EfeitivvapoRub Jar* U**d Ytariw 1 ~ mi UireNeccssa and Debe'topm Invested money must no new capital forthct >f increased volume, the statement, is trite; ihnt nearly one half o dustry pays no divider hillion dollars worth approximately seven 1 not earning or paying What is f he reason TTnw !??? .. .r, <? I tors be willing to put profitable securities? The first question is operating expenses v> i revenues." The seccr ; he answered until th h their lawmakers, cvidi the railroads' problo.mi - rrd less nsdicai. aiiitu; In order to serve the and passenger transp have new capital to tr ^ meats and extensions. ' when capital already j ^ I return. loSCJUliGCS \ u fast dui i Iiindfterchicf soaked wi;U . t*i y.>ur p'l'.r iv. .S keepers ifoa't itar y u. \pinol o^rrome* any lie. to*' AUSOLLTELY! 3 B^wbh???waw? III S&nes. TKe Tourifg Cai j *2-9 S RmolNHit - - S2Ci Dtmoumi ble Runi "d SUfUT $85 extra Cokjm - . - *52! j Tudor Sedan - - 59( Ford or Sedan - 65! All prices /. o. 6. Detroit 1 Utmost J ;veesf . OR y SEE THE HEi ? - ? - - . visions and t-.rm? of a certain judgment of the superior court of Cherokee County, entered in a cane therein pending, entitled A. A. Fain, plain- 1 t'ff, against Anson G. Beits, defendant, which said judgement was r? ndcred at the January term, 11>24, of said court and is docketed :n Juttement Docket Xo. IS. at page 'J2. the undo: igr.td commission-ri vil! ifer for sale at public auction, to the high- ' ithk_ Fl if r >sTTEJ'" JtMENDS ! ry to the. Progress znt of any Business earn money, or there will bo wring with which to take caro This theory is elemental and yet it is interesting to know ^America's second largest inlds on its capital stock. Three of stock in railroads 'of the )illion dollars outstanding) is a dividend. for such a condition exiaHncr? itinue? How long will investheir money into such noneasy to answer: "Increased thout proportionate increased d and third questions cannot le American people, through t?nce a keener appreciation of >, and in some quarters a fairer :1c toward the carliera. ! Nation with adequate freight ortation, the railroads must iko care of needed improveNew capital will not como -> A ~ ""jrv ktr iHi] " Hssta *.Pinoi f& co"w r&^.f lO'M I "> ~ '-I S?I ?* *?.''i- \ f! ?. ^ 30c KT W. DEALERS FREE - Miniature Apinnl for letting. Write the APINOL cokpokatix: WILMINGTON. N. C 4 >'3t 1 : Driving Con g a Ford is so simple, and : le effort that you are free 11 your attention to the p ific. There is a sense oJ in driving a Ford, imj iny more complicated mo Detroit, Michigan UEST AUTHORIZED 1 O ,V V ,-ja ~ME CHEROKEE SCOUT. M est bidder for cash. on Monday the 6th day of October, **84. at 1 o'clock p. m. all of the righ* aftl* and interest of %he defendant, Anwn G. Bet,in and to the following described lots or tracts of land lying and be ng in the town of Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, towtt: Lets Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 in Section No. 4. Town of Murphy, as shown upon a map of the Duke aLnd and Improvement Company, recorded in Mat Bo A No. I at page 10, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, being the property conveyed by A. A. Fain and wife to Anson G. Betts by deed dated May 'J, 1918, registered in the office of Rtgi-ter cf Deeds for Cherokee Ccun ty in Deed Book No. 69, at page 570, on June 6. 1918. This sale is subject to confirmation and is b: ing made to satisfy the judgement rendered ir. said action, default having been made in the- payment of the same. This September 4th, 1924. J. D. MALLONEE. (4-4t-af) Commissioner. WANT ADS FOR SALE?Good six-room, weather-boarded and coiled house and two good lots 50x125 feet with pood ferice and barn, city water, (tc., n.ai L. & X. Station. Apply to Mrs. G. Ii>. Ledford, Murphy, N. C. (4-lt-pd) FOR RENT?thrte rooms for light house-keeping. Apply lo M. \ Osea Zimmerman. (3-lt-z.) FOR SALE?The A. R. Bel! house and lot, formerly the Cocpe.- property, 11 room house equipped with w; large half acre garden. Apply to P. E. Nelson. (52-4t-n. FOR RENT?Good br ck dore Iv u in Murphy, reasonable. 11. 1'. Grant Andr.ws, X. C. (1-lt-pd) CHARLES E. WADDELL S-. CO. Engineers iUlibli Kcd 1E02 Estimates, plans and specifications : upt t vision construction, operation el ctrie plants ?hydro or -team, i uiustrisl projects, water supply ystcms, parks, roads and landscaping, bridges and municipal structures and reinforced concrete. Designing laboratory * rliEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA HOME CANNING OUTFIT Provide for winter by canning fruits and vegetables during this *i-a80il oi plenty. ask to see i.'av in xptnsive, government approved machine. iltf) TOWNSON, MURPHY. N. C A' F'.XTS?Sell guaranteed hosiers 'Ji'Pct from mill to wearer; nl styhs and colors; salary paid foi fu; time or spare hours; no money need ed for samples. Internationals Mills 1284, Norrhtown ,Pa. (43-20t-pd) * ifioence ill requires || t? de- jl roblems jl : confi- j j >ossible I tor car. I ^ I rORD DKAtn |H ssbbhebmbrbbv^^bm^HI UttPHT. NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE WANTED?There are buyers in all parts of the ,untry. My iystem shows you how to reach them. Invest'ga'.e at once. Postofice box 244, Murphy, N. C. ; FOR SALE?116 acre farm, about 250,000 feet timber, two good mules. Apply to Oscar Adams, Grand view, X. C. (2-4t-pd) VALUABLE PAPERS?A lewr.rd will be pa d for any information ' o t some valuable pa: ers that Mr. "... A. Randall had in his pjxcs-iou at hp time cf his d.ath. Soo or write ' Irr. L. A. Randall. Brasstown, X. C. 'l-4tnd> "OR SALE?Expect to leave town and am offering at very reasonable yixices the following: 1 Mabogany Vict*. !a with records; 1 Mahogany Chiffonier; 1 Mahogany Eight day clock; 8 sections Fumed Oak book cases; 1 Child's white enamel bed. complete; 1 child's Go-Cart, itcd; rhe above articles a- pood a? rw. and can be seen any time at Bungalow. v.. r. Ot*mcv. jnici. (It pd> FOR SALE?Practically new Chevrolet Car at great! yreduced price. Cash or terms. For further information nrfrlrpcfi Rnv "> i T*- r" < 4-tf-ec) NORTH CAROLINA?Clay County. In the Super sr oCurt YV. T. Bumgcrncr. ct a Is., vs. Will Plott. it als. NOTICE OK SALE By virtue of a decree made by the Clerk of the Su;.ciior C-urt of Clay County, N. C., dattd August 12, 11*24, the undersigned commissioner will offer to sale at the court house door in Hayesvi!) . at 1 o'clock p. *** ? on Monday, September 2U, 11)21, to to the highest biddei lor cash at public outcry, the following tract o: land, situate in District No. 2 of Clay County, on the waters of Kruc-.'iw C reek: Entry No. 2314. beginning on a stake and pointer- in the state In.. S. K. ccraer of old survey No. 172. and runs North with that line St) poles to a black gum. cuncr of Pr ciiiption No. 130; then East with said line 1st) nolcs to n s>urwood, S. E. corner of said No. 130; then No:th with said line DO poles to a hickory comer of said No. 130; then Nortii 13 West 40 poles to a stake, cornoi j of Preemption No. ; then Nortl 43 East 100 poles to a '-take, cornel ol said FicCir.ptiosi; then North 4.' We?t 10 poles to a stake, corner o: Preemption No. ; then North A, East with said line 180 poles to i j | Atter j! Brow i OF HAVE SOLI ! Mountca ii This entire sto< your Fall bill of goo* Company, in1 Knoxi grade Shoes, as this last long at these lo-* ly as possible, as I m stock is sold out. . I Selling Shoe Less 1 JOI Murphy I I dogwood. comer of sa d Preemption; then Ea?* 190 poles tt> a stake in th. line dif Preemption No. 72: ther South 15 East with sard line 100 poUs to a chestnut oak, corner of said tract; thtn South 45 West 60 poles to a chestnut oak in the line1 of Preemption No. : then West with said line 90 poles to a small black oak, corner of Preemption No. ; then We-ti with its line 160 pelts to a black oak. come: cf I'r t mpticn No. ; then West with ' its line 126 pt les to a white oak. corner of said tract; then South with j said line 160 poles tc a stake in the I state line: then South 85 West with th state line to the beginning, cor- ! taining 640 acres, more or less, and j | described in State Giant No. 2825 of I (record in Cherokee County in Deed | ! Hook H (8) page 759, to which res-j trencc is made. ! Said sah s made for the divi io | at the proe:eds, after deducting Icsts, air.org the owners of said land tin the partition p.oceeding. entitle 1 as above, now pending before the GfflOHi-STtKS PII DIAMOND BRAND i j JUk , ...r i'tnivM for CHI-CHES TER S A MAMO' D ! KaSO TILT S in R. u ?:,j/A Get : ta? .iltlc hnr*. n ^lfd ?ilt> ?'jr\V/ II. : "1. V.tsB ko rrnrn. n?r of yo.r V/ Ht*~'i nnl c* k for flll-CIIIS-Tf M H V UI.VaOMl r.lUMt niM f<W -fra rr?-:r ! - Bet. Sale t. A'w:.r? 'et le. SOLD BY ,M.L DRUGGISTS S EVERYWHERE g ffi NOT"just Phocgr frithfu" in likr ter?attractive ab.e ir price. ' tf. Phone , appoint TODA Mclver' :i ''Portraits c Over Murphj ltion Mer( n-Ross Sh KNOXVILLE TENNES ) THEIR $250,000.00 SI istle Hill < :k will be sold at a big sa< is get in touch with me, or rille. The lowest prices stock was bought at a bij v prices. You should mail ay not be able to call on a IS $1.00 to $2 han Wholesale 4N E. PO! SALESMAN \ZT Ckrk r * *.y S-:i>eri<*r Courf of Clny County nr. ! th? hirh-^t bid will be reported to thw C urt for confirmaI tion and rejection and for the* futthtr i I? o' "h' >? * T1 s *jnist 22. i. J I. W. T. BUMGAKNER. (4-4t-mwb) ContraLm ontr. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of ' /J * IpS^l i I i Eh c^n I J -on i i.iEr.r s:..?Bi.r. 1 a GR.V: !TE COMPANY I C-.ro-. Ga. W. X. DERREBERRY, A*t. I .Marble, N. C. li You Wa.it / ~.?!n Mar | --(rants, See Me 1?' J?d> I I aphs"?but portraits? ;e3s?truthful in ch&racir. finish?anc reason MM ror that trnent Y s Studio ;f Distinction" * r Hardware Co. ; :hants! oe Co. SEE POCK TO THE i Company :rifice. Before buying visit Mountcastle Hill ever known on high j j discount and will not me your orders as ear11 of you before the i LOO Per Pair i J

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