was forced to hack and and w no lrss than nine times, before was severed, is a question for yohiatrists and expert alienists to IHH During the dresing of the wound the doctor he almost lost concsious ss from loss of blood. He did not em to have any regret over his ae>n, repeating again and again that had acted upon the Biblical innctfcn.

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