Friday. July 18. 1924 ! f-occi/ a no ? Telephi Miss Eunice Tankerslcy is spending her vacation with relatives and friends in Boaz, Ala. Mrs. Callie Hall spent several days in Asheville the first of the week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ellis and children spent the week-end in Swanm-noa with relatives, Mr. Ellis rcturnirg the first of the week. Mr?, j Ellis and children will not return for arfWjl WPPk*. Miss Rose Mont and friend. Miss Mary Russell, of Knoxville, are visiting Miss Mount's sister, Mrs. W. ! M. Fain, this week. ' if ^7 No Lik 42 taorsejKtwei more an hour? ?without over out loss of po carbon cleanin And at the end of a lo: your motor will be coc than any similar she* This engine' power c 5 while the power of a p ping of:. Furthermore entirely free from thos make up 50vc of the i . ally all poppet-valve ca springs?to get out of | keep season alter seasc i w/tt W ill KMTi ill SI-JL 5 | $11 j E- C. MO | J Dealei Murphy, I ~ V y!sjsj ^ L Firestone Leads on with Five Record When the race driver delects hi realizing that his life and chanc pend upon them. It is signifies % ten money winners in the India Firestone shod. Firestone, u and other spedal processes, ha to such a high degree of efficier apolis, May 30th, the following world's record for COO miles ov< waking' many rounds at over 1< Never before were tires put 1 service, where it was necessary of rubber and every fibre of 1 Perfect cniton with ever* other Drieer ^ Joe Boyer?L- I- Corum-? Earl Cooper ..... Jimmy Murphy Herry Herta J; 11 Bennett Hill leadership *" Every* v^jde Jeaderehip in eervice, l^edership on C?b*i Trocfc* The l*r*ejt grig^S"Eft? frSrf. On. ?3? u. million tire tnilee per dayMOS I \ \ ^ MURPH \ V * Personal | ,?J0 |, ftOOOOOOOOOO000000 00?00000 0 Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Axlcy and J little son. Porter, and Mrs. Axley's i sister, Mis-> Allie Ramsey, of States-1 ville, are spending; the week here with i1 relatives and friends. M?. N". W. Gwynn. of Lenoir, formerl assistant cashier of the old Commercial and Savings Bank, was a visitor in Murphy the first of the wet k. ^ Mrs. Walter Humphrey and daugh- , ter. Mir Mildred Ann and Wilds Martha, of Tulsa, Okla.. and Mr. , Wayne Suddcrth, of Oklahoma City, arrived Sunday for a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sudderth 1 and other relatives. Car j ^ T+t t; il; r! SO miles and hor.i a?te?' feocr -heating?with* wer ? without e'I np sustained high speed, ^ tier, will need less water , i poppet-valve engine. ur\*e keeps climhine up ' icppct-valve car is drop- < ?. the Willys- Knight is e engine repairs which js upkeep cost of practic- < trs. It has no cams?no order. A car you can 1 in. Take a ride today. LYSruT VJI-JIJL J. .95] "" nor " r: 11 ICTGRIE that build rettoi EADERSHII SpCCdWfly Firestone for years h _ . and rims complete w Br^dkCfS tracking loads, great is tire, he does so & ,**??*25 < for success deint that all of the JjJ.T?*!* inapolU rece were IZJF^ P sing gum-dipping reduce costs, is developed tires RaflAAM T cy that at Indian- DajJOOn T drivers broke the Firestone's latest con tr thi- brick track, low air pressure or >0 miles per hour. original full-size Ball :o,'uiir?z ' for every ounce . . ?n??-sr. Miles your present car by <3 ___ rV. sis ting of tires, tubes, JS-JST 1:47:18 87.80 \MM. -87.87 " . . . i:udi jmi Robber R 1:07:00 08.48 Attacking the tmsouni ^|M[ . of the British Rubtx Wt TM>V lire IIUUII wi I' .v_ Firestone was the 01 S^Tre, of u?o- " the Ion, mileage mm * deliver which STtSe^^r^ *, end economy. to none Buses end Dealer Lead Tire Quafil n the fire largest Through Firestone d Firestone Gum- ganized service and t i fleet alone, the market, whether yon n es over one-half a tet of full-size Belli a 10-inch truck the. IT MILES PER DOLLA E. C. MOORE AND Y SERVICE STi ***ME CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml Superintendent R. H. McCullough of the L. & N. Railway was here on business one day this week. < Mrs. Werley, whfo lived about one mile out the rancor road, died Wednesday morning, leaving ? iittle infant baby. Y Mr. F. i^. Warden, poultry spe- j rial of the extension Department of s Agriculture and State College, will j be in th. county the latter part of ^ the month to give demonstration? in v -ullirii and feeding poultry for Winter egg production. Mr. R. (*. Smith of the Farm r? j Federation of Buncombe County, a vas here Wednesday and Thursday , buying poultry and poultry products , and making arrangements fwi st.mi- j ?nthly hipnient* ?.f poultry in car t lots from the Murphy branch. f ~?r u Mr. ourgin Au?t:n was operated), on the latter part of last week at the Murphy hospital for appendicitis. He ( is fa.>t recovering, state physicians. Mr. Aud Wilson, who recently re- f turned to Murphy, had the misfor- ; Lune a few days ago of breaking his 1 leg again. It was lmdly broken some time ago. which necessitated his weaiing steel braces. He re- ' moved the braces a few days ago ' fractured his limb- ;;ga;n. He was carri d *?? the ho-pital where he was eared for. J ?.Ir=. Linton G. \V.:t r- arrived a few days ago from ?">coa. Fla., to 1 visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ' V". McConnell, of near Hay sviilc. ' Miss Martha Candler r turned a few das ago from an extended visit vith relatives and friends i . Flori- r Ja. M'ss Louise H n 'rix, of Ball f [irt.und, Ga., is vis .ing Miss Martha 1 handler. Mr;. Marks, of Columbia S. C.. 1 ipent the week-end here with her . laughter, Mrs. E. G. Clary. Miss Francis Burns left Tuesday ;or Asheville and Knoxville, en route , Take I @>S for tl'io lmaw m. MAV 11 VI Beware of imitation*. Demand the genuine in 10c and 35c pack- l ace* bearing above trade mark. is 'I i 1 5 I; as been first to develop tires rhich would meet the heavy 1 strains and demand for trac- r \ and carrying forward the I j ment, and establishing Ship x all large cities, Firestone j highway transportation and I t! Ire Leaderthip r tribution to motoring is the P Balloon Tire. This, the oon, was made practical bv c Gum-Dipping process, inof each cord, adding great Firestone baa also simpiiit full-size Balloon tires to G kesigning a special unit con- o rims and spokes applied by loir cost. ^ Against Britiih " MUktlus Act f 1 and uneconomic character ? tr Restriction Act limiting jr( ubber from the Far East, ie large tire manufacturer for the car owner. Soon A as started for America to n; its own control, the cost ^ reduced and tire prices laL whip Through ty (Ml Service oalera tod can obtain or- w he soundest values on the tesd a Ford 30 x 3{/* Fabric, son Gum-Dipped Cords or ^ R Si \TI0N ;rphy. north carouwa ALL OUT OF SORTS >o W.1J Thi* Good WoTan Who Telt# h Her Experier;cf *j A All too often wnnrn accent th^:rt lain* and ach s as natural to their! ex.. They fail to realize that weakj^ ;idneys are cften to blame for that . >achnche. those headaches, d'zzyj^ pells and that tired, depress d feel-1 ng. Thousands hnv found ncr;" u-alth an.l strength by helping the i weakened kidneys with P> PtlT-' . ?a stimulant diuretic. This case I- | no of tirsny in thi? lo-ality: Mrs. Z. V. Iiurr 11. Wbilniire St.. - ! Irevtrd, X. C.. say-: "I bed a dullj'* ch?. a< toss nty kidneys and I It tir-i*' d tut. It was almost id;''olc for] ne f?t straighten rft.r fie-ding and j dinding. dizzy spells came over me. 1 .00. 1 had headaches and nervous ^ ipen?. ton. I used i'con's Fills an I . p a -hcrt time I was feeling lik" nty-llJ >elf a train." ^ ??0<- at all i?'?:ler?. Fo-der-Miiourn i Mfrs.. Buffab . N. Y.?Adv. I \f" u 0 her h< r ; In Chattanooga. T nr:.. 1 ft * l hnvintr spent ten days ft.v'th her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. A. -f. Burns. Mr. M. I . Hail, of Canton, vi.i"- r .*;! his br? iK-r, .Tack, over the wceh nd. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. H. ndrix ar.l w.i lauyhtc , of Bel! Grau'id. C?a.. :r.d Mr. and Mrs. Y.. J. [)iin I an : wo e!"ild '< n, f Marl tta. fla.. : r i it nu Mr. i.nd Mrs. C. M. Wof'ord hi w:ek. Mrs. Hen?I:ix and .Mr. j>ar::e!! arc -laughters > i M.-. ana Mrs. Wcfford. The Oarnegit F.ibrary hegn:.-. I'.w schedule .?t* hovrs this wcrk. I: he future It will be opt n ?1 Tt.e lay. M'ecir. .sday and Friday after100ns from -t to >. and Tin . Thursday and Saturday eveningr .m 7 t seven weeks !d, half Walk r. half fuly. from running trains. I*:-i ?!."?.00 puir. Frank i). ri-'cv, ? *.v (Itfdd.) .OST?One blue and black female hc-und. answers to the name ot 'or. am. I- ft . l out two weeks ago. iVill pay reward for her or informcion helping find her. A. F>. Dick-y. Kiimhi' V r .t.iir. i 'EACHES?ELEERTAS?For sale j direct to restaurants, hfetcls and | tomes; skipmentsto begin about July j !5th, fading about a week. Address Cherokee Heights Orchards, Canton, I ;a. '47<4M) j V.y\TT!D?M n- women ta?\* > ordtts f r g ii.R3 guaranteed ho-' iery for nu:i, women, and children. | *1 minr-to <'?v i:\-\ Salary S7."i e t ireek full time, $7..~>0 :ta hour spare ime. Beautiful line, all color-. Inttrational Stocking Mills, Xorristown, 'a. <43-2Ut-pd) IEAL ESTATE WA N'T E[)?Thire are buyers in all parts of the e-.ur.-1 ry. My system shows you hew to I each them. Investigate at oncc.j 'ostofice box 244, Murphy, X. C. > OR SALE?One five-months oldjp purebred Shorthorn bull, entitled | ) registration. Can be seen at S. C. j entry's, Grandview, N. C.; also one; , -h.p. gasoline engine, whioh can be :en on Mr. A. Margon's property on ; ,'artin's Creek. For further infor- I lation' write or see Mrs. Esther C. ; reas, City. (44-tf) OR SALE?One Burrough'a small adding machine as good as new. pply to Townson & Anderson Furture Store. Mnrnhw M C Presbyterian Church j SUNDAY. JULY 13. 1?24 'ORSHIP? 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. \ MORNING: "The Eagle's Nest" Children's Service)?D*ut. 32:11 EVENING: "What a Christian Does" Psalm ^0:8 Christian Endeavor 6:45 Young ePople's Service anday School?10 A. M., J. H. Dillard, Supt. ATMOSPHERE OF WORSHIP WELCOME TO ALL ]l, N. riBMlr Mr. Fred Bates, manage of th; al theatre, announces that the show ou?e w 1 be closed during *ht enire period of the Truet Revival. | ugust 12-22. all. W. T. ^rreotrr.v p:r -j ia.~ed the stock of supplies belong- j *'t .I.ini- M. C'apps and lea -d the | ils- i Electric Shoe Shon. ar.d will ill -i7'r-tte it in the present stand. The evening hours are pr : v >r those who want to go to rary and read. Several n rs, magazines an dother period"ils have been provided for th osc. CARD OF THANKS. I take thi-= method of thank! n- , y riends for the good vol-. I ! li 1 the general convention st Murphy r highway road commission .. i: d :ank you in advance f r a go?>< ots ir November, and if iec* d v. 1 > you exactly en the square, and . the b st of my ability. Respectfully, I). S. DAVIS Grandview, X. pY JOB p>R!NTIN(i! ^hildren Cry for MOTTTFT? T ^etcher's Castc? Castor Oil. 1. >rL\ Teethinj prepared to relieve Infants in Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p Natural Sleep withe To avoid imitations, always look tor th Proven directions on each packace. I Tb " , SOUTI " PLAN Semi-M' RICHMOND, THE OLDEST AGRIC JOURNAL One Year. _ Three Years Five Years _ Twice-a-Month?170,( 1 T7W "THE COVERED WACCJT Or.e of the most com;.elfi-j ~-ae 'primitive love .stories ever told # r ' screen is embodied ir. "The Co WaRon." James Cruze's &

mount pit-tur which will piny a: fx? Bon:Ui ir atre. Murphy, X. C., 'art J day -iy A up.; - I 1- . The a*~ nvinc. ctvt n Molly W' r.^nXJ. hoik of old Liberty town." and jyfcjqr \* ill Bunion, i.:te jf Doniphan's itr > . iri tb \ ar with vic . ::: PILLS in V :> C?"T r> rat *-?. ecale-l IUU. ol vw ,W* HmrrUt ? It for fni?HL?TfA* * HI A MOM? Rl( J XI? Pi T.I.H. | ,r twri^Vl y- *s t- r P&N PILLS* f. "I don't need them vrrj ?ir oft; -, but v.irn I do, if' ^[c.' need tlv -n quick. Or?r r two ard the pair, is gen**" ^ST^S, Dr. Mile" Anti-Pain FJfr* > -j will relieve >v.a quickly at*> V\_L safety?t.o ; oleasar.t \Y/r effects?r.o dun r of fflTSfc. r v i\v''n? a dru^ habit. Next time you p&3t a , ,\l drug store Stop in arr flrt a box. .^^Vl Dr. Miles' Anti-Pai* f"contain no habit f(rmha.! '* -J - . -drugs. Your Drurrpst Has Thtatk ria is a harmless Substitute for I Drops and Soothing Syrttpc* arms and Children ail ages bJ . Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness, Reeusw r Dut Opiates * e signature of *hysicians everywhere- feco*8na&i~it. ->l IE 'i: 4ERN , , TER V', .$ onthly ' i "V - ? ~T VIRGINIA v W. \ ULTURAL IN AMERICA .50 i -__.$1.00 / $1.50 ' I < i >00?Twice-a-Monttk r ^ i . '