,AGE3,X Slop That Bachache! Many Murphy Folks Have Found the ?Is a dull, nerve-racking bachache wearing you out? Do you feel older ar.d slowea than you should? Are you tired, weak and nervous: find it B impossible to be happy, or enjoy the good times around you? T'.un t - . ; c'something wrong and likely it's your kidneys. Why not got at 'h- > rv.i Use Doan's Pills?a stimulant diureticI to the kidneys. Thousands rect ir?- j mend Doan's Read what a resident' of this locality says: W. A. Brown, 13 Weotrow St.. j Asheville, N. C., says: "When Ij bent over, sharp pains shot through my back, and mornings. I was lamoj and sore. I had dizzy spells and. too. my kidneys were weak and out of! order anu the secretions paintd in. passage. Afte: u- ing I ' ;>n*s Pills. 1 was entirely cured." : t giv-1 en April 20. 101S.I On January 11T 1922. Mr. said: "I have h: reed t" use i Doan's since t'n y - I me." GOc. at all d ;ikr-. I' *i'r-?.Iiiburn I Co.. Mfrs., Buffu , N Y.?Adv. j ! WOLF CREL; Several of our per,.. wont t H:.?-I per town, beyond :?? the I district fifth Sur.ih.;. - r. tion, and came back rnth.r .ii ; ?>i?.? ; Pcd, as there were but fcv\ - - an;: not much interest manifest,c. Mr. and Mrs. Ge?- ve l.edtord report the birth of a fine b y n lats Friday. But little interest was taken in tht Republican prima!.. held her. ? ?i Saturday of last w ek. although : i:? tenths of the voters ar republicans. The Rev. George Passir.ore preached at Macedonia Sunday. Several of our people attended ^ r-SflVE YOUR MONEY?i I One bo* of Tutt's Pill, saves many I dollar* in doctor'* bills. A remedy I for diseases of the liver, sick head* I ache, dyspcpiia. constipation. hi!- i loumrss; a million reor'c endorse (Tutt's Pills) ? * J Y * 1 A11 taxes i I 1923 that ar | August the Is | vertised to sel | in September. | to pay sooner | not now. | w. P. ( I Tax C< For All t ! "TATE have used Black-1 V V flroHrrVi4- ouor oin/>a I j we have had a fam" fly and that was shortly : after 1874," says Mr. E. S A. Branstetter, of St James, Mo. "It is my first ; remedy when any of us g e t s sick. . . . We use Black-Draught for torpid ; liver and stomach com; plaints. ' "When I get sluggish ! and don't feel so good, I ; take Black-Draught?and you have to show me that there is a better medicine Rime. ir if, noi Ttiedfi ! BLACK-D Vegetable Lh Brnmnrrmmmwa r tel.. - . Nurses Carry Into Thousc Aid B ' | ? < '' .*3 ! I . 4T if "* U :J ? To the young mother the tiny new baby is like a piece of bric-abrac. She is afraid to handle it for fear she might break it. The first bath is such a fearsome ordeal that it has become customary for the nurse who administers the pre-natal care to come and give the little stranger his first good washing. Education of this sort is part of the work of a visiting nurse. The aid given sufferers of any sort must always be a demonstration as well, so that members of the family may continue the care. The nursing service of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company reaches 3.955 towns and cities in every state in the union and every ] province in Canada. In the two winter months of this year nurses 1 made 424.98G calls at 109,395 j separate homes. The nurses in more ] uneral of Mr. Bill Nix, held at Pie; bt int Hill church Thursday afternoon. ^ dr. Nix got killed in London Mine, a.? ne of the mines operat.d by the ~enr.essee Copper Co. He was shift fi reman there and perhaps thcie wa- ei ot a man in all of the Ducktown bain that was better known. He had '' jr. Delinquent |p i ii* ayers for the year |! e not paid by f!> it, will be ad-1| I first Monday h\ You will have |' or later, why | \ f i? V e DDOM ! \ y 3 jllector J..! J.! JL'XiJ .!.UXiXJX!i, JJ !. B > he Family in Missouri. I think it is " fine for indigestion or for headache. It is a splendid family remedy. My wife ; uses it for any stomach ailment, indigestion and ' . biliousness. We never let " the house be without it if ; I know it. We also give it . to the children for chil- . dren's complaints, colds or fever." Keep a package of Black- ' Draught in the house for ; aQ the family. n; Your dealer will Mil you a I ci mammoth package, containing bi Ave of the regular-size pack- ( ages, lvb co e a per. ? . hi mbtr ===r==s=s=: l ird's. if Not tv 1 ca RAUGHT \ l or Medicine ; j* ' THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. I Health Educai inds of Worke\ abes and Yoi ? ' ^ ' "N : - ?* - :?:r v: gfei ' -IV Cv ^Sfy n^~- - _ | remote sections lead the life of the J1 j circuit rider travelling in their fliv- 1 | vers over almost impassable roads i land often going on horseback or 1 on foot through wild country to 1i I reach their destination. It requires ] I logged determination and physical 1 strength to be enlisted in the ser- t : vice and sometimes on the outskirts , t ,of large cities the nurse will spend ! i . nrceious hours tramping through i the mud to find a shack which is ; i jn no street and has no number. ll The account is endless of the 1 sickness and suffering caused by I i the ignorance of people of the t j noorer class and especially for- r i eigners. One woman with five chil- j jdren had neglected an infected fin ger. The nurse summoned by the t agent struggled through fields of J mud only to lin.l that the woman ' was sure it was nothing serious. ? The nurse insisted that a doct ?r c be summoned, but the woman did r not want to spend the money, c n nearly killed at time or two ;fore while working in the mints and id lain in a hospital several months * a result. Mr. Nix leaves a wife, ?vcrnl children p.id a host of iends to mourr his lo. s. The fun al services " ere conducted by the ev. Ot? I?cll, and he was laid away v tt- . J. O. U. A. M., >f which or er tie was a member. Mrs. John Bryant, of Lynch, Ky., i spending a few days with her partus, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. doer. lORTH CAROLINA?Ch roke.> County. By virtue of three writs of Venlitioni Exponas issuing from office )f the Clerk of the Superior ?ourt of Cherokee County in the folowing cases, towit: Carlsbad Manufacturing Company against John R. lason, D. M. Ferry and Company gainst John R. Mason, a id Xiota 'louring Mill against John 1L Mason, will on the 4th day of August, 1924, t being the first Monday i i August, 1924, and the first day of ti e August erm, 1924, of Cherokee Superior fiourt, sell at public auction and outry to the highest bidder all the right, itle and interest of John R. Mason n and to that piece, parcel r lot of land described in deed datd August 1st. llHt. a.... recorded n office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County in Deed Book No. 7 at pages 277, etc., and from W. K. ohnson and wife to said John R. Jason. Terms of sale cash. Witless my hand this July 3rd, 1924. W. P. ODOM, Sheriff 47-4t-n) of Cherokee County, N C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. ;ORTH CAROLINA?Clay County, In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. V. E. Lowe, D. H. Lowe, J. E. Lowe, Baxter Lowe, Arlecia Hamilton and husband, J. R. Hamilton, Alice Led ford and husband Hyde Ledford, Vena Reece and husband, B. R. Reece, Birtha Kimsey and husband. Esco Kim?ey, M. H. Pate and W. T. Crisp, vs. ake Lowe Hazel t Beatrice Dills and Lillie Lowe Leatherwood, Guardian. NOTICE. Beatrice Dills, the defendant above nmed, will take notice that a speal proceeding entitled as above has ' ;en commenced in the Superior ( ourt of Clay County, North Carona, to partition the lands of W. M. | owe, deceased, in said County and illy described in the petition in this luse in which said defendant has an terest as an heir at law* of said W. . Lowe, deceased; and the said dendant will further take notice that e is required to be and appear here the Clerk of the Superior Court f Clay County, North Carolina, at 5 office in the court house in Hayeslle, N. C., on the 1st day o August, WJgHT. MOUTH CAKOUHA tion\ rs' Homes; ung Mothers Ml ,, * V1 | - 'When the doctor finally came he anced it at once and declared that t was only just in time to prevent the loss of the hand if not the woman's life. Most of the women are eager to earn so that they may give their children the best possible reatment. One young mother, .vith four small youngsters, the ddest of which was four years, vas especially clean and careful, >ut measles Invaded the home. The three oldest children had it, >ut the nurse sai:l the baby needn't jet it if the mother would take >rcper precautions. This woman's lay was not so full but that she ould find time to follow instrucions to the letter; changing her ipron every time she tended the >aby, keeping him isolated in a eparate room, boiling everything, imitting no smallest detail. Eter- I ;nl vigilance was the price of sueess and the baby escaped. I 1924, and answer or demur to the petition of plaintiffs in this proceeding or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the petition. This the 1st day of July, 1924. W. L. MATHESON, Clerk Superior Court Clay County, N. C <47-4t-a) i og I Com ill If ||i T?W1 Phone 11' i Ross Voyles Is Shot By C. S. Pattoi About 2 o'clock Wednesday aftci noon Ross Voyles, son of S. A. VoyU was shot by C. S. Palton. He recen ed two flesh wounds, one in the foe and one in the thigh. The ball pent trated the foot. The exact locatio of the ball in the thigh was not d< termined. The shooting was don with a pistol. The affair grew out of a Ion standing difference between the tw principals, it is understood. Th immediate cause was a dispute whic is understood to have taken plac near the store of Mr. S. A. Voylei followed by words in the lumbe yards just beyond the Furniture fa< tory, where the shooting took placi Voyles is said to have used or ai tempted to use rocks. The wounded boy was carried t the hospital where his wounds wer dressed, after which he returne home. Mr. Patton came to town an gave up to officers and prepared t make bond, which he expected woul be fixed when nreliminarv honrin was had before an officer of the law Members Asked to Attend Church Sundai It is hoped that the entire mem bership of our church will be pres ent for the services on Sunday. Im portant business connected with th Truett meeting will come up for dls cussion at thata time. T. L. SASSER, Pastor. JRY JOB pR'NTING! BE RELIEVED OF F Don't be bothered wi for you. It's easier for i your clothes, clean, pres is for you to be trouble< do both ladies' and and ALL WORK ( ARCADE RESTAUR/ CI Bailey Meroi Under J. W. I YOU N \ STOVE lave them?All Styles a vith all accessories. too hot to spend long I orrying with that old st< e in and get one of our q Ranges and make sumr easy. THE PRICE IS RIGH1 V. ison & Anc Everything For The Ho 1 Mu J..;, ?, lm & Blanks For Soldier l 11 Bonus Receil^ Applications Should Be Se*t tfll ?? ex-Service Men For Shar?^H j- In Bonus Measure HI J* Blanks have been received L-? n the Veterans Bureau for the ?. ex-service men in applying fo/1 e share in the bonus measure a by the recent Congress. Briefil^^ g bill as passed provides I foctl^ o bonus for ex-soldiers, sailoraB^* ,el marines who were in scrvtte V h fifty days and paid-up insuraatV C e I those who were in service jl B> than fifty days. In applying fori >r er the cash bonus or the insul policy soldiers, sailors and nJLr.il ,??* required to fill out sp cuTSJ""ct t- ' forms which may be secure i9 J of ice of the Cherokee Scoot, 13 c I er with instructions as to howl p c cation must be made. Soldiers B d ors, and marines of the loteM^ d I should pither write- or come aft?Bp ' o j blanks and get them in at one%M*cvf d ; Their friends should becomThlly g ested in them and see that tfcql ^ make application or else theyl! have no share in the bonus tion recently passed. / The moon shone bright as beBft * his love, The color left her cheeks, i- But on the shoulder of his ?bB* . It showed quite plain fcr wedV^^ i- PEACHES?ELBERTAS?For. ?"' | direct to restaurants, hotels I Off , homes; shipmentsto begin about ^L j 25th, lasting about a week. AdfB ' | Cherokee Heights Ordbards, CuJ I Ga. (474?P3 RESSING TROUBLE? th things that we can A is to call regularly fit,' s and repair them, than ft v 1 thinking about men's work. 3 iUARANTEED! ft iNT AND PRESSU#; .UB I ney, Manager I Davidson's Store R, IEED I i ry < nd Prices? ' tours in the _ uick baking ner cooking - lerson I rphy, N. C. B

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