E^U0,000 IS ESTIN w OF E STATE ( AP"' >4.?The Deof Commerce unnounrr, , ^he State of North Carolina it.* Httfcninary estimate of the value. ^^E?mber 31. 1922. of the principal j of v'.'^fh, the total amounting $4,343.11?*ob, as compared with ^^ $47,781,000 in 1912, an increase 175.7 per cent per capita values ^^ creascd from $724 to $1,703, or VTQig^E.2 per cent. ^ AU closes of property increased in ^E]ue from 1912 to 1922. The estiHstfd value of taxed real property improvements increased from jT.'ICO.DOO to $2,209,134,000, or H^.8 per cent; live stock from $85,-' Ks.OOO to $103,397,000. or 21.5 per 'fc^Knt; farm implements and machinery Kom $20,315,000 to $33,835,000. or re, <> * per cent; banufacturing machln^^ v, tools, and implements from $85,*^J^KO.OO<> to $238,327,000. or ISO pir and railroads and their equipfrom $204,606,000 to $251.^^ 49,00<), or 23 per cent. Privately ^]Bwned transportation and transmisVor ?nterprises, other than railroads. ?^tc!e;i::ed in value from $44,411,000 ' $81.-57.000, or 83 per cent; and jjHtotk< of goods, vehicle* other than ^Br.o: . furnitun and clothing from 4K507.96I.0OO to $1,395,438,000. or 174.7 :?r cent. No comparison is ^ nnssihli' for the value of motor- ?-? bides. which was estimated in 1922 it $ '7,779,001). because no separate estimate was made in 1JT12. I nvikinp these estimates the Department followed in general the met) employed in making the estimates for 1912, though it i- believ ed that in some respects the work in 1922 has been more thorough. It shouhi he borne in mind that the inc:oim - in money value are to a large ext-' ' due to the rise in prices which has taken place in recent years, and so far as that is the case they do no' < er? sent corresponding increases i-i the quantity of wealth. TI.e estimated values of gold and silver coin and buillion, the vessels of Navy, ami privately owned w;.' work- will appear only in total r t5:. united Statis. FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. r,oU> MEXU# ^ HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Qolo Mloal JRY JOB P-ntinc: AFou of Yc Beauty linked w I stays young ? th j Knight! The quit I sieeve - v cdve cfigi S use?a fountain 3 satisfactions. In t j never known a | engine to wear I $1195, Coupe-S S $1450, 5-pass. S | now $1695, f- o. WILI KNI( E. C. MOOF i Murphy, 1ATED WEALTH !' >F NORTH CAROLINA i, ? i f When I was young I once took a s boat trip down to New Orleans to at-1 I tend a house party. That was an tx , citing time for me. but in spite of all j I the wonderful memories I have there j is one that keeps lingering. I can't 1 forget the coffee-ping r cookies that; t Madame I)u Point, pur hostess. r for her guests. I was trying to recall f her recipe the other clay and I reckon with a few change I've about gotten > it right now, t ven if my recipe is a i ? mite more modern. Here's the way I r i tried it the other clay: Mix one cupfui 3 of shortening with two cupfuls of j s white sugar; add one cupful of New-, 1 Orleans molasses, and one cupful of n strong, hot, black coffee. Let th j mixture c< ol, and then add one well! [beaten egg, two teaspoonfuls of va- t nilla extract, three teaspoonfuls of powdere 1 ginger sifted with enough self-rising flour to roll out to make a soft dough. Cut and bake in a quick oven. Rc.-l Culinary Art! Madame hade the French woman's love of thrift and ai o her knack of concocting tasty dishes from hits of j almost nothing. When she had picc.s of dough left she considered it sinful to throw them away; instead she covered little ramekins or custard cups and baked them filled with custards or fresh fruit. Sometim s -he would i add a frothy meringue. We always enjoyed these delicious t id-bits and j Madam loved to surprise her young J H guests with them. OWL CREEK. Farming is progressing nicely on Owl Creek and the aple trees are getling green, and peachtre.s are in bloom. A number of people went to Old Hangingdog to the burial of Mr. W. MeDmald Sunday the Oth. jl Mr. C. J. Marcus is operating a! aw mill on Owl Creek. Some sickness in this settlement, j Mr. J. R. Marcus and familv arc | Let Me Wire Your House F)rompt ood service vj work Everything lectric R. L. ROBINSON Telephone 2.r? Murphy, N. C. <35-4tpd) ntsln mth. nth power that I lat's the Willys- , | :t Willys-Knight | ine improves ivitb. IS I of thrills and I 8 I w r. years we have | Willys-Knight I out! Touring t !ec!an Standard ? Itandard Sedan, | b. Toledo. I LYSjHT IE, Dealer 1 N. C. i n. . m> :. " '-. L ' 0 THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, 1 roinjr to move nearer to Notla in a ew days. Mr. Marcus is a good worker and an industrious man. 1 Many Irish potatoes are being lanted on Owl Creek. Mr. Larkin Kephart and Jeff Kc- j hart are fo hunting about every oth- j' r night but are not killing any fox j Messrs. J. W. and W. W. Palmer ' re getting their farm in nice shape 11 or a crop. There is a good looking prospect ' or a fruit crop on Owl Creek thi? eason. PERSIMMON CREEK. | Editor Scout: Please allow us! pace in your good old home paDerl o write a few lines and let the peo>le know that we are still alive and laving one of the most progressive Sunday schools of the county. There S going to be a singing school to bc:in here Monday night under the nanagiment of Prof. J. P. Decker. Hr. Decker is u successful man in his inging schools and religious work. iVe are glad to know we have him I vith us in this capacity. The people of this section are get,ing along fine with their farm work. IIany are ready to plant corn CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED All WORK GUARANTEED W*=. CALL FOR AND DELIVER Arcade Pressing Club Under J. W. DAVIDSON,S Store I 'Phone 85 MURPHY, N. C. r-SAVE YOUR MONEY?i I Ore hox of Tutr"? Pill* tivc* many I I dollars in doctor'* bill*. A remedy I I for disease* of the liver, tick he-id- 1 I ache, livinemn. eomt4n??nf. H.U I iousncMi a million people endorse (Tutt s Pills) Easi | Can Places or April 2 1,000 Yar 4-lb. Buck 50 Pair Ladies' $3.50 to $5=0 1 Lot Children's price $1.75 tc 50 Pair Men's S fords, regular 60c Tissue Ging sortment, yai IN ADDITION Can iURPHY. NORTH CAKOUWA Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crisp were visitors atthis place Saturday and Sunday. The report that they are well satisfied at their new home on the Mission farm. Miss Ledie Stiles and Miss Lily t Parnell visited at Mr. A. L. Davis' , Sunday. We are glad to welcome Mr. Will1, Davis ar.d family back to our com- ; munity. , Mr. Ed John-on is plowing and nauling crossties these days. i Mr. Charley Campbell was a visi-!1 (^ ,V3 i (NO IE: Dr. fierce is president of the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to which for 50 years past chronic sufferers have been coming for specialized treatment from -.11 over the U. S. A.. Canada and foreign lands.) Will Undo Much Evil By Dr. V. M. Pierce Knowing the va-st amount of , harm wrought by diseases of the kidneys, and having had opportun- j ity to observe the analyses and the successful methods *pf treatment in thousands ol cases of kidney trouble j ut the Invalids Hotel. 1 have re- j cently given to the public the latest j and perhaps most important of the Dr. Pierce home remedies, "Anuric" (ants - uric - acid) 'tablets. ! which i now recommend to those who suffer with kidney backache, irregularity of urination and the pains and disturbances that come l'roui e.x?^ of uric acid in the blood. "An-uric" can be had now at ali the drug stores. The mere drinking of a cup of hot water each morning and a little "An-uric" before every meal should bring remarkably quirk improvement. You may have kidney trouble and not know it. The danger signals to lie watched for and quickly heed? d are backache. depression, aches. pains, heaviness. drowsiness dizziness. Irritability, headaches, chilliness, rheumatic tw.ngts. swollen joiuts, gout. ter We idler's Dep i sale for one i 5th, the followii EXTRA S ds Quilt Calico, et 40c Coffee, K Oxfords, regular 0; High heel*, 98c Shoes, regular > $2.50 98c hoes and Oxprice $5 and $6, $2.48 hams, Large Asd ... 39c TO THE ABOVE WE OTHER WONDEI dler's Dep. MURPPT ?^5 WEHUTTY. Mr. Bindtn Chapman, of Suit, attended Sunday school Sunday. Mr. and Mrsr. S. Y. Allen, of Postell, visited Mrs. W?. M. White SunJny. The attendance was very good Sun-, Jay at Fairview Sunday school No. 3-A, considering the amount of sickness. Mr. M. M. Ledford filled tinplace of our song leader, Mr. Leonard Brown, who was absent. Mr. Albert Park, of Tellico Plains, j Tenn., visitqd home folks here Sat- [ urday and Sunday. Mr. Bob Hunsucker. of Ve-ts, was , in our section Sunday. The state bridge engineers were hi our section last week, taking the di-1 'mentions of bridges and culverts on fof , " c? jgyj2* jBES If you 'are curiouf results of using Calume and use some other i then use the same r& I CALl TtAEconomy am lm fW _ Compar' tW? eAr^r artment Si veek only, Apri ng wonderful ba PECIALS! Yard nife and Fork for Large Rag Rugs 27x54 25c PsjSlTiS OHvCks, varr $1.50 Ladies' New Spring Men's Summer UndersHi 50c Ratine, ail colors, yai 1 Lot Tennis Shoes, pair ARE OFFERING HUf IFUL BARGAINS! artment St If, N. C. the road leading through Shoal CreA township that was surveyed by Cap* tain Nichols some time ago. It will connect with the Kimsey highway near Turtletown, Tenn. This road will be built by plans and specifications made up by the state. We hop* the work will begin soon. This section will b railed the Dillard Highway. * ?. j Sunshine just coming down 'Cross the hill and plain. See Miss Sallie drive to town O'er the Dillard Highway. She's going to buy that Easter hat, Won't she look sweet in that? Charlie says. Where am she at? She's on the Dillard Highway! Subscribe to the Scout ?W burning feet? ^ t?bake a cake baking powder, cipe and employ imetW KING POWDER V e the texture of the i?the way they look?the i taste. The difference will ou join the millicns who U iumet daily. W iMtByTMt O M 2\ limes as much W at of any other brand w :ials 1 tore 1 19th, to 1 r gains: II . . 5c ' $1.29 89c i [ ?Uc Waists, _ . 98c || >*? qo- i ?? _ ? _ :d 39c 79c 4DREDS OF 0re I I 1 . J

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