?AGE FOUR " 1 LEGAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE. The Beard of County Commission-, are of Cherokee County will receive ] sealed bid< until eleven o'clock a. m. ( en Tuesday. August 12th, 1921, at j the office <sioners, Murphy, N. C., or to A. H. Frown, chairman of Highway Comm:>si n of Murphy Township, Murphy. N. C. A. M SIMONDS. Clerk of Board of County Commissioneis, Cherokee County. <4S-4t-nit) ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. The undersigned has qualified as Mmmistr&tor 01 tne esrnie 01 l.. j\. Randall, deceased, and al lperson* having claims against the said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, at Murphy. N. C., within the time required by law, or this notice will be pl? nded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement with the undersigned. J. H. PAYNE, Admi nistrator of L. A. Randall, (4S-6t-jhp) deceased. NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR ROAD BONDS OF SHOAL CREEK TOWN SHIP, CHEROKEE CO., N. C. At the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Cherokee County, North Carolina, en the 7th day of July, 1924, a petil tion was presented to the said board Signed by more than fifty resids nts. freeholders, and qualified voters of Shoal Creek Township. Cherokee County, N. C., asking that the said hoard call an election to be sumbitted to the qualified voters of said township for the issuance of $."0,000 mad nurtinsw fur the imnrove ment and construction of the public miiH jpiiHing fro?i t!:? Shallow Fordj steel bridge, aproximately with the old road as set out in the petition to the Tennessee state line, a distance of about nine miles; alst to connect the road with the other pubtic road or highway at the Suit place in said township, as per the petit>c filed, approximately a distance of 2 miles, it being approximately with the said old road. It is ordered by the Hoard of County Commis-ioneis ir. regular session on the 7th day of July, 1024, that Ml election be ht Id in She>al Creek Township, Cherokee County, X. C., en the 15th day of August, iyU4, under the general election laws anc local election laws applying to this tWnty at the various precincts ir ht V? OJpUl township ia order that the voter* of said township may determine whether or not the said board shal issue the $50,000 road bonds fo road improvement and constructioi as set out in the said netiton. It is ordered by the Board o County Commissioners lor the pur Iyose of carrying out and holding th said election in Shoal Creek Town |hip in said county that H. I. Taylo It hereby appointed as Registrar an that J. J. Jones and E. A. Anderso are hereby appointed as Judges o Shoal Creek precinct; that Grie Hunbree is hereby apointed as Re$ iatrar and H. M. Berrong and Julit Steed are hereby appointed as Juds aa at Vests precinct; that W. F. Hi )i hereby appointed as Registra ikd M. C. Dehart and E. H. Berron are hereby appointed as Judges t liberty precinct. It is ordered by the Board that tl register books for the said electic shall be opened on Saturday the 12i day of July, 1924, and each Saturds thereafter for four successive weel at the said precincts, viz.: Sho; Greek, Vests, and Liberty, for tl registration of those desiring to vot edbo are not on the registration book That the register books be closed c Saturday the 2nd day of Augus 1924. That at the said election, those i fhvor of the bond issue shall vot eft a written or printed paper ball< ?f the regulation size and form "F< %SO,0OO Bond Issue foT Road In fvdvtment"; those who are not i favor ef the bend issuance shall vol ^ a written or printed ballot < I k* , ADVERTISER the regulation size "Against $50,000 [ Bond Issue for Road Improvement." That the said election be held uu[ der the election law ard laws that applies to Cherokee County, and the usual ways that election* are held. That after the election has been held the returns of the same be made to (this board as provided by law in such > cases. That notice of this election bo pm*t< d at the court house door and j that the same be published n the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper with general circulation, published at Murphy. N. C.. for rot less than f. Mr i ir?pontiv?i ?> 'iiftt t* date of said election. S. \V. LOVINGOOP. Chairman f Beard e! vs. ?n C. B. Crisp Lh | NOTICE, ty I Let the defendant, C. B. Crisp ?! take notice that an action entitled a al above has been commenced agains le him by the above named defendant.' e. and that pluries summons has issue s. in the same returnable before th n Clerk of the Superior Court on At t, trust 25, 1924, at 10 o'clock a. m. that the purpose of said action is t in remove a cloud upon the title of plai te tifs to the two parcels of Tract Nc or #>650. Grant No. 2986, of record i: >r said county in Deed Book T (19) o a- page 54, the alleged claim of t:tl in cast by Grant No. 12873 for Entr te No. 8187, which is claimed by sai>f defendant: reference being made t i - i ir^* THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MU dENTS ? . both of said grants and to the complaint for greater detail of description. Let said defendant further take notice that he is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, in the Court house in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 25th day of August, 1U24. and answer the complaint n w en file, or the relief prayed wiil he granted. This July 28. 11*24. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk Sup* rior Court, Cherokee Co., N. C. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR PARDON. dersigned will, upon the expiration of the time required by law, present a petition to Hi? Excellency the Gov rnor of North Carolina for the parJon of her husband. Richard Pickletimer, now serving a sentence in the common jail of Cherokee County and :t??igmd to work on the roads of said county for violations of the prohibition law. This the 29th day of July. 1924. MRS. RICHARD PICKLESIMER. <51-2t-pd) DELINQUENT TAX SALE. North Carolina?Cherokee County The undt 's gned Tax Coiector r.f taid county will sell on Monday September 1. 1924, at the court house dot.r in Murphy, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, the following lands upon which taxes for the year 1923 have not been! paid, the same being listed for taxation in th. name and for the amount given below, with cost? added in each ca e a - follows: Hothouea Township Name Acres Ami. J. P. Crow 220 62.11 Notla Township Mrs. M. L. Crowder, A. M. Crmvder's interest in 100 6.34 Joe E Gregory 600 14.14 Mrs. K. P. Hall 246 47.05 J. W. McTaggart 116 10.25 W. M. Raper 35 9.06 Charles E. Suit 70 17.35 Miawnsst-c River Power Company 107.60 Shoal Creek Township. J. T. Ledford SO 4.78 I. A. uwuiasun's Inierest in 45 acres Calvin Robinson land 14.58 J. B. Ro;? 30 10.05 John Stile? .. ..32 6.12 [Mr?. Quitman Stile? ..SO 1.25 A. B. Self 87 14.23 Hlawasj-ec River Power I Company 050 283.15 Arthur Jones 40 7.20 I Marion Thompson 700 7.62 Hiawussee River Powt r Company 603 43.41 Bravtrdam Township ! John W. Bryson 1-6 F. M. Bryson land . .. .. . 5.30 ! A. M. Bryson 1-6 h. M. Bryson laud 5.30 Walter Bryson 1 lot 2.02 Walter Burgess 65 18.47 C. G. Burges-s 15 13.4S T. U. & J. P. Brown 2042 277.0f j George Crawford 30 21.84 I J. II. Crawford 784 60.83 Lee Crawford 108 51.6C : Cherokee Timber Co 8470 1527.41 j acres L> M. Hamby Heir? 7.3( . j Edgar Hamby's interest in 101 Hiawassee River Lumbar Company 6500 78151 | A. S. Kilby 2 lots 14.3: Mrs. S. L. Kilby 37 5.3< t|T. J. McDonald 517>a 88.1: - Florence Marrow 40 3.9' . L. B. Mashburn 75 12.3IW. L. McNabb 20 28.5 ! H. T. Murphy 2 lots 13.7' . | Florence McClure. 70 17.0 W. R. Radford 12 2.2 . Jame? W. Roberts 00 31.7 W. D. Rogers 768 37.2 Theodore Thompson 40 5.2 j j Sam Young 50 10.1 j P. E. Nelson, agt 640 36.1 P. fc. kelson dz Adams 1198 65.8 Branrvon & McCall .....196 21.0 H. C. Kirby 1 4 >. J. H. McCall and J. H. s Howard 245 xn 18.7 t I.ucinda Montgomery 90 1-3 2.3 Hiawassee Rivor Power d Company. 647 71.(1 e Valley town Township. i- Andrews Iron Mining Co. 50 92.2 ; C. T. Parker 2 lots 17.2 o Sam Birchfield 64 13.' n W. G. Brown 90 19." ). I. N. CarpenteT 10 9.2 n JL A. Chambers 57 31.1 t Frank Cofey 32 5.4 e S. M. Coffey 5 6.2 y Mrs. Alice Conley .... 1 lot 13.( d G. W. Conley's Interest in 1 o lot belonging to Mrs. Alice RPHY. NO*,fH CAROLINA wg. Jgrn v - ?I VIEW OF THE NEW SHEETROCK AT PLASTERCO. VA.. ( Conley 7.51 ( H. H. Cole 3 lots 34.38 Mrs. Maggie Coxcy .. 2 lots 15.65! Dovar & Cclc 1300 176.07 \V. R. Dockery 1 lot 22.85 S. E. Everett 60 5.42 Jasper Gunter 1 lot 4.80 Thomas Gibby ......... 10 0.00 j' H. B. Gibby * 40 0.87 .{ S. M. Holland 20 51.91 I Martha Huskins 70 8.60;j J. E. Kephart 3 lots 56.151 J. H. 14idd 50 16.23 J. R. Leach 40 148.04 1] X. II. Lovincood 7 lots 17.521' J. A. Ma.hliur:-. 8 l. t? ' O. C. JlrLcan 24 12.86 ' B. U Padgett 3 lot. 37.34 H. IV Padgett, interest in 1 lot 7.10 Wyniar. Padgett 1 lot 34.60 F.. A. l arker 10 21.76 R. S. Porter 210 235.22 H. P. Phill-p- 45 17.16 .1. E. Taylor W 60.79 .Mis. Clyde Thompson ....3 3.08 E. J. Truett 83 8.01 h. G. West 2 lots 135.48 Mrs. Ruth Whitnk r 30 3.04 |t. j. Wilson 1-3 of 76 2.87 I John- Wood 8 7.05 , i g. a. Holderby 2 lots 2.02 j i H. H. Hyde 3 lots 27.00! j Sanford 1 horr.pson 20 4.10 J Bob Cooper 2 lots 12.10 jj. C. Ellis 1 lot 11.95 J. C. Abropast Jr 10 33.00 j John E Patton 1200 317.56 P. S. Crisp 3 lots 27.00 B1 Alice Dewnr ....3300 208.45 Murphy Townchip H. D. Amos 3 10.70 ;\V. O. Almond 75 13.13 Ruthu Arrowood 75 7.08 G. \Y. Barton 1 lot 11.00 !joe Burnett 50 7.38 P. M. Rirchfield 41% 25.20 L. E. Barm tt 1 1 * 10.01' ! .loe Buineti 2 26.22 IS. Westray Battle .. 2 lots 5.07 'Battle & Sinclare ....1500 658.40 Miss Cinda Clark ..16 2-3 2.38 I. E. Chastain 37*4 10.44 'Cherokee Co. 9 lots & 1800 2506.10 I G. G. Corn well heirs ...12 9.15 jj. S. Chastain 168 52.13 > Mary Cook 118 9.75 I Ira Clark 60 14.8S , M. I.. Crisp 120 15.50 i j A. F. Dockery 102 6.50 ; J. H. Dockery Jr 133 12.19 I. A. W. Dockery 162 28.28 1 Mrs. A. J. Dockery heirs 39 16.-1-0 i Thomas Dockery 75 23.93 :lj. M. Decker 29 22.68 ?!W. S. Davidson SH . 2 lots 11.83 ' Fred Decker % 0.48 Harve Elkins 3 lots 99.53 1 T. C. Eppere 130 19.70 1 Mrs. \V. E. Ferpuson . .853 154.44 3 John Franklin 1 lot 7.39 2 W. J. Gropan 63% 4.88 [> > Mrs. E. A. Gipson .... 1 lot 4.62 ll W. P. Hail 28 9.27 1 ! J. O. Hembree 5 6.68 0 j J. O. Hensley 6 14.09 J j Holder Bros 1 lot 86.80 8 I Hiawassee River Power Co, Va 0j interest in Robert? farm. 67.70 0 J. F. Kephart 75 4.0? ^ Bryan Martin 1 lot 25.64 4 1T. C. McDonald 1 lot 19.51 2 .J. W. McRae IS 5.81 2 ! Rolin McoDnald 55 15.0! Ojw. A. McDonald Ill 16.71 Helen McGuire 18 O.K TW. H. Meroney 105 158.41 1|E. A. Pace 22 9.5 '81L. A. Pace 125 22.2( A. M. Pace 60 6.1! 141 George Palmer 24 13.3! A. J. Rogers 880 85.3: !0 G. D. Ricks 555 191.0 10 John Roberta 81 63.9 iS.G. W. Roger? 123 9.9 '8 M. H. Rowland 44 9.5 55 A. J. Roland 13 5.0 '2 Mrs. L. L. Scroggs 212 61.4 5 J. N. Stiles 69 12.h 13 T. J. Sword 42 378.3 12 'John Walker 150 16.3 si. N. Wilson 35 22.6 T. J. Wilson 70 23.3 * i. * ' . ? ' * b-*' - r , ^ * J> * ~ jfck* 5 "l" ? Z'j'tj * ? ' T\ " J r - WALL BOARD MILL OF THE UN 11 COMPLETED JULY IS AT A COS T jYPSUM company opens big plant i n virginia PI aster co, Va., July 31.?Opening f th- sheetrock wall board mill of( he United States Gypsum Company,! lere on July loth means the launehng of a new industry for the Southast. The plant, valued at $400,000 < .vill manufacture 100,000 square feet i day of fireproof gypsum wallboard ' md will be the only one in the South) ast pie lucing this building material.t This plant was built to enable Car j i linians to obtain better walls and leiling- at moderate cost. Before, now they have had to pay high j freight rates on wallboard* made in the North. The Plastereo mill ha? easy acciss to the N. & \\\, Southern. Atlantic Coas Line, Seaboard Aair Line and, through them, all other rail roads covering North Carolina. That insures low-cost deliveries to small cities a- well as large centers, and it m?nn? tVmf Inmhor nml hnililliur ?un. ply dealers ran pet wallplasters, lime, finishinp plasters, Textone and Sheetrock decorator and othe^ products made by the United States Gypsum Company in mixed car lots at carload rates. Shtetrock consist of g>T8Um roc^ mined at Plasterco and converted in-, to sh.ets 3-8 inch thick and of sizes eonvenitnt te fith the .studding ox any room. These r.pid, easily handled units, which can be sawed ana nailed like wood, are used as substitutes for ship-lap and other inferior room finishes, thus making possible a higher standard cf home builtlinp. j Because these larpe sheet- ate quick and easy to apply, and because they are fireproof, the Elliott Building: Company, of Hickory, N. C., Is using Sheetrock to line 330 houses for the Erwin Cotton Mills at Duke, near Fayettcville. Two hundred 4room horn?? beside:- a community dininp hall ant. a t achers' home of 17 Luthvr Allen .1 1.1S T. W. Dockery 150 21.10 G. \V. v^uevn 30 3.69 Hiawassee Power Co. . .350 70.39 Robert L. Beaver 2 5.50 F. H. James llot 9.15 J. \V. Herb rt 1 lot 3.10 Sam Craig 7 16.40 John Calbert 1 let 3.10 T. II. Shurt 1 lot 17.10 Bell McLeymore 42 12.60 W. P. ODOM. Sheriff. I Mrlvpr' ATAV1 W M. OPEN FOR BUSINEJ . i Up Stairs Over Murpl ] have installed a comp !. ern apparatus and we give absolute satisfacl |'l s We Make Every K ? 7 Kodak Finishing s 1 n Mclver 2 "Porraits < Friday. Augu?| 8t 1924 -V-* .: r - ?,'v; 91 I ? 1 ^^gg; :ed states gypsum company of $400,000.00 ooms were built there in six nn.r th?. 'hat quick work would have been micssible unless Sheetrock had been isc-d. The results were so satisfaeorv that 500,000 feet more of thtr .nllboarU was delivered this summer ' or the construction of the second init of 130 homes. Being: made of rock, this wallboard annot ignite. Gypsum is one of the ?-st insulators known, sr. this wall toard shuts heat in and cold out, relucing fuel bills in cool climates and ncrcasing comfort in hot repons. Tnlike pulp or fibre wallboards, it an he painted, calcimined, papered -r covered with any other prtpared vail fabrick. That i- why it makes mssible a better type of dwelling?- | rcnstructlon. It offers a chance for uiilding more sanitary, more comVrtable, and inexpensive. CHICHESTERS PIUS CMAMONO BRANO At 9 for CHI-CHES-TH* ? A DIAMOND HK AND pills tu Ri.D cold me'.illic bo***, scaled wiih BUct?7 Ribbon. tam ko qtiei. ?."j.ft7it v Drurlil ,nd uk for CfH-CUKS-TtR * DIAMOXO nnAJID rIT.I*. for twentTfl<* ?,r. ?,rAr,\ r>a Brll Slfnl AlwITI RcliAbl*. sold by all druggists everywhere TESTED Unme Fortune jBMctimca make? me cuss, A fickle wench is she. For, while she smiles cn other ffuy. Gosh dern, she laughs at me. ( |B lilnWiimiMaM wO.%fl,\E^TAL MARBLE V a GRANITE COMPANY i Canton, Ga. 1 W. K. DERREBERRY, Agt. I Marble. N. C. I If You Wont Anything In Mon-1 | umtnti, So. M. (octlO-pd) I s Studio 3S, MONDAY, AUG. 4 iy Hardwars Co. We ilete equipment of modguarantee our work to tion. i and of Photograph 1% Picture Frame* * 's Studio I if Distinction" j a i