r*M sn n^ky*^ ,/KI ivR W.\\SSv^ N\N~ ^\\W \\\N? 'MOTTTFR! Fletcher's ( Ckslor Oil. Paregoric. Tc< j*Eparcd tc relieve Infant! Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aid? r the a--imitation of F N.V.ural Sleep To ;r.: ! Viitar>r- always look N> ?- > ]_ -k Money Sa CAN : THESE PRICE SUGAR, th 4 Cans i Oc Carnatior 2 Large Cans Pink S Extra C'ear Side-Baa 8read, loaf *-ft> Bucket Lard. A 8-th Bucket Lard. Ai 25c Outing, all colors 20c Ginghams. Amo, 36-in. Brown Sneetin IUU prs. :vicii 6 Shoes 2uO pairs Women s S1 received by express, Boys' and Girls Unio Men's Heavy Union ! Boys' and Girls' L leai Women's Heavy Uni OUR STORE IS FILL OTHEF NEW FALL SUITS Sweaters For Eve Candler's i WHOLE BODY IN T? T Ti xuAuac, ia?.?ana. jlj. x . iert, who has been a pi school-teacher here for s years, recently told a visi feer interesting experience; Ckrdui. "Just before icy . . . o," said Mrs. Lambert, "I rise all over. My feet, tnj ?y arms, hands, head?my body seemed to be in one pain. I would grow so ne that I could not hold a cup hand. My husband would to hold my coffee for r iriuk. Last fall I was in e bad condition that I had to abort three days in bed month. It seemed to me was on my iast go-round:" Then one day. said Mrs. kerb she happened to read Cardui and the experienc some women who had helped by it. "I felt that ( Wight help me if I tried it "*a?toria is a harmless Substitute for ?thing Drops and Soothing Syrups, 5 in arms and Children all ages of \\ irn C. olic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels sod, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and without Opiates ^ for the signature of ip^ Physicians everywhere recommend it EMfianHHHMBDBMBHBHK iving Specials DLER S :s FOR CASH ONLY! 9c i Cream for 25c ialmon 35c on, tt? 20c 9c rmours. . 75c rnours, $1.48 , yard 19c skeg, yard 15c g, 10 yds. to customer, yd. 8c . worth up to $6.50 $2.S8 i ) r\..c i. uucrs aim wxiurub. just worth up to $4.50, pr. $1.98 n Suits 50c Suits $1.19 /y Cottoti Sweaters 98c on Suits 98c -ED WITH HUNDREDS OF * BARGAINS , COATS. AND DRESSES ry A1 ember of The Family > Department Store ' SEEMED ONE AWFUL PAIN Lara-1 continued, "for I had been suf>pular fering with similar troubles to evcral! those mentioned there. I had tor of heard oh Cardui all my life and ! with I kr.ew many .vomcn who said they had been helped by it. The came very next day I began to take it. would "Very soon after, I began to r toes, notice my improvement. I kept whole on till I felt like a different awful woman. I gained in weight *rom xvous 98 pounds to 115 and felt better in my |than I had in years. I took six have bottles right along and found it ne to a splendid tonic. My suffering luch a was partly due to a rui -down spend condition and the Cardui stimuevery hated my appetite and helped me Inat I to gain the strength I needed. ... I take a bottle every now Lam- and then, even now. just as a about tonic to keep up my strength, :cs of i but I am in better health than been;I have been in for years." lardui' AH druggists sell Cardui. Try ."she I it. lie THE CHEHOKEE SCOUT. W)? Charles E. Waddell & Co En|innn Established ???? 1002 Estimate?, plan? and specification? supervision constructiqp, operation electric plants ?hydro or steam, industrial projects, water suppl\ systems, parks, roads and landscaping. bridges and municipal structures and reinforced concrete. Designing laboratory ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mm Nose stopped up?^t IMENTHOLATUM J quickly clears xt^^J HOW DOCTORS TREAT " COLDS AND THE FLO Tn krpilt up a rr?M nvcr nioht nr In nil short an attack of grippe, influenza or sore thront. plr -irians and druggists are no*' recommending Calotabs, the nausealcss c-aiomei tablet, that is purified from dangerou and sickening effects. Those who have tried it say that it acts, like magic. by far more effective and certain than the old vie raloei'-l, heretofore recommended by physicians. One or two Calotabs at bcij time with a swallow of ku:t. that"* all. N salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference w:lh eating, work or pleasures. Next morning your cold ha? vanished and your system fee refreshed and purified. <!i are sold only in original sealed package*. pric-> ?.T rents for the TMt-porkrt sire; thirty-f;vt- rentv for th" large family package. Recommended and guaranteed bv druggie -. Your money luck if you are ant deiightc J.?sdv. i |KE|ZfiBsH CATARRH Catarrh is a Local disease greatly Jr. Auenced by Constitutional conditions. HALI-S CATARRH MEDIC1NK con. sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by lo-al appl.cation, and th? Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which ncti through the Blood on the Mj ous Purfaces and assists In ridding your Sysieir of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for ever 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. , ANYONE having grown turkeys fo sale, write or see P. V. Parker Am tows. N". C. Sour.vood honey ii sections, 35c each. (S-4t Report of the condition of D-m1 f IV* L? uanrv ui iTiurp['.y At Murphy, in the State of Nort) Carolina. at the close of busineoOctober 10, 1924 RESOURCES Loans and discounts ..-$272,242.4} U. S. Bonds and Liberty i Bonds 5.600.0C Bar. kin tc houses,. .$2,209 Fur. L Fix 1,4")8 3,667.0' Cash' in van!* and net arnonntR d*i? "rcn 'n .: Hi-j,. ^ i. : .s 161.424.C: ("hecks for clearing .... 3.373.1 TOTAL $1.6 307.3 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in 30,000.Oi Surplus Fund 15,000.0! Undivided Profits. less ! current expenses and Taxes paid $.115.5] I Deposits sub. to cheek . . 135,725.6 , Demand certificates of Deposit 254,432.2 1 Cashier's Checks outstand! ing 3,033.9 i TOTAL $446 307.3 State of North Carolina, i-? ? ' ? ? - - - v-wui!u> 01 *. iitTusee, wctooer id, iuz I, L. E. Baylcss. Cashier of th , above named Bank, do solenmi ; swear that the above statement i true to the best of my knowledg and belief. L. E. BAYL5SS. Cashier. .Subscribed and sworn to befor me, th:* 16th day o? October, 1021 J. D. MALLONEE. Notary Public. Correct Attest: A. B DICKEY, J. M. VAUGHN, M. W. BELL. Directors. GHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIT31 Ask your for CRT CITSS-TStt S A I.IAMO'.D BRAND PILLS in R? d nd/yy i Gpip metallic fcoxc? 9c-?-.".ed rath Blue'*/ Ribbon. TaKB Jto otocz. Boy of yomr Vy Pr ?nd a?k f.?r CIH-CMRS-It 1C f V DIAMOND BRAND PII.I.S for tvrt'7^1 years regarded as Best.Sates:, Always Prllabi SOLO BY ALL DRUGGIST - ' /' ' PHY, WORTH CAROLINA Report of t&e condition of I The Cherokee Bank At Murpby, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busineas October 10. 1924 RESOURCES Loans and discount* ..$128,618.67 Demand Loans ? 2,501.65 Overdrafts unsecured . . 403.4$ . U. S. bonds and Liberty Ponds 29.957.65 Furniture and Fixtures 5,728.67 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Ranks. Rankers and Trust Companies .... 111.515.51 Cash Items held over 24 hours 2-11.6$ Checks* for clearing 1.53.85 TOTAL $279,124.10 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in 17,500.00 Undivided profit*, less 1 current expenses ar.d Taxes paid 3HL 3,059.22 Deposits due hank.-, bankers and Trust Cos 8,894.54 Deposits sub. I.- ctaeck . . 157.2 ii.:?5 Demand Certificates of Deposit 90,804.67 Cashier's Checks outstanding ......... 651.78 Certified checks 1,000.00 TOTAI . . $270 124.10 ' State of North Carolina. I County of Chi rokee. October 15. 1924 !. ?. 15. Storey, Cashier of the above r.::> ! V. .nk. do solemnly,' swear that the above statement is |, true to the best of my knowledgej and belief. J. B. STOREY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this l"?th day of Oct 'her. 1924.; i. 1). MALLONEE. N. V. Correct Attest: E. A. DAVIDSON*. T. N. HILL. J. \Y. DAVIDSON. Directors. j FOR OVER j XQQ TEARS haarlem oil ha3 been a world- j wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, ' 1 lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM OIL B, , correct internal trouble, stimulate vital (organs. Three sizes. AM druggists. Insist on the original genuine C-clo Medal. Mehedists Ir? Annual Conference In Greensboro ,-f Western North Carolina Con-| ferenee of the Southern Methodist j > Church is in session this week in | Greensboro, where the annual conI i fere nee is being held. Rev. D. H. i Rhinohart. of the local church, left )| the first of the week to carry the reI port oi his church to the conference nd to t-?!; ? *" ?rt in the .t' delihert ...Aiis o. tl.. conferenci.. T Mr. Rh'nchart was well pleased . vi'h the ' r ing his conr"tg?.tion 1 :..u nt.idt iu:-ng the year, inc new j i church has been practically completu j cd, the pastor's salary paid, and prac) tically all the conference collections | raised. This has been a large task ; for the lacal congregation but they I have rallied to the fine leadership 1 of the'r pastor and have asked for his return to them so that th.; great I . work that has been begun here might j be cairied on to conip'etion S | At the Greensboro Conference pas ; tors will be assigned to churches. It 1 . i.- understood that several congre[ gations over the state have askc J for 4 ; Mr. Rhinehart to be sent to them, but e as the local cnurch has asked f?>r his 1 y return, ar.d he has been here only s j one year and as he is in the n?Hst of e a sr. at projrressive p-opram, it Is I considered likely that he will he re'turned to this church. ' BinronSirEB sppsfep I KClriC 1 i jsmmmm CONTINENTAL MARBLE I & GRAMTF. COMPANY J I Cacton Ga. t \ W. K. CZRREBERRY, Ast. I ' Marble, N. C. 1 K !f You Want Anylliing In Mon-1 a l ura?nU, See Me (oc'10-pd) I COMINQ!*1 Dr. S. Robinson I Asheville's Famous Eyesight SpecVlist $ has arranged to visit Murphy ' Wednesday, Nov. |? (One Day Only) "KNOW US BYTHIS SIGN* H ? i 78PATTONAVC. . ASHCVILLE. N.C. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FlTTr*! - ?? 1 L<L/ fhone or Write for Appointment ? Parkers Drug Store | MURPHY, N. C. 11 NOTE?Dr. Robinson wil also visit Andrews,! Tuesday, November 4tb, at Davis Pharmacy. I* PERFECT FITTING GLASSES GURANTEEDlI* When Winter Comes! Now is a good time to get your building ready!' for the long seige of cold weather, with its wind and!11 snow. We are prepared to supply your wants. IG Good grade Roll Paint Your I* BARRErT'S Roofing House With Iti Roof Cement Special Price | ^mdepSntl and Light $ 1.40 a; Best Gra(Je 1 _ f Medium Lobj- nn < Roof Paint Heavy 2.25a; p.f^L | We have a good supply of Heavy and Light Barbed Wire, Bale Ties and all kinds of Fencing. We are agents for the famous Wiand hillside Piowi SEE US BEFORE BUYING Rvitf o im'ip I1 itiani o iiaiuwaic MURPHY, N. C. ? SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTE?d NORTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR RALEIGH, N. C. OCTOBER 13 TO 17, 1S24 For This Ocasicn Round-Trip Excursion I icxets Will Be Sold October 1 2tht to 16lh, inclusive, as follows: Canton $15.69 Waynesville $15.84 Bryson City $18.24 Andrews $20.55 Sylva $15.77 Murphy $21.36 I' inal limit of tickets sold at these rates October 19, 1924, For further information as to train schedules, etc., inquire of Ticket Agents or address the undersigned. J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. r-? = ? ??- "" Provident IVl1 ifo Incuranra CmnnanV OF PHILADELPHIA?ESTABLISHED 1865 ** 1 (Formerly, The Provident Live and Trust Company! Pcfcre d.c.dwjg on au Lkuiance Policy, investigate our jt Maturing Old Age Pension Policy. (1 Before buying any policy, get the Provident's rate quo- [? tation; you'll find it the Lowest in Cost. |1 This Company paid in cash to living policyholders of *ua- */ |fl luring policies $3,887,537.47, during the year 1923. ; Jl The pleased, well-satisfied rolicyholder* of this C ">mpanfl hhrhc?t endorrerr.cnt: more then hnlf cfptury of honest and an"*"**conduct of its affairs hr.s demonstrated its excellence. / The Company's remarkable financial rtabil;ry; its care and .r. maragen;< nt: its low net cost for insurance lake it the Ideal for the careful, thrifty buyer of insurance. ^ PEXLAXD & KILL! AN. Di-rtrict Accents. D?. jdscr Bldi?.. Murphy, N. PAUL. W. SCHBKCK, Gen. A*t. for N.7 r' ^

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