Friday, April 18, 1924 !?,oca/ and lelepho Mrs. A. M. Britta n is in Amhew: this v.'k taking care of her grandchildren. while her daughter, Mr?. Giles .t'ov-.r, is attending the I)ei-. critflti" State Convention in iiik igh. , Mrs. l.ula \V. Burt lift To lay for Atlanta to spend Easter and at: n.l Grand Opera. Mr. S. I*. Mr. - n. a -tudent at Young Hate is College, w.v h re ver th' past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Ellis : the birth of a fine girl. Sylva Grace on April 14th. Dr. E. A. Nichols of Etowah, Tenn vh-. is interest d in the Murphy Service Station, spent one <lay here his week on business. rASTURE?Good range, fine water r::tes reasonable. See Harry Miller. City. (3>i-2t-m) Mes.-rs. M. W. Bell. D. Wither n. J. N. and Ralph Moody. D Mallonte were among the local tornevs attending court i: Havesville h i> week. Mr. W. E. Studstill wcalled to h - h one ir; M >uit :e. (la.. during the w.vk-i nd on ai'n unt of the illm ? his fath>. He r-tumid the fir.-i j ' wet'i ant' iminediatly left fort " harlot te to brinjr hack a n? v. oai : e Chtroke Motor ('? . Mr. Lee Hin?s wn- -lightly i Wednesday at the * *h* . ?k? land mill when a knot flew, out .?f .he educr and s:tucL him just ur.deri hi left \> . Mr. Hi pes <. ' to be back on the job in a f day J FRIENDS You will find n Mrr. Callii Hall's. Murphy. N. t\ a beautiful sole i .: ? l* I > received from the x I>res- ink ! v:- of Now York ' itv. \! ii Ea ter Hats to Mateh up Suits, il Mr-. E. (?. riary left thi first f; t:a week for an xteuded \ sit with h i mother. Mrs. Marks, at Columbia S. C. On her way she stopped over at Woav.rville to vs.-.; tui-. j r TI O/^vT I-Tl J U I 1 | Pi. Ah Sem:-1M RICHMOND THE OLDEST AGR1C JOURNAI . , )- < \ c ir Thre t Five \ e;.i T wice-a-Month? 17 0, W~Z m severe raj ||! "W HAD had quite a bad g2 J spell and sickness," | ; writes Mrs. Emma M Patrick, of Caney, Ky., |p "and it was an effort for Jg{ me to go about my home. KJ I had a very severe pair. K) in my left side that almost jgj took my breath at times, fej I lost my appetite. I grew thin, pale and lifeless. I Kj fell oil till I only weighed igj about 115 pounds. M "Cardui was recom53 mended to me and by the K8 time I had taken one botEij tie I saw it was what 1 SY/* needed. I ate more anc I OAF I The Worn ) Personal ne 20 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gardner of < Chattanooga, Term. spent the wt\ k- . end h : with Mrs. Gardner** farther j Mr. I). E. Fr ifiiar. ; . t M ssrs. C. M. Wofford and E. S 1 Miller wen Famine s \i>.t : H:.;. esv l.r Wednesday. ? Mtssr -. J. F. Goffney. *'. T. Vanct ar.d C. T. Savage, of '.he Southern * Railway, wire here luring the wet k en official business. * t AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH , NEXT SUNDAY, { , :45 A. M.- A live and g; ow ing Sundi.y School, N -ah Lovhigood, Sup e:intendent. ji 11:00 A. M.?Worship, .i.e .-.a .! j .(.aching. Special Mu-i<\ S-.-rnn-r.., ' T1v Iie.-Ui r et ';on." <?: 1."? P. M. Mt'ing of Uapti- .' Young F ;.'e V Urions. 7:00?Worship and Ptvu.hing. ' Sermon: "The Judgment." T. SASSEft, Pastor. J Card of Thanks. \V- wish i?? thank the fiier d.- who j so generously extend-<1 th ;r ynipa- , thy and aid during :h illness ami death i o'.i; husband and- father, T. C. Dickey, and especially we wish to', thank the ladies <>f the Bapti t church!' ! r the r many kin hi - ? >. and t all 1 r the 1.- fly floral off-rings. MRS. XETTIK Dlt KEY AND FAMILY. |; Frank Crisp ji Laid To Rest At Peachtree Tile hotly of Frank Cri p nr-'iv o | here Tuesday afternoon !>< ' \kr>-v ; Ohio, and was carried to Pcaohtree for burial w the alt." :.o 1; T. 1.. Sa.-ser < the Ma j hy Baptist ^ Church eontlijrti d ?h> funeral seavita s. Mr. Crisp died on Saturday, May \'2. tr?.jn what caur< it coul-i no! .? a.-eerIn .1 here. lb I ormealy lived in this county, going to' Umnabout a year ago. and has a ister by the name of .Mrs. Ilyde , living in tla< Peachtree section. , IE HERN JTER loathly , VIRGINIA CULTURAL - IN AMERICA j 3 $1.00 i !?E50 000?T wiee-a-Maath j ins in Side 1 j rested better. I kept tak- g| ins it and my skin and SgJ flesh took on a more jgj healthy color. I felt [%j stroneer and. as the nerv ousness left me, the pain S58 in my side was less severe, jsg After taking nine bottles, <*] I eat anything, go any- [gj where and feel fine. I yA weigh 160 pounds and am Kj well. I feel that I owrit all to having used Cardui? va Pain, in certain parts of ^ the body, is a sure indica- </S i tion of female compli- V/t cations. The treatment Kg [ needed is not the use of (tcj 11 narcotic drugs, but? (y\ sbuT en's Tonic j| THE CHEKOKEE SCOUT. MU1 Resolutions By Montgomery Ledge No. 48, A. F.& A.M. We, the undersigned coniittv.. appointed by the Master of Moi.tgom*ry Ledge No. 4'2t> to draft ri s.uuions of resy.eet t<> . :r !at* worthy 4:other i . C. liickej. u membi r of' he aforesaid Lodge, who departed his life April 10th. linM, at his home, : Murphy. N<. rth Carolina, beg U uhrnit the foLow.r.g, viz.: W.u-i . m. it has pleased the Su-1 >rente Grand Ma/i. i of thi Universe vail ft >m our midst our hi.hly veenied and worth Brother Th 'v.ap. DLkev from labor to an eve-last i ng refrc.-hm. at. In the passing of brother Dickey another one of the and Marks v.f f h< r..'.<e Ccunty.; s rth Cmana, i ; - ero ded ov? r to j he Beyond to .<>: his Celesial Lodge abvve. Brother Dickey v:..- 'hi:n at the old George W. i>A. k-1 v Hiinn a Notla River in Cherokee uj.ty. North Carolina, May :Jr 1.1 Isol, and was married *.<? Miss Net-1 :? at Cleveland. Tennessee. Fun - lllth, 1871. Brother Pickey J rofessed hope in Chri-t ir \ugt:v! ' 1ST!, and joined the Bam" : vhtireh! ;oon afterward in the :-an.e year at i Snow ililS church n< his home .be mu at the time 01 his death a mem-j ? r f Mur; hy Ba V.i l Church. Brother l>i iter i survived hv his wife, Mrs. Nettie DLi.?y. of Murhy. N. to i> ??. r, A. i;. l? . >, < f h'n^ton, ii' iand f? ? hildrc-n. i... Mr. A. B. Dickey Post M.1 t r :\i Jiui iiy. N. I'.. Mr*, .with ?'lai I. of Adievilie. N. C. Frank ind l -.l Du-i.c) of Murphy, \. C. h -ides many oth- i reiativ - in North 'arolina, CJs rjriu, T? nr? - . and >ther part* of the country. Brother Dickey moved t Murphy V 11 April, 1>V-1. h i. he l:v ?l until lii< death and onijnjrod in the Int.-! hus'ne - ami ?-th?r eiiterpris.? in the 'j' .wth and dcvclopnu lit of Murphy and suiroundin- country, and as have err 1? of fri i ds and ae nuaintam, throughout the country. Broth-* Pic key belonged ?.n? tin most prominent and eldest fami li'.s of this .ection of the State. His father. Genre \V. Dicky, b.dn. a member of the t'ons. iiutionai f. vention that fiamed the fonstitu . i'-n of North far lir.a in tin- days of l'-i .instruction. T\v > other broth i s served in the Legislator.- ?.f N'o: th t ; in a, vi. .. W. H. H. - i A. h I V,.;. v Broth, r Dickey \. twice I'os Master of Murphy. North far.'.ilia, and was identify-1 in the and business affaii of the country. In this brief tribute of respect, w? can only mention a few of his oxtolI nt tiaits. As a citizen he ju>" and upright in all th i. 1 aliens ?>f life, firm in hi ; . . i . i- tinn - .iinl h.>r? -t in his dealings with his f.llowman. On April 5th. 11)23. Brother I>ick ey was stricken with paralysis from which he partially recovered, v. a airain stiirken with paralysis April <th, 1 4. followed hy another :troK? the followinr day t which h' - ait .c . had ! i: in ;i:a..u i di To. -v. al ;>, !h fo.o .l.o * : : v.a h I arc his aff v; -at i. . . i ti d C .* . ?l Hist: it; tdeath . Hi tlur Dickey, the Masonic Fra rnitv i- lost a worthy Brothe: the Church a consistent mem!n the Country a highly esteemed tan ie*pected * itizeti, and the family r kind, devoteil husband and father: Resolved Second: That in th death cf Brother Dickey, Montgov. ery Lodge and his family have u| tained an ir. eunruMc loss. 1 ut v. . bow in humble submission to the wil of Him who doeth all things well. Resclwd Third: That Monty.nv. ery LOtlpe tender to the boronv* tamily o ;r h artfelt sympathy nr. fraternal regards. and commend then to the mercy of that God in whou h trusted. Resolved Fourth: That t!:i memorial he .-pread on the minute of Montgomery Lodge and publish* i in the Cherokee Scout, ami a cop; sent to the he reave d family, an*! also a sufficient number for the hen ' efit of relatives and friends. Respectfully submitted, j JAMES E. GRAHAM. Chin.. JOHN L. JOHNSON, j SAMUEL S. AKIN, ! A Dulpin County farmer taug'r ' to cull hens by an extension workt from the Starte ( oiler 2 hens for a neighbor. pi: in a fattening pen and laid aaran egv during ten days. Tha remainder c the flock is now producing more egs that the original number because c more feed and better attention. Subscribe To The Scou tPHY. NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE STOCK LAW ELECTION. J At the regular of the '* County \uri!"issi ners of (".' ? kto Cov.!';v. North Ca ;o ? the 7th ?ay ' Ayri*. ~? tl24. 1 t.tiobwas <1 t tk< - i d I! * -V ,, :.h;, , ;h . Iflin Vv-tv! - of sat-.: : n* nddKB n Mur" . *'-; }' < "or- kee Cor. North V . i .1 a inaft.r tloscri ed a: . : -4. nj< that an election :'.rd t MB ok I a* !. i ?l ct: -i r vz.-.i ?t , j>t? '-k *i .:.i b It N"r< tk. t - - -i :i (?> an I< .: n ' nd r the rt and r ;-ui oal Ik law : ? of X rth C rolir:. * ? i>JL' h: hovrtdn-y I: <; .it the 21th d"y f : v. 1*24 " t - ' ?*oc'. ::.w or -ain-t -*. !: Lw in th> ifollow.r." tc? v :viz: Ih eim im. r n the Will Ilvh T> I ?.n ti"? 11 -< : : st./ck 1. I r: ; with the :r. ..." aili -tw. Valley u vtr ..! ()\ I Ct< k t?? ti. : ead of ()? ' ?' : v.r!i p Creek; cif.w-dcjr th ir I: w>.'i ine 1 el. we en Z. B. Oti ii and C C. . !i:i ; en \. : . a ! r : s tr ;h to > < '' the ir. 'tint; ? h *. .. en Hangis n I> r and I) . < . th with mo ?;t the lourta a t. j lav; Trail Cap; then night line 11 ? the U\ Davis f.?rd; th- n wit?: the public road to the Allen Clan t, l :i v. ivh it: Muiphv : d K aw* j dan: T wnshin lit' t?? ti ii av ?tlain Clap; then with the pros* nt -to. . law line to the beginning. And for th purpose of s?:d < !< tion, it i< further ordered that n: ..* reaist at ion of ail of the ?|tia!i1'i- d votes* he mad. in .-aid boundary out above. It i- further ordered hy the of County Commissioners that The doti I vitigoo 1 to a; noil. 1 . - * - istmr ' .i;and t t < llass and John Mulk* > h ii|i|iu n ew us judges. I is furtn ? ' . rd- j that the regis te 1 ... h. opt",. i .. OleT 1 \ i ' siori in -aid i oumk.vv for lie - desiring to \' :? on the ll'th day >;' April, l.'JJ. and ?..*h S day t! crutfier l . four ive Report of tta- condition of The Cherokee Bank Carolina, at the cio?e of business March 31. 1921 RESOURCES I .onus and discounts . . $10b..?32.1.? D.mand I. - ?j.i Ii (Iverdrafts ui -et ured . . T > i .> 1 r. S. bonds nr.d Liberty bonds .... . .JB . 21 r?7. ;a Furnituie and L.uu.e o,72S.?J7 ash in vauit and net amounts clue irorn Hanks, Banker and Tiust Cnmpani. . HHq3mC0:| ash items hold ovc r twe lour houis 1 ??2. i 'hecks lor clearing: .. T? Uil .S2 '7. ; LIABILITIES C Si.. . .. .a > . . ?H? d ; ? c.irroat : rr . ar J Taxes raid Deposits due >:.n ban and Trust i" . Eg. . , 1.160.! 1 !> posits sub. ch.?a... sr,is i :is due Staty N. ?' I Or any official , thereof ... 2.?. ?7>.l i Demand Certificates of Deposit ... 1 lit. 122 7; t a.sbier's Checks outstanding ... l.-172.:?o \ \ .. gggg'-k *? State of North Carolina, ' int\ of Chtrok e. A. 7. 1'.'2* j I, B. Storey, i'a aVr of the >ve named Bank. do solemnly swear that the above statement i: true to the best of my knowledge and belief. .T. B. STORKV <'ashiov. Subscribed and .-worn to be fort * n:. . thi- 1 Tth dav : April. li?24. .!. H. .M. ("ALL. N. I\ v*; ! i Correct Attest: E. A. DAVIDSON, R S. I'AKKKK. J. W. DAVIDSON. Director-. CHlCHESTtrtS PILLS It , DIAMOND BRAND LADTP.SI .f A?v y??r for Cni-CnRft-TRk ft A DIAMOND liKAND PICLS ia Kr.o *n?l/0O ,rs . Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Blue<0 C ' Ribbon. T.SK8 WO OTBHR. H?T of 7??p V> " SUA Mk for < Hl-t'HfS-TI R 4 V : dumoso wm*!> rn.!.?, f?r [ years regarded o? Best.Safest. Always Rcliablt SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST! it iT?13> EVERYWHERE S? , TANLAC KEE RIGHT C ' & Coifc-? 5: i States World'> G?ea?.ionic i las .fwepi Him Physically i :t for Four tears "Since taking Tunl.u-. my i i - than I o. any 01 my pe<?; io <>r friend ever it . is th : k ;_ -! nn-r - . f G. P.. liar- 1114 X >.j S-.. Rci : V.'.. we! . . it and eo-ffe . --man. "Five yea is ; . . I . . ::i! breakdown. My , . : v nostd as pella rra and b?e and I had t ur \v 1. u2.d ?('{.' . )c i v.; i, If-lth day of May. . J I f stock law S* ' ,-iv ' ; i law sh:::! . cd tick*.1. of u I Law.' it 19 furt r elect n be t->ri;v l i a I -1 Mime n? aer . . <1 : y i-: ;:d tin h;? . of tH- ::t : la". ! ; I'. ai>i. S. W. !.OVI\T " *?. n\ Hi?:::?! .if <' -.iiV : .-1 > \. M. SIMON I S, K < t: Hoard. > ; kctjce of rc . \ . i ;c: Notice !l I ' . ' v ;?n * lion for fh? | ur*. of 1 ir.v : may* * :; ! >i:-: t mow -o>a ; t? '.>:' <j Mury.i.y : - h.'n '.y i-alit-i qASUYZ J rJ correct Luhr Quality oils in three ccnsis ?correct tor every type of Consult die chart cood < display and ask for your name. The name is "STANDAF ! 3^ L&N Taxes Greater i The Louisville Sr for the year 1923 per cent mor to the stockholdc sume all risk and operation. The L. & N. is call< creasingly-hea vy pavi County and City tr< state* in which it opt$365; in 192.1 they wm The investment in I. increased 56 per cent The Railroad* pay i improve the road*. | institutions, and for make the country a i apparent therefore li railroads redounds tr The L. & N. is alw.n; just proportion of tn the other railroads . , proper share of sucL efleet desirable imprc he permitted to earn of their property de\ s .'.V I ^ PAGE FIVE PS HARRIS 1 )N HIS JOB "r ;. f? r : After H - !.;? ! nth?, I t ..nd came -1 bat W3s it too " i : . 11 r -v .'riend me ?! - Tanlac. - J all the > r. nv?.-. nau :t. ; hqadach's. t. rvotisness that kept e so ! : . a: i weak left inc. J ' moni ; nock t for tr f ional . - i Tanl&c in it', ha.* .-t isrih atui !.< : me on t?r ' . ?ntir eally :h- years." 'i : . *' . ;i- f y ; , ] rilg< ' v t r ! ">n b :t!? sold. ? T:. T :?l. Vo- tab !' ; -Adv y of if l:-24. I ' bj court said < cti.r.. an.- f the :hc TcvJfc . ! v is here ..' id.. T. Y\ . A . i ap.n'-i i t - - t*. :* ' v-ill ae 1 ' r " of . .'or Arril and v.:'! ma' :;v at t: * ' ' . 4 .11" . H. L>. Aic . v : 1*. C. Nelson are hen1 an: . ;.;?i muni: i; 1 <-1. :i< a. I) .. .-dance th ard of < 1 - i nil i l .Murphy at a meeting l.i !d r. Apiil V-. 11)2 1. ii. \V. isli'K. Town Clerk. * TRY Our printingi icarion ID' >larine Motor Oils mu Trustf Than Dividends Nashville Railroad's tax iiii 1 amounted to $d,.'572.310, or "cthsnws? paid iii di^do^d? rs of the Railroad who asrespoiisibility for the Road's ?d upon each year to make an lament of taxes t o the Fcdc ral. State, iasuriea throughout the thirteen rates. Taxes per mile in 1913 were o $1,265. an increase ot 2461 t-r cent. w N. property in the meuntimo taxes ic maintain the provenrmcrt, provide schools and other public varied other purposes; ir order to totter place in which to live. It is hat. Lin- jw>.i,cal of taxes by the -emendously to the public interest, rs agreeable to the payment of its XC3, yet it is manifest that it, and of the country cannot boar their tax burdens and at the same time ivezneutsand additions except they a reasonable return upon the value ,oicd to transportation service. FTic railroads of the United State* in 922paid mare money to the puhhc in ^ axr* than tn their ntoekhotder* in divi- A ??nrtV RuUroad taxet nou; amount to '1,000,000per day. Jhgh gfcf- *

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