PACE SIX NURSE CHAP? rTANLAC BRI GRATIFYIN Nurse With 15 Yt :-r-' perience Urge! U*e Of Tanlac?Teiis Cf Her Mother's txpe iei-ce With World's Fame jTonic. "I hJJ*JT^Tp, >1 k? w*. many osea where TAN- ! LAC has r red he Ith an ; -renptb and he*fed w? get on'tY t that ! !:n .v : to' be an. vnusual net: . phatie :r?ir?r.v! v." Avt r - A nurse of . fteo ye. ' \ . pays tri'n. .. to the f,. "Tu?ic -Tol *?*u. .. ia* n""-5M "rrtCu I TAN! AC S i. mother, now t ^ht\ y. ; TAN I. \C live .ft been standby ever Noth- '.I I TAN ri inc di ii:t r- 1 Or.iy ro - y. I moth ht :?;e gener tiy ur.-d?nvn. If. -h u- iis rtl*. h?r; hr.'. . . a nor\ 'i A V . h a '?I . CULBERSON The farmers of t tribe en plowing art! ' 1 . rn ?!ur-1 inj? th? pa*, week. j 1 Mi> V !' is visitij " Dr. \V. Ma- thlr* plate. moving . :: Taylov been on the CLOTHES CL .NED IAND PRESSED A! I VORK GUAR AT. TEED \V\ CALL FOR AND DELIVER Arcade Pressing Club Under J W. DAVIDSON S Store Phmo S5 V.URPHY. N. C. Hastings' Seeds i . WTSZV ' This !r- the ! .- at , r r.r.d r rate Set ! Boole . v - ; ' r . south/:iao ?>as? ?. .ic ,i i,hc i kf graphlo picture handsome rov?r pages in i accurate L - r.; tion ?* - , the mos . i; i i.s It is absolutely *>< , an?l we want you to have it in vour home. Hastings' Seeds. The Stan rd of the h South," are alwa: <. It. h. st seeds grown Carder. i <1 nd flower seeds, plnnt-s ..nd . i: . ? well In South :ir.- ail fullv described with 1924 attractive prices. .. ' r w? can possibly ? ? II rood : - plants and bulbs. All our 1921 customers will get 5 rod packniM of beautiful |M Bowers absrd - iy fret. Th b;; new 1924 Sc. d Book w ils all about it Write for it today. * H. G. HASTINGS CC SEEDSMEN ATLANTA. UA. B EVERY CHURCH NEEDS A GOOI SINGING CLASS If Y i ' -at a Singir.i? S hoo! * Write Me. t Modern Methods ? Prices Right ROBERT BARKER Andrews, N. C. <27-12t-p) FOR SALE ? LOTS AND HOUSES AND 1.01 ANJ GOOD FARMS ?In r.nd near Murphy?Call Or.L. E. MAUNEY Murphy, N. C. ! KEENER MONUMEN COMPANY J. S. Keener, Manager j Tomotla. N. C. Call or Write if you nee t-l; a Monument rJ1RY QUR JOB pRINTINC m jM; ELLE SAYS I1 NGS MOST 3. RESULTS IT tl ?&?** , ' ' i ijjx.,a - ta n> TO i m -m : r ^ > i. sv Cr.-jr1 -"k :V. ? : . ' > v.. ; ..n.i happy hut 1 o .he TAN "lu .' I r.of i x-, .. nr.- i :r.t\ , T \ X AC." . . i : oj * r I I SUv stitUtC. ~ I..'.is, of TuHxirm. r.. ' :>e from the well-known . Mr. 1 i.! i>e a box <""p. . huurch S.iy r.iir'-t May j Oth r the p ;r;>>- > i.f painting: the hu- 1 . E\ ? ; )> :v - cordially in' ; a:t. mL rr i " or\: wr. held here y niirhi ; Sir laj at th? 1" t'huich. cot act i'd by Rev.! tat:hew Trull. ! - r K i. - bur-:r and Miss. ? n hav od f.?r in a \Y .ok. .;. i Marietta. ! ? r i man. Mr. ! . \\. S: eld 1 , . - a ' ,- r i in Murphy Sunday. j Mr. CbarLs and Bill Ar;i were j railed home from Akr . Ohio, on account of thv illnes of their mother. Mrs. J. Hawkins a 1 littl da Ugh t v:. r:a::rw,- nnrc i:l\itnr?r froiu a plea- itu trip tc? Florida and ...v point- South. \i i. .L-. t. .. M i? \V. School :>t Blue Kiclire. was the -,in -t of Mi- i.t an ^ison Sunday . Monday. T\ SOUT PLAI Semi-! RICHMON1 ' THE OLDEST AGR JOURNA One Year Three Yes 3 Five Year T wice-a-Month? 171 f s GET YOUR MEALS _ AT WHITE'S CAFI ; Wh.n v u want a quick lunc WHITES CAFE?the plac: to j Jtirl. We strive to please all lc 'J*, hf!i:e and want to come back U e iron always found here. 1 AU towns need a good resta ' R. H. Haytt Building. Main Str d WHITI G. ?t O. WHS7 THE CHawm SCOUT. MW Training School At Baptist Church This Week A tia.n nic >ehoo'. for> : :hool and worker- is r ig ci-nuui?i at the Baptist churc". lis week. Mr. J. N. Barnette, t: 'anr.. t'.. a r.preventative of th uadu\ School Board. being the :iu.. , Mr. Barnette! air.e las: Saturday night and got the ci.vo. unuer way and stayed uni.l. Wednesday* when he left lor An-J irews, where he txjects to conduct] .-nulla >chooL Mr. Sa- ir looK harge of the school here on Mr. oarnettt's leaving. On. of the main purports of the chool i- to train Sunday scho?teachers and workers so that th. y an qualify f-.?r diplomas i- ha viae j up 2 r grade .\ Sund..y eh- II This i- the thrd school the kita. tnat has ti.n i. la uuriiu, the p.? monti.r. Already tour i. d. ..t at more have qua i;ied ?iu:-, ?n*? it:.- iI anu i. tx j j-icted that t.: -n w;L ke Wtili th . Mr. i.. M. Shi LA : . .:r ha>?..i ni-w Overland tr.r. Oar Sunday sch >ol her A p: .. ? - 5 siic th warm wtat'er, u th .Mr. J. r. i' . ri . . as - ei intc nd? i t. Buford Mason i- h >me fi Fan 1 era., " he has i n u. i'Iiu ih?. Lynn Bachiv.n: schoo . c. 1.. E. ork has act plot! a ; >iti >n with the L. & N. railroad a .. fireman. PATENTS! INVENTORS S v. 1 - >,: id,-a. and v* will Abtolu'.hy Free oi Charge, Search the records vf th. Pate: Office and report to you :r -pa to wh* h? r or v.--t % . or. > .. a patent - n \ :r invention. Wd have assisted thousands of in vtntcw in DEVELOPING ai d PHI*. PECTIN CI th? ir IDEAS bef e fi.ii'I their application papers in the Pat j ent office. WE CAN ASSIST YOU lake advantage of this Free offer Write Today for VALUABLE INFORMATION GIBSON & FOX 305 McLachlen Bldg, Washington 305 McLachlen Bid?. WASHINGTON, 1). C. (23-13t-p) Monthly 3, VIRGINIA (CULTURAL L IN AMERICA .50 trs $1.00 s $1.50 0,000?T wice-a-Mcmth ? h, well prepared and served, come to which you can bring your wife or teal people and make visitors tee! at . Murphy. Thi choicest food of the urant. You will find Murphy's in the eet. L'S CAFE ?, Proprietors PMT, WOtTW CAMUWA NOTICE OF SALE. ni Y( \ORTH ( AKOLLNA?Chccokee v'o nty. !' .alt havi-.y Inn made ir tin- ,t th due and ?wing ai .^ary !!. \"< rvell and secured w a deed of trust executed by Will (art ar I wife. Cora Hart, to me as vhi cd < f trr-t is dat.J s' Xuirust 15. 1 t?21. and registered in " i ? tieeds for Chero- ** . < -iT'.'.y. in Deed Book No. 70. on ^ _ '? 'd, . r in Murphy, at the 11 oVi -t-k a. m? lots Nos. id twelve in the "Norvell Adn Tcxanna". it being the real | c- \ yt d to me a.- trustee by . >? K t and < >:a Hart. At ii .). 11?2 4L. K. BAY! r.SS. Trustee. WOLF CREEK. i v .;- . rn t>- Mr. and Mr*, j Yern-:r : Wetlrc day of week, a boy. Mi-- V ; . . t":t and l r ?th r v.:.- hrve made tin ir home ;> f r about a year, hav s imountain. ho nnd left .* x - in K- mucky on Thur j week. win; e th y will j ' . r future home. V . tin Sii?ii*n?-.* has bought n Chevr t oar and is having a m adtle 1 to his homo and a new ; ir built. We are glad to see .! citizens j.rosier. cht frost of last hut litt!? damage, the straw: r e ssceming to suffer most. Mr. Lawrence Poll, who is in the .' >% f the Tennes re Powt r Co. t a few days with his mother : wee! then teturn-.d to his job ut . nk Island. Tenn. S >. of our farmers have been : :>' nv ? rn. while other* . not planted a grain v t. Tin promoters of the Wolf Creek t mminity S hool announce that a family wil n arrive from Calif or1 I Grass Ku Grass Ru; Velvet Ri Axminisl Wcnderf Axminisl putting ? 1 ' T 1 uw i- ; . !1 _________ a to take charge of it for the next ?ar. This school is conducted by tc Seventh Day Adventi?t? for th?? encfit of own children and ny < hilurc n of the community that ish to att< i"d. The gospel of better farming areads irrndually but su'elv. Farters in Dup n who planted grass |y other farmers; one man who buil* self-feeder was asked to help build evtral other.- and so it jroe3?the d word to one man in t:ro? pes to others. INever Ale A Better Meal In Restauran{ rr T'^ C-, T H J Veen* \ " i:1 r i/*-' \l e\ \\ ' i--"' . \\ r.oncl V . ;_ '." \1 y. hen i V " ' \\ Co! V - \ di. l\ ~* \\ ; V - \\ From i V' ? j Btuffoc ;cial Rug !5 >r One We gs, regular 75c kind, goinj gs, regular $1.25, going a ugs, worth $3.75, going a :ers All Kind ul Values in Large Ruga ters, Brussels, Gold Seal >1 Fibers. he time to get the rugs yc >f buying so long! nson & Ant Complete House Furnisl MURPHY. N. C. KeepWejjf^f IS T1 X* BWHSI I L 0?*00