PAGE SIX PA iv fl DEMAND 1 r> pj testified that IaNLAC 5^ Mai* Nutrition. ^gj Sie > that the ; r< size and rut . . arket o a v- -.3. -.I pr> duct. 'I y ap Ct . :: tu? - n.t * rov. are now reiuiy t- . ; otr.: os the .. : an.: . .1 \ juctiv *?u:? \if n them th:> jjih him. A Jar- - - at out th!-- ' yi e:in amonjc th? . .. i;. t'.-.v? season was "< ia'- ! 1 - this year." An-. :v r . i th th slogan th - 777 7,777.7 t j? )k Oil) AS It YOi'SG 1 * if . - 1 - i : .u truly | . i - r. J:- v.^'jfrus nun. | j Ttstfs Fills i , " I vv.;fc Stone.}. t 1 + a . , gad h:adder. | Notice to I | Tax P Ail taxes f i 1 that ari | August tbe Is | vertised to seil | in September. } to pay sooner f not now. j W. P. ( Tax Cc r a?'sgrs:s3gHgr-3BpiiBEi [ Crampin ! "170R MORE THAN A 5 X very bad condition," s of Route 1, Dorchf with cramping spells whi ^ my back and sides. Sor g Catch at someiiiiuK, I woi f " ... I had to quit doing my Iuico, ivu L iiuue ui Llit;in "In April I went up to Arl She said to me, 'Willie, if yci take Cardui. It will really hel my doctor what she had said ai better tonic, so mv husband im 1 began it. ... My case was I kept on faithfully. After th< very much better, so much so t a I have taken six bottles now ai different woman. ... I feel ? J which I took faithfully." jCAF The Worm L IcAdco Looms As Certain Nominee, Says Mrs. Cover .nth District Delegate De.lares the Deadlock Cannot Be Broken . icA'.i v... he nominated like : if c.v Democrat! a venticn d i m New Y< rk City, and s rt?.thir-.1st 1 ft f t it t > do." -blared Mrs. Gi! - C. ver, of An iay.-. diicgau from the Tenth ift, v.ho relumed Saturday from e r.-. tr p. iir. Mrs. Cover, who pictured ir. a aphii manner the convention ef>n> f Smith supporter* coerce legates with a Ledlani f noise and larged tiiat thugs arc : iinitted to c n vent ion halt \ly f r tK* purm tieclartd that she K-:t nstruc.... . \ v Y : . Satb lay. "I i. > nam. wi.l not vii;: : and I predict that the !:ri be br. k;n at Madin Garden." continued, the . ! ; "The c?n\n-r.t;cn mu-t 1 ? i from the bedla^ ? ! . :. !e.c ;."< ? _r .. ; "'Usim >. lr the : ; od. there i? n<- oues ; Mi. McAti. . b. r. ?.ninI . fb.' !'..** . ' vsr uav. r. tr .v descrint!.' v.. ?.?'.r;;tb i: i . : i: S ~.i*h N v. ^ , I:;*. Goth:..; ?;es did *Vviallj the women.* ( t vvm-.k! make a no>-, wi; i I." -aid. "The crdltrits wen r " t .iwtl ; >.t the ruffians an ! .e1 of N.w York's E.sst side ran r 'ieh *' i- ai-b s lib wild nn v. y :.t tin top f their voids and ;vi:.u bam.t .s bearing the Words 1 Smith for President.* Tv. se en v e admitted delih ratelv by e Smith support-. rs for th.- purpose fteniniS the delegates. ' I ; effort to get the won; n -1 _:.t ^ t. leave the hall \v< r. it v. .-' . ti y faction co -.- and sitae ti >ns were arranged for am! coral invitation? were extended by tin ,1 )e!inquent j ayers or the year e not paid by t, will be adfirst Monday You will have or later, why )DOM jllector tag wiSBOHiBaBaBBiBaB n M \ nasi* la[S2n3fc53W?JlSS53F5n j j ig Spells \ i YEAR I had been in a says Mrs. R. E. Kimbrell, j >ster, Texas. "I suffered | ch gave me bad pains in I netimes I would have to j lid get so suddenly dizzy. I work. I tried many retr.emed to dfl me any good, cansas to visit my sister. ... j i are going to take anything, ] p you.' I came home and told J id he said I could not take any j imediately got me a bottle and j a pretty tough one, I know, so I > fourth bottle, I began to feel * ;hat I was surprised at myself. I n'"> L)e; sits du 8 ; f N. C Or any official the re i i 15,770..', Demand Cseulifica.c-.- of r.pwsit 102.774.' 4 Cashier's Checks outstari!:r'.ff 8:9: oil r/TAL $293,012.72 Stale of North Carolina. C mtv of o. July 9, 1924. I. J. B. Storey, Ca hier of :h. al ve named Dank, do solenv.iy svaar that the above 5tat. ruent is tt :l t the best o: my knowledge and belief. J. B. STOREY, Ca h ? Subscribed and sv. i n to before mi . this 9th day id July. 1924. J. H. M CALL, N. P. My corcmL-. ioa txpircs Fi b. 17, 192"?. Correct Attest: F. N. HILL, ,i. \V. DAVIDSON, A RICHARDSON. -Directors. N v Y .a- The pre - has earn d ac . urate r e\v? and details f the conven'i !:. hut little !.;.s 1? . i. sn'd a the pervading atii.< k? n in tht { Smith-McAdoo fight that nothing ha: ? been thought of who would ho nom iriatcri f<> Vice-President. The con V fiiot ha* become so h t that fist fight unci assaults amonp tho variou delegates create litt! excitement ? Trouble frequently comes when stale: I break and it often leads to blows ' Then there are hundreds ??f fitch*-' ? 'when the New York bums r me in coi :* tact with the delegates. > "Nothi: g has U . n said oh< at when the convention could be moved t;> !? b?jt mnry believ? that 'he del- state; V should b. p rmitted to j^o home am { rest for at least 30 day.. The visi : tors to New York are so disgustei SC that I know that another Democratii ? conventicn will never be held there.' ; Mrs. Cover admitted that she is s I' "bit tired after the ordeal."?Ashe ? ville Citizen. t DON'T FORGET THE s ric. 11 I SALE JULY 10?AUG. 10 JUST BARGAINS? ?NOTHING ELSE "NUFF SAID" J. C. Slocumb's Variety Store "Something for Everybody" ?URPHY. NORTH CAROLINA ' CENTRAL PEACHTREE. July 8.?Everyone is delighted to .sec the-e refreshing rai:.^ after such a ' i Jong dry spell. e 3 Rev. A. B. Smith filled his legu- 1 lar appointment here last Saturday A and Sunday. Mr. Glenn i'ipes is on tne sick list ? ^ this week. |1 i < Mr. H. B. Elliott and son, Mark. ' attended the ball games at Anvx. v. - Friday. 1 The Baptist Association will begin hero on Thursday. August 28th and la t through the 21st. f Everyone is glad to see Mr. Joe 1 Ax ley able to be 0:1 his mail route ft r a f w days illness. There will be preaching servici? j at the Baptist Church next Sunday t at 11 a. m. and Sunday night. m Haydcn and Marvty Fergu-1 son and Mioses Claudia Sudderth and ! Frances McBee mofi red to Andrews Friday. Mr. Rob. i t J. Sasser spent Satur- * day night with Ea:l Adams on Brass- { ; town. Mis. W. A. Witt and daughter. M s. J?hn Fitzgerald, are spending the J u ek with relatives at Franklin. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sudderth, < f Murphy, spent Thursday night with r lutive? here. ! ! The farmers of this section are! most through with th- ir corn and J The ladies are- canning and! making jellies. i The water is fine. Get your 1 bathing suit and let's go for a swim. !,, cold?^L Imentholatum j ^^clears the nos^^ I ~~ " ~ : 1 ;? Wht fl Whe f able feelii canned fr ! pantry shi i j You i your pan , i i wholesom fruit year nature am We 1 jar tops, s prices are the class ? i I i J . G1 Towi ! "E Phone 11 i WOLF CREEK. Outside of a little pistol shooting ind a little more "boot-legging" everything was quiet here on the 4th. klany of our farmers showed their uitriotism by attending to their farm vork. We hud the first freshet of the Irs. Mary Jane Hancock is still ibed with an abccssed lung. Shrr las been in bed since the first of day. when she d veioped pneumonia. Mr. \V. C. Jenkins sent several: cads of lumber through our section o t "I'perCity Lumber Co., Copperlill, last wuk. The small grain crop is extremely ight through this section, in fact the. igntest in y nrs. | BE RELIEVED OF PF Don't be bothered wi F for you. It's easier for i s your clothes, clean, press is for you to be troubled do both ladies' and and n ALL WORK Gl ARCADE RESTAURAP CLl Bailey Merone Under J. W. Da Winter les! n Winter Comes it will be rtg to know that a good uits, preserves and jellies elf. can determien now whet try shelves will be filles e food. This is going to . Take advantage of he d lay by your winter sup] have a full line of glass ealing rings, and jelly gla as low as the market wil >f goods we carry. ET YOUR SUPPLY NO1 ison & And Everything For The Horr 4 Mur Friday, July 11, 1924 A WONDERFUL 1 discoveryB The remarkable herb "HOBO", aj B analyzed by "Schwartz" was found to B contain besides other principles a H v-ariety of acid which he named Gal- B itannic Acid. He also found it to B contain a peculiar acid discovered by B Schwartz and Rochelder and named B Ribichloric Acid. This ha = been used B in Dropsy congestion of the spleen, B Scrofula and Leprosy with good re? B suits. In recent years this \ 1Tb has B been discovered growing in East Tex- B as and Louisiana and further experinvent has shown that its wonderfully B> purifying properties were due to its H action on the kidneys. 3| The Hobo eMdicine Company, of Beaumont, Texas, mak- an effective H balm from this herb and call it Hobo Kidney and Bladder Rem Iv. This balm being said to be trrioni and Anti-Scorbutic. Wq Six bottles?a guarantied treat- H mont?? SA" Pitiful embarassinent is almost al- H ways noted in decorous gentlemen ' about to visit Sanvmand, which fl changes to relieved surprised when I they cant find any obvious "Scarlet women" among th - inmat> who restmble nothing so much a- well-man- ! ncred girls in any well-run boarding PEACHES?ELBERTAS?For. .ale IS direct to restaurants, hbtrU and b? homes; shipmentsto begin about July |> 25th, lasting about a wf-ck. Addreit I Cherokee Heights Orchards, Canton, r.ij Ga. (47-4t-pd) tESSING TROUBLES" i things that we can do to call regularly for and repair them, than it thinking about it. We nen's work. JARANTEED! <1T AND PRESSING JB v. Manager ividson's Store a comfortsupply of > is 011 the her or not i w^th this be a good bounty of ply now. fruit jars, sses. Our I allow for ! wi erson ie" pHy, N. C. 1 -4