lW "* IbV'jk Njfcjfe ^?fck. F ^0^P^jjfVe^J I "T" AM a stenographer and work in a H I city 12 miles f'om where I live. We H JL have an interurhan railroad but it is fl 12 miles from my home, and the train H . schedule docs not fit in with my office V M hours, so I drrirfwl tn hiw o Bj touring car. 1 had saved enough money B to pay one-third of the purchase price. B The balance was to be paid in monthly B JB installments of $39 each. H ^ "My salary is rather small because I B ' 0$ am only seventeen and am holding my B 7^ first position in the business world. Be S '3j fore deciding to buy a car, I secured four KJ B regular passengers from my own town, 9 who did not like the train schedule any B B better than I did and were therefore Bj B very glad to become my passengers. B From each of these four people I re- BE B ceive $2 a week, which totals over $32 H If a month, besides saving my own fare fl| of $9 a month. B B "The actual running expense of the fl B car, so far, has averaged between $12 B B and $14 a month, so that 1 have a nice B M surplus left to apply on my monthly 9 payments, and I hope to have the car /J ? paid fui > < less time than I expected. 9 "When it is paid for, 1 feel sure that B H my income from passengers will more M m than pay running expenses, and what- U 8 ever repairs are needed for a year or B 8 two at least. 9 8 "I have had my car four months and 8 8 it has given complete satisfaction in ffi B every way. I do not hesitate to recom- jB mend it to anyone who desires economy g as well as comfort in a car. V "The reason I bought a Chevrolet B was because about one-half of the car i owners in the little community where -_B h i live own Chevrolet!, and speak very >S( K highly of them, both as to comfort and economy. This was recommendation enough for me." B GEORGIA M.W. GREENE Murray, Utah Hp ' rW ? i a 111 a i W. MP - ji || E lH| fi^Bjj^M ji^y Sb| *Sgtj I P?jf^,11^1 ^ ^ AN eighteen^e^^l^^id^ucc^sf 1 I problems in the world, while a mill y A. the same problem, appear unable t she is smarter than they are? Read the si n Vl Since man first began to THINK he must I ^ handicap in his struggle for existence was his iro goods quickly to wherever he wanted to be. Ever since then the TRANSPORTATION / every stage of the progress of civilization, and sti ang?; solve to amount to much in this world. Please note that this smart young American automobile. Just starting out to earn her living to pay in full for a Chevrolet and could not spare the time payments. Did she give up the idea, i men appear to have done? No! She was dete and a determined woman usually finds some wi She saw the possibilities of making the Chevrol wanted to serve her own transportation needs, si could also carry four other people needing transpo willing to pay reasonable fares for this quick, comf Her Chevrolet will really cost her nothing. Chevrolets average at least six years of ecor would have to pay transportation charges of some I 1,800 working days, and have no ownership of a trj I evenings, Sundays, and holidays. ! J| V If other workday transportation would cost t JBr $638.00 in the six years and so would each of the I All five would pay $3,190.00. ; J/B I She proposes to make that $3,190.00, provide \ \ tion, buy the Chevrolet and pay for its maintenar v f J means for recreation for her family and friends. ? | You million or more men who "can't afford a 1 1 Is Georgia Greene smarter than you? In 1 WT~ 8 flfeBS S MB B B B K in a Ill AM 1I1VI! in? ully solves one of the oldest ^ ion or more men, faced with j o solve it, does she not prove :ory and judge for yourself. I have realized that the greatest ji iDility to move his body and his PROBLEM has faced man at ill remains the problem he must i girl realized the need of an [ in business, she lacked the cash enough from her salary to meet as a million or more able bodied rminec to own a Chevrolet? ay to get what she wants, et pay ita own way. While she | he realized that the touring car S rtation over the same route, and M ortable and reliable service. F f lomical utility. Without it she i kind for these six years of about ansportation medium for her use $9.00 a month, she would pay four passengers she now carries. her with delightful transports ice, having in addition a modern Chevrolet"?what do you say? Georgia Greene ana ncr tour | B |HDp passengers I I