ScjiteioUr 12, 1924 LEGAL r'S OF LAND TO, t'O PAY DEBTS virtue of an order Court of Cherokee North (jarolinp, made in a d pfoc^idings entitled: J. M. Administrator of the Estate j|. Simonds, deceased, vs. Mrs. Kithtrine (Adams) Helton and Lid* May (Adama) Lee, heirs at if L M. Adams, deceased, late ,Bokee County, N. C., same hek upon the special f^ing docket of said court, the pigned commissioner will on 4tb day of September, 1924, at 'dock a. m. at the court house in Murphy, Cherokee County, ofiir r.u- .sshsk tc the h:;rh-t r for cash or one half cash and ..fne nf oVirvrt- timr. f nnf ,tban 90 days) that certain tract !>d lying in Hot house Township okee County, N. C.f on the wa0f Potato Creek, known as the . Adams, deceased (home place) described as follows, viz.: same being in district No. 4 better known as the Prince land lining 130 acres more or less to. 478, beginning? on a stake the top of the mountain and North 31 east to a stake about same direction to a corner at or a fence; then down the mounwith the fence till it strikes lot 478; then North 59 West to a l] then South 31 West 100 poles stake; then South East 1G0 i to the beginning, which api of record in Book of Deeds No. n page No. 47 in the Register of i office irv Cherokee County, N. to which reference is hereby is th. 25th day of August, 1924. J. M. SIMONDS, Commissioner. ?.-m) ICE OF RESALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER virtue of an order of the court k in a certain special proceeding led, S. W. Lovingood, Admintor of D. W. Loudermilk, deceasvs. John I. Loudermilk, Vannie p, et als, the undersigned com Ihem 1 We graphs tc invited to Also Star and If yon ar Towi /)?* ' I Phone 11 tbi. dsSMO&t r >: , ADVERTISE1V Imissioner did on Monday the 7th n day of July, 1924, after due adver- 1< jtisement, offer for sale to the highest 1 (bidder for cash at the court house d door in Murphy the fallowing de- ? scribed real estate, Dr. Geisler, of Isabella. Tennessee, becoming the K last and highest bidder for the sum ? of ?500.00. Said sale was reported! to the clerk of the superior court of a Cherokee oCunty on the 9th day of July, 1924, and on said 9th day of d July, 1924, H. R. Golden having filed ! a bid of ten percent increase over said bid of ?500.00, the court order- ( ed a re-sale of said land by said commissioner, and pursuant to said order of the court the undersigned com- j b misisoner will on Monday the 8th day] of Rpnt??mhpr> 1924, st the ho"r of 1 | 10:00 a. m. offer for sale tor the J highest bidder for cash, at the court "house door in Murphy, the following C described real estate: e First Tract: In Hothouse Town- ii ship, Cherokee County, beginnig on! ii ithc S. W. Corner of Tract No. 139; C j then runs S. 35 W. 50 poles to a rock s: I corner on a conditional line between e U. S. Ballcw and Margaret E. WatjSon; thence N. 55 E. 160 poles to a n I sassafras corner standing in the or- v iginal line of the iame; then S. 35 o E. 50 poles to a locust corner of the b same; then S. 55 W. 160 poles to F the beginning, containing 50 acres, C more or less. n Second Tract: In Hothouse Town- c ship, Cherokee oCunty, beginning on c a white oak. the southwest corner of t ,193, and runs S. with the line ofAl- n I phair Fain 49 poles to a small Spanish oak on the line of No. 183; then north with the line of No. 186 south 1 45 E. 18 poles to a small pine on the } j line of 189; then west with the line of 80 E. 40 poles to a small oak (faljlen) and pointers, the northeast cor- t! | ner of said number; thence with the s | line of 189 S. 10 E. 10 poles to a 1: Spanish oak (fallen) at the corner 1 of the T. L. Johnson tract. No. 7582. t thence north the line of said number with the line of said number S. 40 E. 56 poles to a poplar, white oak and rock corner of said number; then south with the line No. 50 cast 180 j poles to the northwest corner of said J number, a sourwood (fallen); then ( EWEB have just added this line < > our musical department, i hear this wonderful mach Columbia Grafonolas and Baldwin Pianos, e interested in Musical Ins' SEE US nson & And t everything For The Houu 14 Murj . *! THE CHEROKEE ?COUT. 1ENTS J orth 51 degrees west 150 m to a >cust, as the southeast corner of 83; then with that line south 55 egrecs west, crossing Hothouse Ircek at 118, 160 poles to the beinning, containing 145 acres, more r less. The purpose of this sale is to Crete asests to pay the indebtedness of he esatte of said D. W. ouderniilk. eceased. This the 20th day of August, 1924. S. W. LOVINGOOD, 2-4t-c) Commissioner. 'ORTH CAROLINA? Cherokee County. 'n A T^ntrv Tnltw for Cherokee County: The undersigned M. P. Coleman of 'herokee County, North Carolina, nters and lays claim to the followig described piece or pracel of land it Beaverdam Township, Cherokee lounty, State o fNorth Carolina, the nme being vacant and unnppropriatd land, and subject to entry, viz.: A tract of land containing 65 acres lore or less on the waters of Hiarassee River in district No. 5, Cherkee County, N. C., joining Grant los. 231, Deaver or Deweese, 2307 'ecce, joins Fowler's Grant 322." Irain begin ing at a white oak corer of No. 231 and running various ourse.s for complements so as to inlude all the vacant land between the he said grant, containing by estimation sixty-five acres. (Signed M. P. COLEMAN. Entered this 12th day of August, 024. CORTH CAROLINA?Cheroked County. All pendens are hereby notified hat a warrant of survey will be is ed to M. P. Coleman for the abov inds on the 20th day of September 024, if there is no protest filed ir his office before sadi date. This the 20th day of August, 1924 A. M. SIMOND6, Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, North, Carolina, Exofficio Entry Taker for Chero kce County, N. C. 2-4t-pd.) 1 I kirc: nfivri I ! S i. 7 ' : if PhonoYou are line. [ records, truments jrson r >hjr, N. C. MURT-HT, WORTH CAROL1HA NOTICE OF MORTAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortage deed dated August 8th, 1921, and registered in the office o fthe Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, N. C., in Book 76 at Page 331, , executed by W. T. Truett and wife, Amanda Truett, conveying to the undersigned, the lands hereinafter desdribed, to secure the payment of four certain promissory notes, default having been made in the payment of said notes, and the owner thereof having demand od foreclosure, we will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 19th day of September 1924, fcr the purpose of satisfying said note and interest, and cost of I' sale, sell at the Court House door in Murphy, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following Idescribed land: That certain tract of land lying in I Murphy Township, beginning o a red oak in line of No. 43, runs east 80 I poles to a Spanish oak, then south 100 poles to a chestnut oak. then west 208 pcles to a pine, then north about 100 poles to the bcgining, containing 100 acres more of less. This August 18, 1924. J. W. Blackwell and Company. . Consisting of J. W. Blackwdl and Lena Blackwell, by Dillard & Hill. 1 Atty?. (2-4t-d.&h. ' NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of an order of the court made in the cause of X. B. Adams versus Walter Henderson, Lizzie , Henderson, et ah., the undersigned commissioner will on Monday the 6th day of October, 1924, offer for sale at public auction, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., the following described lands, to-wit: Adjoining lands of J. O. Allen, A. A. Bell and others, in District No. 5, on the waters of Owl Creek: Beginning on a red oak on a ridge, corner of W. I. Allen and J. C. Allen, and runs S. 88 W. 30 poles to a pine on " a ridge; thence N. 21 Vz W. 170 poles to the top of a long ridge, cornering on a stone; thence N. 45 E. 19 poles ' to a hickory; thence E. 12 poles to a stake; thcncc S. 76 E. 18 poles to a Spanish oak near Henry Dockery's corner; thence E. 29 poles to a sourwood; thence S. 6 E. 25 poles to a pine; thence S. 36 poles to a white oak, corner of No. 23; thence S. 103' poles to the Beginning. The above piece of land is a part of No. 23, containing 60 acres, more or less. A ho one piece or parcel of land bought ef W. J. Allen. Mary Allen and others, and adjoining the ianus of Albert S. Tweed and others, bounded as follows: Lying on the waters of Owl Creek, being a part of land fvnrrt T P A A November 16th, 1915, to J. C. and W. J. Allen, Beginning on a Spanish oak in the North boundary line of No. 23, and runs with that line S. 63 poles to a red oak on top of a ridge; thence with the meanders of said ridge S. 83 E. 26 poles to a stake; 1 thence N. 50 E. 20 poles to a Spanish oak; thence N. 32 E. 48 poes to a black oak; thence N. HE. 19 to a black oak; thence N. 11 E. 19 poles to a black jack, A. A- Bell and IT. C. McDonald's corner; thence N. 3 E. 4 pole*: to a stone; thence W. '73 pole.-! to the beginning, containing 35 acres, more or Lss. Also a certain tract of land conveyed to Mrs. M. M. Hender-on by ; J. C. Allen and wife, by deed dated 1 August 7th. 1916, recorded in the ' office of the Register of Deeds of [ Cherokee County, North Carolina, in 1 Book No. 67, page 257, adjoining the lands of T. C. McDonald and others, and bounded as follows: Being a part of the land bought from J. E. ; and A. A. Fain on No. 16, 1905, by :J. C. and W. J. Allen: Beginning on ; a large white oak, the Northeast cor- i ner of Tract No. 23, and runs with said line S. 103 poles to a red oak I on top of a ridge; thence with the meanders of said ridge S. 83 E. 26 nolps tn n sfnnp* thenop V Rft P. 9A poles to a Spanish oak; thence N. 32 E. 49 poles to a black oak; thence N. 77 E. 19 poles to a black jack, A. A. Bell and T. C. McDonald's line N. 30 E. 37 poles to a black oak, McDonald and Sanderson's corner, on top of a high knob; thence with Sanderson's line N. 56 W. 28 poles to a rock corner of same; thence W. 30 poles to a black jack; thence N. 82 W. 36 poles to a crooked soarwood; thence W. 29 poles to a Spanish oak on top of said ridge, at or near *Cook's corner; thence S. 39 poles to the Mne of No. 23; thence with said . line B. 43 poles to the beginning. J Except 35 acres, more or less, formerly seld to Amanda McDonald* for better describtion see deed on record in Register of Deed's office; and also except 314 acres sok' to T. C. McDonald, for better u&scription see deed in office of Register of Deeds, Cherokee Comfy, North Carolina. The terms A this sale wil be oneis; .? s cr in Bix and " twelve month?, with Interest and with ; title retained until purchase price I?, paid in full. RALPH MOODY. (4-4t-nba) Commissioner. DELINQUENT TAX SALE. NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee ounty. The undersigned Tax Collector of said county, will sell on Monday October G, 1924, at the court house door in Murphy, N. C., to the highest bidder for ca-h. at public outcry, tne following lands upon which taxes for the year 1923 have no^ been paid, the same being listed for taxation in the name and for the amount given below, with costs added In each case as follows: Valleytown Township Name Acret Amt A. T. Dorsey Lumber Co. 660 73.21 Beaverdam Township O. V. Crnin 62'.* 14.11 W. P. ODOM. Tax Collector 1 i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids for the building of th? bridg- ! es in Shoal Creek and Notla Tov.*n- 1 ships, on the road now under con- ' struction through these townships, ac cording to the plans of the State High way Commission. will be received up until noon of the first Monday of October, 1924. Unit bids for excavation purposes. 1 masonry and lumber floors are in- [ vited. The Commission reserves the i right to reject any and all bids. Ad- j dress all bids to the Cherokee Coun-1 ty Road Commission. (4-4t-crc) NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. At the Democratic county convention on Monday, without my being present and without my consent, 1 was nominated for the office of CorI oner. While I deeply appreciate the action of my friends in naming me I for this office, I cannot consent fori my name to go before the public as ! 1 a candidate for the office and take this method of giving public notice that I am not a candidate. J. N. HILL. M. D. 1 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Under and by virtue of the pro-1 ?io>uiiO ?..M wraio \JL a vvi u.iu JUUfi- | ment of the superior court o;1 Cherokee County, entered in a case therein pending, entitled A. A. Fain, plaintiff, against Anson G. Betts. defendant, which said judgement was rendered at the January term. 192-1, of said court and is docketed in Judgment Docket No. 18, at page 92, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday the 6th day of October, 1924, at 1 o'clock p. ir?. all of the right title and interest of the defendant, Anson G. Betts | in and to the following described lots or tracts of land lying and be ng in the town of Murphy, Cherokee I County, North Carolina, towlt: j Lots Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 in Sec' tion No. 4, Town of Murphy, as shown upon a map of the Duke aLnd and improvement uompnny, recorded in ( Plat Book No. 1 at page 10, in the office of the Register of Deeds for ' Cherokee County, being the property i conveyed by A. A. Fain and wife to I Anson G. Betts by deed dated May) jO, 1918, registered in the office of I Register of Deeds for Cherokee Coun j ty in Deed Book No. 69, at page 570, : on June 6, 1918. This sale is subject to confirma-; tion and is being made to satisfy the j judgement rendered ir. said action, de-? fault having been made !n the pay- j ment of the same. This September 4th, 1924. J. D. MALLONEE. (4-4t-af) Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA -Clay County. In the Super.o: oCurt W. T. Bumgarner, et als., V8. Will Plott. et als. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a decree made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Clay County, N. C., dated August 12, 1924, the undersigned commissioner will offer to sale at the court house door in Hayesville, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Monday, September 29, 1924, to to the highest bidder for cash at public outcry, the following tract or land, situate in District No. 2 of Clayl County, on the waters of Brasslown Creek: 1 Entry No. 2314, beginning on a. take and point#* jg the state line,' 8. . corn* mi old samey No. 172, \ and inns Nkrtfc with that line 80 j poles to a black flpm, corner of Pre-j eiaption No. IS#1; then Bast with said j line 180 poles to a seurwo^y. S- E.! cornet of said No. 130^ ^ P\orth j with said Ike 90 pbles .tjr j corner of said No./o. o. ^ I 45 West 40 poles f of Preemption * f . \ PACE FIVE 15 East 2 60 poles yjV >f said Preemption IVest 10 pclohs to a chestnut oaj of aid tract; thrn South 45 West 56 >oles to a chestnut oak in the line >f Preemption No. ; then West vith said line 90 poles to a small lack oak. corner of Preemption No. ; then W*e?tJ with its line 160 oks to a black oak, corner of Primption No. ; then West with ts line 126 poles to a white oak, corler of said tract; then South with aid line 160 poles to a stake in tbe state line; then South 85 West with h state line to the beginning, consuming 640 acres, more or less, and in State Cvnnt No. 2825 of record in Cherokee County in Deed Book H (8) page 759, to which refrienee is made. Said sale is made for the divi-ion >1" the proceeds, after deducting :ost?, among the owners of said land in the partition proceeding, entitled as above, now pending before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Clay County, and the highest bid will be [ .-ported to the Court for confirmation and rejection, and for the further orders of the court- This Aucrust 22, 1924. W. T., 14 -t-mwb) Commissioner. NOTICE OF REWARD. I will pav ten dollars reward lor my blue and black speckled female hound ami ask no questions She has been lost or stolen about two months. I will pay the above reward for her delivery or information to find her. This hound belongs to my son and listed for tax by me. 1 am determined to find the dog if she is in this county or any of the adjoining counties. If I find she has been stolen or being kept concealed I will see Ihe guilty party or parties .-uff.r the full penalty of the law. A. B. DICKEY. TleutHkralL TLeu/Ttfoidi thousandx of thorn sjyvfrcd. prono!m-rc/,cnC c?rtQt/ in. Webster's New L>rrERM7!om DicitOHAW Get tho ere ^ /f - ? V. broadcast abrcaction V. [W agrimotor hot pursuit fij liluc Cross mysUry pup! ? Av rotogravure junior coilcre n ^ Esthonia askar! Fascista lyi ' # altigraph cyper Rik^iag B tg Flag Day sippio Red Star M y mud gun sterol paravane B Rut hone Sv. araj megsbar B ? roll mop taiga plasmon I ?j sugamo cokol shonccn 0 psorosia soviet preoool fl R duvcryn realtor S. P. boat 0 ? Czccho-Slovak camp-fire girl B % aerial cascade Air Council m ? Devil Dog activation m ^ Federal Land Bank M Vt if thif StorcSoat* Sf ^ of information ScrjLie You? /f_' r-30 hh: -nu/ai^-^i * ?* C?03 Slortfa^ioT, .*?, M1 ^ 407,00J w ord* ?t pK .ucl Cwetteer & 3ic . . ?Wt? for a ihtspIa peae of the Nnm Wonis, Bp (to it? ^ The combination of nnek ""V ^lurmless medicines found in *' Dr. Miles9 Anti-Pain PSB| ^ U especially effective in ? ?. Sieving pain with nut bad after*! [ | effects. ; For more than thirty^fivd'years sufferers from headache, neuralgia, backache, tooth* ache, sciatica and pains iroan1 * other causes have found re- a % lief by taking these piOtk * Why don't yon try them? SKJOUR DRUOOISr