t ZZZ | LEGAL * DELINQUENT TAX SALE. J J North Carolina?Cherokee County ' The undersigned Tax Colector cf. said county "will sell on Monday September 1, 192-4. at the court house j ? door in Murphy, N to the highest' bidder for cash, at public tutcry, ^ the following lands up-, n which taxes for the year 1923 have r. t beer. . paid, the same being :sted I'.r tax- . ation in the name and for the- amount' . giTer. below, with -t- added in eh case a.- follows: -dothcuei TcwTithip Nam* Acres A?t. j A. J. Gadd.s 520 11.95 , Notla Township ( J. P. Crow . .220 o2.ll Mrs. M. L. Cr.wder, A. M. B Crowder s .-.ttre.-t :r. 100 56.34 Joe E Gregory . 600 14.14 Mrs. R. P. Hall 24*' 4T 5 J. W. McTa-.'uart ...116 10.25 W. M Rapt ... . 35 $.06 CharK- E .Suit . . IT..55 Miawas-e Rivtr P .ver Company 107.60 Shoal Creek Township. J. T. Ledf-rd ?0 4.7S p J. A. Robir r - Interest in 45 acre- ^ Calvin R-.bir- r. land 14."A j J. B. Rcr-s . . .30 10.55 ; -.i John Stiles 32 6.12 , j, Mrs. Quittner .StUe> 1) 1.25 \* a r? ?v * -i-'-q-o - - Hiawassee River Power \\ Compary . . . 283.15 j Arthur Jo-ft- ; 7.20 j Marion T'r. - r. . . .7 7.62 rj Hiawassce Ri - - P *.vfr ' yj Company . .... .6 3 43.41 Bcaverdam Township j John W. Dry n 1-6 F. M. C Bryscn .s.r.'i .".30 t A. M. Bry-r. 1-6 F. M. Bryson . d 5.30 r, Walter Br. icn . 1 ! 2. 2 \\ Walter Bjr?< - 5 18.47 jj G. G. Burt- 15 13.49 j\y J. U. A J. P. Brown . 2"42 277.' 6 jr George Crawford. 30 21>4 i># J. H. Crawford 7 * 4 69.83 a. Lee Crawford .10* 51.00, q Cherokee T rr.be/ C > 8479 1527.47; \ acres L. M. Hamhv K-ir- 7.3" !q Edgar Hamby's tnterest in 101 . j, Hi&wassee River Lumbar ; g. Company 6500 781501m, A. S. Kilby . 2 lots 14.341 a. Mrs. S. L. Kilby 37 5.30 M: T. J. McDonald 517 4 88.12 fj. Florence Marrow 40 3.90 j. L. R Mashburn 75 12.34 W. L. McXabb 20 28.51 f. H. T. Murj.hy 2 lots 13.70 7 Florence McClure. .70 17. >4 Lu W. R. Radf.rd .12 2.28 T. James W. Roberts 90 31.70 G. W. D. Rogers 768 37.20 Hi Theodore Thompson 40 5.29 Rc Sam Young 50 10.14 F. P. E. Nelson, agt 6 40 36.12 J. P. E. Nelson & Adams 110S 65.89 Sa Branxion & McGall 196 21.00 j0 H. C. Kirhy 1 47 J. H. McCall and J. H. Re Howard 245 4 18.74 T.nr>it/4<. "A 1 o 0 or. Hiawassee Rivor Power ^ Company. 647 71.04 Valleytown Township. ?}, Andrews Iron Mining Co. 50 92.20 . T. Barker 2 lot* 17.20 Sara Birchfield 64 13.35 ? W. O. Brown DO 19.78 I. N. Carpenter 10 9.25 R. A. Chambers 57 31.72 ta] Frank Cofey 32 5.45 aj, S. M. Coffey 5 6.93 hi, Mrs. Alice Conley .... 1 lot 13.02 an G. W. Conley's Interest in 1 in Jot belonging to Mrs. Alice q\ Conley 7.51 pu H. H. Cole 3 lots 94.38 lh Mrs. Maggie Coxey . . 2 lots 15.65 re Dewar & C:le 1300 176.07 til "W. R. Dockery 1 lot 22.85 qq S. E. Everett 60 5.42 sa Jasper Gunter 1 lot 4.80 pa Thomas Gibby ... ? . . .10 9.90 ca H. B. Gibby * 40 9.87 a M. Holland 20 51.91 de Martha Huskins 70 8.60 bo J. E. Kephart 3 lots 56.15 pi, J. H. Ladd 50 16.23 tjc J. R. Leach 40 148.04 N. H. Lovingood 7 lots 17.52 no J. A. Mashburn 8 lots 32.45 ap O. C. McLean _ . 24 12.80 tj, B L. Padgett .... 3 lots 37.34 ho H. D. Padgett, interest in 1 lot 7.19 X. Wymah Padgett 1 lot 34.60 da E. A. Parker 10 21.76 Co R. S. Porter 210 235.22 prj H. P. Phillips 45 17.16 28 I. E. Taylor i 1% 69.79 Mrs. Clyde Thompson ...3 3.98 E. J. Truett 83 8.91 (5 L. G. West 2 lota 135.48 Mw. Ruth Whitaker 30 3.94 T. J. Wilson 1-3 of 76 2.87 John Wood 8 7.95 C. A. Holderby 2 lots 2.02 of B. Hyde 3 lota 27.00 wc Skaford Thompson - 20 4.70 Cr Bab Cooper 2 lots 12.10 thi J. C. Ellis 1 lot 11.95 no JL C Abrogast Jr 10 33.90 L ' v te. 41 ADVERTISED ohn E Patton 1200 317.50 t< '. S. Crisp 3 lots 3f.00 rr t?s. Alice Dewar 3300 208.45 tl Murphy Town?hip C i D. Amos 3 10.70 V. O. Almond 75 13.13; lutha Arr'wood 75 7.081 i. W. Barton 1 lot 11.00 Barcutt 50 7.38 \ M. Birchfield 41*4 25.20 E. Bam t: 1 lot 10.09 : Burnett 2 26.22 Westray Battle . . 2 lots 5.97 -tie &: Si* lare ....1500 658.40 !:?s Cir.da Clark ..16 2-3 2.38 . E. Chastai-. ..... .37** 10.44 he Uee Co. 0 lots A: 1800 2506.10 I G. Ccrnwell heir? ....12 9.15 . S. Chastam 168 52.13 ra Clark 60 14.S8 I. L. Crisp ...120 15.50 i. F. Dock try 102 6.50 . H. Dctkery Jr 133 12.19 i. W. I : ry 162 28.28 Irs. A. J. I' kery heirs 39 16.40 r . us Dc kery 75 23.93 . M. D-:tk r * 29 22.68 I*. S. Davids? n 2 lots 11.83 red Decker ^ 9.48 farve Elkin? 3 lots 99.53 C. Epz ' < 130 19.70 R [rs. W. E. FereTiscn ..853 154.44 "r.n Franklir. 1 let 7.39 ' j '. J. Gro^ar. 63** 4.s8 'rs. E. A. Gips-.n ....1 lot 4.62 P. Hail . . .28 9.27 O. Hembree 5 6.68..a O. Hensiey 6 14.09 ' :der Pros 1 lot 86.80 cu :aurs??r-e River P> *v?;r Co, :2 in:-re.-t m :arm. ev F. Kepbart 75 4.05 v,. an Martin 1 i.jt 25.61 ,y ( McDonald 1 lot 19.5" ^ W. McRae 15 5.86 a in Me Dnald . 55 15.02 5j . A. McDonald .. .111 10.78 ^ tier. McGuire 18 0.70 .j . H. Meroney 105 15S.42 A. Pac 22 9.51 dk A. Pace 125 22.20 #a M. Pace 60 6.15 ?Uc orge Palmer 24 13.39 J. Roger.- 380 85.35 D. Ricks 555 1'J 1.07 t;e hn Roberts 81 C3.98 pi, W. Rogers 123 9.91 or H. Rowland 44 9.50 co I. R kind 13 5.09 co rs. L. L. Scroggs 212 61.49 J N. Stiies 69 12.12 J. Sword 42 378.33 ,5 hn Walker 150 16.38 N. Wilson 35 22.60 ? J. Wilson 70 23.32 X< ther Allen 1 1.18 er W. Dockery 150 21.10 toi W. Queen 30 3.69 CI awassee Power Co. . .350 70.39 tei ?b<rt L. Beaver 2 5.50 ;-.tj H. James Hot 9.15 W. Herbert 1 lot 3.10 m Craijr hn Caltert 1 lot 3.10 Gf H. Short 1 lot 17.10'inj 11 McLeymore 42 12.60 i jn< \V. V. ODOM. Sheriff. \wy ? ?? j wl ierokee County?In the Superior ha Court. ed Champion Fibre Company and Si. F. P. Cover & Sons, Inc. |th; vs. . fii B. Crisp pr NOTICE. Lot the defendant. C. B. Crisp,'.^ei ke notice that an action entitled as (id; ove has been commenced against wi n by the above named defendants, i a. d that pluries summons has issued i da the same returnable before the lie erk of the Superior Court on Au- CI st 25, 1924, at 10 o'clock a. m.; in at the purpose of said action is to sa move a cloud upon the title of plain St rs to the two parcels of Tract No. D< 150, Grant No. 2986. of record in ok id county in Deed Book T (19) at ca ge 54, the alleged claim of title sa st by Grant No. 12873 for Entry >. 8187, which is claimed by said fendant; reference being made to th of said grants and to the com- (2 lint for greater detail of descrip >n. Let said defendant further take;N< tice that he is required to be and j pear at the office of the Clerk of e Superior Court, in the Court use in Murphy, Cherokee County, mi C., at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 25th en y of August, 1924, and answer the mplaint now on file, or the relief <1 ayed will be granted. This July Be , 1924. mi E. E. DAVIS, Clerk da Superior Court, Cherokee Co., N. C. l-4t-b) bit do NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. *ci Isi Sealed bids for the construction !aj the rubble mason ay and wood of irk in several small bridges in Shoal to tek, Notla and BbthooM Town- Ch ipa will be received up to Monday Ju on, September 1st, 1924. ! Jn The Commission reserves the right. a i ^Lrli M in? m THE CHEKOKEE 5COUT. MU1 [ENTS fi 1 > reject any ar.d all bids. Ail commnications should be addressed to , be Chairman. Board of County v ommiasicctrs. Murphy. N. C. S. W. LO YIN GOOD. Chairman c Boaid of County Commissioner* Cherokee Co. <52-4t-co) s t t < 1 1 I ORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County, In the Superior Court, are Iron Company, Inc., | _ Y-g eurreli and wife, Mahala A. Burrell. NOTICE. The defendants dbcve named will ke notice that an action entitled ' above has b:en commenced in the |? perior court of Cherokee oCunty to n reclose a mortgage on certain real r tate >n Cherokee County, executed the defendants to the piaintiff on 1 'u 5th day of June. 1922, for the :rpcse of securing? the payment of *promissory note in the sum of; c ,000.00 executed by the defend-!0 it. J. J. Burrell. to the plaintiff, datJune 5. 1922, and due one year r? ter date, and in payment of which *' fault has been made. And the id defendants will further take no that th?*y are required to appear fcr the clerk < f the superior court' ' Cherokee County on the 5th day of ptember, 1924, and ar.-wer or de jr to the complaint in said action. the plaintiff will apply to the j urt for the relief demanded in said, mplaint. This 6ith day of August, 1924. 'c E. E. DAVIS. Clerk e 2-4t-a> of the Superior Court.! IS 3TICE OF SALE of personal prop-1 ty, viz. one model T-Six Reo j e iarir.g car to satisfy tht lien of the icrok'ee Motor Company fcr ma- n rial furnished and labor at the In- ^ mce of Ralph E. Mills. ( Having as a mechanic repaired ^ e Model T Six cylinder Reor tour-! p g car belonging to Ralph E. Mills, j q Chtrokee County, X. C., and hav- n j charged for making said repair j ? eluding the material furnished c| rich amounts to the sum of J897.5S j ^ lich amount the said Ralph E. Mills n 5 failed to pay. and having retainposession of the said One model T x cylinder Rec touring car for more j an ninety days after the work was ^ rished on the same and irf ord r to tserve my lien upon it. Now, therefore, in accordance with tj ction number 2435 of the cor.sol- gl ated statutecs of North Carolina!^ II between the hours of 11 o'clock i j m. and 1 o'clock p. m. on Satur- tj y, September 6, 1924. seil at pubauction at the front door of the jerokee Motor Company, my shop which the work was done for the id Ralph E. Mills, on Hiawassee reet, opposite the L. & N. Railroad spot, in the town of Murphy, Cherr ( :ee uounty, N. C., the said touring _ r to the highest bidder for cash to tisfy my lien on the same. This the 20th day of August, 1924. CHEROKEE MOTOR CO., By J. W. McMillan. c< !-2t-pd> A tl f< DTICE OF RESALE OF LAND BY 7 COMMISSIONER T CI By virtue of an order of the court Is ide in a certain special proceeding tl titled, S. W. Lovingood, Admin- is rator of D. W. Louderm.lk, deceas- :r , vs. John I. Loudenpilk, Vannie ai >ggs, et als, the undersigned com- ei issioner did on Monday the 7th A y of July, 1924, after due adver- T ement, offer for sale to the highest si ider for cash at the court house si or in Murphy ths following de- M ribed real estate. Dr. Geisler, of!hi ibella, Tennessee, becoming the'd it and highest bidder for the sumj $ 09.00. Said sale was reported M the clerk of the superior court of j oi ieroke? oCunty on the 9th day ofjp ly, 1924, ard on said 9th day of! 11 ly, 1924, "H. R. Golden having filed w bid of t:n percent increase over'al RPHY, NO*. fH CAROLINA aid bid of $500.00. tee court order-' d a re -ale of said land by said coro-j rissiontr. and pursuant to said order) - :he ccurj the undersigned com-isoner will on Monday the 8th day, ?f September, 1924, at the hour of; 0:00 a. m. offer for sale to the) : irhest bidder for cash, at the court | :ouse docV in Murphy, the following I'scribed real estate: First Tract: In Hothouse Town-' hip, Cherokee County, beginnig on' he S. W. Corner of Tract No. 139: her. runs 5. 35 W. 50 poles to a rock rorcer on a conditional line bet we n S. Balkw nnd Margaret E. Watn; thence X. 55 E. lfO |>cles to a a-.-afras corner standing in the orgir.al line of the same; then S. 35' E. 50 poles to a locust corner of the ame; then S. 55 W. 1??0 poles to he beginning. containing 50 acres, nore or less. Second Tract: In Hothouse Town-i h:p. Ch.rokce oCunty. beginning on! i white oak. the southwest corner of 193. and runs 3. with the line of Al-! hair Fain 49 poles to a small Spansh ^ak or the lina of Xo. 183; then! lorth -with the line of No. 256 south {." E. 1> pole? to a small pine on the ire of 189; then west with the line : 80 E. 40 pole? to a -mall oak (faler.) and pointers, the northeast eerier of said number; thence with th.> p.- f 189 S. 2 0 E. 10 pole? to a \:anish oak (fallen) at the corner the T. L. Johnson tract. X . 7582 h--r.ee north the line of said number :tn the line of said number S. 40 E. o pries to a poplar, white oak and k corner of said number: then uth with the line No. 50 east 15"1 it? to" the northwest corner of said lumber, a sourwo<?d (fallen); thtn rth 51 degrees west 130 pole* to a ust. as thr southeast corner of v Z; then with that lir.e south 55 egrees west. crossing Hothouse 'reek at 115. 160 poles to the beinni.ng, containing 145 acres, more r less. The purpose of this sale is erete as:st? to pay the indebtedness ef he esatte of said D. W. cudermilk. (ceased. This the 20th day of August, 1924. S. W. LOVIXGOOD, 2-4t-c) Commissioner. lOKTH CAROLINA? Cherokee County. 0 A. M. Simonds, Entry Taker for Cherokee County: The undersigned M. P. Colt man of herokee County. North Carolina, r.tc-rs and lays, claim to the follow-j lg described piece or pracel of landj 1 5eaverdam Township. Cherokee | our.ty, State o fNorth Carolina, th 1 ime being vacant and unappropriat-1 d land, and subject to entry, v t.: A tract of lard containing 65 acres _[,rp or lesc t.n t)in XJ:? assee River in district Xo. 5. Cherkee County. X. C., joining: Grant 'os. 231, Denver or Deweese, 2397 leecc, joins Fowler's Grant 3225 rain begining at a white oak corer of Xo. 231 and running various ourses for complements so a- to inlude all the vacant land between the tie said grant, containing by estilation sixty-five acres. (Signed M. P. COLEMAN. Entered this 12th day of August 924. ,'ORTH C ?OLINA?Cherokee County. All persons ars hereby notified lat a warrant of survey will be- isjed to M. P. Coleman for the above inds on thi- 20th day of September, 924, if there is no protest filed in lis office before sadi date. This the 20th day of August, 1924. A. M. SIMONDS, Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, Xorth, Carolina, Excfficio Entry Taker for Cherokee >nty, X. C. 2-4t > NOTICE OF MORTAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale mtained in a mortage deed dated 8th, 1921, and registered in ^ ic uiiice o line register of Deed? >r Cherokee County, N. C., in Book 6 at Page 331, , executed by W. T. ruett and wife, Amanda Truett, onveying to the undersigned, * the >nds hereinafter desdribed, to secure ic payment of four certain promisory notes, default having been lade in the payment of said notes, nd the owner thereof having demand i foreclosure, we will at 10 o'clock u M. on the 19th day of September 924, for the purpose of satisfying r lid note and interest, and cost of j lie, sell at the Court House door in j [urphy, at pnblfc auction to the j ighfc t bidder for cash the following escribed land: 1 That certain tract of land lying in i (urphy Township, beginning o a red sk in line of No. 43. runs east 80, oles to a spar.ish oak, then south 90 poles to a chdttnut oak, then " e3t 208 poles to a pine, then north >out 100 poles to the begining^cooi N t'Li-' _ _ tainir.g 100 acres more of less. This August 18, 1024. J. W. Blackwell ard Company, Consisting of J. W. Blackwell and Lena Blackwell, by Dillard & Hill, Attys. (2-4t-d.&h. HIAWASSEE We are having some dry weather in this section and crops are looking bad. 3Ir. George Nelson, of Vests, was a visitor at Jam's Danner Sunday. ' Mrs. Bonnie Ledford of Patrick was a visitor at K. W. Shearer's a few days ago. Mr. Wilford Burger, of Patrick was a visitor of here a few days ago. Mrs. Matilda Ledford of Patrick went to Murphy one day last week and had the misfortune of losing about $19.00 in cash. Pleasant Hill Baptist church had ? ?v..uv..ui Jtnim luciuiig iur 10c last two weeks. Fifteen joined the church and were baptized Sunday. They w re: Tom Pickle?imer, Vivie Adams. Francis Burgess, Otis Adams | Gordon Williamson, Glenn Payne, Glenn Williamson, Clyde Williamson Wilford Burger, Grady Williamson, Reed Hambv. Frank Pcaver, Laura Beaver. Millie Payne, Agr.es Ham- I by. The meeting was conducted by j Rev. Jnhn Stewart and Rev. George ' 1 Tuft's Pills f Unequal*! as a* ~ \ AHT1-BILIOUS MEDICINE I I stimulate torpid Urer. sOenxtheo I I digestive organs, rrgalate tbe I I bowels. relieve tick be*Ucfar. I I Remaining Pr< ing to Estati Patterson I offer for quick sale Lota ] i Side of Terrace Avenue, in Miirpl i location and description see Plat 1 of Deeds office. Valuable for resi I also have for sale 100 act erdam Town-hip, on waters of Scl this land as recorded in Register of 1 539. Valuable mountain land witl m - ]shhb' I WANT QUICK CAS1 OR ALL OF THE Al A. C. A Lcommiss Address: Moi - 22. 1>M ~ I Mashburn, of Famer, Tenn. Thtj Bj have done a wonderful work and V BB hope to get them back again WE time. m Mr. J. M. Hamby is on at present. W M P / k?t> acr hcrm*. ?m-c me- ? fc ^T>er ma All I JCr? | "vhFA" WMXT "* *"** *ad HOW WHERE and '.Vftpi I WHAT we? the Declaration cfLinda^ I Win* decs the date far B*?t.; v4ry, E! WHEN was the treat pyratr.ii -< I Cheep* built ? e} KOW can yeu distinguish a malarial E| rr-c,<j_ito ? il WHERE i* Canberra? Zcebrcfj#! WHO waetheROUbojrcftheS'.aah^f J _.Are ' * men serving : j loe, : Wvc them an cpporTun-.ty by c'.^zitm g Webster's i| New International j Dictionary : ic your fccm*, *jfl| cj school, office, /.v*^>- Ay* club, library. :J Authority" in all ' !J knowledge offers serWci^^'0" I icT.cdk:.\ constant, lasting. trust. : worthy. Answers all kinds cf qca* 5 :l tic.-.s. A century cf dovo!opir.gt H enlarging, and perfecting uniaraxl ' rj acting care and highest ?ch?'arthlp | insures accuracy, completeness |J compactness, authority. II Wrlto fcr a eamp'.e page of the fftw ~-rd? g ESS yi^S. SSS^ , -ft E ^ C.AC MERR1AM CO. ^ 3pria?fi*id. M?je^ "pRV QUR JOB pRINTINC! Qsngerous _ Ov/Y fn flip ^areiess Safety is not a one-man iob! Dospite the precaution* that the railroads have employed to safeguard the public against accident, and deutn, thr a warning signals, watchmen. crossing gates, e&&, preventable disasters ccniinue to occur. Do your part in the gie.it safety campaign beir.g conducted by this and other American railroads. Le? tho trains have the right of way; the tracks were made for them and they carnct char.ga their course to prevent an accident. Wait until the train stcr.s before you attempt to get or. c* % ofL Do not use railroad tracks aa . a passageway or a loitering place. They are dangerous only to trespassers. Help us save life and protect against accident. The Louisville & Nashville Railroad spends nearly a million dollars a year for the single purpots of maintaining constant supervision over the condition of its tracks?doO track w alkers ore eraployed and everv day they walk every mile of the main tracks ci . the road; inspecting rails, trestles, bridges, etc. When you ore on the train, every precaution is taken for your safety. Do as much to protect yourself when off the trains. Common sen-re?Caution ? Cooperation?ic:i! pay big dividends i jr. Leoit'i and haopincst, y DO YOUR i*ART. _ IS fv^a k >perty Belonge of J. Tyler For Sale s Nos. 22, 23, 24 and 26 on South j ly, known as Hillside Lots. For Book No. 1, page 25, in Register j dence lots. es of land, more or less, in Beatlulers Creek. See description of Deeds office in Book No. 8, page j b some timber. > . k B OFFER FOR ANY V > JOVE PROPERTIES dV* lVERY - h IONER rganton, N. C. ; ... .... fj|| . -i-asaa^ - ?' ' -?V. .. . H

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