PAGE FOUK ?r?. A. *. ITMNT A Mother's Story! Young Mother* Should Heed This Advice Charlotte, N. Car.?"I am glad to recommend Dr. Pierce'3 Favorite Prescription to the young mother ivfao has r.eed of a tonic and nervine, for I am very sure it was of benefit to me in my own young motherhood. It Quiets the nerves and strengthens every part of the body." MraA. R. Weaver, SOT N. Davidson St. You better go no it; to your nearest druggist ar.d obtain this wonderful woman's tonic, the Prescription of Pierce to be had in tablets or ** liquid; or write Dr. Pierce's Invalids* Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Send 10c for trial pkg. tablets. WEHUTTY E Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stalcup and two children of Etowah. Ter.n.. spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mr. f and Mrs. W. H. Johnson. I H K __ Mr. and Mrs. W. F. H< 11 ar.d children, Misses Fannie McGuire and Alice Brv-on and Mr. P e\* Allen spent last Sunday in Isabella and Ducktown. Mr. S. J. Pack of Oklahoma is visiting rilativts and friends at this place . She formerly lived ?iore but hasn't be r. back in fifteen rears. CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES t *?r A fclbboa T.M? MO CTBEH. B?? ?f J?? V/ PtmrHM irJ Mk r..r CIU.CHEH-TCk V BliUOMi nu A TV II PI1.I.H. (or iwrntT-fire yearn rr-nrdr?'. i?a Safest. Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS iJESS, EVERYWHERE SR Mr. Guy Hill, of Williamson, Va., is visitimr his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Misses Carrie, Olvia end Eulati Mae Berrptig and Miss Mary Jarrett of Wehutty were Wehutty visitors Sunday. Mr. ar. i Mrs. O. L. T irrence and family have been att?nding revival services at Bethiehen* church this past wet I:, conducted by Evangelist Herman Barns, of Knoxville, Tenn. ^ifl antiseptic and M ^^^^healii Several of the people of this sec tion are- phnn'njr on attending the County Fair this week. Several of the young peope ol Shoal Creek and Wehutty motorec to Appalach'a, Tcnn., Sunday. The} report an enjoyable trip. ^ Mr. 0;car West has returned tr 1 Akron. Ohio, after spending some ttimc with his parents. : { Dr. G. M. Young: was very bus} Saturday afternoan vaccinating th< people for typhoid. DRUISES Alternate applications of hot U and cold cloths?then apply Vicks VapoRUB Over 17 Million Jar a Uamd Ymarly Mrs. M. M. Ledford is up again afttr undergoing serious operation for appendicitis, we are glad to state. Mrs. W. M. White is seriously ill at this writing. We are sorry to hear of the death of Dr. Windum Kin=ey. of Duclctown, Tenn., which occurred Sept ^ J8tht. He will be greatly missed by the people of this section. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years NOTICE TO VOTERS I I ' In r^wtiag the result of the j . Democratic Covaty Convention 'C bold here on Labor Day, this J! paper stated that B. B. Palmer, George Hendris and Sheridan Dickey were the nominees for ^ County Commissioners. Mr. J. j. M. Vaughn was the nominee "instead of Mr. Hendris. ? This error occurred on -account of the the fact that a representative of this paper was" ttc- ^ able -? attend the convention and had to rel upon the reports of others for the facts. This ' ^ error is -reatly regretted ana the corectrion is gladly mace. i f NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER I By virtue of an order of the eour: j , nade in a c.rtain special proceeding j j.entitled S. W. L>virg?oc!. Admin s-jtl i tra? r of D. \V. Jjoudcrnnlk, cec:r.s i ed. vs. John I. Louderml'k, Vamm j Bojrgs. et als. directing and lervair- a ins the undersigned ccnimiss'nr. r ft 'to make r.sule cf th. lar. is h.reinj after described, the s^lc price of the former :ale having: beer. asd n i ten per cent, and the same having ^ been j aid to the clerk of the superior cou:t. the undersigned commisf October, 102-1. between the hour p siontr will on Friday, the 3rd day of 10:00 a. m. and the hour of 2:00 u n. m. reopen the sale of said land? \ and offer for ?ale to the highest bidI der fc.r cash, at the court house doer n Murphy, the following describ e rial estate: First Tract. In Hothouse Township. Cherokee < Beir nninc n the S. W. Corner of Tract No. ^ 139; then runs S. 35 \V. SO poles to , a rock corner on a conditional lint ; between U. S. Balltw and Margaret E. Watson; thence N. 55 E. 169 pole? to a sassafras corner standing in the ?ripinal line of the same; then S. 35 E. 50 poles to a locust corner of ^ ' he same; then S. 55 W. 160 poles *o the b. ginning, containing 50 acres , c nore or less. Second Tract. In Hothouse Tow>I hip. Cherokee County. Beginning a on a white oak. the southwest co-. ner of 193, and runs S. with the l'ne a of Alphair Fain 49 poles to a small ^ Spanish oak on the line of No. IS".- * then north with the- line of No. 186 . south 45 F. 18 poles to a small pine * on the line of 189; then west with the line of 80 E. 48 poles to a small * oak (fallen! and pointers, the north!" i ?nst corner of said number; thence 1* .vith the l'n of said S. 40 E. John-1 son Tract. No. 7582; thonec north * .vith the line of sa d r.iumber 8. 40 ^ 5. 56 poles to a poplar, white oak v md rock corner of said number- * then south with the line of No. 50, sast ISO poles to the northwest cor-! r of sa d number, a sourwood tfal- ^ !.n); then north 51 decrees went i( 130 poles to a locust, as the south. 1 asl* corner of 183; then with that 1 'ine south 55 decrees west. crosMnpr Hot House Creek at 118. 160 poles' s o the beginning. containing: 1451? ii o ??1 m. -m "< m Allcock PLASTERS Backache, i Rheumatism* p I WA l\ Lumbago, 1 . f ^Ly%Sr I 1 r - / Imwisim 1! / V iRdlf / ALLGOCJTS? / HSDy / UiO^ML jft Tor** TRACTOR,TRUC TOURING "OTANDARD" PoUrine I ^ provide ideal lubricat based on over SO years' exj ence in refining. Three consis cies?pick the correct one fi your dealer's chart, then alv buy it by name. "STAND; THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. X CENTRAL PEACHTREE. Sept. 23.?Mr. D. C. Burger was le luck .man at the Porter land saie ist we'fk and drov; home the nev. ord. *' t , X & I Miss Willie Kate Johnsor. is le sick list this week. Miss Ira Moss and Mr. Robert 1 hodes were visitors here last Sunday .< Mr. Frank McGuire and family art aving in a few days to Gastonia to. lake their , home. I he school started hero Monday aft- j r being closed here Monday for 1" . ii -j f tr j ailing two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith from1 r.drcws have 'moved into our i.ment. M:s. C. A. Talley is visit ng her.; usband at the Mission ' dam this j Iff week. - * - I Mi. Blaine Carrir.ger is home j pain after vi iting relatives at | inoKvillc. Most of the people here are pinning to attend the county fair a*, lurphy this week. Rev. Victor McGuire is visiting elatives here this week. Come along. Wolf Creek, and tell s aoout your motor trip to Knosillc. BROWN HILL The people of this section are busy t present pulling fodder. Mr. D. E. Burgess, of Etowah, 'enn., was visiting his mother hart | ist week. Dr. T. P. Briggs was visiting a: ! ur section last wetk. Mrsr. Belle McDonald is very 111 t this writing. We are having a fine school a. \ his place this year and a good enollment. Prof. J. W. Odcil is in harge. cres, more or "less. Thi purpose of t'n's sale is ; Crete assets with which to pay the inicbtedness of the estate of the sal? ). W. Loudermilk deceased. This the 17th day of September. 924. S. W. LOVIKGOD 5-2t-foe) Commissioner. ?ORTH CAROLINA?Cher St County. 11 the Superior Court. !. H. Parkt r, \ F. Turnbill. Hunt, it a?s. j NOTICE. l.ct the defendants, P. F. Turnb'li. j . V. Turnbill. N*. X. Tumbiil and CI j >. Turnbill, take notice that, an acion entitled as above is pending: in | he superior court of Cherokee Coun-; y, N. C.. and that summons has i*ued for the under the order of said J curt; that the purpose of this action j i to obtain posession of the 2 acres' f land, part of Tract No. 4, District | ;o. 1. described ia lav complaint and; mended compla nt. n \v in poses- I ion of Hel.n Iiuni; and aid d-fend-1 nts arc further . notified ?*-? bo and! ppear before the elr-'c cr the s':- i erior court of Cherokee runty, at j s office in the cou; i houv . ii Mtv- ' hy on th? 22nd da yof Ootobo 02-1, and answer the amended ccr.v- j laint, or the relief prayed by plain- i 11 wil be granted. This Sept. 22, ' 924. E. E. DAVIS. 7-4t-\vmb) Clerk Superior Court. m^R Dm -ay* Atk fm Atm b?~! ipn^ Marine . V .; * -. *.. .. - - 1URFHT, NORTH CAROLINA A Good Thing - DONT MISS IT Send your name and address plain* ly written, together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., D?b Moines. Iowa, and receive in return a trial package containing CHAMBERLAIN S QOCGH REM- i EDY for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, "flu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS for stomach troubles. indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation; also CHAMBERLAIN S SALVE, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don't miss it. "or Sale By R. S. Parker, Druggin A Rare ( imi Large Lo N I At 1 o'clock on Tuesd ers will be offered for tunity to buy a large 1c This valuable prt to 50 acres, just the rii j bg. This property lie: Martin's Creek, 3 nulei VISIT IT BEFORE SA TERMS: One-third ca Oglesby Ansley Hotel gjJpP In order that the reader value of the railroads, a be enacted which would detriment of the carriers Tfiiri era cpftu,sijtuiay ifiQjJOQ n tide CroJu. it is certainly not $25,000 a mile (the coat to-d $ SO,000j, watch would make t Tkrrr art Vjo-J 70.009 L^cc^okm i SO.000 each (the 6,000 or mo t two years have cost on an for freight and $50,000 each ft T/rfre are nearly tJfiOJOOO frrtrft m (the average cost of u freight would total There ere tcme 69JXX) putmyrr-in $15,000 er?ch (alt-stccl passcnj each; would farms ttu- item tc These fou* i'??t r*t ?<* /.?< tzimul'j amjcrrzi.x nlaaJin. of $ not take into consideration n which ore as follows: Value of terminal yards, oft city property?cf all stations, frcient and psssenjer statio countless section houses and < meat employed by the rcilroi work cars and locomotives, mi of a vast auantity of current su ?of telephone ond telcrvaph Ii the value of these cocndcss it Bringing the told valued The tentative valuation of tl roada, at the end of 1919, woe by the Interstate Commerc* mission to be $18^00,800,000 valuation was based on CO prices up to 1914, and there! eludes no war-time inflation of The subsequent investment of $2,000,000,000 makes the va for rate-making purposes mo: $20,000,000,00a " FrM?* 3?Pt or a small farm at his own price on easy term*. 8 >perty will be sub-divided into tracts of from 10 ght size for rural homes, truck or general farms on the Murphy-Atlanta paved highway on i out from Murphy. k.LE DAY AND SELECT LOT YOU WANT! tsh, and balance in 1,2, and 3 years. Realty Auction Co, Atlanta, Ga. he Value of the kif&ilroaUs may have a clearer idea as to the real ft aH od whether or net legislation should U [ reduce their valuation, to the great - ! i, the following figures are presented: ifct ef trafk, imtuOmf nr&ta and unfair to figure the value at ay to build a mile is about tua one item clone total $10,000,000,000 iBF in vae. The value of these at j re locomotives bought in the M averase of about $50,000 each _ ___ M tt paticngcrj totals 2,100,000,000 a which, valued at SI.200 each ; car to-day i? about $2,000) _ ___ MM 2,880,000,000 ^BB rin cti which, valued ft enly ^M r.= ?.?*..v?. W5.coo 900,000,000 M fl iy and equipment give us ca TUbI I5.830.000.00u. Vet they do M^^M any important items, chief of Bv ^^B^B en located on highly valuable roundhouses, khopi. terminal Bb|| n*. grifbral office buildings, ^H^Rrl other buildings?of all equip. M vim for maintenance, such aa I schinery. tools and dcmckt? ^ Ul pplies needed in the operation ^BfllUfl nes and equipment. Certainly ____ ^f IB rms would amount to at least 4,120,000,000 H ion to not less than taOjOO&fiOQflOO tie rail- With the above figures before you, B m i found do you consider a reduction to $13,- A s Com- 000,000^000 in the valuation of Amen- ? M . This can railroads, now being attempted V st and by certain interests, fair, or does it I BVfWB 'ore in- not appear to you that such a oonfis- I II ? g values, cation of values would, in affect, be a 1 ? ST| ; nearly denial to the railroads of their chief nl J H IrP\ V\ luation means of keeping pace"with the de- V | re than volopment of the country? KOB W*s ^WB ' - . **m3I