^ The people cf thi# Iof visitors ".~d want t themselves at home Every c fort will be r the 22id cf August e ing visitors any court W. M. FAIN GROCERY COMPANY Wholesale Fruits and Groceries CHEROKEE MANUFACTUKRING CO. Finished Lumber of All Kinds WOFFCRD-TERRELL COMPANY Wholesale Groceries, Dry Goods & Notions TOWNSON & ANDERSON Complete House Furnishers R. S. PARKER?THE REXALL STORE Ice Cream, Cold Drinks, Drugs, Smokes DAVIDSON & CAKRINGER i Groceries, Dry Goods & Shoes THE MURPHY BAKERY Bread, Pies, Cakes, Restaurant in Connection BRITTAlN S HARDWARE Hardware, Farm Implements, Paints and Bu-'lders' Supplies COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Insist On Genuine Coca-Cola I MURPHY SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, Tires, Tubes and Accessories Free Parking Space and Re3t Room CHEROKEE MOTOR COMPANY Automobile and Machine Repairing Flint, Star and Durant Cars, Sales and Service THE BANK OF MURPHY Total Resources $430,000.00 J. W. DAVIDSON Men's Furnishings, Ladies Shoes and Hose SLOCUMB'S VARIETY STORE "Something for Everybody" _ I Feel Perfectly Free I Make Yourselves j * -HE CHEROKEE SCOUT, MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA PJWWBHLgLgLWLWPJW ? IMIIMIM III I 7 totwJflOHM tire section ?lw?.y? find zl \y .vo'ccme to v hu^ ^uri^ff J-Ko -"?vf *?"' r *? ' - - ? ? ???uvav cvrv. v/. i .4 v - CAjji"C( 3*. \1~ :o take his method cf wc co ail them and' invi with us while here. nedc tc care for visiters du irg the Tf'iett tnee1 usd any merchant, bus?r.e;s man or citizen wi*' 1 :esy possible. E. C. MOORE Overland, Dcdge and WiVys Knight Automob:les, SrJes and Service MURPHY HARDWARE COMPANY Hardware, Tinware, Cooking Uter.3iis and Farm Implements DR. MERONEY'S DRUG STORE Drugs, Cold Drinks, Cigars and Candies | T. N. BATES Groceries?Cars For Hire DICKEY MOTOR COMPANY Chevrolet A.utomobiies, Sales and Service J. M. STONER Cash Grocery Store?Coffee a Specialty CORNWELL'S GROCERY Fresh Meats and Groceries GRIFFITH S, Inc. Suits, Dresses and Skirts, Women's and Children's Wear, Infants' Shoes ' J. G. GREENE Complete Line of Grocer-es Country Produce LOVINGOOD BROTHERS Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes a Specialty W. B. DICKEY & SONS Groceries, Feed, Flour, Notions, Shoes J. M. VAUGHN Clothing and Shoes For Men and Boys WHITE'S CAFE Meals and Lunches Cooked right and Served Right to Visit Our Place \t Home While V \ iimh ?iii n,,, ,,; [ I ,| | _ .isurJW number ,;r:g then-* 13 make P I | I C. B HILL Furniture, Ccffiiio z-r'3 CHRISTOPHER'S LEADING DRY GOODS STORE The Place for Ladiu' & IV- . n's Road}-toWeav CHEROKEE HARDWARE COMPANY Wholesale Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Farm Machinery, Paints and Oils MURPHY GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP Automobile and Machine Service Station Hay, Grain, Feedstuff and Heavy Groceries 3 '9?s s ? WM. P. PAYNE Wholesale and Retail Groceries and Feed ' Just Over the River" THE CHEROKEE BANK State Depository Resources $330,000.00 JOHNSON'S MARKET Fvesh Meats of Ail Kinds THE DICKEY HOTEL Eat, Drink and Rest Awhile at The Dickey House REGAL HOTEL savage Brothers, Owners & Managers I Rooms, Meals and a Place to Rest I 1 THE CHEROKEE SCOUT l Printers & Publishers ' I I I J CANDLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE I Ladies' Dresses, Caps, Hats, Shoes, Hosiery I Men's Clothing and Dry Goods I >s of Business and I isiting In Murphy I E