P.'.CE TWO *EI?e l:rr-hfe $rout Tb? Official C'rg'o of Mi rpbjr *r.d : Cherokee Co Mv North Carolina. < ___ BRYAN W. MPE, Edi tor-Manager. MISS H. M. BERRY. Associate Editor PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Operations At J^otal Hospital . :r.ar:. .. y r,:u: \v. A'lalte if ' " .::: ? at trMur; y H >; - first : tru - A\ operat. : T.u-iay Ada:... v. B ih are getting Rive- rde Park Was Cpened Mor.da> -R''Si -Men.: . r. ;:h : -.v. ! R H " ' ,l .amired childrc:. . r adults that CI-: my i Our Tf . H*\! ' r - | denly . ' cording t. iHelegraj/::w i un. ration received here from Chiiay* Tuesday mo - late. Mr. Hyde left Wednesday nin*r f C> Vago to attend the r. :al services. Ht expect? t' * ;? we- k. heart ft . .7 ' ment. ?^ - - - . - ' * ' .'T. REE Rev. A. . . : r. willj begin r> I *:rj? ..t the! First BB f iVachtrec on Jul Pr. an J an ' iV.r'ily of Blue S .day with Mr. and I'-achtree. Mr. d home with them i : Teachers, 1 atr -r-.s ami pupils are requeue d : 1 . :"iir -civ d. t_?7.^ r-EACH TREE. July 7.- i.:g an,] stoekV.i: is the or ! h in ht : : now. Grod IV hove. this place, who ha ' : ; r..;^ a spinal break down for . r i \v- !.-, w; a c m7-1 or>iti. H. Tii- niasson. th. past week to the hospital ;.t Morganton, N. C. Rev. <"; ^VKi'.ake!, of Andrews, preached here Saturday night. Dee K :n , of Vengeane.* Cr.ck, was a wekom v:-.tur hire Sunday. J. H. 7> in.u- oil and Charley L.in sford o ' mot 1 t Swain i County Monday. Mr. and ' r. Je.-s- Burr ell of Knoxville, Ti - .. v. .1 .1 their hr er, David B..: 1, . 4... . . the i past week. Mr. and Mv-. \V. F. : . f '' tral Peachtr .e were ea. i- oJ Mr. \ ar.d Mrs. T. J. Thomasson of t hi - J place Sunday. I f ! 1 . > V # . \ -r,{. ? l.Y?* ! "r . :* ! j?vf.ova 3 pa. ^. <>i? - 1 "2 v' tytyw ? r. \j ? Jg Ct ransxltyz^ee >* . . The most expensive picture ever screened?the greatest picture ever made. See itat the Bonita Theatre August the first at 2 P. M..Admission ' 50 cents and $1.00. - , Lips craci^d^^L I MENTHOLAIUM J V quickly heals ^ "" S. S. Lccscn For [July 27th, 1224 >:: r 1 y fs h ; Ira'd to him "it theii bt tfa S :n of : "jii:oT .t.u mo |f? approach .v..- hw ; 1:. ? il v ; .. a:ld sinless hunger of hi* i>,aa r.ood. The argument used vas that if hewere the Son of Go 1. He mi-usi that privilege to miliar to his m sity. with- vt ><. ri'.ir? th. " i'i su.uvr.-t ;h." V sho i i mini-tea i.\ i:.ir : It. v.- in It light. lit , a-...<1 H ... :>? sr . -1 y a lawful n un iiLgal fiishit . li.-i t ini t.it: ti was aii alt. ;>i to > /vert the will. Ih > was doi t' by a stibii. suggc-thm of c ui.ktaiii;'.- - i vioo. ia tdw *i i. i . I'Ava >\: .< .. '1 ; - a wa, .1 th?- naiur- - ; 1, i.iut: th> iMV ,;yc!ir.-. by . ixing tin- privileges and re-pan sib.iities of Sonship." in answer Jesus defines 1- own position. 11 reeagnizes trial it is a? a mar. *} ^fctMliRgiempted and as a man he meets the tempietion. [ The sword is used when he sa\ "It lis written". He ?ii*i not meet the | tiv viI a- God but as man and th.re: !< I. ?a "Ma:, shall not liv y . i? i ? ; , -/vr in wi!!. rail. "I...: i i ay i fa. ion ..... it ' \ r . - ..:i ; aruUi-usi:.. of the actual % s - . of : i . :r.n t.i H ni it : * jo H b city and says "If thou be the Son of God cs at th\ elf down: for it writt: H_ .h:.i; ;ri - hist nr. . Is tiva.-c cancc * viinfc th. * : r.r.d : i li : h; ' h -! :!! : t>. -e up. i t :.w a.:y time thou ds.sh thy ( foot against a stone. He i- try in? f- : ee -Te?us to demonstrate his :ru>t in :< I-a.-. ' - use? Scr.T* ::-rc in tenv~:in^ fc'ra. .A trusting ...ul never - uipt or t ' .a- trifle. It 'v quietly. r.VcU-- i ,:re ; cfirl-n- . Trust is n t evidenced by doing the ex*:;.or ra y. Wc do n;a n?. -I . do - magnifies nt to .1 vale tort : i: .. There arc raen vho - f a deiuonstratir.r - t :r. G f. By: r t never calls fur r.srh action. J'.-us i :>wt-red by ?u\injr in *t .ou nm.it u-c tk . _. yropvi!>, Ai'ain,"ir i - v.vuicn, Thou sr..-. ' r.f : tempt the Lord hy : .Wain the foe is vsnqui r.? -i " J b refv intr i?? (J b denr stratcd his pe v:\ct ccmfidt .e in hb; and thus rev aled for ail time the face that man, so t! v d ot -Ifisli interest as to he willing not t?> appear heroic. i:i confidence may dare fill !ic!i and issiu from tr.e conflict n> rc. than conqtieror. In the third temptation Satan r.-j ::!:zes that he cannot ruin the man but he dares to try to ruin his work, ? hi COtlld have gotten .Te?iis to hav\ rshipped him he would have had ( - art nearby by, ail the r >t ; imarkets are : ce >5ble. If anyone v.-i-hes t come t ? section, I v.il be glad t ; i; the- n find a f; : w. v.-:i ?. any-- j . v. : .. 1 -:;u n is Gu . or. /.ivi- : * t schin Oudjrer and t irho- 'to h':;!j s i?:o!. | iMi' IN'.; Si KINGS "V . we hav: en l?an" - v - s'.mc new i 0;: .ra. y 1 is progressing I v!\ iT.d v nnm.jr.nient < list* ric< t i . S. Davis. i . !I. Far.- " ! :e:ilv of Gar j . v. l - : -i vi.'i ;rs hare. ! H. j. r> .Ail. riTah ' i:U- y Lodge; No. r. A- .1. r;*.?!.r will; I'ii-; : : .. Mar. ' > Mrs. Bslie ' David: . r., Ranger 1 tubes were affected from the ?tror.u- i < ous coughing. They kept getting | ( weaker and I believe would have had serious pulmor.ary affection had it 1 not been for Dr. Pierce's Golden j' Medical Discovery. I gave them j j several bottles until they were i entirely out of danger and well and c strong. 1 would never hesitate in [ recommending Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery as a tonic after ! any prostrating illness, because it brings permanent strength."?MrsJosephine Arthur, 400 Toby St. Obtain Dr. Pierce's "Discovery** now from your druggist, in liquid or tablets. It can safely be given to . 1 little folks as it contains no harmful t ingredient. Write Dr. Pierce, Pres idunt Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y* . for free me&cal advice. * L'ttPHV. NORTH CAROLINA 1 SIFT ITEMS r I > .Mr. John *?. Ma^cr and family ti Djrkt vn vj.'ted th*. ir n. Buster, recently. The rnisss Wynetta, Willie, Yand! ' ant! Kate Curtis of Athen*. Tenn. are! visit :ng their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. McNrJ.: ?d ?.l . and Mrs. W. A. Cut is. Quit' a ft-v.* p*.,r>!e ;rom thi- ?. tit -i nted ti>. . - -S h.? 1 ::a i1 Masonic pier:. Shoal Creek !. *! .v turday. * v. w. r. : r ?i . "eon. i> vis.ti . : r.d- a::U re'lativ.s ! - . : r Ci ' ard H< r.-v I snake near h re 2 t Serdi y. T ey . ru u the captiv- er ! > ?.I*s: r.-. . i* : ' v. :.h, Tern. Rev. C. K. Hurler of Culberson i? s* riding a few d.y- he: . with heI lativ*: and fri nds. I:. Ja": F: : r ;.od .if-- c! j Duck; v.n visi-lcd Mr. and Mrs. W. Mnsley )n.-? Sunday. Mess;s. Luther and . I. Nal ri , jr'thc: yvi.-i 'h s hni th. weok-cid :*.h th. f as ai.nt . Mr :.ml Mrs. V.'. 1.. M \ C ! .'i. W. Beii ;.nti S\r r.uteudent A. L. Martin oi Muipry th .. .tie t .seel!', nt tall, to a wry at. er.v..j at the picnic t..-i S...uiday. Miss C??ra MrXabb \va> ...lied Lo rhill cm day last v?.rek on account f the illres:; of hoi i. ter, Mir. ri. iFib-key. Mr. .1. .'ohrse'i Sy? : t Fr tiny r itrht*: with Mr. F. Wt t;ti. J, Mrs. C. il. MtXaLb is visit! !ntiv< s i:t Ueilvitw this week. I, Wt are nav ng a few d;:ys revival | "i. g h ie. t :.lks but good . r. thi crops. Re v. I\ Deck has i tit- tl Hungingdcg to teacn a : utgirg scho i Mr. and M:s. J. F. \V od . ite.ta-riwith a singing ? u night last %. I <;R\XDVirW ITEMS The farmers ? .* thi. section ar: working in thrir ana laying by their rroy . Mrs. Homer Lovingood and little daughter visited th i; patents, Mr. I and Mrs. 1>. S. Davis f Boiling .Spr-j ngs vcr t! v; i h-c r:d. Mr. V. 11. Fai a i family ?>f Gas-' tonia v'si'i ! Mrs. Sun h:y.; Mr. tio), Lo\ ::i ; ?il tin pla.V i i- i e-erec'inr. : i- d\\ 1 I; iu ,-k v ' h:n i ziv: n d h.aiu Jr. ?.is li;iJte?\v?iau where h h.vbeen employed by Ch; :.v Mn rib. Coilipa. ; J. *- ulo . '.hi - I't'i r :?:e pinning t ? attend tiie revival meeting, v. hit ! will i held at Boiling Springs. July 2C>lh and will continue for about | two weeks. Mis. Flia L??\ i.v~ xl vi-keii her | si; t r, Mrs. O. C. Devi one d ?y !:j . . v ei . , Mr. Deck Knmw.y's of \V:.-hing- , ton is spending a few ! .. here w'.h ufMks. NOT!1 E TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the Highway Commission of Murphy Township will receive s.-akd bids until twelve ?'ciock. neon, Monday, Augu.-1 4th. 1P24. for the grading and improving of the public road leading f.< ? thr State Highway at the Fergu.- n fa . up peachtree I Creek to the new bridge on -aid | (?* #?< 1: PlnnA un.! ?? - ' I ???" Ul the said road, and information irregar.l the asr.our.t and nature of the work car be had en application to the undersigned, or to .1. R. MeLelland Engin^r, at Murphy, N.: All bids will be upon a yardage i r.asis for unela.srted with bid as guaranty of good ' faith, and with sufficient sureties1 uril! be required for completion of} :he work, to be in the penal sum rc-| juired by law. This July 22nd. lf?24. A. H. BROWN. Chairman Highway Commission of Murphy Township.? (50-2t-h.c.) .Someone in your community hai j icen the covered wagon. Ask them | (bout it and thn come to The Bonita' rheatre at Murphy and see it on k-gast the first. \Li*~ Suffered Foi Says Mrs. But Tanlac Brought Quick And Lasting kesuits "What Tanlac has done for m< seems too jrood t' a,,. :i statutory grounds; A d tht said dtelmkuit will tuttiler take not: e ih. t he is required to appear bel' r ihi Cleik <1 the Supciicr Court ? <" said county al hi-- office in ihi court house ir. Murphy.1 N. ( on ?.r * 1* ire the 'Jth day August, i.'Ji. ar.d nr sw r or demur to the ? : plaint file 1 in said ait. i r the ilainti. ' will aply to the court fo* the re! lernand.d in th- complaint. ?!.. ti , ; n ?.y '1 July. l.?24. li. E. IIAVIS. <*i. 1 ( iti) h'aptrtur Court. notice S . . i bids w i he iv c ivod for the ex .-I i v :; . sell i iliier I tin-:> .i et.ld drinks or both, on Cherokee Park during ike 1 :.i,. September 2;. 2*> .inn J"-... .-it , . i,v if \V. i Fain <-r the Cnortv \ ???** n it |*l!i iii i . tif. \ 1' lay, -\uiru?l I .si. Keep Well 'U Avoid Sickness < ~ TAKE is |PAHS?S?TH| r M t < pills i Q Oft Q ? ?t Bed Tim i, ? will cleans* the system, purify m m the pined and keep yea well, m For Constipation fc S Indigestion, Biliousness,?tr j? ^ Entirety Vegetable. r" PEACHES?ELEERTAS?For . sals direct to restaurants, hr'.L and homes; ehipmentsto begin about July 25th, lasting r.bout n week. Add-ess Cherokee Heights Orcsi-rds, Canton, Gu. (47- i't of Ch.'I.S ' aunty, N :\h Carolina, to i.htaJn an ah*,, r .< divorce upon statutory irrounds; And th. said deefndant will t'urth- | or take notice that ho i* repaired to appear before the C' ik <.f the Su* iior Court of said county at hi* offi-'i in the court house in Murphy. N. <*.. on or before the l)th day of An?-"us*. 11)24. and answ r or demur : the complaint filed :: .-id action or th plaintiff will aply to the court fo" he relief demand.d in the c -mt 'aint. T'ii- the 10th day of July. 11)24. K. E. DAVIS, ( : rk 4i?-4t-p?i> Superior Court, Beware Of Alcohoi Any man or woman v>. > suffers with kidney trouble should not take m.di. ints that contain ..lwhol. There i- u? he.be balm called I! bo Kind- nv and Bladder Remedy famous throuch the Southeast for its htal ntr properties? it is made it 'm an , -icrb nun that mil in parts of Ea t T-xas and Louisiana. It con-, tains no alcohol, opint :ti?fncti: ?: even in the most sivou- cases If yo.ii V.-nrc. * F. J. Chmey & Co., Toledo, G. >? tl&ZX, ticmi tyad. to Vacation jand/ SUCCESSFUL vacation. is not ;imply a week or two's rest. ^ change of scene, of climate vironment.n getting far away he things that you're used to pin the ocean?a camp in the oods ? a wonderful period of t in Northern lakes or some ed little inland stream?horse iding over the mountains? 'ling different from the thing3 > during the other fifty weeks year. That's the real vacation. iu're undecided as to where let an L. & N. Passenger Agent ou with information as to acodations, costs, etc. Mountakes, sea shores, inland water2cos?are all reached by the or train service of "The Old ?le"?and remember that one many points of the superiaf this threat railroad system excellent dining-car service. ,?? - 3?m: ....... ,-JiJ