I Friday. AuI*rt 2l? 1924 I M/V -vobert Pinkerton and son*. ISfl/WiJIiam and Herman, all \ i- it nt: M ro?'^f'p-^Mr J' E"1>arker" j1 jje55r?.V ntL and Luther McNabb . rit!b theyla'milies spent the week-! foi witS^home folks here, returning ** 0 Col ' rhill Sunday afternoon. ^ Hyatt, the infant son of Mr. and Kp. M Burger, is very ill at this \(r T, Johnson and wife of Teljco PI us, Ttnn, are visiting Mrs. u a rents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave a] Hcklesir^cr. Mi?s Cora McNabb is on an ex-; .r,i. i to Coj perhill and points (l =_ r. I" wamm >4 Among those blessed with the op-] prtunity of attending the Truettl netting urfe the following: M. M.js Buret- and wife; H. B. McNabb, i h wife and -on; Mr. Ira Taylor and ' family; Mr and Mrs. C. H. McNabb: Mrs. Thai ma Spark? and others. ! Mr. Ed Rose, son of J. J. Rose. 1? v risitin,: in this part for a few day?. 1 CULLOWHEE IS INDUSTRIAI SITUATED IN ONE OF THE VALLEYS IN WESTERf The Cullowhee Norma! and Ind , tc-iv i schools, embracing 1. Standn.d Two-Year No 2. Standard Four-Year Ilij 3. Demonstration School. Total attendance last session 6 6 states. The Cullowhee Normal and Ii in place among the leading institu The cost per session \v 11 avc opens September 16. For Catalog, H. T. Hun L-_ N1 I We graphs t< invited ti Al? i Qta? an/1 I ?? ? 1 E Phone 1 - ^ _ Rev. Frank Birchfield is to preach Friendship next aSturday night, ugust 30th. 4 Mr. Howard Thompson, of Black vuntain, X. C., is visiting his father ' H. Thompson, for a few days. 1 Miss Lola Sanders, of Gastonia. visiting friends and relatives in lis part. Miss Ruth Beaver, who has been at , astonia for some months, is spend:g a few days at home. Lecrah Hickey has had to disconnue her school work at Farner on ceount of ill health. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Beaver, of lastonia, are spending a few days ith the former's parents. Mr. and irsr. .\. v . Beaver. A!,,... r II M.AWW nn.I Ur. I hel Hambv motored from Copperill Sunday afternoon and spent a ew pleasant hours with friends. Work on the Dillard Highway Is. irogressing nicely. All honor to j chom honoi is due. Mr. Dave Picklesinier seriously 11 at this writing. Tor First-Class SHOE REPAIRING Come to riLSON'S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP W. T. DERREBERRY. Manager Murphy, N. C. We Pay Tared Post one way In 50(49-4t-pd.) IORMAL AND . SCHOOL MOST BEAUTIFUL RIVER 4 NORTH CAROLINA ustriul School is in reality a sysmal School, rh School. 23, representing 45 counties and idustrial School is rapidly taking tions in North Carolina, imge about $200. Fall Quarter write ter, President, Cullowhee, X. C. ? = 1 iW EE jA\ jmf have just added this lin a our musical departmer 9 hear this wonderful mi 9 Columbia Grafonolas > Baldwin Pianos. ?? ?v? re unci coi^u ui . SEE US nson & Am 'Everything For The Hi 14 M TiW. CHEROKEE SCOUT. M BOILING SPRINGS* Aug. 18.?We are having quite a ?pell of dry wether just now. Our Sur.dav school > just about Lo die, we are sorry to say. Every body come* and visit our Sunday school and let's keep the banner of Kinm Emmanuel floating above us. Rev. Gilbert, of Canton. N. C.. preached a very interesting sermon Sunday. We are very glad to say that Murphy is bearing our most prominent preacher. Dr. Truett. Crops are just fine now. We have a nice crop of fruit also. The people of thi- section are attending the meeting at Murphy this week. we art' very sorry we umn i gei our items in last week. but here they arey. Mrs. Laurir.a Smith, of Andrew, is visiting her sister, Mr*. S. F. Abcrnathy this week. We are thanking the people of Owl Creek, Grandview, and all other places for attending our revival meeting last week. Mr. Garfield Mundy and brother Stanton Mundy and their wives art visiting their parent?, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Mundy. They are Wert Yir i uininns. Mr. Robert Fain and family hav ] moved on D. S. Davis' farm. Our school is just doing splendi< under the management ol" Prof Hil lard I.ovingcod, and Assistant M s I lane Mulkey. ! Mr. William Mos smadc a businct I Hall's Catarrh Medicine I Those who arc in a "run down" condl lion will notice that Catarrh bother ' them much more than when they are ii ' good health. This fact proves that whll< Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatl; i iniluer.ccd by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ccn sist* of an Ointment which Quickl Relieves by local application, and th Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assist , In Improving the General Health. 1 Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. 1 F. J. Cheney St Co.. Toledo, Ohio. HSON ie of Phonoit. You are ichine. ind records, Instruments Jerson me" urphy, N. C. ' 1UKTHY. NORTH CAROLINA trip to Marble Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Mundy were visitors of Mrs. Eulalia DrfYis Saturday. PEACHTREE August l'J.?Mr. D. C. Burger is suffering with blood poisoning this week. " i' hI?k." ju. . i?" rhy , here . ' T, ^ 1 A. R. !! : i K a '.tm ly the Co .u- r : . tree . J lOu.1: r.ii?e ' lUippvU with J . hi-i:' ati\ irarnt::. \ -1 Ivtto *' -N : "n- ' . here j li.y.l t.oiHj Ic.iK More h j Xh-urphy. reasonable. B. P. , . Meb N- < Mi are V'.LES E. .V add ELL & CO ri Mriihed ,-;o. ness r-and spaciflcaticm i.-i : cofiatxuet on, o; eratfon j ;,ian:> ?hydr. or t- am. J cr aif'operation last Tuisday. 1 ?| Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson and > children from Tellico arc visiting rel atives here thi- week. ' Mr. Van Johns n spent last wet] ?nd with home folks. j Mr. Philo Trull is having a rev dwelling bu'.t on his property. L. R. Payne from Ashtville, N ^ C.. was in this section leasing th iron or this week. We hepe to se s work start soon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Donley were i s Murphy on busines- Friday. . Subscribe To The Scou iHDO Mond, mi V/JL1L1J t I ' In Murph; ing Event By Next ! Carolina < I nn h 1 ej A. W. JHcLEAN, who wiH .?peak ] at the Labor Day celebration, Sep EV ' I MOTHER. By Nada R. Ray 'Mid life's cowmotious disma:! fears, 'mid cares and woes and floodof tears, how sweetly breaks upor tht ear. some words of comfort o? of cheer, yet of cur friends there is { not another who speaks as gently a? our mother. Hp:? disaj p..intments crowd each narvo 1 our brightest hopes soon fade J ier t'c and friends long trusted ofte-1 i ve, wc scarcely know whom tol Joi:*Jve, yet though we fear to trust o- other, we're not afraid t?> tru-tl pics mother. ' v . The following bargains in real c: - | 50 acre farm and boxed house, c j school antl on mail route. Good fru ? 53 acre orchard, pastui ar.d ti A real bargain at $4.00 per acre. p SO acre-, two-thirds in timber, office, church and schools. Strong 155 acres, with good dwelling, business. 1500 erossties, good pasti ? one mile from main highway. A ni at $15.00 per acre. H. D. COMMON'S, Loving. Ga., 3HR I LTVli 1 n ay, oeptem Will Be CDD / LII1U y By Good Featurinj Governor and Free B THE PROG] 9:00 o'clock Band C > 9:30 A. M. Baseball 11:00 A. M. Speakii j By Hon. A. W. Mtl m B 12:00 Free Barberc I 4:00 Baseball I 7:30 Phndl^ncert here t. 1. ERYBODY C PAGE TKPEE KNOW THYSELF -^9 When pontic twilight sits On day's forsaken throne. 'Mid the >wm And at the time of rest Ere sleep asserts its p u . . Hold pleasant converse f thyself In meditation's bower. There ar three words tnn? swr tlj blend Th^t on the heart are grav n. I Precious nothing balm they lend? jThey're Mother. Home and Heaver. I f11 'J MiSE ) , ^CONTINENTAL MARELE & GRANITE COMPANY Canton, G*. W. K. DERREEERRY. A2t Marble. N. C. ?f You Wan! Anything In Monument*. Sef Me ' luse ? to rhuich. new house a:td barn?, close to post red land for only $5.00 per acre, tenant houses, and mill doing good ires, 15 to 20 acr?s bottom land, only loney nmkrr.jr farm ar.d a real bnrgaia , 41' miles ea?t of Mineral Bluff. )AY i rswi^ UIJJ -Will Buildg Speaking of North arbecue. RAM FOLLOWS oncert game 3 | ig at Tabernacle C&n - ?} ue on Riverside Park 1.B1 on the square Xllll :ome