WCE SIX ? t --> * }4 irstyns.. - -- -J ~~*nd l-UY ; c< 5 zr :' S'_ l" ' L nJs.C'.V:-: W*!?? : r*t^- u S "r- '? jj ! U fc WHAT w?? Dtci?n:ns cf Lcclaa? ji : 1 ? -WTHYi^th" Ei; -. r-arr? ) "KEN *?s - j..t vy:ix.. 3f Cvfcr? built ? |g | ?) ; HOW cjn ycc ; tar r ^!a! m;?Cu!tj> r | WKEEEi?C^."Hff : ' i-. " '-(TZ" ? j* WHO v m : #1; a > Atfa - - -oo? ]j - Ghrethcoiar. . ;l?daf 13 : Webster's I NEW iNizmiiosAi : i dictionary |j in yr:ur fccr.e. '{ : j :- !> S-'?. 1 >/-* i es.^' r !' * / _ '^\ .. ' ? - . Ar.. _ . - 1 f ^ A C'; ^ - r'*: - | I -nar-ir-:. a:. . : . J . : Z ' -^ i. i - . ; i ; t - -IT . _ TT.t > ) G AC MtF"' M r?i. ? Se*% -afield i:?. L.a. / ?,t : 33i ^Tr~~ .- a " . iVM 11 SUFF^l^^? iiost of the pain we suffer is unnecessary. Why c ntinue Ic endure it?to sacrifice y uf. !youth, beauty, ar.d e:.. yment to it? The combination oi simple /harmless medicines t -r.d in Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills is especially effective ir. relieving pain without bad aftereffects. For more than thirty-five years sufferers from headache, neuralgia, backache, to th' arhe, sciatica and pains frcm other causes h?'c ??ur.c. re A lief hy taking these pills. Why don't you try ihv.i? ASK YOUR DRUGGIST i t y^.. . iNi> BIG CAS Continues Until Si This great money-sa | offer hundreds of splei Don't fail to come to s | 1,000 Yards good Per; | 1,000 yards Brown Dr ? $1.75 Silk Taffeta and | colors, yard | $1.00 Silk Pongee, all | Best Grade Amoskeag j Ginghams, yard _ _ | Good Ginghams for A % Dresses, yard | 1 Lot Women's $5.00 | Skirts, all s:zss X $1.00 House Aprons | Percales | 1 Lot Men's, Women': Straw Hats ' Men's and Women's 1 COME NOW?SALE : JUNE i Candler's De*; | MurpE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Staled proposals for the construc-m of a brick or brick vene.r school idir.g at Ogden. N C.. will be revived oy the County Beard of Ec ation, at it? office in Hay sville. ntil three o'clock P. M.. July Tth. . 24. Each proposal shall be a. mpanied by a certified check for -.t surr. of $500.00. The contractor to whom the award made will be required to furnish j approved sxHBotv bono in the sum f ."i? r cent c f the air. unt of the r. tract. i iun.: ir.g and heatir.p are included the contract for the building. The r ght to accept or reject a'.I * - r -crvtd. Plans may be :r-.d from John J. Blair, Director H 'US' Planning. Raleigh. N. .. ur r. deposit cf a certified check n the sum !' $2 .' 0 t guarantee the . urn : ph-.r.-. '.i.Ll N . BELL. Sunt . i _ t-:>? H . esv X. C. NOTICE. N i hv.eiy uiven ir.a. R ..' iv.tr, : C: r e County art alltd to n et in convention in the ? \ M urphy. a: r.e o'cl ?k i-i . ' th. 1 .*24. tor t'r pur. no: i::..tlnp candidate? for ver:. u> . urty Precinct r tested t call a -i - in the r pre . : 2" and elect - : the - a* .. JBK| Jur. Each pre-" : : > ne drleflrate and r track " votes ca.-t V. r. :v.i- . :'or Govern at 'u t t-icCii-ifiS ; . 11. 1..4. \V. M. AXLEY. Chairman . v " v ConUcJttde EXECUTRIX NOTICE. ... I : - e\- u!'?r of the - . i of Alfrc t Morgan. dt ceased. U- < North Car.. . v.;- ;* to r.otify all personi* g clam- against the estate of ii?i liecea- d U exhibit them to the .r.iit-rsigned r: <r b*.f re the 13th y f Jur e. 1025, or this notice will . aleil i? bar the'r recovery. \ i persons ind *ed t" said estate wi!i" ulease make immediate payment, i'k. June 1.-4. ESTHER C. FREAS, ,4-bi-rors.f) Executrix. Keep Well Li Avoid Sickness p* M TAKE U iDRANDRiTHl qaj e?. 1752 pills jj J G 0? O 9 .1 W Time U will cleanse rf sj-.terr.. purify M m ilic www ?r.d keep you well. M H For Constipation M M Indigestion, Biliousness,etc. EF Entirety Vegetable. !H SALE iturday, June 21st ving event continues to -.did bargains each day ee us before it is over. a!a, yard 5c mastic, yard 5c Messoline, all $1.50 colors, yard 69c Dress 15c prons and yc : d $8.00 ?2.93 Ginghams and 79c ; and children's 19c -innis Shoes 49c ENDS SATURDAY, 21ST artment Store N. C. iTutt's Pills f MTI-MUOK MEMCME I i j. I stimulate torpKl Brer. ?tre&*tk*c I I digMtrv* ?tut, recvlat? tb# I I bewrb. nte*v tick hM&acbc. I Brother B. M. Martn T ranslated On the m mire of Mar 31. tel- * t>'ra^h flashed the sad tidings, ton M. Martin is dead." Tr ;' way f that message wa- mark : by 11 stricken heart'. Many h . . - : Tennessee and North Carolina :V.t that death had crosed their own thresholds. From many loving hearts ^ were echoed Anna Gcrti <n"s a:. : upon the death of Francis E. Wi - ? lard: "It car.net be true. O. I : not see hew :t car. be trut." H "t. ten from tr windows of r.. . car >p? t ling ver our hi!"> and . jjg; tains and thr? ugh our valley h looked Upon town ar.d v.!!.. regSfltd tor.getl iur Uie CeU.enary tions to mount ao'ihat f;n*nc; a v i. ? might mak possible anoth . n church or parsonage. How he managed t do > r ..r. things i a mystery which hi> < : kers never fully solved. W m-v- : knew a mar. who had gr ater <.a. . ity fvr work. Some nn.nths ac when we knew hi* physical power- were failing. we nmarked to a :r "Brother Martin car. wear r * . n. out now. We do not know who.: would do if h_* were v . il." O re great source of nis ir: - ra iay in his enthusiasm. Ma: ; " .1 peo; l.- star: in life w: . . r.y ideals ?f what the. v. '11 u t ;1.-the world. Son; of them !o> heart. 1 Brother Martin v r 1 s: hh- y ..th- ? ful aidor which h hed upon th*. w rid i a> a great bat:!: field who . nai ! victories await the brave ar.d '.r;.* of j heart- j! Hi- religious influence pe: i d ' all : of his w rk. Carlyl nee said t Ennrson: "Christ died n r 1 ! tr- o: that built the Church and brought you ar.d me t gether." S we h-.ve h.ard our lepa.Ur: trie-nd : reach chris: crucified ar.d b i i up that truth as the one power t- - ail" the Church ar.d bring humanity : gether. He b.lieved that "only the . '.den rub "f Christ can bring the <r i<h : ngv f man." This epiur.iv o hi win.-; iifcwer'u ar.d aim. Some". ;-.-.re in God's Hoiy Book it is written: '"Off wh:in the world was not v. rtky." The sin-stricken world is never wor-; :hv of th - who live and die f> r it. Our master died notgat*ccuu>e ihri world w;.s worthy but bccausi i: was ur.v ?vthy. And ev ryt n .- who thus > gives his life for humanity leave- the world rr.- re worthy than he found i . "O thou who lovest men." we once hear our classmate pray in the ? !d m*::ary day*, "help that ur liv = may be valuable, nr.d that some soul i way yet thank Thee that we have lived and toiled." Enco ding abundantly above all* that he dan d lo! "ask or thir.k" that prayer ha* b en ar.-w t-d. Of the five to go out in the theo1 logical class o? ?.Martin, Davis, 1 w - ! the first to All .. 1 .1 ly we t\ 1 ? \v:ih .;t him! : ! and kaep hione> . Fuactal were \hC t k-.s L ? Mm day mr,rni:?r fr First Chi;r h, V C'hattaiv una w,re nariiviuate: v in by Bishop Brist .. President Brown fr Dr. H. E. Mrrkt tt, Rev. M. P. Mu>? ;:!?y, Rw. II. L. Stn: ieton, and th. V editor of t'n M thodist Adv . ? Journal. Dr. Brown represented the ?} Central office of the Centenary at the ?" request of Dr. J. R. Wade. InterX nver.t was in Forest Hiii Cemeicry | beside his faithful friend. Dr. J. J. ? Manker. The Rev. Walter A. Smith. assisted by other minister., read th. X committal sfrvice. A rich profusion of floral offerings attested the love ' * in which Dr. Martin was held. A throbbing 8 Wncrvous headache?^ i ImentholatumJ \quickly soothes it-^y | X For First-Class ? SHOE REPAIRING ? Come to :j: TILSON'S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP ? James M. Capp*, Manager Murphy. N. C. .? We Pay Parcel Post ne way in ">0 V FOR SALE ? LOTS AND HOUSES AND LOTS ? ANi) GOOD FARMS i ?In and ne*r W; Cs!! C-? X L. E. MAUNEY ? *-pRY QUR JOB pRINTING! s.\ J -1 m OWL CREEK. 1 e Mr. Mills cf Haywood County c reached at Hanging iog church Sun- * ay, June 1. 1 ?24. ??? ? Mrs. Clifton Kephart and lister > isited their father en Hangingdog * 1st. Saturday and Sunday. i t Mrs. Frank Abernathv, who live? ; n th. head of Hangingdog Creek, i- I cry sick at this writing. Or. account of some misunderstand , there was not so large an atten- i ami at Hangicgdog decoration last "ridav. Mr. Sheridan Dickey, George Lov- ' n.sood and S. C. Gentry were up n Snowbird C. untry on a fishing :p last v.'e.k. 2$GHESTERS FILLS DIAMOND BRAND i .c< />.. =?*- l* g ^ Lerrr- f A* for Cni CHB^-TTM % A i r:..:?n rt :? ?r.<!/A '".OL^ 3f - . ' t- Ifllfrl with B>uc(0) ? T.iU? * . . ill. ?ny o. Jn?V/ 3r: -* \ u > r cni.curn.ri us v DTAUOM? :iUAM?Pl! lfi.f r iwcntjr4?s r IT" * K1 A'w-ITI RrlubJc. SOLO 5:' ALL DRUGGISTS riirnuuinrnr wm-rir tuisd cvtiiiwncnr tjUtlo HIAWASSEE. We have had a few days f nic? veather ir. -?ur sectmn and the farm-J rs are taking adva-.t;.f tin sam. Rev. .1. P. Deokr fried his regu-, ai a] V'-'intm.nt at Pica-ant Hill Sunlay. his subject being fr Eztkio:, ficnrni ar.d first. Mr. 'V. S Amburn and Mr. O. S. rbearer ar.d Ot: Sruar. r ar.d Mr. j Ralph Payi.e, Mr. Howell and Mr. Jones were in ur midst fishing from '.Ypperhill. Tcnn.. Last we.k. Mr. J. G. Burger from AtehensJ Tenn.. \\a> up . t Iliawassc _ on bais-1 rtss last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ledford, Lester ar.d Lake Ledford visit.d Mr. Elmer Ledford Sunday afternoon. Mr-. W. N*. Burger, from California, is visiting relatives in our midst anil is expecting to return soon. Miss Ethel Davis, of Now Prospect, was a visitor at Piaesant Hill Sunday. Mr. Gordon Williamson has return ?. <! from Oh:., where he has bc.h at wi.rk fur some time. M-. Wesley Bcav. had t'r. misfortune of getting hi - leg broken s >;mfv\v days air... He w;.< carried to the hospital at oCperhiil. Tenn Mr. K. W. Shearer will give some tact? and figures about the Tht <?C books comprising the t Id an ] i new Tt stam-nts contains 1.1 S'.i chap, ters. 31,093 versus. Th shortest verse i nthe Iiible is theooth in th Stat, of Xort : Crr:.l ra?C1* roke Caunty?la the Sc?erioc Couti J. Ai. Siiaon-ds. Auaunistiator . f tht ! estate of L. M. Adam*. dectasec vs. j Mrs. Nora titherire (Admins) Hel ton and Mr:. Lola May (Ad ants) L:o. heirs at law of L. M Adams, deceased, late of Cher ckec county. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION To tRS / hove named defendants and to whomsoever it may concern You will take i? ace that the abov entitled action has been begun be re the clerk cf the superior cour and a summons has bc-cn issue; against you in the said action am j sp cial proceeding, on this date r iurnable before the said clerk of th i superior court at his office in Mar phy at 10 o"c:ock A. M.. on the lit! day of July, 1924, at which time an. lace you will appear, an-w r or de : mur. or show any cause that y u ma; | have why the prayrr in tr._ s-.-.l tiotion, now on file in ,ny office, fo the sale of the lard ..." the d.cease, i to make ascts to pay debts of the de j oas.d. shall n.-t be granted, j You will further take notice at th (above tin - and place the court wi! i on >ald n? l tinn r rH on ... ' _ - . concerning the same. This the* llih day of June. 1 E. E. DAVIS, Clerk of th Superior Court. :-4t jhm) FOR SHERIFF. T hereby announce myself a car for th? office of sheriff o " j Cherokee County, subject to the at j . n of the Republican County Cor ...... p. t; le held in June. J. H. HENS LEY. - 7 Si n L 1th chapter of St. John. The long>M verse is the 9th in the 8th chapter f Esther. The middle verse is the 1th in the II 8th chapter of Psalms. The 8th, loth, 21st, and 31st Teres of 107th Psalms are alike. Every! ftrse in tin 136th Psalms has the ame ending. The longest chapter1 s 119th Psalm?. The shortest chap-' :er is 117th Psalms. The word bov ind boys are mentioned 3 times, us ' follows: Gen. 25th and 27th; Zech. S :5. The words "Girl"' and "Girls" ire mentioned two times as follows Joel 3:3; Zech. 8:5. The name of God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther or in the Songs of Solonv>n. The 19th chapter of II Kings and the 37tfc chapter of Isaiah art practically alike. WOLF CREEK. A thing happened here last week that had never happened in this sec t.on before?our mail wa* carried out from Culberson on Route No. 2 as usual, but in an automobile. We are made proud to near ihe tool vf the carrier's horn some two hours earlier than he formerly came. Mrs. Mary Jane Hancock, who has had pneumonia for some weeks, it appears no has an abscessed lung. She is very sick. Mis Omega Gar: en left here Sunday for Chattanooga. where she ha* a position until fall when she will enter school again. Her brotehr. Howard. attended h r to Copp. rhill, where she bearded the train. Mr. and Mrs. James Vomer, of Wehutty. with their family, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. IJi'.iy Hancock Sunday. One of ur ne:ghbors, Mr. Taylor Vcrnor. 1 -t a mare last wtek. The weather for the last few days makt > a fellow think "the good old summertime has came." Mrs. Nora Morgan and h.r son. Elbert, with hi- family, visited the Rtv. W. P. eLdford Sunday. Mr. Lcdford has been a "shut-in" for several years and always shows his ap; re.iation ct a neighborly visit. card of thanks. The family of Mr. Alfred Morgan . vvi-h to express thanks for all kindncs an i i >urt:sy shown thenl during their late bereavement. Presbyterian Church SUNDAY. JUNE 8,. 1924 WORSHIP? 1 1 A. M. and 7:30 P. M MORNING: "Tin Blue Print" t Children's Choir) EVENING: 4,D>missing Ar.xu ty" Cliii-'tian Endeavor G:45 Vcunp ePouleV Service Sunday School-- iQ A. Tu., J. H. uil lard, Supt. ATMOSPHERE OF WORSHIP WELCOME To ALL F?*?5 oveb ZOO YEARS haarlcm oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver ant bladder disorders, rheumatism lumbago and uric acid conditions ^ haarlev oil correct internal troubles. rtirr-.Tilo* viti organs. Three sloes. Ail cru^eists. Insh t 1 on the original frecui.v* Golo Medaj . ^ ft" -jpla: !'j! : he Baseball season : . team :s good for a towr tise Murphy. Just because a fellow 1 land then kicked becaus that's no fault of the sy I wrong track. ;! You'll be o nthe righl for your buiiding maten CHEROKEE MANUF WANT ADW WANTED?Men or women to till orders for genuine; guaranteed h| siery for men, women, and ch:ldr?^| Eliminate darning. Salary $75^! * week full time, 81.50 an hoar sjn| 1 time. Beautiful spring line. IbTJ I national Stocking Mills, Xorrutovll Pa ^ (43-20t-p^^B 1 FINE FARM FOR -'^LE_A *2 farm of 75 acijL-? of bottom mammoth clay bench land.; 45 iq| well timbered; od 7-room h-xnB good tenant house with good outbdB dings; also, good storehouse andHU good orchard, located on good hi^| 1 \ way one-half mile from school J ! church. Write, phone or see M. | I Hampton, Brasstown, N. C. (45-4t|| ; FOR RENT?Furnished apartae| j c! se in. Apply t Mrs. J. H. x| x-.-n ?? ~~ FOR SALE?One five-mnntk. purebred Shorthorn bull, entitle! , Gentry's, Grandview. X. 'C.; also J 18-h.p. irasolir. engine, which can J teen on Mr. A. Margon's property J Martin's Creek. " K mat ion write xir' ; Freas, City. ^ * CATARRHAL,: D&AAR<J is often caused inftur.ed coodldl ' of the mucous hatha' F.usSJfc^B Tube. When thjftbb? is inStaratdrIB have a rumbling sound or impml l.earinp. Utiles** tjie- 1 ml animation cH be reduced, your hearing may be tifl strov*.d forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE i do what we claim for St?rut your systcS ; of Catarrh or Dcafn causedHH I Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDIcnH has been successful- ia eric Treatment? ] Catarrh fcr over Forty Years. ' Sold by all druggists 23 F. J. Cheney & Op.. Tcleio. 0. 3 SUNNY POINT. S There will be a decoration at Ho! i well churchthe fourth Sunday. Tlul will be dinner on the gornml for cfl trybody. with dnging and in the evening. Everybody invit? Mr. Bob Stili s. wh has b.en sifl for some time "> grad.- \y recover? we are glad to announce. B Miss Luella Jmki - spent Sundl afternoon with Mr. Alex M ore's giB Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hawkins, I Murphy, virited the iatu'. s pamB Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Harris, SaturdB i Mrs. Josephine Arthur | BJL i IW|L| SHWm Do You Need a T^njS years ago two c ? . - 3 whooping cough. ... that aflj l ward their j - "CBSi I tubes were a iTcct- . ous cooghinr. h. . t. r yetts t i weaker and I believe "would hare fa I serious pulmonary aff-vt:on had | net been for Dr. Pierce's Gok j Medical Discovery. I gave tb - , several bottles until they n d entirely out of danger and well a strong. I would never hesitate r recommending Dr. Pierce's Gok ? Medical Discovery as a tonic ill any prostrating illness, hecao* brings permanent strength."--^ Josephine Arthur, -100 Tooy St Obtain Dr. Pierce's "DisaWS now from your druggist, in lutyH tablets. It can safely be givwi . little folks as it contains no ban ingredient. Write Dr. PierCtffl ' ident Invalids' Hotel, Bulfalo?li. ' for free medical advice. _ 1 uf> V'JBALC" is here arid a good base* i. Help the boys to ad* took four cans of corn sy* se it didn't cure his corj rup. He was just on V t track if you dcpor.cl onB ,ai. VJ ACTURING COMP>? - 8

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