PAGE EIGHT Overland Used On Highest H:ghway After Power Test New Mt E*ais. Co' Ro? J Hi..her Than Pikr'i Peak; Other New Overland Records 1 Marked tribute was paid to tne power aril : :ia ' the Ov r! motor by th? state highway d? partmen*. of Colorado by the selection of ar. Ovt lan : for the preliminary work on the new Mt. Kv- n- ae:.? h .r? which wil have th? distinction. when CviOpbtt *. of being the high' -t a??tomobiie r <1 in the world. ex>-;? ding in r.'.r that of Pike's Peak by several r indred feet. Th:< car i- w used in survey w k which 'pares op? iti r \-r almost inaccessible grades, partially constructed ; ..d> and even * noin ? whri ; : ytt " touched by I leted after ex a t live coxnpetititi\ * -ts with r ' a'-.t oars s?of tiu- r-* r >i:- within the star e hour. JarIt is the firs' Overland ever ptr. hnstd for thl* work by the ' rrrio -tat hishway cnn::v:- , - t its or. iintir nry mowinp it -s been decVcd tha ?U future rt'ohs. oaH'".t f . mountai: work would 1 e made *v*;h Ov . Sraj'e the fir ' > was y: into service on the Mt. Fv;- h ,'y. y additional cars have been ad i tol th highway depart at lb :!cad R f'e, < * >lo. Within the : been s* -*ed tw f st rnb!e demonstrate 1 , ..i* p. wcr tr \v: leiy country. Bef. r or . d of "> ' an over ?H :i- d? . en ! Moun .i the -.i bouldt ,u,\ SHol . h w southern fore b>. e iatt d . \ the i <! ?k ptior.l ao , r !t'\ that !:!? stretch of the journey . ..u!d not b? made. It is a mi - 1 f s:u. cth irranitc v. th no det'initf trvtn n. The rub nppr? \ mate- .1 I" ; .. . .' . It Rlbe car r.?.' ,-v it o.adiy and v.rr,, reeded to the- . \ , n-. pi-: . le of th< mountain. The descent ' cvei a > n.-rilou phase of the ; in. Si veral curs h.t\i climbed the- mountain ovoi various . .rtes, but many . f them haw requlr Octthe assistance of b!o<k and tackitj tt return. T ?!-n th< ar" h nk.i.v* p. w. ; the Ovvrl.-n.l r? .rnn the aim ' : .1 had u - tnlci the mountain. Near Pho \. V i southwest.. at ad - Ca:n. ' :u k Moun tain, 'one ; ... , n. . <u able by (-. p.. ilnrly ' t spur kn.-u : a: M " r. . hill ap: a !' .1 : Bl&ng and n . t i i t ..A jagged rocks \* iti* i i. ar?n of soft sand. < and r a* .. that cut tirts to i\bbi,n> . \ui it any motor that dare brave tlv. One afteraoo:-. ju t r.v. week- ago about tin < tl i and men v -men and children i _-nted r. thi t ac*u?I i points of \ :.t:.all ? . - tee >nl rounding carrying ed weight of ],* . 1 ..n ;! hilt, strapping r: ?iu ?i cf the ascent and then. . . ?i-. lost, procee li n \ ' ..?. '.* BWWWW??BBHBWW to cue crest 01 tin v.-men na> '( . . .nil Peak" in honor of the ?i .?Adv. FOR RENT?Cm <i v in Eu Murphy. Si r- -i. M. B - . r. M'ur phy. X. R. f C,ru : Vnd'cuN. C. <It-pd) jm | m 'f-i Never li neglect a cough pl T r.n r i O i: wuh t Dr. Be::".. Pine-Tar H ney. Loosens tiarJ-p.i.ked p: urn. soothes infi.meJ * i norma) Made o: the same medicine. your own doctor prescribe-, caehlb ncd with the ood old stand bv ?p;:ie-t..r none*/. Y^u'ii like its too. Keen Dr. Bcii\> on hand I. r ail the . ?mi .. A I! dru CC- ? . uv to ?Ct DR. BELL'S Pinc-Tcr Honey 1 COUNTY TEXT BOOK < ADOPTa BOOK The ( untv Text ii- . C IslcD, 1 ui|' w I of Messrs. W T . i! n-.?y, h. * . Nye, L. B. N i.. . , V-\ ! . !*. K.r.-ey. with County >: r . -Hie: t A. I.. Martin "as t x-vi'tl - > mem . . n. ; iv the suj erinteii1 ?. , . < nrdix nmrri-ir. \pr .'ih. and ad pled text : -r he < -ui'ty hieh schools. The book? wire cho>en from the adpted by wcf chosen from the . sj a-'. jpted by I were adated for one soni, for .two. and some . >r .\>e y>- irs M ?f the old books were re id ; ' i. The the iist. the cost to the p..rents. -hangr > w ?uld entail, and wherever there was little different- in bocks, th? present list w:. rva : -Me l. 1r. . let li.-t as adopt* d. follows; Bun% iier ..vd S.iyJ. ?Hie'-. \h.. i Kn.-ii-h. L k*I. C.ixt and >. : - -:1:T c:iv Junior. Emm i-:: n- 1 ?. mJer -M .a r. j .-t-. b 4?k ii. Bri._ and M K .. - - A S ?;na r v Pr:-.?.t'c.ii High S:*h< I S i i. r. \Y ;n>?t ?TI W i " . dictionary. i -; <' MctC . i : . M?a . : i' ! tlf n l.i . . i.r Hi'ih S ' a: ' -:r> Kr nch. I Chardrral? <V;-.ivl?-t Frtncb .Mir-f. ! Co!!-.r t in. r.V.'ni?Year ? | Latin. IS. r < . !" Year Latin. r,J ? Hie vary Latin, i;. * t ->' i ;.tlr. < it ?!? | \v ntwo th-Smlti Acad mic .M- j v. : r . . ? P \: ithn.i tic. Wentw orth Sn^th Plam ! : ' . S : ' :. ! O II: ' Hiph Schiu Bailey and Gr n?Lnl> rato**y M n lal to dt ' m an] Bi . for Highschooif. Brownie and Oth.s??Liu mi.-try Common i hinjps. Brow::!', e Dtiirrs K *: " T : > ; . th i'b*.ni try ?>f Common i Things. Sr.y icr Kve : <iav S?u n.i\ With Projects.. ANNOUNC 1 W : " ' ::r n?v v ii i-". . i : " *" W ?.f S:u| ;ii ' '<! . V.Y . fu-Ty Nine d; !if . ' 1 ird. So vc tl V h:.v : V. v v:"T and ,-nni.i >i : >. . :iv. . . r.y iv. id a pi\?- full : Call on us v.-hen we can servo yi a.-.d J.a v.T bi>* a'w> s give you j W. B. DJCKE Groceries. Ford a-Y C | . r.- .. -ill LLLI -. L.I\V L girt#"* tf/iypt MOTHER ? Fletcher's Castori Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared tc relieve Infants in a Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, pr * Natural Sleep witho To avoid imitati"-- always look for the ftjr? : __ ' ? packpge. ? CHEROKEE SCOUT. MUI :OMMISSION I S OF HIGH SCHOOLS Whit I k ?High Scfco \ GcofiTroyhj. Mi Male? CraclL il Physic* H'.ima* Pfcysiclogy. Hii!- c ommunity Life an?i Civic ; Mupruder Gov mnT E l?i >n- ' mmercia! Gt'onrraK ' F.:.r Civ: w , t ion. Ashli- M : n Euro; van Cvii- : ization. A.hi.v? Ar.ur in H.--ory. Hulbert?Unittc Stat s HCtory. I y Soi's an i Fertilizers Mont; a.ivy - i . iuctive Earn. Cr- j Plumb? A Stvuy f Farm Ani:v. t . Lewi Productive Poultry 1! b?ted*y. Rochl?F. n.?r > S- n Book. '* L! cultural Engir.' tr- i \V i r ? K . 1 . f Asrrit: ; r B;.s v.. r.; :h Century F> arm \ \ Fi:-i Viar, Text. \Y .11 : n?Ft .d P anning ar.d Prtp a rations R> Ft? .r Family. M.-Rowan ar : Write?TexRlcr.nd PI R.irtr. French ar i ?:ev..r.s?n?Mt-.-hanic::1 Draw n:; ? Hiuh S.l.-- !-. Oriffilh F entlais of \Y oe NEW VIM FOR WEAK, THIN, PALE WOMEN :r w rk zr.l have I y the pleasures X : : t: t ; n (I 1. ic axs I enrich y ..r thin Begin rig it I ? take . p.-:. . v - it v...; iv.p y V . At J .:. .l ug. .i c:i :i and tabieir. ; Fr.e 7'ial T^bleU r { ' . . no i.-: 5 tJ v J. I r. . i:-. ... V. O, pepto- j 7&ngan Tcr.ic an.'. B'aod Enrichcr ? r a*. ' -- vrr<9biH?FaB """fRY TCB PKINrlNG: :ement! n?! cu?* : - . ;hc r . ast ' fulure* pit' ar.,! \ cr ri. . is of iteri-nt i,-.. r and llB ] link we t an pica e you. it* 2*t e of th araous SEU5 erob r of the 1 T!. are iti>f;u:ion or v.\ ncv ro. d. av. We arc always the job. > jit morcy'j worth. :y & sons o.r.l.j Predu-c j Pi-.ONE lJi 1 | 4^?KL*f\ J \ ok^bHBKH' ZLmXSmM 'a is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, rms ami Children all ajjes of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels omoting Cheerfulness, Rest, ?-d ut Opiates . signature of C?aSA^/-4L?Ju,I bysicians everywhere recommend il tPHY. NORTH C??OUNt ?. L. Robinson Opening Electric Shop In Murphy Mr. I?. L. Runii'n ha* decided to n an electrical shop in Murphy xnd do a!! kin-is e? nieroial electrical work, such a.* wiring and repairing. He will cany in ' . k i supply of electrical Roods. He ha* not yet obtained a location. Neuralgia or tiea-aachr?rub the fotfhvj J ?nielt and inhale the vapor* VICKS VapoRUB Qp?r Afi.'fiii Jari [' / Y*wfv | J Don't ruin vou- butter trade bv al- 1 low':.. the cow.- to eat wild onions. CASTORIA For Infants and Children ; In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ? "I I I Halfyour living Money Owl You ran make it asily .it hum*-1 Hastings' Senis. riants and ltulbs j "The Standard i>f the South." are :>! ! fully described with hundreds of actua I photographic pictures in the n? w in.' S? e<i Book of tii- South. This u? ? Hastings* Seed Catalog is the great est and* most useful Seed Book eve:} published for the South You need it ' and we want you to have It enlircl; | fr e. We are also giving to each 1 custom- r f> SEED PACKETS o BKAITIFIL FLOWERS ABSOLtTK | LY FREE. The new Catalog tells al about it and gives "every care for th<} consideration af the buyer for pur chasing and planting seeds, bulbs atu , plants." .-ays the Seed World lbview We want you to have ut;? keep ihe wonderful new Seed Bool in your hom - for ready reference u all times Write f?.r it now. A po>t card will do. It will couio to you L; j return mail H. G. HASTINGS CO.. SEEDSMEN ATLANTA. GA *~pRY ^UR [OB pRINTING! I ? \Vhi I 1 i BBHM ^BHH .GAMES .iSEfc r rS luA Can you keep a secret? Secre1 l'ajr is played the same as rigular taj ccpt that you can't tell who's "it.' intil he is touch* d. After the player tave been counted, count the same number of sticks and throw them int< t box with one specialy marked. Then have all of th. kiddies draw : stick out of the h?.\ without lookint ?r snowing 11 yto the others. Tn< >ne ?h<t draws the marked stiek i1 * and he tries quietly to toue! mother player. Each play r. o ourse, not knowing who i- "it" trie .o keep away from all of the other in i the one who is "it" trie* to la* another as quietly as pebble so tha ti; in turn will not be know:-. What Is The Prrttirst Fruit? Why cherries, of e >.;r e! Plum] little cherries glowing with ruhv col or. aren't, they pust the pro. things? Can't you inragin h \\ go... they'll taste made up into juicy chcr ry tarts 1 kv thi : 2 cups of self-- : -ing flour, t? tablespoons sh rtoning, 1-3 cup cold water. 1 quart pitted cherries. Rub shortening int.. flour ver; lightly with fing r tir^; add wate slowly, enough ! irake stiff d< :J and roll out very thin. Lin.- putt pans with pastry and let s >nie ..f th pastry come well over the edges Hake i.n a hot ??v n for about 1"> min uU > then fill with cherries whirl have been washed and pitted. Co. it with syrup mad. t* 1 2 cup - u-n. and 1-2 cup cherri * added to 2 cup of boiling water. Ilring to a boil an. strain: a id one tablespoon comstarcl which has been mix- 1 with a litti. i )ld water. C !. ?.v r hot fire f a minute or tw. stirring c.nstantl ?renio\ and heat hard ?return ti fire and k until thick. 1'oui m\ r eh-, r" :? > while hot. Cups and Saucers $ 1. Bird Plates $1.00 p< e Bread and butter plat /bite Fruit Saucers 3 p end dishes at wonde Llr U, piY lit lolumbia Gra ! slightly shop lod condition, led records in Lackege brok< If 5 records Ion & And HL>lete House Furnishe murphy, n. c. \ Catarrh la a Local disease trm*. w I flnmced by Conatitutionaj condnuS ?; 1 HALL'S CATARRH ? .is of an Ointment which givts qSB 1 Reltef by lo*-al a; v' atlon. ?-*? W 1 internal Medicine a Tonic, which w-.H 1 through the Blood on the , faces and assists in ridding ycur t)^ W i ? Boia^by druggists for Tcan H j F. J- Cheney & Co.. Toledo a wish to nilv - on and I tl'.K lis'.' ? - - compsl* make additional charges of tea ctt*^E> ' per hundred f?.:- all feed de'.ivej^Bd f by us. Your trade appreciated. fK~ < D. Dickey Feed f per F. D. Di^H 1 ev. Manager. t For First-Claw SHOE REPAIRING WComt to Vj TILSON S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOpK J?mr? M. Cappj. Maa?ter K; Murphy. N. C. M 1 We Pay Parcel 1' ne way in suB M-i Zone i|29)B^ EVERY CHURCH NEEDS A GOODH SINGING CLASS g If You Want a Ringing Schod B Write Me. j? Modern Methods ? Pricei Rifk I. ROBERT BACKER B Andrews. N. C. B FOR SALE LOTS AND HOl/SES AND UOOHf ANi) GOOD FARMS Bi ?In and near Murphy?Call L. E MAUNEY Hi Murpby. N. C. ? i KEENER MONUMENT? COMPANY H J. S. Keener, Manage V Tomot'a, N.C. W 'r Call or Write if you nedfl a Monument H l CI I u; I 00 per set V es 3c each X >c each I rful nrices M 1VA I '1C I fonola 9 ) worn | put up I i pack- fl sn, per B $1.00 M erson < I rs m

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