FACE TWO L.OCCl/ CMC . . Tetepbi "The Way f a Man." v y Emerson Houph. h - f "The C v. red War * Bcnita Theatre Saturday September 1~*!?. at 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.. admission 15c and 25c Don't miss it. Mr. and Mrs. I.. E. Io'tz left Wedn<-dy in?r for Pll-b 1 . to w: h r? t v y *-ave hen transit mi by St;:*- Highway C -*nmirsion. V. . Lentz has been here about three years and Mr.* Lentz about a r and have made many friends v.-: . ;o see th.t-m h ave. Mi- : ? .'. <\ f V- n City. *. - - r" = week. " . ?ntrly I'ved here and PGree-' r . 1 r- 4h wH be r. ?o?-ESior ir. th Greensboro College for Women. Mr. V. . Y. v. Ti. f \'-r York, v- a - v:?it<>r in Murphy th's v? Mr. r*>wel?on r>r ?=idtnt ' *. ' ' -a-T in-?se power Compay. which has larcv hold a. in this section. Bach *s?leave your c?nt unhut tcned and ?>ar a l--w c r f r they are going to mak? :t h?>? f< r you in -The MICROBE frr LOVE." ?r a I I Mrs. - ' 1; v: iting r< ' in A hev !!- nr..-'. C lumhia. ?. ?' Ann- m rts reading as follow? have r? ntly x- n r-.ccived in Murphy: "M- -d M Arthur C. Ray anroun *1 carriage of th- r sister. Mr-. Fsi-hv Tilrhnm McKaig. nee Arie F : !ia <'ri n to Major Arthur W. Fre in \V< 3n? -rlav the thir l of S.v : ? t'"n twenty-f ur. Mt. Rnir . Maryland. At home after September 15th, Smokemont. North (" Mis. Freeman used to live a* Andrews. She Is a si-tor of Mrs. J. N\ Moody. The wonderful "MICROBE OF LOVE" n<>t only inoculate? the actors in the plot, but it swoops right down into the audience and plays havoc among young and old alike. Indeed, thi- charming Ft tie play accompleshe; nil that is intended an I more, f'r it causes people to laugh who have r t laughed in years, and gives new inspiration to dozens of forlorn lovers scattered through the audience. Messrs. P. S. Russell, G. T. Pose} G. E. Lail. S. E. r ver. J. C. AArbogast Jr.. R. S. Montony and wif. have been among the Ar.drews* visitors nere th s week. Mr. A. B. An^orsin. of Itobhin*ville, was a visitor here one day thl? wee k. ORCHARD. PASTURE. AN The following bargain.-- in r-r.l e50 i?v-; '.T.a and boxed ho; $ school um! on mail r-ute. Cvod fru 33 acie orchard, pca'a:*: ard t: A real buig.t.n at $4.00 l-er acre. 80 acre-, two-thirds in timber, office, church and schools. Strong 155 acres, with good dwelling, business. 1500 cross ties, g. d pastu one mile frc,n main highway. A mi at $15.00 per acre. H. D. COMMONS, Loving, Ga., Pain In Ba "TJ'OR A LONG TIME," A says Mrs. Dora Payne, _ # VI. i T j a OI nunnngion, ienn. 141 "I felt listless, tired and U worn-out. I did not feel like 1^ doing my work, visiting 01 |4B anything. 1 suffered much pain in 141 my back and sides. My |J| limbs hurt, my knees would 1^1 tremble without apparent J| cause and I would have ta "I was very nervous. ... y I would shave a tired, dull j I "I had read so much abou' Ml Cardui I asked my husband IfCAF jJll The Won ' /Personal I, I The -MICROBE OF LOVE converts the hardest hearted bache: and business for the Murphy min > ters will tegir to pick uy from tit time- it is staged. Miss Frances Cover, of Andrews. 1the guest of Mis- Martha Cand'.er f ir - veral days. Mr. W. H. M.roney rv?vi:c Ashrille. N. C.. where he will contiii;? to engage :r. the in-urance bus ness as en ajrer.t cf the Jeffe^sor. Standard compa-y. ,;r. J. H. IJ * 1 Fed.- "r Cut in Ash . I the first of the j week. Mrs. T.. O. W: tters. rt~t ?- *v!ire two :v : :h- here and a? Hnv -- vi!le. Iff? W 'i'm tday for her r.< me in Melbourne, F!a. Mart::. Cm. i!er v.as host*, ss i at he: h xn.- S/.tnrday aft-mom to r ?.j"r?ce?I?n< ou- shower in h--nor [ t Mr-', uoii.rt Bare la;.*, of Copr hill. T.-rn.. v h;> before her marriage I was Mi?? Mary Lou Thorn*-son. Th ] t house was decorated n the pleasing S shades ->f yellow and gretn with howls a of c idenrod and potted plants car- a rying otit the dor scheme. ~w v tables .fir : ..:?d f Mic" ? * : were played th (mghovt tr. nf:cr.at **- hi h Mrs. Barclay h Id ' h- : -care r bridge and Mrs. i> fMichigan. Aft:x a dainty ^ ; e c time wa served, 'I:.-. Bar lay " ' "as -rive:: . ' and ? ?. she ?n:s. gath?. r in thv clothes which v.vro t barging on th- line in an ndjo r ing c room. She received many very xis.ful and attractive gifts. Those asked I to meet Mrs. Bar lay were Mrs. N r| mar.d t^sv ds n. ef Atlanta; Mrs. Y Mai! lie' Mrs. F. C. flail, Mrs. i. X. Thomp-on, M s. Carl Dobb . i Mrs. L. CI. Watters. Mrs. .Terry Davidson, Mrs. Laura Dickey. Miss Catherine Thompson, Miss Elizabeth Brit- l 1 tain. Miss Nannie Dixon, Miss Mar-11 tine Mattox, Miss Lynn Albright, i Mi s Margnruite Couch, Miss Carcie Ferguson and Miss Evanell Mauney. c i?Tutt'sPills?T, Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever I Nourt-h the bc<Jv, give appetite. I DEVELOP FLESH | J IJ HOW'S THIS? jl HALL'S CATARRH MEDICIXB will !" what wo ciaim foi it ra-S your sy,!,n of Catarrh or D?.atnc?s caused ly Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MF.DICIXE oon. F.s:a of an Ointnn-til which Quickly Relievos The i.Uarrliai uiTimmation, and i : tl ? interna! Medicine, a Tonic, which j I h,r", through the Rlood on the Mucous I. u:Cac?*. tiiu? assisting to restore nor- , ma I conditions. . Sold by drupci>t? for over 40 Tears. | F. J. Cheney A: Co., Toledo, O. D FARM LAND I-OK SALE tnie r.:v being offered wev quick sale -0)\^ )? bni'4 nr$, - ar charge* aid I t o:i >n. Price aire.' i inbe ] ' ? vi-.i*. l-ucso oic-e to clrjrvh. new house and burns, close to post if red land for only $8.00 per acre, tenant houses, and mill doing good :es, 15 to JO acres bottom lanci, only ' mpy making farm- ar.d a real bargain i 41 a miles east of Mineral Bluff. is?.it?a?fci*aufc*a*fcu Lck & Sides ? j to get it for me. The very El fir*? hottlp cppmwl to haln me. After the second ... 1 IW | was better than I had been IVI ' in months. I certainly can 1^1 : praise Cardui. Ilu "I have taken three bot- l^l ties. Now 1 hardly wait, IfeH | when the sun shines, to l? garden. I am feeling fine." |W Similar results to those de- ILI : scribed above have been re- IM i ported by thousands of other gsJ j women. Cardui's 40 years jf|! of success should encourage U I you to give it a thorough |r|; (rial for the relief of any l|U 1 common female ailmenta. IQI I For sale everywhere. |W j IDUIg tan's Tonic B tmk chekokce scout. mu1 Mrs. Josephine Arthur Do You Need a Tonic? j Durham, X. Car.?"Ahout f:ftm years aero two of my children . 1 whooping cough so badly that aft reward their lungs ar.c! h: . i tubes were affected from the r ious coughing. They kept get*:'-:? v weaker and I believe would hav hM r serious pulmonary affection r. 1 t not been for Dr. Pierce's C !:n ' Medical Discovery. I gave them 1 several bottles until they were t entirely out of danger and well and strong. I would never hesitate in recommending Dr. Pierce's Golden. 1 Medical Discovery as a tonic after ?| any prostrating illness, because it brings permanent strength."?Mrs. ( Josephine Arthur, 40J Toby St. Obtain Dr. Pierce's "Discovery" * now from your druggist, in liquid or s tablets. It car. safely be given to \ little folks as it contains no harmful ingredient. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., < for free medical advice. Mi - H !en Recce and brother. 1 . "ji.?. and Miss Annie McClurt* left cpt be. 3rd f.r the Deaf S.h ol it Mv.riranton. Mr. Paul Mcf ,c ;nrT.r.:e(l them as far as Asheillc. | MHi ; n Hall left the f : of he week .' r Mcattoat, N. C.. vh.re h entered the Montreat Xonrsal >chool. 1 Under ^Indam Cupid's magic snel; he "MICROBE" threaten? to he- j ate an epidemic The bug is small, . ut rrghtiully active around the ] tathclors. t 1 Rev. T. L. Sasser attended a co - ] Victu-e of Svndry school wotkers j n Bryson City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clark, of f"on<erhill. spent the week-end at the )ickey Hotel with friends. Mr. A. K. Dickey spent the wetk>nd here with relatives. Messrs. Mark West and Corhott ! Vllen left Tuesday for Berea, Ky., o become students in Rrrca College. "j ' #W Insect bites [menthglatum i ^stops the itching and^F ^^^gives comfort^^F JONOR ROLL- FOR SHOAL CREEK SCHOOL, FIRST MONTH! First Grade?Arvel Allen, Doshin leaver. Gltnn Jones, Archie Swanon, Fred, Ed. and Sherman Voytcs. I SecoDd Grade?Xota Allen, El ie pieman, Doyd Mason ar.d Bsrs'e 5 oyleal -^hiru Crtdc?Ilcnr" r.rcrran, Marion Jor.cs. Leonard Jones, Dec Sanson and Delia Swanson. Fourth Grade?Clifford Swansor.. Sixth Grade?Birdie Stiles and rempa Jcne*. Seventh Grade?Hazel Allen. R. Keenum, Principal; Miss Minnie Ferguson, Primary Teacher. Take {alota^s ! for the liver Beware ef imitation*. Demand tl>e genuine mi 10c and 35c pack ft* bmnag nbow trade mark. AllCCCkl PLASTERS aS ; A StMkrd g?<r?iill? I * Pain In Slda, Rh?umatlsr>| Paokacha, ^ X -Anf Local f X Pain. LA MM ?e ALLUJLT** ffW-? >PHT. WOKTH CAKCiJHA nebber judire o* i*ople dat T meets along: de way. >y de places what. d?y come from an* de houses whar dey lay: "or de bantam chicken's awful fond o' roostin' pretty hifrh. Vn' do turkey buzzard sail* above de ea^rle in de sky. Dey ketches leedle mlssers in de middle o' de sea. \n' yo* finds desmalles* 'possum up de 1 ijrgr- s" kind ob tree.?Ex. -ederal Power Commls'ri In compliance with the Fc ieral cater nower act <41 Stat.. 1063). ictice i? s hereby ir'ven that the ~h jr.tpson Power Company of New fork City hr.s made application covrlnjr a ; roposed power project In : Tii sec River end tributaries, n Cherokee County, North Carolina, ird Polk Ccuntv. Tennessee. e**emlrcr approximately from the mouth of 'r. k t-> a point near Probst Sta; v Tonnocuo Inv -i t<? a h appl cation, or request for a tearing thereon, together with any r!< fs. reports or othir data for which ronsideration is desired, should be ubnrittrd to the Executive S.-cretarv. Federal Power Commission, Was> ngton, D. C. (5-8t-fpc) Children's Day At Whitener The Ch ldren'i Day exercise* al Whitrer cn August 17t!i w re enjoyed by a large number of people. The services were followed ! v a glorious revival conducted by Rev. John R. Hsirris and C. A. White of Knglewood, Tenn. On the last SunJay night twenty-four took part in the ordinance meeting. Br her Harris had to leave us on account i f having so many call in other states. Hay fever If you can't "get away," ease the attacks with ? VtCKS Vaporub uiwr IT jwr/finn J art L jra Desi Near Mi " fl ? fS Hp ngr^n | J p ' I I On Tucsda Is Two tracts are ii acres; the second, l(h small farms and will, This property Ii< dential purposes. It on thd Asheville-Mui ten minute drive from residences or truck fa to Professor L. E. Mi TERMS: One i ! Oglesb; Ansley Hotel - ? ? I Sunburnt ? The Fine Antiseptic prevei terinjc or soreness and keep lectio**?ABSOLUTELY! Genuine Shipman-V/arcl Rebuilt UNDERWOODS ONLY $ DOWN A %J <^S Let Ui Tell You More Abvat i nit opiendid typewriter A machine that look cannot tell it from a \ best and squarest typeRebuilt Like New Every tnachine is at fully rebuilt. All won new enamel, new nick key rings?a complete will be proud to own. Try It for Ten Full D Send for a machine part. (Jie it for TEN F it is exactly the ger.uii typewriter we claim it Easy Monthly Paym Our easy monthly YOU to have this rplen are just the tame as rei Don't Delay Anothe You can obtain the That's good business. That's good judgment, certain. For Full Deta THE CHER Phone 20 rable Pre 1 1 V Tsl urphy Wil A y October 7 ncluded in this sale. T1 1 acres. This will be su therefore, attract all kir es well, much of it being is only about three mile rphy-Atianta highway, i i the center of town. Jt nning. This is the vah luney. (-third cash, balance in y Realty Au Fr.4?y. H jjy. AT ANY DEUXI^S ' FREE ? Miniature Apical *V| I I for testing. Write & APINOL COP,TO" vnos, I ' W astiNtTON, N. C * j s and writes so well that even experts I )rand-new machine. It's the biggest, | writer proposition ever made. w ripped right down to the frame, then ? i parts replaced by new. New type. A tel. new lettering new platen, r.ew I , perfect typewriter. A machine yon t . Give it every test. Examine every 5 ULL DAYS. Decide for yourself that R ae. standard Underwood fully rebuilt I payment plan makes it possible for I did machine immediately. Payments j I r Minute?Act Now! f i machine on a down payment of $300. jit You try the machine TEN DAYS. 1 Then you'll decide to keep it. That's f I ils?Call?Phone - Write. g IOKEE SCOUT I party 1 Be Sold th at 10 a. m. ie first tract contains 20 bdivided into lots and iH? of huvers. desirable for red s from Murphy and lie* I and can be reached in I ist the right distance f<* I table property belonging I 1, 2, and 3 year*. t|( f - 3r*I ction Co. I Atlanta, Ga- I

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