fIF IT 15NT IN the scout rs BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Orgaj me XXXV. No. 44. 3 ?AN NOMINATED T ELECTIONS ON ! LONG LEADING | e Opposed By I. M. Meekins general Elections in Novem-' -Second Primary May Be ssary. he primary election last SatV. W. McLean was named ovjponent J. W. Bailey fur the tion for Governor of the state Democratic ticket. Unless rtion history .of this state for fee past tweny-iivc i.-. icvuocj, (I this means that McLean will be the I Mxt Governor of North Carolina. J. lElmer Lonp is running ahead for Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor with R. R. Reynolds a close second, with a number of precincts yet to be head from., McLean, Bowie, Durham, Brummitt, I Graham, Shipman, Wade and Pell j ran ahead in Cherokee County. The same candidates al?o ran ahead in Clay County with the exception of j, the aspirants for the Lieutenant Govemorship nomination. Reynolds ran ahead of Bowie in Clay County. | According tc me latest returns received Wednesday night, the vote in the primary stood as follows, with a , number of precincts still to be heard from: For Governor 1,545 precincts out of 1,719?McLean 141,696; Bailey 78,299. For lieutenant governor, 1,410 pre cincts. Long, 64,928; Reynolds, 55,804; Bowie 50,017. For State auditor, 1,327 precinct? ?Durham, 94,342; Cook 68,735. Fur attorney general, 1,326 pre- i cincts?Bruinmitt, 62,305; Ross, 56,570: Nash 42,579. Fur corporation commissioner, 1,247 precincts?Pell, 98,385; Carpenttr, 6u,C04. For insurance commissioner, 1,261 precencts?Wade 125,253; Flowers 32,904. Commissiioner of labor and printing, 1,267 precincts?Shinman, 64.025; Grist. 55,094; Peterson, 23,779; Nash, 16,359. Connv.issioncr of agriculture, 1,355 pi cinets?Graham, 76,940; Latham, .iS,760; Parker, 33,565. Paint'ng Houses In Ellicttown This Week The attractiveness cf the recently constructed houses of H. B. Elliott te being improved by the addition of paint. The contract has just beenl let for the paining of all four of the' Elliott houses on the Hitchco -k sub-! divi-i. : heyoun lh.- Hiawr.&si R v r End ffroun of painters ar busy this v \ with their *aint 1?: ; l;v . Tin are &ome ten ar twelve, houses m this area now anl this, in: dentinl s.ction of the town. It is un- j der od that additional houses arc ell probability, is the coming resibeing planned for this area in the Hear future. The Peachtree Sunday school will not vi it the Murphy Sunday school Sunday, as recently announced, on eccount of the absence of the pastor. Rev. T. L. Sas-er. They will come the following Sunday, June 22nd. Cleveland Audi! ' 'J? i fa ...1 p : ' fa, B ' Wi)t n of Murphy and Chei FOR GOVERNOR SATURDAY, WITH FOR LIEUTENANT A. W. McLean Mrs. J. E. Sasser Passes. (From Brookhaven (Miss.) S^mWeekly r.eadi r.) When Mrs. Fannie Sasser closed her eyes in the last Ions: sleep, one of the swe< test spirits, one of the strong est characters, one of the truest friends, one of the most loyal solof the most devoted mothers went on to her reward, the rest that remaineth in the mansions prepared for souls like hers. It ig pleasing to reflect that life does net end with what we call death ?or as it continues through all eternity its influence is left to complete the work begun here and to cheer and bless, although "God giveth His beloved sleep." There should be no moaning at the bar when such an one goes out to sea. Mrs. Sasser, the In loved mother of Mrs. S. I). Moak, of Nbrfield; of He v. T. L. Sasser, of Murphy, North Carolina; Mr. J. C. Sasser, of Jackson, and Miss Lula Sasser, of Brookhavtn, pas-ed from death unto life at the King's Daughters' Hospital at one o'clock Friday muiTiing. June o, 1924, after a brief but acute illness ?an operation was the last resort to keep her here longer. It failed. And so today hearts aru broken in the home she blessed with her presence, friends sorrow and long for the companion hip of cne they cherished so, and co-workers miss the inspiration of the steadfast faith ^nd !ova that permeated her life. The children have gathered in the rhadowed heme and the funeral will I take place at tl"..- Chi! eh a three o'clock tH. afternoon. Pastor Tuvlrr officiating. Tomorrow, Mr;-. Sasser's * : \.-e at Sunday s.h: I and at Church services will be vacant. She will be missed as not many are. She was so faithful and earnest as a Christian. Gentle and kind, inteli ligent and wise, through life's va| ried experiences, Mrs. Sasser was a source of joy and a refuge of strength I to all who knew he:. Her words, always fitly spoken, were like "apples cf gold in pictures of silver." Her smile was a benediction. She wrought well. Htr children ! rise up and call her blessed. They i honor their mother's loyal service In ;orium Scene of G. C - a^sro- I .Ut. W- Ji?" fit? Cfcero okee County, and the Le MURPHY, NORTH CAROUN. ... CALVIN CO J Jjyk. ^ ojBpg,'-*-' n aerm -. .-.r? CIVIL COURT 1 IN SESSION IN CLAY THIS WEEK Lumber Company Cases Will Prac- v ! ticalljr Absorb the Week?Judge j I Harding Presiding c S Ha.vesville, June 12.?As the week * draws to a close it becomes all the , >1 ; more apparent that; the June term t i of the superior court in session here ? j this week is going to be able to ac- t ! '"omplish little more than dispose of the Georgia-Carolina Timber Com- j rany suit agains the Towns County:t Lumber Company. H. C. Moore & ] | Company tt als are interpleaders. |1 j This case involves title to some six * i or eight hundred acres nf land, the (^ houndary line of which is disputed, j f ! The firm cf Anderson & Gray of|i j Haycsville, James J. Hazel of Ashe ville, D. Witherspoun of Murphy and ' !'. I.. Phillips o* RobbinsviP.e arc appearing in the can. far the pli?in. iff while M. \V. Bel! and J. N. Mocc'y oi iiurnhy an apptaring lor Uw defense. Judge Haiding is presid-. , ing. This is only a one week term of ( S civil court. Aside from the above, named case, it is possible that a few ' divorce suits may be reached. Judge Harding will open court in Cherokee j County next week. their activities in the home, in the* ; ministry, in business, in the schoolroom and everywhere they go. j "O death, where is thy sting? ! O grave, where is try victory?'" ). P. Convention .. ??? w. U . lading Newspaper in t ft. FRIDAY. JUNE 13. 1324 OL1DGE |\ 1 ?i?r mm? |'i - "i ffr\ __ Jest Section In United States, He Says In a recent letter to Col E. B. Norell, the Hon. Lewis T. Baxter, of Cashville, Tenn., who has just re:ently returned from a three ytar lay in Europe and who is spending he suminer in New York State, rceri to the western part of North Carolina 'as the most promising secIon of our country. The following tract xfrom his letter will be of inerest: "I hono we will both live Jong nough to see the beginning?if no mire?of the development of a secion of our country on a very broad 'oundation, for I do not know any iart of the world which has more a wnn/lorfnl ndustrial future than that section [or a radius of 200 utiles from Murphy as a center. When to this is iddcd the healthfulness of wo torn \'-<rth Carolina, you can be as thankful as Andrew Jackson said he was in 1S43, when he said: 'I thank God I live in such a InnJ as I do.* I hav. much greater faith in the future of this section than 1 have in any other part of the Unitaa oaetw fcl. P. Hawkins and B. W. Sipe were in sylva Tuesday as delegates from Murphy to the road meeting the occasion being the visitation of the Federal and State officials and the. South American Delegation. Among the Andrews* delegation were Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Walker, Mrs. Giles Cover, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. H oblitzell; and among the Robbin -ville dtlgaies were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Slaughter. Interior of ^ ' ~'' >tout his Section of Westerr "EVERYTHING FREE" ADOPTED BY PRC OF JULY GAL REPUBLICAN 1 CONVENTION CUT AND DRIED Conservative Program All Settled In Advance?One Libera! Effort < Manifest 1 By David Loth m , New York, June ?Within the . week the Republican Party will have pone on record as favoring the most Crrnscrvntiv. nnlii*ir>? nrtrl' will hnvo scaled it with the nomination of conservative candidates. There was nothing else for it to; do. It remains for the party only] to convince the people that thiirs is' an honest conversatism. The talk of, drafting a liberal program supported by liberal leaders is left to the Dem-i ocrats, if they have' the political and' wisdom and courage' to do it, and to Senator LaFollette and his potential third party. Nothing was left to. chance at Cleveland. The Whole proceeding was carefully arranged in advance. There remained only the fight over the platform and the nomination of a running mate for President Coolidge. The convention is just assembling in the Ohio as this is written, but all the indications are that these two remaining points are just as definitely settlct as the r. nomination of Mr. Coolidge. There are a few nlanks still to he pui into the platform. Just how important they are is not known. But they will not in their final shape differ from the conservative tone of the rest of the platform, the chief difficulty of which will be to reconcile the differences between the ex-j ecutive and Congress. There will not even be a name of-1 fered to compete with the President. Senator LaFollette refuses to permit his name to be presented although, his own Wisconsin delegation will nn doubt give him a complimentary vote' Senator Johnson, of California, after a long preconvcntion campaign, has realized there is no market for his particular brand of progressivism and has also withdrawn from the race. There will be one gesture against the general conservatism of the convention. Senator LaFollette.'s "men. although their chief will be absent, will present his verjr libera! Ideas and see them rejected. No doubt by the time this article appears in print, this 'will already have b^en. done, j The Wisconsin lonlcr w ,11 then await the action of the Democatic I convention. If it adopt* enough c l 1 his ideas, there is a good chance r?e would swing his support, under cover or otherwise, Co the Democrat ticket. That support would be strong i nough to insure a Democratic vie ' Lury, out li Laroiieue aoe noi approve of the New York platform, he plans to run himself, thus throwing the election into Congress where he can dictate the selection. Mrs. Cross and two children, of Charlotte are visiting her brother, Mr. E. M. Gibbons. the Cleveland Conve PACE THREE ADVERT ne lath, THE SCOV r "IT WILL MA* YOU RICH" > i North Carolina 5c COPY?$1.50 PER YEAH IS SLOGAN >MOTERS OF 4TH ^ .A DAY - BARBECUE^^ Full Program Planned for Calabra* tion on Independence Day, Last* ing from Early Morning to Lata At Night. Arrangements for an Indrpenence Day celebration got well under way the middle of the week with the anointment of the principal committees to handle the various features -' 6 mmmup Al u uK-eiing oi me chamber of Commerce and some [H| the interested citizens of the town a it native outline ol tne principal Events being planned for the day was made, and the decision to make all events absolutely free to all visitors was reached. Among the free events will be a barbecue dinnr, baseball games and a grand display of fireworks in the evening. It is the expectation of those in charge of arrangements that this will be the biggest drawing event ever staged in his section. In the past it has been customary at most celebrations to charge for such events as the ball games, and more often than not the public has expected to pay for their lunches at these celebrations. But th;? year an innovation is being made in that it will all be free. Among the events planned are two ball games, one in the morning and one in the afternoon; barbecue; address by public man; field games, bar.d concerts throughout the day; and finally an elaborate fire works display in the evening. With this program something will he in progress throughout the day from nine in the morning until nine at mght. With a full day like this it is expected that hundreds of visitors from this entire section will be attracted here for the celebration. The roads are now in good condition and automobile parties for miles around are ex pected. The following: committees have boon ? pointed to work out tu? arrangements: Ball Game?W. D. Townson, J. W. Davidson and E. E. Davis. Barbecue?P. C. Hyatt, Hayes Leathevwood. W. S. Dickey. J. M. Comwell, Wm. P. Payne. Fred V. Johnson. Speaking?D. Wither spoon and B. W. Sipe. Field Games?Bill Whitaker, H. H. Ellis, J. M. Vaughn. Fireworks?W. M. Fain, Ralph Moody, Luke Ellis, Sid Pendley, Leonard Johnson and E. P. Hawkins. Advvrti ing?B. W. Sipe, H. H. Ellis and J. B. Storey. Pnzes for field games?W. Christopher, E. C. Mallonte, and J. M. 1 Brittain. | Ball Pnrk?Ralph Moody, Richard Meroney, Toby Fain, Luke Ellis and J. \V. Davidson. , Finance Committee?W. W. Hyde, i P. C. Hyatt. E. P. Hawkins, Wm. P. Payne, J. A. Richardson, Ralph Moody, H. G. Elkins. Particulars will be given out from time to time. All the people of Murphy in visiting neighboring communities or writing litters are asked to help spread the word abroad. " sntion Hall /

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