^ Hoca/ and Mrs. J. E. Srow and little son of] Copper hill. Ter.n.. are visiting Mrs. < Snow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. s Brown, week. c iltto Marline Msttox returned last - Thursday afternoon from Maryv:iie. Tenn., where she has been attending college this year. Miss Estelle Maun.y, of Kinscy . passed through Murphy the first of t the week or. ht r way to Chapel Hill, where she planned to study in the ^ University summer school. Miss Marion Erwin, one of the , teachers in the summer school, was , called home a f W days ago on ac? \ count of the illness of her father, s who lives in Columbus, Ohio. I Miss Sue Haigler. of Hayesrflle, | spent the week-end here with her sis- , ter, Mrs. T. J. ?h; ; ;; ^ first week for Chapel Hill ] wiier< ered the university ] summer sch 1. i BITES-STINGS Apply wet baking soda or household crr.j3or.ia.fcl!owadby ^ yicKS: VapoRub Cur 7 7 V Won J art. L?td Yearly L 1/ # MOTHER? Fletcher'? Canton Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in a: Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food,pf ? Natural Sleep withoi To a\roid imitation* always look for the Proven directum +:> ^li package. P! \ |i | cne^imle during 1923, w^s 55; and that paid m 1923, a re< Y' These are small figures \ freight, but when multiplied 1> freight handled by the railroac tion per ton-mile tv>?*V<>w an &p ad race, tne aggregate sa the shipping public since Ja than $1,000,000,000. Think of the figures quotes was hauled during 1923 by the mile at a coat of a little over 1 every-day commodity, re pi pairs of shoes one mile; the a pair being so ridiculously ever on the retail selling price Does this indicate thaifrt ? ~ Personal \ m 20 Mrs. A. M. Brittain went to Arirews Tuesday morning to spend everal days at the home of her laughter, Mr?. Giles Cover. Little lane Cov.r. who had bten visiting it7 emndlIivtLt;, rciurr.t i with Mr? prittair. Mr. Harry ? '!" r n: 1 . lumber of his trierds at the home >f his parents in East Murphy ln.-t Thursday evening. Many deligh'ful farms were enjoyed after which u icious ice cream and cake were serv?d. Amc ng those present wore Missfs Kathrvn Thompson. Elizabeth and Margaret Maneval. Emogene and Anlie Margaret Axlev. Maurin: Fain, Evelyn and Lucile Hill. Mar_v Akin J Elizabeth Ford, Mary Bell, nrd Gertrude and Ca?r:e F-itta:n. andij Messr-. Lowry Hill. Filter Ax'ey.1 Richard Brendl . Hi n-H Prank Dickey. Harvey Akin. He-b?rt! McCall. Samuel Hughes, Mark West irsi McJunkin. Glen Bates and Gar-j ison Maneval. Superintercept J. F. Gaffney. of ;he Southern Railway was ir. Murphy Thursday night on business. Mr. Ed Martin of Mark <1 Tree, )kla., was here over the week-end ^anJai i is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, rms end Children all ages of Wind Colic .To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels at Opiates i lignature of lyaicians everywhere recommend it | \ Moved A Mile ; .Postage Stamps ?wildering to the public, but by the Interstate Commerce iperations of the American )t some easy-to-understand das. sb average revenue received j hauling one ton of freight fee, as compared with 1.176c ?e average for 1921 was the since then there have been 8. As compared with 1921, represented a reduction of iuction of about 1L6X. when applied to one ton of v 413,562,132,100 ton-miles of Is last year, the slight re duo predable showing, ving in the freight bill of naary 1922 has been more 3 above?one ton of freight American railroads for one c. Figured in terms of an resents the movement of 800 I xrtual carrying charges per 11 as to have no effect what* u ight rots* are too highf - - - r THE CHMOOE >COUT. MlJWi MRS. M. L. HODGSON * 3AINS 4 5 POUNDS 1 - t | iVeighrd Only 95 Pound* B?fore a Taking Stella Vita*?Now Weighs 140 e "When I started taking Steila VI- y .ae I weighed only ninety-five ? pounds; now I weigh a hundred and and forty and simply feel grand." iaid Mrs. Martha L. Hodg on. Route 1, Box 73, Harmony, X. C., the oth- * er day. ? "About a year ago my periods b:- \ cam irregular and I had an awful | bearing-down misery and burning | sensation all through my body. I ? | wn? dreadfully weak and whclely un- j I able to do any work. Often I wa [kept in btd for months at a time ? and my back hurt so it would almost 2 kill me and I would have blind speo- ] every so often. ' "Since taking Stella Vitae my . periods are regiilar and 1 feel like a new woman. I am strong enough ' to ao all my housework and even 4 woik e in my garden. You would . not buuw me lor the same person I ' I Kavo rlmwo-ort ba ? ?? w. " NOTE?Stella Vitae may be * }? tsined from any druggist and tn X tain.d from R. S. Parker and the ' - X chase p. ice \v:l be refunded l* u - * * to bring relief.?Adv. *? vi.-iting his brother. Jerry Martin. X M . Martin left Tuesday for Spokane * Wash. He planned to stop r.vcr n ?|? .-. .mphis, Tenn., on his way. X Attorneys M. W. Bell. D. With- r- X spoon and J. N. Moody are anv c i X Murphy lawy. r attending courl Y Hayesvile this week. Mrs. J. W. Davidson. wh , under- 1*. \wntan operation nt the Muri hy h X pital the latter part f last week. i> *{* ring nicely. -i Mr. ii A. Davidson sp.r.t Several y days i:: Atlanta the first of the w.tk X on business. X* Messrs. G. R. H? blitzcll, r. S. X Johnson and D. S. Rus el! n -re f among the Andrews visitors seen in y Murphy this week. X Mrs. Z. V. Hruwr. wh., has beer. X visiting her mother. Mrs. R. V. X Wells, has returned to her home in X Mrs. K. L. Woodard. cf K - $ Sf.i ng, is visiting Mrs. R. V. W. lis {? and attending the summer school. X Mr. G. W. Candler spent th. lot - Y ter part of last week in Baltimore g . .j. Ct Co 7I-- F c. That Left. In Addition 35c Ginghams, 32 Printed Lawn, pel Curtain Goods, p? Toweling, per yar Men's Suspenders Ladies' Voile Dres each Ladies' Collar and Men's Neckties -. Good Value in Ne Ladies Gauze Ves Visit Our Sale ant CHRIS 11 | STYLEPLUS OLOTH1 j Ewrjr Salt | GUARANTEE I hit, worm auMuwA Miss Alice Gibbons, who has been d school at Queens College, CnarDtte, arived a few days ago to *pend he summer with her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. E. M. Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hughes returnd Friday morning to Cincinnati. O.,, fter having spent several days here. rith Mrs. Hughe*' sistir, Mrs. Alton. BS| Wante Good 1 he Tallas good propostion permanent job, i you are willing t ore is smelted ar process, you w?] strate your abilil men at least 5 f ft ard between good character < Badin is an ty, North Caroli three churches, which they will i per month or sei climate is very h to establsh a ho ties at Badin. None but t to better their p< 1 TALL You Cur Big Sale Is Still On i To Our Bargains First i -in. wide, per yd _ 24c i 1 r yard 10c!< :r yard 9c 1 d 9c , good value, pair 19c ! jses, good value . $2.49 : Cuff sets, set 39c I ! 18c ! jckties 48c ! its 9c 1 i Save Halfl iTOPHER'S "I GOODS ?I^^Hmurphy Mr. Julio* Reid, of Vests, was a Murphy visitor one day this week. , Misses Leucine Wells, Clara Mc-j Combs and Emily Sword have return-j ed to Cullowhee Normal and Indus-' trial School to enter the summer term. A Correction. On May 22nd our Young Harris, correspondent sent us an article' d Men Of Character *ee Power Company, Bad i to offer several white ms and are willing to work fo o start as a laborer in our p id converted into aluminui 11 be promoted as rapidly ty to handle the job next ir t. 8 in. high, weighing no 20 and 35 years of age. P ind reputation need apply up-to-date town, located i na. It has good water, go The company owns com! rent to their employees for 11 to them on extremely ea iea!thy, and if you are lco! me, you should investigal hose who are in dead eai asition in life should apply Employment Department .ASSEE POWER COMP. Badin, N. C. r Atteniioi , end We Have Hundr^c advertised, we are adding Hand Towels, each Good Brooms, one to a cus Keep in Mind that we hav Piece Suits for $22.50 Summer Suits SEE THEM $21.50 Blue French Serge $25.00 Blue French Serge Special reduction on all m J>UItS. ^adies' Oxfords as law as Sale Lasts Unti LEADING 1 STORE p QUA , N. C. = Fi*> >?? ?. HM I Tbout the commencement Young Harris College in which it stated that Mr. Sam Mason, who w^B the medal for making the grcEteuB improvement doring the year, m?B represented as living in Chemi?B County. The winner of the ranisi sB Samuel Benton Mason, e^J of m,B Will Mason, of Clay County. ThsB paper is glad to make this convex? B ' I II in, N. C.. has a ' I n who desire a I r promotion. If I otroomo, where I n by a', electric I as you demon- I i line We want I >t less than 160 I lone but men of 1 I n Stanly Coun- I od schools, and 1 ;ortable houses, I a nominal sum: i sy terms. The I <ing for a place I te the possibili- I I rnest aid want I \NY 9 Is cf BcrgiL-.s I the following: 9 9c I itomer 39c | e men's Three- 5 $7.50 B $16.98 B Suits. $18.98 Suits . $20.98 fi ten's and boys' H $1.48 I 1 July 1, 1924 || DRY II BRAND SHOES |1 r Pair L.atW | H RANTEED fifl -~1- > - ' ' yl

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