m Friday. Job# 6, 1924. [ LEGAL KOBTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County?In the Superior Court. | Mary H. Norvell and husT>and, Ed- i I mund B. Norvell, and L. E. Bayless, Trustee, Plaintiffs, vs. goseoe Hannah Stewart, Troy Bowman, Walter Bowman, and Beatrice Bowman, the last two named being minors under twenty-one years of age, Defendants. The defendants, Roscoe Bowman rod Walter Bowman, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Cherokee County to foreclose a deed of trust \ executed by Georgia Bowman, de-^ So. 14 in Norvell addition to Texanna in which the said defendants are interested. the .-aid Georgia Bowman j being their mother; and the said I goicoe Bowman and Walter Bowman defends TITS r.uuve immcu uic icquucu . to appear beford the clerk of the su-1 perior c urt for Cherokee County at (lis office in ihe court house in Murphy on the '23rd day of June, 1924. u?d answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the rtiief demanded in said complaint which is on file in said clerk's office. Witness my hand this 22nd day of May, 1924. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court for Cherokee County, N. C. (41-4tebn) ' NOTICE TO DIVIDE BEAVERDAM TOWNSHIP. To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that a pcti-, tion and an application will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their next regular meeting of said board in their office st Murphy. Cherokee County* N. C. go the 2nd day of June, 1024, by lore than fifty free holders of Beav- i trdam Township, by cutting off the X. C., for the division of said Beaverdam Township, by cutting of the X. W. end of said township for the jlipose of creating a new town-hip to be known and designated as "Long ' Ridge Township"; beginning on the jL E. Bank of Htawassee River at the N. C. and Tennessee state line od running up said river to the south of Beaverdam Creek, then up fee X. E. side of said creak to the south of the cretk that runs down juiii J. In. Garrett and J. W. iShakle- I ford's, then up said creek to the Ctney Branch road, then with said na and E. course to the top of the Bidge between S. W. Thompson's and T. Thompson's, then with the top B< said ridge a N. course to the John ' ^Barner Biy.-on top, and from said with the dividing ridge to the ^kmessce state line, and idith the ( Biid state line to the be ginjmg on ( BHawasee River, and that twfi voting; Brecincts be retained as the^ are at flbme will make their protests before j said Board on the 2nd day of Vt 1924 This 1st day of May, 1924. 8] MANCE MURPrfV, ' LESTER TAYLOR, ^B3tizens ar.d free holders c-f Beav- j erdam Township, Cherokee iB County X. C. | X- SALE UNDER TRUST MBvuucr ana Dy virtu re of the power j nle contained in a certain deed j troil d; L, d February Wth. 1922 j "^Btotcd by B. H. Olontsr and wife, Clor.ts, and registered in the i^Bpcs of the Register of Deeds for U^Bctokee Country, North Carolina, J?Book No. 74, at page 200, conveytie lands hereinafter described ti* undersigned trustee, to secure ^Bpiytnent of a certain note of even *ith this deed of trust in the of $460.76, with interest from 1, 1924, acid defeault having ?ade ir. the payment of said ?nd the powery of sale having operative, and the holder of j^BJaote having demanded forecloaaid deed of trust, the untrustee, for the purpose of said note and the cost of o% Saturday the 21st day 1924, between the legal ssle, sell to the highest bidT^Bjjw cash at the court house door at public sale the follow ^B^cribed real estate: tract of ?" ^ ^(fterokee County, adjoln Tanls of E. D. Mason, J. W. ^^^Bfc??a?ry, and others, with the Persinnnon Creek; thence to *ke point where E. land line comes to ^thence East wttk the said ?*t?omeryl line ?t# the line .ADVERTISED of J. W. Montgomery's land; thence near North with the said J. W. Montgomery line to the top of the Forge Hill to a rock corner near the public road; thence a straight line near West to the point of Beginning, containing 18 acres, more or less, and being a part of the Mark Hall lands. This the 19th day of May, 1924. W. N. Anderson, Trustee. (41-4t-S5pd.) " NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for gradig and other j construction work on the road , through Shoal Creek Township, Cher Bbkce Conn*y frzzn the NoUa-3uoai ; Creek line, as surveyed by the Engineering Department of the State Highway Commission vis. Suit Fool- j office, will be received up to noon of June 16th, 1924. Bid.-* may be made on the basis of unit prices for the different itema of the work, or an unclassified basis, if contractors desire. It is expected that plans and specifications! will be ready by said date. All bids should be accompanied by 1 a certified check for $2,000.00, made! payable to the Chairman of Highway: Commission of Shoal Creek Town-j ship, as a guaranty of good faith. | The Commis-ion reserves the right' to reject any and all bids. Address all bids to Highway Com-1 mission. Shoal Creek Township, care i of Dillard & Hill, Attorneys, Murphy, N. C. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. | Sealed bids for the gradinir and! construction work of approximately seven miles of road leading from theforks of the Hangingdog and Grape! Creek road by Dovkery's Mill and Grape Creek to Beaverdam Township line wil be received by the undersign* d up to 12 o'clock ,noon, June ldth, 1024. All bids will be upon a yardage basis, and additional information, as well as plans and specifications, can be had upon application to A. H. Brown, Chairman. Murphy, N. C. A certified check as a guaranty of good faith in the sum of five hundred dollars must accompany each bid. At the same time and place bids for the grading and construction of approximately two miles of road lead ing from O. C. Davis' store to the Beaverdam Township line will be received, upon like tirnvs and conditions, except that check for two hundred and fifty dollars must accompany each bid as a guaranty of good faith. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. This May 28 th. 1924. HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF MURPHY TOWNSHIP. By A. H. BROWN, Chairman. (42-3t-mhc) The County Commissioners of firtiort County have agreed to rehase 40,000 pounds of Calcium arsenate to be sold to the farmer? ceil, ^bliou.d i:. .st t:is po sj.. be sold /before the dusting period comes along, the Commissioner? will buy chother car and have it n re-j adiness for a fight on the boll weevill. The local price for dust was 17Vfr cents per pounds at a cost of of ll1,scents, saving them tbout $2300 on their cotton poisoning ope ation this year, reports County agent C. A. Rose. __a NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE DEED Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of mortgage executed by J. J. Burrell and wife, Mahala Burrell, to The Roan Iron Company, conveying the land? described in said deed of Mortgage foAtbe purpose of securing the payment?o^\the indebtedness therein mentioned and described, which said deed of mortgage is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Cherokee county in Book No. 84. page 19, and default having been made in the ppymeftt of sa^d indebtedness and the powyr of sale having become optative, the undersigned^mortgage fot the purpose of satisfying* said indebt . 1 ?* u edness, iniere?i anu cusi u. ?1C, pose said lands for sale at public auction at the covrt house door in Murphy to the highest bidder for cash Zt OSC o'clock P. M. t.hf R'th dav of July, 1924, which said land is described as follows: In Murphy TVuxrnship, Cherokee county, North Carolina. Begining on a black oak, north east corner of No. 34, runs north 60 poles to a stake; then east to the first branch; then down said branch to a stump . ~HE ^HESOKEE SCOUT. WW dENTS I 'I near a mill; then south to the pike road; the n up the pike road to Sam' Craig's corner; then with Sam Craig's line to the Southern Railroad; then with the Southern Railroad to C. C. Smith's line; then with C. C. Smith's line No. 61 being on the line of No. 34 to the begining corner, containing 50 acres more of less. Excepting mineral interest which has been heretofere res;rved. This June 4, 1924. ROANE IRON COMPANY, Martaggee. <43-4t-leb) NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the provis:ionc >??? of ? nf tko ? - ' "1? ...V ? ivi IWUIl oi V/H: rORCC County, entered in a ciu-e therein pending. entitled r. P. Er. trek in, plaintiff, vs. Harvey B. Culberson and C. F. Culberson, defendants, (which said judgment was rendered at the January Term, 1923, of said court and is docketed in Judgment Docket No. 17, page 253, the underisgned commissioner will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, on, Monday, July 7th 1924. at 11 o'clock a. m., all the right title and interest of the defendant? Harvey B. Culberson and C. F.^ Culberson, in and to the following t-act of land in Cherokee County, North Carolina, towit: Beginning on a maple in a branch the corner of No. 14G, Culberson's line, and runs S. 25 E. 100 poles to a stake; thence S. 80 E. (53 poles tc s double chestnut; Scoggin's cornet and Torrence's corner; thence N. 1C E. 88 polts to a post oak; the North east corner of 307; thence N. 20G poles to a chestnut oak on the North side of a mountain; thence S. 80 E. 80 poles to a hickory on J. S. Johnson's line; thence N. 36 poles to c sassafras, corner of said No. ; thence N. 45 E. 76 poles to a hickory thence S. 65 E. 38 poles to a corner of said No. ?; thence E. 80 poles to a Spanish oak on Penland's line; thence N. with its line 102 pole? to a white oak on Penland's corner: thenee W. with Berrong's line 86 poles to a Spanish oak, Reid's corner; thence S. 43 W. 16 poles to a Spanish oak; thence S. 17 W. 76 poles to a stake and pointer; thence W. 60 poles to a sourwood on J. T. Burn's line; thence S. 26 poles to a scrubby chestnut, corner of said land; thence W. 140 poles to a hickory. North onrner of Burn's land; thcncc S. 2S W. 17 poles to a hickory post, Morris' corner; thence N. 53 W. 30 poles to a maple; Wyatt Robinson's cor ner, No. 1403; thence S. 35 W. 106 poles to a black jack on top of a mountain; thence N. 55 W. 106 pole? to a black oak, Vest's vorner; thence S. 30 E. 22 poles to a hickory and dogwood, corner of No. 309, Culberson's line; thence S. 55 E. 140 poles to a chestnut oak on top of ridge; thence S. 35 W. 115 poles to a corner of No. 309, on the line of No. 146; thence with its line S. 55 E. 88 poles to the beginning, containing '390 acres, more or less, with reservations of siytx-two acres. 12 of lap on John H. Johnson's land end fif y u. :u . on lter.ong's line. This sale subject to confirmation and is being made to satisfy the judgment rendered in said act.on, default having be.n made in payment of same. Thi* June 4th, 1924. J. B. MALLONEE, (43-4t-dw) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER. By virtue of an order of the couK made in a certain special proceeding entitled, S. W. Lovingood, Administrator of D. W. Lnudermilk, deceased, vs. John I. Loudtrmilk, Vannle Boggs. et als., the undersigned commissioner will on Monday the 7th day of July, 1924, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., offer for sale at the court house door in Murphy, North Carolina, the following described land: FIRST TRACT: In Hothouse town ship, Cherokee County, beginning on the S. W. comer of Tract No. 139, then runs south 35 West 50 poles to a rock corner on a conditional line ye^ween u. a. uanew ana Margaret $5. Watson; thence N. 55 E. 160 poles! to a sassafras corner standing in the original line of same; then S. 35 E. 50 poles to a locust corner of the same; then S. 55 W. 160 poles to the j beginning, containing 50 aeecs, more f%r Umm. SECOND TRACT: In Hot House Township, Cherokee Coanty, beginning on a white oak the southwest corner of 193 and runs south with the line of Alphair Fain 49 poles to a small Spanish oak on the line of No. 183; then North with the line of No. 186 south 45 E. 18 poles to a . :4L * *PHY vr*?Tt? rs?rn ?na small pire on the line c? 189; then west with the line of 80 E. 4S pcle? to a small oak (fallen) and pointer the northeast corner of said Numberthence with the line of 189 S. 10 E. 10 poles to a Spanish oak (fall.n) at the coiner of the T. L. Johnson i Tract, No. 7582; thence north the ! lire cf said number with the line of said number S. -10 E. 56 poles to t poplar, white oak and rock cornet of said nurabtr; then south with lin; No. 50 east 180 poles to the northwest corner of said number, a sourwood (fallen); then north 51 degiees ; west 130 poles to a locust, as the southeast corner of 183; thence with that lire south 55 degrees west crossing Hnuthouse Creek at 118, 160 poles to the beginning, .cpntaining 145 acrts mere or kss. The object of thi ssale is tc create assets to pay the indebtedness of the | ?V. --t J T> W ? ' diceascd. The land will be sold at the time and place above mentioned at publi-v- auction and the terms of sai-l sale will be to the highes" bidder for cash. This the 4th day of June, 1924. S. W. I.OVINGOOD, (43-4t-pd) Commissioner.! i : AN ORDINANCE. j Be it ordained by the Board ol Commissioners of the town of Mu> j phy that in addition to the advalorc ni I and poll taxes, which ?hall hereafter j be levied, that the following specia' j . licenses or privilege taxes be Iev!eu. j assessed and collected: 1. On every circus exhibiting with in the incorpoarte limits of the town of Murphy, or within one mle thereof, a tax of $25.00 for each day, to be paid before exhibiting, and if not paid before exhibiting, to be doubled. 2. Upon every person, tirnr or corporation exhibiting within the town or one mile thereof any stage, theatrical play, sleight of hand performance, road dancing, tumbling, wire dancing or menagerie, $10 for each day they exhibit. 3. Upon every exhibition for r>| ward or artificial curiosities in tne | town of Murphy or within one mile thereof a tax of $5, to be paid in advance. 4. Upon each room, hall or tent : used as a moving picture show, a tax of $12.50. G. Un all carnival companies, traveling circuses, and shows of iikc character, conducted for profit under ' the same general mauagcnient and ! ufillig week-stand engagements, a tax of $100.00 for each week or part of a week. | 7. Upon every exhibition of a cir-1 ' cus, menagerie, wild west show, dog and pony show and every other show 'not licensed in the preseding sections, a tax tor each day or par of a day as follow.-: Shows transported with wagons, with side shows, $10.00: shows requiring transportation in I trains of 15 cars or less, $17.50, where genera ladmission does r.oe cx? J ceed fifty cents, on shows requiring : transportation of 15 to 25 cars or* ' train, a tax of $37.50, where the price of general admission does no*, j exceed fifty cents. 8. Upon every traveling theatrical company giving exhibitions or performances in any hall or tent or other place not licensed a; pr. ?idt.. in preceding sections a lax of $5.00 I for each day or par thereof. 0. Upon -very merry-go-round a | lax of $5.00 pejr day. j 10. Upon each show or exhibition i of any other kind, and on each con cert for reward, and on every strollj ing musician and on every entertainl m? nt or exhibition for the purpose of !advertising sales of medicine or other me' -nandisc a tax of ten dollars p<?: day. | 11. Upon each itinerant merchant I selling or offering to sell in the town a tax of $25.00. 12. Upon each dog kept within the corporate limits of the town of Murphy a tax of two dollars and upon each bitch so kept a tax of three dollars and said tax upon each and every dog or bitch kept within the corporate limits of the town of Murphy between the first day of June. 1924, and tjm 31st day of May, 1925. and if the owner of such dog or bitch fails to pay same on demand, then it shall be lawful for any police officer of the town to kill said animal. 13. Upon each automobile for hire a tax of $5.00. 14. Upon each person, firm or corporation maiinfacturing or bottling Coca-Cola, ginger ale, or othet like drinks and preparations, a tax of $10.00. 15. Upon each merchant, shop kAORPr nr /leolor 1stock or offer for sale any pistol ot revolver, or any pistol cartridges or cartridges that can be used in a revolver or pistol, a tax of $5.00. 16. Upon each dealer: in cigarettes, a tax of $10.00. 17. Upon each dealer in automobiles, a tax of $5.00. PAGE SEVEII OL1NA.?Statement of Cash Receiptor ed Mar 8th. 1924: ~ * 1.155.51 ? ?? ? ? $ 1,588.8'J l <5,704.57 75.00 ^ 1 275.00 J3.C.3.;* J 7.120 435 ? *r 00 2.3? 9.0T? 55.11 id [ford-Terrell Co., Chero ocery Company ? ? ?>1S.31 TOWN OF MURPHY. NORTH CAR and Disbursements for year end RECE Cash in Banks May 8, 1V23 L. A. Randall. T. C. D. M. Bir.hfield, T. C. License Tax Collected by Treasurer Sid Pendley, street Tax Collector ? Electric Light Department Revenue Water Department. Revenue ? ? Murphy Township Road Commission Sale Cemetery Lot? ? ? Rent?House at Cherokee Park ? Truck Hire Income From State for Fireman's Relief Fui Sale of Junk J. D. Mallonee, Treasurer Library Fi Refund on street improvements?Wo1 kee Hardware Co., W. M. Fain Gi Notee Payable?Borrowed Money ? Total Receipts TOTal . DISBUR: Salaries?Mayor, Treasurer and Aid Interest on Bonds ? ? ? Interest on Borrowed Money ? ? Miscellaneous ? Streets and Sanitary ? ? ? ? Police and Tax Collections Fire Department Expense ? ? ? Outlays & Additions? 1 * - vnci <"Mx i hi n, *>aitr i..in Sewer Line from Hiawassce River Road, Compromise of Law Suit, R Regal No. fi Property, Compromi? for right of way power line dam tn | at power plant flooded when (lashh of dam Water Department Expenses Electric Light Department Expenses Bonds Ret bed Borrowed Mcney Repaid Champion Fibre Co. not? nnd inter, st Total Disbursement Cash in Banks May 8, 1924 IOTA I AUDITOR S <. E We have examine dthe buoks ar.d North Carolina, l'or twelve months ing a detailed audit report to th: H town, which report we are presenting for the period reviewed. The above Receipts and Disbursements, and is audit report prepared by us and ref Charlotte, N. C. May 19, U'24. 18. Upon each dealer in junk, a tax of $10.00. 19. Upon each person, firm, or corporation running a livery stable and keeping horses and mules for hire, a tax of $10.00. 20. Upon each and every company of gypsies, or strolling band of persons receiving rewards for pretending to tell fortunes, a tax of $25.00. 21. Upon eiw. person, fimi nr corporation running or operating a hotel for which a charge of $2.00 per day and upwards is made for each guc?t, a tax of $10.00; and for each such hotel charging less than $2.00 per day, a tax of $5.00; and upon each and ev. ry boarding house a tax of $5.00. 22. Upon each pe/sor. running u rtsia;::. a tax of $10.00. 23. Upon .ach j arson runn'ng r soda fountain a tax e.f $5.00. 24. Up^n each pe.son procuring or soliciting laborers for out of trestate, a tax of $100.00. 25. Upon each person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of plumbing, steam or gas fitting, totalling electric lights and light fixates a tax of $10.00. 26. Upon each and every express company doing busines in the town of Murphy a tax of $20.00. 27. Upon every person, firm or corporation operating a motor or horse propelled vehicle in the transfer of freight, express, baggage, household goods, etc., foi gain, a tax of $5.00. 28. Upon each and every shoe repairing shop a tax of $5.00. 29. Upon each and every itinerant jeweler or silver smith a tax of $10.00. 30. Upon every barber chair used in carrying on said trade, a tax of $5.00. 31. Upon each and every itiner artt dealer in patent medicines, a tax of $10.00. 4 32. Upon each and every dealer in fresh meats, fish and oysters, a tax of $10.00. 33. Upon each and every vender of ice cream a tax of $5.00. 34. Upon each and every pressing club a tax of $5.00. 35. Upon each coal dealer, or person, firm, or corporation ordering mI "ublic distribution for purposes other than for own use, a tax of $10.00 3d. Upon every telephone or telegraph company doing business in the town of Murphy a tax of $10.00. 37. Upon every itinerant oculist, or fitter and vender of spectacles, or eye glasses, tax of $10.00. . /| I 47.670.03 $48 S2?.:'2 SEMEXTS ernun ? ? ? ? ?$ 511.99 16.180.00 976.62 1.151.27 ? ? ? ? ? 3,214.61 1,9X3.51 2.6* 276.j* e to Ramsey Town, to Peachtree Hospital ipht of way power line to c of suit in Federal court Murphy, Extra Contour oard was placed on top 5,2E*.0l 3,213.7$ 5.823.14 4.5 (*>.<* $18,551.6; record* of the Town cf Murphy end;:! May, 8, 1324, anu are i?mr;i.?* onoiable Mayor of the above nav.efc as representing the boohs and r*<orori a condensed statements of Cast prepared from data contained in err d to herein. BLACKWELL & (JRESI1 AM. By H. F. BLACK WELL 38. Upon each and every acenpc distributing gasoline, kerosene, i rt* . tha, oil, etc., a tax of $10. Of ! 39. Upon each and every ^x;c.?rselling suits, shoes, or ?thr* .uliclcx of ciotning, or taking ivt?urements for said clothes. merchants engaged in business >p ttatown of Murphy, a tax of ?10 40. Upon each and every iiafcsr in fertilizer, a tax of $10.0* AN ORDINANCE Be it unanimously orda^n^d by Board of Commissioners of tlie Tows, of Murphy that Section 203 *-f Chap- 0 ter XIX, relating to sewerage aairi water be amended by striking car. the words "two hundred feet" and is serting in lieu thereof the folium'i. to-wit: "two hundred and fifty feet*' The amended ordinance now reads, ir I bee. 203. It ;hall oe the duty of , any j.er>o?ii firm or corporation r.irs ing any douse Wherein people liwc 1 and which is situated within two ha* j dred and fifty feet of a public sewor I and water main to connect said boa* lor premises with said publit >ew?a and water main within ten days r notice so to do, and if any pvr&m firm or corporation shall fail or fuse to do so, he, it, or they ;hal! i*. guilty of a misdemeanor and r.pcs conviction thereof shall be fined f<5r each day, after the expiration <ff said period of ten days, that stkSl house or premises remain unconnected. NOTICE The Board of County Connni? Waters of Cherokee County, will on 3fe?~ day, June 23rd, 1924, at 10 o'clock., A. M., in the commissioners1 oflkr at Murphy, consider the petition ilf Dividing Shoal Creek Township, utf contentions about the proposed sorfe through Shoal Creek Township- -Ml persons interested in the mattes; opre requested to be present. This 3rd day of June, 1924. S. W. LOVINGGK Chain* T. J. BRISTOL* GAY BRYANT, Members of BoaTd nf Commissioners. (4 mm* Business men of Granville Corner have pledged $500 in cash to be aped as prizes to stimulate more later ers in the Live-At-Home program aXT the Agricultural Extension Tfiv&cw*. reports county agent J. H. BlacknMt. rtf / 'Li?ma

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